
Isnt it nice

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Mar 29, 2009
Dont you ladies like when you get to the stage of relaxing about it, and not being so tense about when the SO will propose. I have finally hit that stage and its not the end of the world when he doesnt propose at the end of the weekend, ya know?

Has anyone else reached this stage and how long did it take before you hit it? I know in the beginning of being a LIW, i was super tensed and worried, but now i guess im enjoying the relationship instead of worrying about how, and when and why not now.
Date: 10/28/2009 2:12:33 PM
Dont you ladies like when you get to the stage of relaxing about it, and not being so tense about when the SO will propose. I have finally hit that stage and its not the end of the world when he doesnt propose at the end of the weekend, ya know?

Has anyone else reached this stage and how long did it take before you hit it? I know in the beginning of being a LIW, i was super tensed and worried, but now i guess im enjoying the relationship instead of worrying about how, and when and why not now.
I''m there! I think part of what helped me reach this point is knowing that he''s been shopping and is serious about doing it soon and that his "soon" is somewhat in line with my definition of soon. We''ve been talking about getting married since we got back together 2.5 years ago and I''ve been ready and waiting almost that long. Knowing that his words have transformed into actions makes the whole thing alot easier. Now I''m just relaxed, enjoying the wait, and enjoying the last few weeks/months of being a girlfriend.
Date: 10/28/2009 2:12:33 PM
Dont you ladies like when you get to the stage of relaxing about it, and not being so tense about when the SO will propose. I have finally hit that stage and its not the end of the world when he doesnt propose at the end of the weekend, ya know?

Has anyone else reached this stage and how long did it take before you hit it? I know in the beginning of being a LIW, i was super tensed and worried, but now i guess im enjoying the relationship instead of worrying about how, and when and why not now.
I got a really bad bout of LIWitis when my officemate got engaged. REALLY BAD. That''s when I joined the boards. After a few weeks of cooling off (and getting immersed in her wedding planning) I was finally able to focus on being a good girlfriend and stop worrying about when I''d be a FI...especially after during one of my breakdowns, A assured me that he did think about marrying me. A lot.

Now I''m really in the "sit back and enjoy" stage because I know he''s taking steps toward asking me.
And since I have no clue when it''s coming, there''s no use in speculating every minute of every day! I seem to cry at the drop of a hat these days (I blame stress at work) so I''ll be ready to be all weepy whenever it is he decides to get on one knee.
I''m there.
I was a bit anxious for the first few months of being a LIW but after that I was just way to busy to care about the where when or how.
Also, our situation changed and I had to accept it would be a long time untill we could get engaged and the ring would be hiding in our room a for some time.

We are now quickly approching the time where he will be able to ask me and I''m torn, I want things to move forward and a ring that pretty does not deserve to live in a box but I also realy like how things are now (once I stopped stressing about the proposal) and part of me really dosn''t want things to change.
Date: 10/28/2009 5:23:56 PM
Author: 4ever
I''m there.
I was a bit anxious for the first few months of being a LIW but after that I was just way to busy to care about the where when or how.
Also, our situation changed and I had to accept it would be a long time untill we could get engaged and the ring would be hiding in our room a for some time.

We are now quickly approching the time where he will be able to ask me and I''m torn, I want things to move forward and a ring that pretty does not deserve to live in a box but I also realy like how things are now (once I stopped stressing about the proposal) and part of me really dosn''t want things to change.
This is exactly where I''m at. Of course, I''d be overjoyed if a proposal came tomorrow, but I''m actually enjoying this stage. I need another month or two of this. I will never be a GF or LIW again, and I''m going to milk these last couple months!
Date: 10/28/2009 6:20:19 PM
Author: lilyfoot

Date: 10/28/2009 5:23:56 PM
Author: 4ever
I''m there.
I was a bit anxious for the first few months of being a LIW but after that I was just way to busy to care about the where when or how.
Also, our situation changed and I had to accept it would be a long time untill we could get engaged and the ring would be hiding in our room a for some time.

We are now quickly approching the time where he will be able to ask me and I''m torn, I want things to move forward and a ring that pretty does not deserve to live in a box but I also realy like how things are now (once I stopped stressing about the proposal) and part of me really dosn''t want things to change.
This is exactly where I''m at. Of course, I''d be overjoyed if a proposal came tomorrow, but I''m actually enjoying this stage. I need another month or two of this. I will never be a GF or LIW again, and I''m going to milk these last couple months!
I feel kind of guilty for just enjoying this stage so much though, BF is keen to get engaged very soon and all the other LIW seem to want a proposal ASAP but I''m kinda having fun now. I like knowing it will happen and I like how it''s just us at the moment. Once he proposes it will be out there for everyone we know and I wont have the same level of privacy.
I''m a very private person and I don''t like being the centre of attention. I guess I''m just not looking forward to having to deal with other peoples opinions and desires to know when''s the wedding is and about the ring etc
Wow 4ever, I think you must live inside my head! I couldn''t put into words why I was enjoying this stage so much, but the privacy issue is it! It is such an intimate thing, it almost feels "wrong: sharing it with other people. Once we''re officially engaged, there''s going to be other peoples opinions, questions, etc. It''s so peaceful to know that we have made the decision to take this step, and we''re (practically) the only two people who know.
LIW bliss!

I do love the girly chats about men and jewelry with you ladies!

I''m certainly enjoying the calm before the storm, and enjoying the dream of engagement, the possibility of him asking me.

I don''t look foreward to having everyone fuss about the engagement, or trying to figure out how to get my fractured family to a wedding, or how I''m going to pay for it etc.

I do look forward to fiance, the best wishes, and the new sparkly, but the rest of it?

I''m not realy sure where or when it will happen, but I don''t mind because I haven''t been LIW long enough to get overcooked. It also helps to know that he does intend to propose.
I''m so glad some one else understands lilyfoot, I don''t think BF does. He''s a scream it from the mountain tops, kisses in public kind of guy.

I''m also not really looking forward to wedding planning and being fussed over and all that attention....nope, just not for me
my LIW went like this:

yay! he wants to propose! and he tried to be all sneaky and cute! (3ish months)
aww he didn''t, maybe next anniversary (6 months)
maybe this time! we have the ball, thanksgiving and our anniversary! (4 months)
we''ll be in times square for new year''s (our anniversary) it has to be that! (1 month)
crap! what''s going on?! (3 months)
well he planned on it being soon (he told the wrong friend) but now he has to move so who knows when, oh well (3 months)
this is the only time i know for sure i''ll see him for almost a year, it has to be now (1 month)
darn he ordered the ring and it didn''t make it there yet (5 hours before i left for the airport)
he didn''t propose w/o the ring, now what?! (.5 month)
well i''ll visit soon since it might not be another 3 months so at least he''ll have another shot (.5 months)
ooo fancy dinner (day 2 of trip)
ok so special caving trip and dressing up for musical, this has to be good, right? (day 3 of trip)
well he knew i was hoping for it wand wanted to surprise me, but it''s been fun. we should have a nice time at the cook-out (day 4)
(1 hour before midnight) holy crap i''m engaged!

the calm parts were amazing but i was LIW bi-polar. that and i really like trying to figure out surprises and mysteries... i was one frustrated squirrel.
O, i am so glad im not the only It amkes me eel good, but im glad im at the relaxing stage. I firgured it will happen, when it happens
lol enjoy that stage until the next ''omgthiscouldbeit'' event happens!
Date: 10/29/2009 2:11:23 AM
Author: Squirrly
lol enjoy that stage until the next ''omgthiscouldbeit'' event happens!
Hehe. This made me giggle...cuz I''m in the relaxed stage right now...but when Thanksgiving hits, I''m probably screwed. I''m going to try to remain relaxed, but who knows how *that* will go...
Date: 10/29/2009 8:12:12 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 10/29/2009 2:11:23 AM
Author: Squirrly
lol enjoy that stage until the next ''omgthiscouldbeit'' event happens!
Hehe. This made me giggle...cuz I''m in the relaxed stage right now...but when Thanksgiving hits, I''m probably screwed. I''m going to try to remain relaxed, but who knows how *that* will go...
I''m the exact same way. I had my months of being resentful about it, (probably didn''t help that my friends were getting engaged left and right) and wanting to pout, and the "it''s not fair, why not me" stage. But, I have since calmed down, and stopped thinking about it so much. I have focused more on helping my best friend plan her wedding, and other things going on in my life. I will admit, little pangs of those old feelings come back when someone else gets engaged, or when people ask when my wedding is (because of my promise ring), but overall I''m much better, or was, until recent news and finding out that he talked to my dad! Now I will be in your EXACT same boat vc10um!! I''m calm now....but come Thanksgiving when the whole family is there.........I''m gonna need to really hold myself back!
I never hit that stage. I was thinkning about it constantly. Then again I never got a proposal, just a husband.
I hope I reach that stage, soon.. before I drive myself (and, poor FF) crazy! T- 2 months, and 2 days before the end of the year, and our deadline, and I''m so anxious/impatient, it''s not even funny!
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