
It''s 10:15 am here...

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Aug 8, 2005
And my day is already shot to heck.

I am so frustrated I just want to cry.

My fiance is having a temper tantrum because he procrastinated buying an airline ticket for so long the rates have shot through the roof. So now he says he''s not giong to NJ for his grandfather''s 99th birthday. I tried to talk sense into him. But he''s not listening.

My boss is gone for the month so I''ve got her workload, and mine. And Senior Counsel here is being a COMPLETE PITA.

Plus one purchasing manager, and one supplier chain manager keep bugging me to do their jobs for them.

The VP of our department is in Europe, grumpy as he hasn''t slept in a week as far as we can tell... plus and hard to reach... and I''ve got three things on fire for him to review. But he can''t open his emails.

I lost my ATM card, forgot to report it lost. And now I''m stressed about that.

I was out of my sleeping pills (insomnia) last night so I didn''t sleep.

And I just want to rewind my day so that I''m still in bed, and call in sick. Although all this will still be waiting for me tomorrow.

*CLUCK* It might be time to do the cluck in the car again.
You need to scream in your car and get it all out. Just say the F word, a few times, always makes me feel better!!!!
Hang in there Gypsy!!!!
I've been mentally adding the words "you idiot" or "you moron" or... for senior counsel, "you F---" to everything I say and write for the last hour. It's helping. But not as much as it would do say it out
I''ve been having one of those days too Gypsy

So here''s a huge CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK for you... just to make you feel not so alone!

I would have a big cake. That will definitely help
well, after you''ve had a good fluck fit in the car, rewind your day and only accept the problems that really are yours. sorry but FI screwed up and its not your problem to help him solve it and/or convince him to do the right thing. let him have his temper tantrum but on his own time and in his own space.....let him know you''ve got enough on your plate, your not his mother and you''ve got things to do. gee, honey, sorry you''ve got yourself into this jam but i''m sure you''ll figure out a way to do the right thing for everyone involved, bye, i''ve got work to do. and be ok with whatever he decides because it was his decision to procratinate and its his family function.

the work stuff you really don''t have much choice about.....other than go have another fluck fit in the car periodically to get it out of your system. if i remember right you''re new on the job....

your plate is full with your own problems......keep it that way and don''t take on any you don''t have to......

movie zombie
Take a break buy some chocolate and yell and scream in the car on the way to the store. Then later take a long lunch.
yeah on days like that i take a long lunch and go do something fun for myself. anything else can wait.
Date: 2/12/2007 2:34:18 PM
Author: Maisiebelle
I would have a big cake. That will definitely help
lmao! I''ll have to try that...
Deep breath...imagine it all rolling off you like water off your back...and deal only with what you can change. Oh, and a big, huge piece of chocolate cake.
Auriela... I''m sorry your having a nasty day too!

Yeah, mine''d gotten worse. Senior Counsel has starting become verbally abusive now in EMAILS. Moron. And I''m restraining myself from firing them off to HR, because I AM new on this job.

What a nightmare this guy is.

Chocolate and Lunch are great suggestions. I think I may just do that... there was something else I wanted to do at lunch... but who cares!

I''ve got my book in the car too... so I may just go and sit somewhere for a little while.

Thank you all.

And feel free to use this thread to vent your frustrations.
Date: 2/12/2007 1:28:01 PM
Author: Kaleigh
You need to scream in your car and get it all out. Just say the F word, a few times, always makes me feel better!!!!
Hang in there Gypsy!!!!
Yep, I''m a firm believer in a bit of good cussing. And a drink or two tonight. I hope tomorrow is a better day, Gypsy.
Yeah...the day has gone from worse to bad. I''m going home at 3:30... I have a pounding headache... and even the chocolate truffle I had at lunch and the tension headache Excedrin are doing no good. I have a ton of work... but just can''t deal with anymore today. I was crying at lunch... the chicken thing didn''t help much today.
When I''m frustrated, sometimes I do about 20-30 jumpingjacks in my cube when nobody is looking. It sort of calms and energizes me at the same time and helps me focus on something productive. Days like this suck, hope tomorrow is better!

Date: 2/12/2007 1:34:43 PM
Author: Gypsy
I''ve been mentally adding the words ''you idiot'' or ''you moron'' or... for senior counsel, ''you F---'' to everything I say and write for the last hour. It''s helping. But not as much as it would do say it out

Just make sure you do not have one of those ''oops did i just say that out loud'' moments.
Aww, Gypsy. I hate it that people are such jerks! Save those abusive emails. I have frustrations every now and then, but nothing like you''re talking about. Hope tomorrow is a better day!
I am keeping them. I came home... crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head for two hours. Now I''m planning on returning right back there in about an hour.
Date: 2/12/2007 5:13:45 PM
Author: JadeLeaves

Date: 2/12/2007 1:34:43 PM
Author: Gypsy
I''ve been mentally adding the words ''you idiot'' or ''you moron'' or... for senior counsel, ''you F---'' to everything I say and write for the last hour. It''s helping. But not as much as it would do say it out

Just make sure you do not have one of those ''oops did i just say that out loud'' moments.
If you do, just do what I used to do (okay, still do). Someone overhears me muttering something unflattering under my breath about them, and they call me on it. I smile sweetly and say "I said your hair looks nice." I don''t care if they''re male or female. What can they say?

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