
January 2021 Goals


Nov 2, 2012
A new month in a new year and the dreadful 2020 will be history. Woo hoo! Let's lift eachother up and end the month better off than we were at the start of it. It all adds up!

I'd give myself a C- for last month, generously speaking, but whoopie, here's another chance.

Please list your goals for the month here and report on your progress as we go. Goals can be of any type at all, not just bling-related. And you can share as many or as few details as you care to. Also, feel free to discuss any of them or any offshoots of them as much as you want.

If any early birds want to get a jump on it and start today, or if any late birds want to join in any time as the month progresses, that's cool too.
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Here are mine. I'm limiting it to four again and also cutting the amounts of each back so I have a better chance of succeeding. I'm also putting specific quantifiable amounts on it so it will be clear to me if I've done what I set out to do or not:

1) Write 40 pages (2 per weekday with a few days off).

2) Ten hours workout- One half hour per weekday with a few days off, from exercise list.

3) Four hours of music for the month. Find anything new on the internet or wherever and practice it.

4) Four hours reading nonfiction. TBD.
I don't usually set goals for the new year as I seldom realised them in the past.

However, I would like to continue to improve with playing the clarinet.

Apart from that, I would like to stay relatively healthy; to be able to continue to work part time; to be able to go out and about in my campervan; and to have some spare pennies for some bling.

DK :))
Anyone else want to join us for January goals?

I've found my NF book for #4 so now I'll change that 4 hours to 200 pages.
1. Unpack 80 boxes
2. Sort through 20 boxes

Limiting myself to this as there are many more things I will be getting done too. Replacing all lightbulbs, adding light to dog run fence, shelves in multiple closets, safe drinkable water, new toilets, new faucets, and much more.
Walk more. I keep saying I will but don't. I started 2 days ago.

I like the idea of keeping a journal as well.
One thing I liked about the COVID routine was I stayed home more, wore stretchy pants often and sewed. I plan to do the same in 2021.
I cooked more and we ate out far less, I will continue that as well. I need to add in a few more hours of exercise a week,so that will be the one change I want to make.
January 2021 goals:
1. No eating after 7:30pm
2. Complete one crochet project
Here are mine. I'm limiting it to four again and also cutting the amounts of each back so I have a better chance of succeeding. I'm also putting specific quantifiable amounts on it so it will be clear to me if I've done what I set out to do or not:

1) Write 40 pages (2 per weekday with a few days off).

2) Ten hours workout- One half hour per weekday with a few days off, from exercise list.

3) Four hours of music for the month. Find anything new on the internet or wherever and practice it.

4) Four hours reading nonfiction. TBD.

Do you write fanfics?
I started exercising last August and would like to continue throughout the winter. I already bought winter running gear so there's no turning back!

1. Jog 10 miles a week (I do 5K 3x a week, so maybe run a little longer 1 day of the week)

2. Increase walks to 30 miles per week (from 20 now)

3. 6 pieces of chocolates a day (I'm at 10-15 pieces :???::roll2:)

4. Read a little less, I'm at 3-4 books per week and my sleep is suffering, so maybe this should be get at least 6 hours of sleep

5. Spend no more than 200 for miscellaneous extras

Goodness I sound really ambitious!:oops2::roll2:
I’m sure you are all sick of hearing it but....

1. Lose weight, even 5lbs, literally anything

Apart from that:

Write more frequently in my journal. I’ve kept a journal since 2019, I don’t write in it everyday but whenever the mood strikes. Originally I started it to get over the loss of a long term friendship. It has evolved to include feelings about the pandemic and such.
Stay healthy and try and be patient until we can get vaccinated.
Focus on the positives.
Keep looking forward and work towards our goal of a big move.
This thread is specifically for January goals so feel free to post your progress daily or discuss anything related as desired. I didn't do that great last month but definitely better than I would have without the thread so I thought I'd do it again this month. Good luck, all!
Stay healthy and try and be patient until we can get vaccinated.
Focus on the positives.
Keep looking forward and work towards our goal of a big move.

Ignore if it isn't helpful, but I have been looking back at the move we just did and figured I would share in case it helps.

What I should have done better:

I didn't get through everything in the house to get rid of what we don't actually need/want. Had to move it all and am ending up with a big pile that could have been gone sooner (and made the rest easier to manage).
I should have packed a couple of boxes of stuff we didn't need out but wanted to keep every day. (probably as part of that sorting) so the big pack would be easier.

What went well:

Moving things to storage as I packed meant there was room to move around in the house better and easier to see what was left. Also made convenient already stacked piles for the movers to load.
Labeled a few boxes OPEN NOW so I could identify what was needed in the first days and keep it separated.
Labeled the next tier as open first. That means the boxes of "clothes open first" and "kitchen open first" give us what is needed in the first month or so. Much easier than having to unpack everything in the first week!
Boxes labeled on all 4 sides with additional details on top. Used color coded stickers so each room was easy to spot and get boxes where needed.
Thanks @TooPatient, this will be our 7th move, I’m practically a pro now :lol:
We’ll be going through the house room by room, as soon as we’ve finished decorating. This will be an international move, so we’ll be getting in a specialist company to pack everything for the container. A lot of our things, e.g. Electrical items will be all be disposed of prior to the move, DH has his spreadsheets of when everything needs to be done. It’s quite a logisitical exercise, but we’re prepared, just wish the situation was better so we could get on with it.
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 4 done
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

Would have gotten another one or two done, but the power went out. Funny thing is (because you have to laugh sometimes!) we have a generator that would run almost everything except we can't get to it due to all the boxes... :???:
(Power out means no water also because we are on a well...)
My goals are same as every year, month, week, and day.

Breath, eat food, drink liquid, poop, and pee.
After that, do my best to not die.

So far, so good.
I'll let you know if that changes ... oh, wait. :o
I pretty much never set new year resolutions because I know I'll feel like an idiot when I fall off the wagon like 2 days later :lol: But I want to participate so I'll share my "wishes" here:

- Be more present with my kids. I have only 8 more months with my first-born living under my roof. His departure for college marks the end of an era, and our family life won't ever be the same. I'm really struggling with this. :cry2:
- Visit my parents, whom I haven't seen in 1 1/2 years because of the pandemic
- Eat mostly whole foods and avoid sugar, dairy, gluten, and processed foods (all of which inflame my skin conditions)
- Stick to my exercise regimen
- Reduce my screen time and read more
- Find my dream 20th anniversary ring!
I’m going stir crazy. I’m super, super bored/ annoyed I can’t do anything and I need some hobbies that aren’t buying jewelry and taking care of my orchids. It’s too early to start seeds for my garden and TBF I found a place that has cheap seedlings and a decent enough selection that I may not even start my veggie garden from seed this year.

My #1 Jan 2021 goal is to find a hobby. My husband’s really into chopping firewood. I can’t tell you why... we did it last weekend and it sucked. But he’s got a collection of axes and wedges. I might join him so I can get some exercise and lose the last 15ish lbs I wanted to get rid of before having to start showing up back into the office.

I found an adoption agency. Still religious but less in your face about it. I reached out to them to find out more about foster to adopt. My husband sounds more and more iffy about adoption as I talk about it more so I don’t know if he’ll change his mind. But until he says no, I’ll keep working on that.
I don't do goals.

Extra self-imposed stress?
No thanks.

I just live as I feel I should.
So far, so good.

New Year's Resolutions? Nope.
Why is the earth being in the same position (in its orbit around the sun) as it was about 365 days ago a reason for anything?
Regardless of which made-up-and-agreed-with calendar your culture/country/religion use, every day is just another day.

Years and days are not made up though.
They are real, coming from the movement of planets.
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I never do goals but after the year I had, I feel I finally should try to do something productive.

First thing first. I will dust off my scale and weigh myself. After a year filled with recovery from car accident, dealing with chronic pain, sudden Bell's Palsy, on top of the usual quarantine related things like excessive baking and lack of activity, I've gained quite a bit of weight. I just haven't had the guts to find out how much. So just to start, I'll do that. Then figure out a way to claw myself out of it somehow.

Anything else will have to wait till Feb :roll:
I thought of another one...paint the dining room which I did today! At least I can say I accomplished something this year :)
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 5 done (1 today)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

Also completed: bookcases to correct rooms, desk to my office, couch to living room, tv mounted & set up, first batch of boxes taken to correct rooms, china cabinets & buffet set up in correct locations... Oh! Best of all was my really good, careful, awesome helpers! Going to have them back again.
I am a sugar addict. Being stuck at home have been baking more and eating more and more sugar. My goal is to go 3 days without sugar. 3 days isn’t much, but it honestly feels impossible. Once I make it I will slowly add sugars back in and try to keep to a reasonable level.
I am a sugar addict. Being stuck at home have been baking more and eating more and more sugar. My goal is to go 3 days without sugar. 3 days isn’t much, but it honestly feels impossible. Once I make it I will slowly add sugars back in and try to keep to a reasonable level.

From one (former) sugar addict to another. This is how I did it. I realize it may not work for you as we’re all different but sharing in case it can be helpful to you. Over 20 years ago I was deep into a sugar addiction. I would eat a roll of mentos as I waited for the subway to take me to work every morning. One day I realized I had to stop the sugar. So I went cold turkey. As cold turkey as one can as sugar is in everything. But I stopped all processed foods and all added sugar. I still ate fruit etc but only whole unprocessed foods that naturally contained sugar. Nothing with added sugar. And the first few days/weeks were hard but with each day it got so much easier. So for me cutting all added sugar out cold turkey broke my sugar addiction. And I’m pleased to report I haven’t lapsed. Now I can eat sugar in (small amounts) moderation and it doesn’t tempt me like it used to. Hope that helps you and best wishes!
From one (former) sugar addict to another. This is how I did it. I realize it may not work for you as we’re all different but sharing in case it can be helpful to you. Over 20 years ago I was deep into a sugar addiction. I would eat a roll of mentos as I waited for the subway to take me to work every morning. One day I realized I had to stop the sugar. So I went cold turkey. As cold turkey as one can as sugar is in everything. But I stopped all processed foods and all added sugar. I still ate fruit etc but only whole unprocessed foods that naturally contained sugar. Nothing with added sugar. And the first few days/weeks were hard but with each day it got so much easier. So for me cutting all added sugar out cold turkey broke my sugar addiction. And I’m pleased to report I haven’t lapsed. Now I can eat sugar in (small amounts) moderation and it doesn’t tempt me like it used to. Hope that helps you and best wishes!

Thanks @missy! This is helpful as it gives me hope. My mind knows it can be done but my body is screaming at me for cookies.