
I've missed you all!


Feb 12, 2006
Hi everyone (especially those from the preggers thread)!

I wanted to start a thread to say hey. I've really missed you all and thought that I should say hi.

If you recall, I had very bad pneumonia last year when I was pregnant with our son. I lost my job and eventually we lost our home in Boston and had to move in with my parents. Pretty low point there, let me tell you.

Well, DH tried his hardest to get us back to Boston from California because I was so miserable. It didn't work out, but something better did. He was super-promoted and given the opportunity to do a 2 year expatriate assignment in China. So, we're going to China for two years! I heard that random websites were blocked. I hope PS isn't one of them!

Soren was born in January and I dealt with extreme post partum depression. If anyone wants to talk about that, please don't be shy. There is power in support! I felt so bad for feeling so miserable during such a joyous time. It was very difficult.

I started an old-fashioned living blog and an etsy shop during this time and it helped me to focus on something non-baby. As I said in the newborn thread, I wish I could link it but I'm not sure if that's against the rules.

Anywho, thank you so much everyone for your support when I was preggers and sick and the right after Soren was born and I was disappointed and traumatized by my birthing experience.

Welcome back cello! Sounds like you have had a trying time of late xx
Thanks IWPO! Yeah, it sucked to speak lightly. But things are getting back on track. We're back in the Boston area for a few weeks so DH can do some training, so I'm enjoying taking baby to all the places I wanted to take him too :-)
Welcome back Cello! We do have other peopole who post from China, so settle in for the long haul.
Oh that's good to hear! We're moving to Hangzhou! Anyone familiar?
Hi Cello!

Have a great time in China - Cehrabera is out there too IIRC so they must have PS access!

I do know Hangzhou - I spent a few days there in 1997. It has a rather beautiful lake. I did however make the mistake of taking the boat from there to Suzhou which was a nightmarish trip the details of which I will spare you all and I'm sure it is all much improved now! You're not too far from Shanghai either.

So sorry to hear about your struggles with PND and I hope you're feeling in a better place now and that you got the right help. I was lucky to have a whole psych. department on tap for the first year and they really helped through some bad patches. Don't beat yourself up about being down at such a happy point - it's not as if it's rational or that you could help it... just enjoy things now you're better!
Welcome back Cello!! I saw you post on another thread and thought OMG look at how big her boy is!! Soo so super cute.

Ditto Pandora. Life is what you make it and it sounds like you guys are making the most of it. That's all that matters and it sounds like you are doing much better now.

I vaguely recall you having those strange fainting spells during pregnancy, if I am recalling right? If so, did those go away after pregnancy? Very curious.

Best wishes on the move and please don't be a stranger, we have to see more photos of your cutie pie.
Hi Cello! :wavey: I'm glad to see you back! I hope you're having a great time being back in this area (Boston).

I know Cehra's livng in China at the moment, and someone else is also...maybe Phoenix, I think.
Glad you're back, cello! Hope things continue to keep getting better and better for y'all!
:wavey: Welcome back Cello! I am so glad that things are looking up for you and your family.

I had PPD after delivering my son. We were forced out of our rental house by family and had to move in with the in-laws to make things work. The in-laws are anti-animal so we had to rehome our 2 cats and one of our dogs. All of that with a newborn is a lot and I took it especially hard. There is strength in support and you know that we are all here for you!
Cello, we definitely hated to see you leave so soon after Soren was born, because I think most of us knew how unhappy you were. I'm sorry to hear about the PPD you had to deal with, but very happy to hear you came thru it.

So glad that you have come back to us! Congrats to you and your hubby on the super-promotion!
Cello! It's so nice to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear about the rough patch, but it sounds like things are on the mend. Congratulations on your DH's promotion and your move to China. How exciting! What a cute picture of Soren (your avatar)!

Stay in touch.
Welcome back, Cello! We humans are resilient creatures, aren't we?! Glad to hear you're doing well and excited about the move to China!
Cello - glad to see you back here. I hope that China opens new and bright doors for you! :wavey:
Welcome back, Cello :appl: You have been through a lot. I truly hope that your life in China is a happy one. I look forward to getting to know you better :))

I am sorry to hear of all the ups and downs you went through in the past months. I am glad that you are looking forward to a new and exciting life in China. It will be a fun experience of a life time I am sure!

Do you speak any Mandarin?

Hi :) I'm doing the expat thing in China for 2 years also, about 8-9 months into it... It's a lot of ups and downs, great things and irritating things, having a little baby will make it so much easier to make friends, there are a lot of expat communities around china but the people who have small children seem to have the easiest time with play dates and stuff like that. If you were in south carolina I'm like up in Mass. The city I live in is Dalian - there is another american pser expat in china also, she's about half way between us, north of shanghai. If you have any questions or just want to vent, fire away :)