
Jimmy Kimmel Halloween Challenge

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It seems mean, but funny.

Can a prank like this damage kids?
Can it damage the parent-child relationship?

Or is it good to learn at an early age to not take yourself too seriously and roll with life's punches, and even accept that sometimes you are the subject of a joke from someone who loves you?
hahahahahaha I've not watched this one yet but I've seen others and find them hysterical. And the ones where parents give their kids stupid gifts at Christmas.
I think it is rather mean, but some of the reactions are seriously funny! :Up_to_something: I'm sure it could damage some kids depending on their personality. Hopefully the parents know their kids well enough to try it or not. I watched it twice and the children really do react so differently! I agree some kids might see it as a way to learn to roll with the punches. Also, the older ones are learning not to believe everything they hear. They already know about the challenge and didn't buy it! :dance:
Packrat, I haven't seen the holiday ones but will go look it up. Thanks for the info! :wavey:
My favorite is the twins who called their mom out by saying "this sounds like a Kimmel trick."
Wow. If my kid ever hit me because I ate his candy, there would be ****ing hell to pay. Some of those kids are totally out of line. A screaming temper tantrum over candy? Really?

I obviously don't have children haha.
I thought last year's reactions were funnier. I don't think I could ever do that to my kid. I am usually trying to AVOID meltdowns, not INSPIRE them! Plus the idea that you can't trust mommy/daddy because they might be tricking you? Deception is not a skill I'm trying to teach my child. The little kids falling off the bed and falling to the floor made me laugh, though. Drama! :lol:
I dont like pranks. I think they are mean spirited, always.
Niel|1446659128|3945649 said:
I dont like pranks. I think they are mean spirited, always.

Yeah I'm not a pranks type of person.

I'm also not the type to laugh when people fall, etc., so I think it's just a personality thing.

I would find it really difficult to do that to my kid...

I can see that it would be a teaching tool that sometimes you're going to be disappointed - but I'm not sure that laughing at that disappointment/pain teaches anything good. It might, but I would find it really hard to do.

But I'm the sensitive type, so...

I also agree with telephone that some kids' reactions were scary, as in the hitting. Not because it was over candy - at that age, those are the kinds of things they value - but that they think it's OK to hit the parent. :/

ETA: I did enjoy SOME of the reactions - just none of the ones with the crying / obvious torturous "pain"/disappointment over the realization that the candy is gone.
Niel|1446659128|3945649 said:
I dont like pranks. I think they are mean spirited, always.

Always? I think some pranks are meant to be funny, and not intended to be mean at all. A former boss of mine used to always leave post-it notes all over my desk calendar with anal retentive reminders of things he wanted to make sure I would remember. He knew it drove me crazy. When he went on vacation, I, along with 2 other co-workers, covered his entire office in post-its. He laughed when he saw it, we all laughed, we all helped him take them down. It boosted morale, made our team stronger, and made for more fun workdays. I would never have done it to someone who would have a negative reaction, though. The difference is in the intent and knowing how the prank will go over. If a parent does it knowing their child will be extremely upset I have a problem with that. The ones where the parent knows the kid is going to say, it's ok mom, I forgive you, or fall to the floor dramatically just being silly are funny, though, without being mean-spirited, in my opinion.

I have to adjust my humor according to people and situations, often. One of the volunteers at a previous job of mine had to tell me a couple of times that she did not understand jokes. She explained that she wasn't on the spectrum, but that she had not grown up around joking or witty people and that she didn't find things funny that others did. I just had to change my behavior in accordance to what she understood and didn't joke around her--I had to be very literal all the time because sarcasm went poof! Right over her head. And that's ok. People vary!
monarch64|1446662337|3945668 said:
Niel|1446659128|3945649 said:
I dont like pranks. I think they are mean spirited, always.

Always? I think some pranks are meant to be funny, and not intended to be mean at all. A former boss of mine used to always leave post-it notes all over my desk calendar with anal retentive reminders of things he wanted to make sure I would remember. He knew it drove me crazy. When he went on vacation, I, along with 2 other co-workers, covered his entire office in post-its. He laughed when he saw it, we all laughed, we all helped him take them down. It boosted morale, made our team stronger, and made for more fun workdays. I would never have done it to someone who would have a negative reaction, though. The difference is in the intent and knowing how the prank will go over. If a parent does it knowing their child will be extremely upset I have a problem with that. The ones where the parent knows the kid is going to say, it's ok mom, I forgive you, or fall to the floor dramatically just being silly are funny, though, without being mean-spirited, in my opinion.

I have to adjust my humor according to people and situations, often. One of the volunteers at a previous job of mine had to tell me a couple of times that she did not understand jokes. She explained that she wasn't on the spectrum, but that she had not grown up around joking or witty people and that she didn't find things funny that others did. I just had to change my behavior in accordance to what she understood and didn't joke around her--I had to be very literal all the time because sarcasm went poof! Right over her head. And that's ok. People vary!

I bet Niel didn't mean ALWAYS ALWAYS but yeah I agree with you monarch sometimes a prank can be cute, or just not malicious at all.

For some reason that word prank does hold a negative connotation for me when I hear it, but yeah, you're right.

And you're right that knowing the recipient has a lot to do with whether something is seen as a joke or as something malicious.

It really is about knowing the recipient. If I know someone - child or adult - is going to be extremely genuinely upset over something I would not want my prank to be the cause of that upset. That's where the malicious intent comes in. If it's a child I might want to address why disappointment is so hard to take, but not by playing a prank.
CJ2008|1446660019|3945653 said:
Yeah I'm not a pranks type of person. I'm also not the type to laugh when people fall, etc., so I think it's just a personality thing.

Same here. I wouldn't do it to anyone, child or adult. This is why it is painful for me to watch my DH laughing at the people who got hurt on AFV.
CJ2008|1446663890|3945685 said:
monarch64|1446662337|3945668 said:
Niel|1446659128|3945649 said:
I dont like pranks. I think they are mean spirited, always.

Always? I think some pranks are meant to be funny, and not intended to be mean at all. A former boss of mine used to always leave post-it notes all over my desk calendar with anal retentive reminders of things he wanted to make sure I would remember. He knew it drove me crazy. When he went on vacation, I, along with 2 other co-workers, covered his entire office in post-its. He laughed when he saw it, we all laughed, we all helped him take them down. It boosted morale, made our team stronger, and made for more fun workdays. I would never have done it to someone who would have a negative reaction, though. The difference is in the intent and knowing how the prank will go over. If a parent does it knowing their child will be extremely upset I have a problem with that. The ones where the parent knows the kid is going to say, it's ok mom, I forgive you, or fall to the floor dramatically just being silly are funny, though, without being mean-spirited, in my opinion.

I have to adjust my humor according to people and situations, often. One of the volunteers at a previous job of mine had to tell me a couple of times that she did not understand jokes. She explained that she wasn't on the spectrum, but that she had not grown up around joking or witty people and that she didn't find things funny that others did. I just had to change my behavior in accordance to what she understood and didn't joke around her--I had to be very literal all the time because sarcasm went poof! Right over her head. And that's ok. People vary!

I bet Niel didn't mean ALWAYS ALWAYS but yeah I agree with you monarch sometimes a prank can be cute, or just not malicious at all.

For some reason that word prank does hold a negative connotation for me when I hear it, but yeah, you're right.

And you're right that knowing the recipient has a lot to do with whether something is seen as a joke or as something malicious.

It really is about knowing the recipient. If I know someone - child or adult - is going to be extremely genuinely upset over something I would not want my prank to be the cause of that upset. That's where the malicious intent comes in. If it's a child I might want to address why disappointment is so hard to take, but not by playing a prank.

I agree with this. I am not a prankster, but if you are going to pull something it would be important to know the person, etc. I don't think pranks are all bad though. :wavey:
monarch64|1446671569|3945756 said:
Rockinruby|1446671005|3945748 said:
I remember reading about this prank awhile back. (Mark Wahlberg staging Amanda Seyfried's dog to go missing). I would seriously lose my mind if I thought one of my beloved animals was missing or hurt. :o

I can't even read that. Amanda Seyfried is known for 1. how much she loves her dog, and 2. anxiety. Mark Wahlberg is a shitty human being for doing that.

My goodness.

How could anyone find this funny.

And that's without knowing anything about Amanda Seyfried, much less that she suffers from any anxiety.
In my mind a prank is always a trick or joke at someone else's expense. There may not be malicious intent but when you're making a person the butt of the joke it I just don't like it.
I don't think it will do damage to kids, Kenny. Sure, some may see it as mean spirited, but I think people can lighten up a little.
I'd do it to my kids, for both holidays. They'd not fall for it at Halloween..we've tried it before, and I get a suspicious slight head turn and narrow eye.."you don't like twizzlers" "I ate them" "no. maybe you hid them but you didn't eat them you think they're yucky" "nah, mommy wanted candy and she ate it" "well..then that was dumb to eat what you don't like when you can get good stuff at the store" or they'll point out "we already went thru and picked out all the peanut butter M&M's and peanut butter cups for you so there's nothing else in there you like" hahahahahaha yeah, they're trained well. They go thru it and bring me what I like first.

The Halloween ones mostly made me ticked off, but the Christmas ones..some of the kids tried to be *so* gracious, "I got...a sandwich?...oh..mommy you make the best sandwiches, thank you" That's manners now. It's not like it's Toys for Tots and underprivileged kids are getting a can of pork 'n beans or a Swiffer wet jet. That's different. It would be funny for me to give that to my kids, not funny for me to give that to children I do not know.
Zoe|1446685133|3945852 said:
I don't think it will do damage to kids, Kenny. Sure, some may see it as mean spirited, but I think people can lighten up a little.

It's not about lightening up, I just don't think everybody likes mean spirited pranks. I'm not saying you can't like them or do them. I just don't like them. :)
monarch64|1446671569|3945756 said:
Rockinruby|1446671005|3945748 said:
I remember reading about this prank awhile back. (Mark Wahlberg staging Amanda Seyfried's dog to go missing). I would seriously lose my mind if I thought one of my beloved animals was missing or hurt. :o

I can't even read that. Amanda Seyfried is known for 1. how much she loves her dog, and 2. anxiety. Mark Wahlberg is a shitty human being for doing that.

I think that's why it stuck out in my mind. She's known for taking her dog everywhere with her. Wahlberg even mentioned they would film in a car and the dog would be in the floor of the backseat. It's quite possible the dog may function as some sort of service or es dog? He said later that he didn't realize how badly she would react. :confused:
I saw the one from last year and thought some of the reactions were funny, but then I also showed it to my kids, so I think if I did this prank they would be on to me. However on Facebook I posted a pic of someone asking what kind of wine goes well with my kid's Halloween candy. I heard my eldest child telling a friend how I had that posted, in an offended tone. Apparently she didn't like the joke.

At the same time they do share their candy with me. This Halloween a friend's kid left her trick or treat bag on the front porch while we all went inside to get some food. If I knew she had done that I would have told her not to (the rest of the kids had their bags with them). She came back, and found out that someone came up on the porch and took all the candy out of her bag! She was obviously disappointed but basically shrugged her shoulders about it, and the rest of the kids contributed to her bag. I was shocked. I know if that happened to me at that age, I would be SOO disappointed, especially as my family didn't keep candy, cookies etc in the house so that was one of the few situations we got candy.
if I had children I could would never do this as I think it's pretty mean. With that being said, My husband and I laugh so hard every year when we watch the Jimmy Kimmel Halloween challenge.
Niel|1446688843|3945871 said:
Zoe|1446685133|3945852 said:
I don't think it will do damage to kids, Kenny. Sure, some may see it as mean spirited, but I think people can lighten up a little.

It's not about lightening up, I just don't think everybody likes mean spirited pranks. I'm not saying you can't like them or do them. I just don't like them. :)

Sorry, Niel, my post wasn't directed at anyone specific, and I didn't mean to be rude. I usually don't like pranks either, but some, like these, are ones I consider harmless.