
I''ve fallen and I can''t get up...

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Jul 30, 2008
I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
Date: 8/26/2008 3:29:40 PM
I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
I do that, my hubby makes fun of me. He calls me a maximizer! heehee We all do it; your ring is going to be gorgeous
Date: 8/26/2008 3:29:40 PM
I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
We have just bought a new car ( yet to receive it) and I am still busily comparing others....
I think many of us do it!
i do the same thing. i have put a deposit on one to hold it and i still second guess myself. you will love it, dont worry. have fun checking out others. when you get yours you will have a pitter-pat in your heart and it will be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen
Date: 8/26/2008 3:29:40 PM
I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
Oh, Panda . . . you poor thing! It''s the addiction, of course! When an alcoholic has a bottle of wine, does that stop him from looking for another bottle? When a gambling addict wins a game of poker, does that stop him from looking for another game? When someone with a sex addiction . . . well, you get the idea! LOL!

WELCOME to the wonderful world of PS! Prepare for DSS to sink in aaaaaaany time now! LOL!
It is hard to say why. It could be different reasons depending on your personality. Some people love shopping and looking and get a lift from something new and fun or you could be a second guesser like me.

I (Mrs. Picky Minimalist Frugal Chick)don''t buy much at all. So when I do have to buy something the momentousness of the decision freaks me out. Oh the $commitment$. I mean if the first item doesn''t work out or something goes wrong with it and I can''t return it I am kinda hosed. I am not a Hilton after all. So the final choice is scary. So I look at a million and one consumer guides or reviews and even after coming to a final decision still second guess myself at times. So you are not alone other people do this too.

Once I know I got the best match possible for my parameters I am able to just relax and chill with my new blender, socks, running shoes, speakers or what have you. Yeah I am trying to learn to mellow out.

Don''t be to hard on yourself just look at the pics of your cushion and ring design and take a nice deep breath and focus on how great your ring is going to look. And I checked out your stone and ring design and your ring looks like it is going to be classic timeless and gorgeous so no worries at all.

It is all normal - and has even been studied scientifically!
To avoid cognitive dissonance (see
people seek out information that is consonant rather than dissonant with their own views (such as choice of diamonds). So all you are doing is making sure that you have made the right decision!!
Date: 8/26/2008 3:37:43 PM
Author: Lorelei

We have just bought a new car ( yet to receive it) and I am still busily comparing others....
I think many of us do it!
I hope your new car doesn''t know this!
I think it becomes a case of the grass is greener sometimes.

We have it and love it but WHAT IF there was an even BETTER one out there? Perish the thought! We second guess ourselves all of the time. Once you get it you will love it I am sure. Leon is a total master.
Date: 8/26/2008 3:55:56 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/26/2008 3:29:40 PM
I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
Oh, Panda . . . you poor thing! It''s the addiction, of course! When an alcoholic has a bottle of wine, does that stop him from looking for another bottle? When a gambling addict wins a game of poker, does that stop him from looking for another game? When someone with a sex addiction . . . well, you get the idea! LOL!

WELCOME to the wonderful world of PS! Prepare for DSS to sink in aaaaaaany time now! LOL!
So funny that you mention poker because that''s FF''s favorite pasttime! LOL!!!

Goodness, I hope I don''t get DSS. FF gave me carte blanche to choose my e-ring, within reason, because he said there willl be NO upgrading ever!
Date: 8/26/2008 7:13:45 PM
Author: panda08
Date: 8/26/2008 3:55:56 PM

Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/26/2008 3:29:40 PM


I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
Oh, Panda . . . you poor thing! It''s the addiction, of course! When an alcoholic has a bottle of wine, does that stop him from looking for another bottle? When a gambling addict wins a game of poker, does that stop him from looking for another game? When someone with a sex addiction . . . well, you get the idea! LOL!

WELCOME to the wonderful world of PS! Prepare for DSS to sink in aaaaaaany time now! LOL!

So funny that you mention poker because that''s FF''s favorite pasttime! LOL!!!

Goodness, I hope I don''t get DSS. FF gave me carte blanche to choose my e-ring, within reason, because he said there willl be NO upgrading ever!

LOL, PS can do a number on you. I came here obsessed with trillions! I still want my trillion, because I think they are so fascinating a shape, but I am now nursing an unhealthy addiction to emerald cuts and asschers. I LOVE the hypnotic look of step cuts and sharp, clean lines. And EM1''s new EC is NOT HELPING!
Yes it is a life long addiction and it drives my sweet hubby crazy. It''s still fun to shop around.
Yes, it''s the beginning of a long, long addiction. My FH and I ordered my ering in July. And I have to tell you, not a day went by that I wasn''t browsing bluenile to look at the recently purchased engagement rings, rubbing my empty ring finger (LOL!!!), and looking at everyone else''s ring. And sad to say, I finally got the ring last week and I LOVE IT!!!! But for some reason, I can''t shake the urge to browse around.

Thank goodness I''m not the only one...
unfortunately I think you''ve been afflicted.... you''re stuck with us now
Just embrace it!!! I know this is a life long thing for me, and I love it!!! (My hubby things i''m nuts, but he stills buys me sparklies every once and a while to feed my addiction
Panda, at least you found your diamond. I''m teasing!

I want a cushion but now I''m second guessing myself just making that decision!!

1) It won''t be a high performer like a RB, I''m seeking perfection (ha!)

2) I''ll never find what I want

3) Tired of waiting and want it NOW

4) Having a hard time explaining to a vendor the look I want.

5) Worried I''ll tire of the shape

Panda, so happy you found your cushion. Leon will make it your own, no doubt.
Date: 8/26/2008 3:29:40 PM
I found the cushion I wanted and it''s off to Leon to be set in his classic solitaire, which I love... so, tell me, WHY can''t I stop surfing around looking at diamonds?!? Am I freaking out that the e-ring isn''t the one I really want? Am I just expending nervous energy while Leon does his thing? Is this the start of a life-long addiction?
I think you''re pretty normal! I''ve been in the process of my custom pieces for so long now I''m starting to wonder if I''ll ever have my e-ring... but I still look at people''s micropave halo''s with a bit of girlish jealousy because I was in love with the Harry Winston the second I saw it! I may have to have a custom made with a micropave halo for a RHR to get over it.
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