
It''s not Festivus, but I''m airing my grievances.

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Feb 8, 2009
1.) Our printable invitations turned out terribly (choose non-textured paper if you''re going to do it). The print smeared & lifted when handled. It was too late to start over...we should have done them earlier to allow for disaster. You probably don''t think they were as bad as I say, but they were-- they were embarassing.

2.) I had to get 2 adjoining ballrooms to accomodate the large amount of people, which came (of course) with a huge minimum. Now 65 people invited from FI''s family, 50 aren''t coming (most are only about 5 hours away, but apparently we aren''t worth the drive), so in addition to the normal percentage of people who decline, we went from expecting roughly 240-260 to right around 200. This means it''s going to be tough to hit our food & drink minimum & we may end up giving them money for nothing. Also, in order to not EXCEED the minimum, I invited nearly no one I work with & my mom left out a group of her girlfriends she would have otherwise invited. Not once did my future MIL tell me these people wouldn''t come; in fact, she added 6-8 people shortly before the invites went out. She told me, when not ONE person besides her & my new FSIL, that her friends & family didn''t want to make the trip twice. That room is going to look EMPTY.

3.) My fiance''s brother married his girlfriend of a year & a half in June. They got engaged after 8 months, just 2 or 3 months after us. I found it very irritating that they planned their wedding just before ours. For one, what''s the rush? She''s 24 & they''ve dated like 5 minutes. I''m 32 and we will have been togetehr almost 4-1/2 years when we get married next week. Second, I think a lot of FI''s family thinks they did their duty by going to the one wedding. They have a few out of state relatives who made that trip once, and aren''t making it twice.

3.) My fiance''s best man got engaged last August, married September 5th and my friend got engagged about 3 weeks after me & got married 2 weeks ago. I am wedding-ed out. On consecutive weekends I had a bachelorette, a bachelorette & shower, my own shower, a wedding, my bachelorette, a wedding, my bridesmaids luncheon, & then this weekend "off" before my wedding.

4.) A member of my theater company made his wedding the same day. I had discussed my date a couple months before with his fiance (who is an awful person). He later told a mutual friend they were thinking about 10-10. She told him that was my date & emailed me. I emailed him to confirm it was my date, and tell him I''d hoped they''d be able to come. He said it was the ONLY DAY ALL YEAR they could do it. They already have a kid--what''s the rush? If it was important, they wouldn''t have waited till he was nearly 2. Now a couple of mutual friends that I really wanted to be part of my day committed to him first.

5.) 10 days ago I emailed my jeweler to see if our rings woukd be ready last weekend. I was told they would take no more than 4 weeks, & that Saturday would be 4 weeks. She emailed back that she was home sick but would check when back in the office and let me know. When a whole week elapsed, I emailed again asking if there was any word. She said she would check & let me know the next day. Next day I get an email saying it''s been shipped & will be there that day or the next. Within minutes I get another, saying it wasn''t in that shipment but should be here mid tpo late next week. My wedding is next Saturday.

6.) Minor, but I wanted pumpkin cake & the bakery''s version of pumkin cake looks and takedted like yellow cake with cinnamon. Blech.

7.) So many people are useless. They ask how they can help, but do nothing. I emailed my tux stuff, & my FMIL sent back the paperwork from her other son''s wedding (they are out of state, but even FI''s brother who lives here couldn''t bother to go get measured). I emailed the necessary info to put the measurements in online or call them in, but they ended up in FI''s hand when he came back from a visit home, and he promptly hands them to me. He, who always asks how he can help since I''ve done 90% of the planning single-handledly, doesn''t even think to field the tux issue for his own groomsmen. Thanks, everyone, for nothing.

8.) When a woman who works for my dad got her invitation, she brought it to show him how the print got all smeared (thanks, lady, you''re a jerk). When he saw that we had a chicken or veg meal, and had taken steak off the table (it was $15 more a head), he came home, threw the invite at my mom, and raged about how we are trying to embarass & shame him, how all his friends & family had steak at their weddings. He then sat at the tasting silently refusing to give an opinion on anything since we obviously cared nothing for his opinion. It should have been fun, but instead it was uncomfortable & unpleasant.

9.) Just read the 10-day forecat. Every wedding I can remember going to has had a perfect day. Mine is supposed to be rainy & 58. My ceremony & reception are at the same hotel. That should make for some really repetetive pictures.

I know a lot of this sounds petty, & I have some really good things happening, like my brother, who is doing our ceremony music, and our comic book program (which hopefully FI will get finished up when he returns from his business trip), but I have found the whole wedding planning experience to be a pain, over-priced, and wrought with inconsiderate people. If I could start over & change everything, I would. We''d get married in Europe or Mexico, invite like 50 people, & everyone else be damned!


Dec 17, 2008
I hear you girl! I dont know why more people dont plan smaller weddings with only the people they truely want.
(or elope or do a destination wedding). I know you have probably had it up to hear (raises hand over head) but
you are down to the final days and it will all be over soon and you''ll be on that glorious honeymoon (gosh, I
hope you have one planned). Then you can put it all behind you. And usually what I hear from a lot of brides
is that it was all worth it (once it was over). I''m hoping you feel the same way.

So...take a few breaths and try to relax when you can...and dont worry about the small stuff.


Jun 7, 2007
OMG I''m so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. All I can do is give you an internet hug. Maybe you should take a day as a "no wedding day", maybe go to the movies, get a mani- pedi, or a massage, have lunch with the girlfriends. Maybe that will help you to unwind and recharge your batteries so that you can see everything in a fresh light. I really hope that things get better for you soon.


Jun 19, 2008
Date: 10/2/2009 10:29:27 AM

9.) Just read the 10-day forecat. Every wedding I can remember going to has had a perfect day. Mine is supposed to be rainy & 58. My ceremony & reception are at the same hotel. That should make for some really repetetive pictures.
I''m sorry, just think that next Saturday you will be married and never have to plan a wedding again. I wanted to comment on the weather thing- don''t look at the forecast because it will only stress you out!! I looked before mine and it said it was supposed to thunderstorm all day Friday and Saturday. It poured down rain on Friday night and then it was the most beautiful day all day on Saturday. Weather changes like crazy, so don''t stress yourself out about it prematurely (like I did). Good luck on everything else!


Sep 30, 2007
First off, I think you are placing too much importance on other people''s engagements. Your fiance''s brother and his girlfriend''s wedding is no less important just because they have been dating less time. With that said it sucks they are close to your wedding but you are not the first bride this has happened to and will probably not be the last. You just have to make the best of it. With your coworker selecting the same date...what does it matter if they have a kid? if they want to get married they should be able to regardless of whether or not they are parents...if i am correct this is about them inviting the same people? I''ve heard of this happening before as well, maybe people will be able to make it to both weddings but the ones you are most important to will be at your day and it really isn''t something to stress over...
With all that said, I''m sorry everything is going wrong but in the end, you are marrying the man you love and that is all that matters :)


Feb 6, 2009
I''m so sorry you have to go thru this! I think everyone has their gripes, not to trivialize yours by any means, but you are not alone! Planning a HUGE party for a massive amount of people, for one of the most important days of your life is just a wreck most of the time.

I''m sure your wedding is going to beautiful and your marriage (which is what matters anyway) is going to be outstanding! :-


Aug 28, 2008
Blackbetty, I feel for you. It sounds like vendors and family and friends have been pretty bad about dropping the ball during the wedding planning.

If it makes you feel better, almost everyone I know comes to some breaking point where they pretty much hate everyone involved, wished they''d hopped a plane to Mexico, and wants to puke at the thought of feeding their ungrateful family and friends that chicken or vegetarian option. Yeah, it sounds harsh, but it''s true.

The good news is that generally these same flaky, undependable people seem to rise to the occassion on the day of the wedding.

Hang in there! Have a good cry if you need to and then get out and do something absolutely non-wedding related like meeting your funniest friend for lunch for a good laugh or go see a great movie. Get a good night''s sleep and it will all feel a little better in the morning.


May 2, 2008
I''m sorry your wedding experience has been a trial for you. I would be frustrated, too! It''s so hard with family sometimes--especially family-in-law. I hope your day turns out to be beautiful and joyful regardless!


Jun 30, 2009
691 sorry to hear how you are feeling about everything. i don''t have much advice other than to lean on fi...and make sure you ask for help, or maybe don''t ask....demand help. a wedding can be overwhelming (that''s how i''m feeling today anyway) and nobody can do it all alone. you are in the homestretch though!! just think about seeing fi for the first time that day or your first dance or your vows...whatever moment you are looking forward to the most...think about that when you feel stressed.


Nov 16, 2008
oh dear- i sympathize with you to the nth degree! take care, it will be ok.

i''ve been experiencing many of the same trials and tribulations you have- especially when it comes to the RSVP''s and how you planned for so many more than what ended up coming. its like you work so hard for so many people, and feel so disappointed when they don''t return the same graciousness.

my groom is the same way. he would get numbers for me, then ask me to call the tux shop. umm, hello? are you unable to pick up the phone? i asked him to call, and then he promptly responds, "i don''t have the number."- do i look like i memorized it? look it up!

it does not sound petty at all. my weather forecast started out as 71 and sunny, and now tomorrow they care calling for it to be 59 and rainy. seriously? the weather has started to clear out tho- so don''t trust the weather forecast, especially this far in advance.

take a step back, look at the positives, and remember that in the end you are marrying your best friend. the people who matter the most will be there. i was so upset about people not coming, but now seeing the people who will be there so excited just makes it worth it.

and i second about doing a DW if i ever had to do it again.


Nov 13, 2007
Ohh, BB. I'm so sorry. I know it's hard to think about right now, but I promise none of this is going to matter in 2 weeks.

Nothing about your wedding is going to matter coem the day of, other than the people you have around you, your closest family and friends, and your new husband! I promise! As far as the people from your theatre company committing to the other guy. Not your problem. The people that want to be there for you, WILL.

Everything will be fine hun. Just try to breathe

If everyone is on the dance floor and having a gret time, which I'm sure they will, then no one will notice that there is a large room around them. It will be dark, and everyone will be looking to have a great time! It will be great... even without the steak. LOL! I'm sorry, your dad's reaction was so childish and just made me laugh. You need to have A meat, and you chose chicken. I think that that was smart and perfectly fine.


Jan 1, 2007
I''m sorry you''re dealing with all this.

First of all, I think it''s totally rude and inconsiderate that your BIL and SIL planned their wedding for right before yours when they got engaged after you and hadn''t even been together for nearly as long. I really think they should have waited. I would have never done that to one of my siblings if I was in that situation. I mean, when my *cousin* got engaged, she knew I was engaged already, so she called to ask when my date was because she got engaged after me and didn''t want to have her wedding before mine.

Secondly-can you just ask the people you didn''t invite, but wanted to invite, to come? I know it''s not the best thing to do etiquette-wise, but if you explained to them that 50 of your fiance''s family members can''t make it and that was why you couldn''t invite them in the first place, but would love for them to come, I really think they would understand. I would not be offended at all if I got a late invite for the same reason and the bride explained to me the situation.

And I''m sorry your dad is being such a save $15 a head you can believe I wouldn''t have steak either!

I know it''s a total cliche, but I know that despite all the BS you''re dealing with now, your wedding day will still be amazing! I hope things start looking up before then, though!


Aug 29, 2008
oh man, i''m sorry!


Aug 7, 2009
Oh gosh sweetie, I''m so sorry you''re feeling so down about all these things.
What''s with the weather in Chicagoland anyways, seriously? Last year 10/10-ish was like 78 and sunny, and the year before it was 88 and sunny! I remember that because it was the weekend of the Chicago marathon and my dear FI was a heat casualty in the 88 degree-cancelled Chicago marathon!
Who would have though it would be so chilly so quick? GOOD thing is, you have a week to see that forecast change! (Unlike a friend of mine who planned a 10/3 wedding i.e. tomorrow where it will be 50 and pouring!). I pray for good weather for you, I absolutely do!!

The rest of things are super frustrating, but try not to let them detract from your special day. NO ONE will notice (if it even IS true) that the room is less than full. I''d rather a more open ballroom rather than one where I back up my seat and bump into the table behind me!

YOU are going to be gorgeous in your stunnnnning dress. The heck with your FI''s best man and brother''s and your theater buddy''s engagements/weddings, etc. Hopefully the vast majority of the people who mean the most to YOU will be there and that is all that will matter! I think it is unbelievably rude for a coworker of FI''s father to bring in the invitation like that, and for him to throw a tantrum about no steak??!
How tacky! Did he offer up $3K of his own money for the steak option?? SHEESH!

Just hang in there, and I agree, I think a "wedding-planning-shower-etc." free day is in order for you. Everything will be magnificent and even if things are not perfectly how you''d imagined, I hope you''ll be so thrilled to be marrying the man of your dreams that you wont even notice.


Jul 26, 2008
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