
It''s officially postponed

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Feb 11, 2008
Today is the deadline to get some of our deposit back, and with no new job for FI in sight, we contacted them today to postpone. They were nice about it and told us that they will let us use the rest of the deposit toward a new date.

I was bummed at first, but now very excited because it gives us a chance to plan this all over again to make it what I REALLY wanted. I was getting stressed out because it was becoming a bigger deal than the simple wedding I really wanted. Now this will give us a legitimate excuse to cut out tons of people that we invited due to pressure from our family, which might allow us to move the venue to the one that we originally wanted (Much cheaper and nicer looking). We''ll still have to see if it will end up cheaper with the deposit that we will lose with the first venue.

We were adamant that we pay for this wedding ourselves, but his dad has been insisting on paying. With the economy the way it is, I don''t know when FI will find a job, and when he does I don''t know how long it will take to save up again.
We''re legally married now and I don''t want to push the wedding any longer. I told FI that if we don''t have enough money for whatever reason, I want to borrow (or accept) the money from his dad and go ahead with a winter wedding. FI is totally fine with this, and his dad is fine with it too. They are also fine with cutting out all the guests they invited but we''ve never met, which will help with the cost a LOT.

Winter will change a lot of things because it will be pitch black in the evening. So I found websites where I can buy tons of stringed lights from, and it will be perfect for our LotR theme!
I''ll also steal Freke''s fashion and get a fake fur stole

I feel so lucky...Who gets to redo their wedding to make it what they really wanted!?

Still, it might all change though. If it really takes us that long to find jobs, we might be too depressed to think about a wedding
Then we might change it to a renewal of vows few years down the road, and my poor dress will have to sit for years...And if we have a family by that time I don''t know if I can fit into it then...Agh, I wish that won''t happen.
No getting depressed. One foot in front of the other. Focus on how pretty those lights are going to look strung from every corner. No letting the dress sit!
Lucky, indeed! You're going to have the wedding you wanted, it's working out perfectly! I LOVE the idea of a 'winter wonderland' wedding! I'm going to have my fingers crossed for it to happen this winter
Oh my!!!! Congrats on the winter wedding Choro!!!

And I''ll keep my fingers crossed for the job market!!!!
That''s fabulous news! It''s a bummer you have to postpone the date, but it really seems like it''s working out for the best. And more importantly, you get the wedding you want, not what others want. I really couldn''t be happier for you!!

Fingers crossed that everything flows smoothly now, and that your FI finds work quickly!
Sorry you had to postpone your wedding, Choro, but it sounds like you''ve got a great plan in place. I''m happy you were able to get some of your deposit back and I''m super excited you and FI will now be able to have the wedding of YOUR dreams!
I''m so sorry -- what a bummer you have to postpone and that the job situation is tough for your FI (as it is for so many of us), but from your post it is sounding almost like a blessing in disguise. I hope you have the wedding that YOU want, exactly how you want it.
WOW that is great news on the one hand that you will get to make your day what you want but it does suck that you have to postpone. Good luck for your FI on the job search :).
I''m sorry it''s postponed but it sounds like everything will work out for the best!
It seems like you have things under control and are content with the situation and thats great! I look forward to seeing what you put together for your winter wedding and my fingers are crossed for swift employment!
I''m sorry, Choro. It''s so disappointing to postpone such a big day but it sounds as though it might be for the best and that it might work out better for you in the long run.
mayachel, you''re right! No more postponement! My dress will be worn gosh darn it!
kama_s, thanks! I was wondering how to make an outdoor dark cold ceremony work until I found lights
If it''s the other venue that we like more, then even better because it''s indoors and have beautiful lighting already

Freke, thanks as always
It makes me feel special to be married the same time you are
Well, maybe not the same date, but close enough.
honey, thanks. When we first talked about our plans after FI got the news, I got more and more excited "Can I cut these people out? And them? Really!?"
pocahontas, thanks! Unlike FI who likes to stay depressed (
) I tend to switch gears and move on easier. He is still mad at his company for ruining our wedding plans, and I''m just like Falalalalala...
mscushion, yes, times are so hard now. I think the venue allowed us to use some of the deposit towards a new date because they wanted to make sure they kept us as a customer. I guess it''s tough times for them too.
Deelight, thanks for the well wishes. It feels so good to take a break from planning, and focus on our life issues. The job situation is really depressing.
thing2, yes, I believe that a lot of times things are depressing only if you think it''s depressing. I try to stay positive, and I hope I can hold it for long

Clairtek, we already have most of the wedding planned in our minds, so we just need to find a job, set a date, and execute it. Good thing our theme works best in winter

Sparkalicious, thanks. FI hated his job, but he stayed because the benefits was so nice. I knew we weren''t blessed with such luck as to be unaffected by the economy. It''s scary thinking about our savings, how long it may take to find a new job, and bills. But now he can find a new job that he likes! At least I try to think that way. If only we knew how long it will take...
sorry to hear about it being postponed but it definitely sounds like it''s working out for the best! Yay!
choro, I am so glad you and your FI are getting excite about your new wedding plans, it''s really wonderful news

Bring on the wedding planning, take 2
What a great attitude to have through all of this, Choro!
I am excited that you get to do some replanning! I will be curious to see what you change. Best of luck to your FI finding a job soon so that W2 can get underway!
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