
Isaku''s ill-fated asscher dream ring...

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Aug 15, 2005
It is the end of 2006 so maybe it''s time for "spilling the beans" on the outcome.

As many of you will remember, the saga which had gone on far too long with too many forks in the road, ended rather abruptly. I had chosen the asscher and the setting (Maytal Hoftman''s pink pave halo) and had everything almost finalized, when DH dropped a bombshell (not that kind--we''re still happily married) that a building contractor whom he worked for had declared bankrupytcy owing him a lot of $$$. Since DH''s mechanical contracting business has always been in his name alone, I was shocked to say the least. This has happened before with other contractors, but we had time on our side in those days ( and two incomes).

DH is now 68 years young and was planning on retirement this summer after 50 years invested in this business. We were both looking forward to that, but fate has a way of interfering with plans. There were bills to pay and I gladly volunteered my "ring fund" to help out; that''s how marriage is--through the good and the bad we try to move ahead.

My story begs the question (I think), why didn''t I know more about what was going on? His business has always been his baby and I had my teaching career (cut short after 19 years due to illness) and the family to look after so unless he actually gave me details or I asked questions, nothing was said. BIG MISTAKE on my part!!!!

So as we look forward to 2007, will there be bling in my future? Hopefully...

I thank you all for your help in my search for the perfect ring and wish all of you a safe and happy new year.
I''m very sorry to hear about your misfortune, but your post struck me as being profoundly sweet. Your dithering meant that the money stayed in the bank and was there when it was needed. It sounds like you have your priorities in order and a happy marriage, and I don''t think there''s a person here who would trade that for all the bling in the world. It''s sad but also beautiful that what was supposed to have been a nice gift for you became an opoprtunity to ease your husband''s load.

My wish for 2007 is that your husband can retire as close to the planned date as possible and that you find the ring of your dreams.

Happy New Year indeed!
I am sorry about your hubby''s misfortune. But just think if you had gotten the ring you wouldn''t have been able to help him out now. Guess it was meant to be. You have a solid marriage and obviously have your priorities straight. I hope all goes well for him. And wish you a happy new year. Hopefully down the road you can get the ring of your dreams.
Aw, Isaku so sorry to hear of your recent troubles, but glad to know that things will work out. I''m sad for you, of course, that you won''t be getting your dream ring as soon as you''d hoped, but I bet when you do get it, taking possession of it will be that much sweeter!

Best of luck to you and your DH and family in''s hoping things turn around quickly and you can get back to acquiring that ring! Happy New Year!

I genuinely admire your fortitude, Isabel.

Health and happiness to your and yours for 2007!

I''m a firm believer that all things work together for good, even though we don''t always see how along the way. You were able to help out your hubby which is wonderful and I have no doubt that it will be returned to you with something better than you can imagine
I''m sorry you''ve had this setback. Best of luck in the new year.
i have been following your ring search and wondered what the outcome was. thanks for updating us. new year blessings to you and your family.
Hi Isabel -- I''m so sorry to hear about the unexpected challenges!!! Like Phoenixgirl said, it''s interesting (and fortunate) how all the delays on your upgrade in 2006 meant that there was money in the bank to help you deal with your current situation. Good luck resolving the problem and here''s to a better 2007. You will get your pretty upgrade soon! Youve got good karma on your side.
Isaku, I''m so sorry to hear of your hubby''s troubling year. I will cross my fingers that the new year goes better for you and you are soon able to buy yourself some beautiful bling. As you mentioned marriage is a union between two people even when things are tough. Your husband is lucky to have a wife who supports him when the unexpected happens. I''ll be thinking of you for the new year!
Ah, I know this feeling all too well. isaku5, I have been in your position. I know what it means to say, honey let''s put the plans for the ring aside. My husbands business skidded after many years of pure gravy. I put the ring off, but continued to look, knowing someday things would be better. He now wants me to get the ring, but now it''s me who is holding back some.
We too are looking retirement in the face, but that''s a good thing for him. I feel there is a ring in my future soon.

I always knew what was going in his business, maybe not down to the last nickel, but I had a good grip on things.
isaku5, don''t beat yourself up over not knowing. You probably felt comfortable where you were and assumed all was well.
My husband has often said he shouldn''t tell me any bad news because I would worry too much. That is true. I''m sure your husband was sparing you the worry.

Happy New Year
thank you isabel for sharing this... I know its a huge disappointment and I''m sorry for dragging it out of you - I hope it was cathartic more than painful to do so... the silver lining here was that in the end it was quite fortuitous that things turned out the way they did.... Hopefully great things will happen in this next year that bring the ring you''re *supposed* to have, to you :) But most of all I wish you health this next year - and peace in your family :)
Isaku, all I can say is there is a time and place for all things and a reason for was likely meant to be that this project stalled and you had some funds available to help your huuby now.

I KNOW you will get your just desserts (bling) this year, and it will be even more spectacular...all things in time, and good things come to those who wait, AND those who show the true spirit of marriage (through good times and bad)...

I think it will all come together.
oh no. I am so glad you have your priorities straight. You are a good person. May you and your hubby have a prosperous and healthy New Year.
Date: 12/31/2006 6:05:32 PM
Author: mrssalvo
I''m a firm believer that all things work together for good, even though we don''t always see how along the way. You were able to help out your hubby which is wonderful and I have no doubt that it will be returned to you with something better than you can imagine
I loved all the reponses so far, but what MrsS said was so sweet. That is also my hope for you, too, Isabel!
It looks like the asscher halo ladies on PS are both having to defer bling. I''m sorry for your troubles Isaku! And I hope for both of us... MsS is right. ((HUGS))
Sorry to hear this but I am hoping 2007 will be your bling year!

Date: 1/1/2007 12:33:09 AM
Author: kenny
Sorry to hear this but I am hoping 2007 will be your bling year!

Just wanted to echo everyone''s responses. I''m sorry for your disappointment, but glad the money was there when you needed it. It''s a zen thing -- good and bad luck all mixed together.

Hopefully finances will improve dramatically very soon and your husband can retire and you can get your dream ring, too!
I wondered why you hadn''t posted your ring, now I know. I''m really sorry Isabel, I know how much it meant to you, and how long it took to finally find it.

But, I''m a firm believer in what goes around comes around, good and bad both. You will get yours my dear, and I can''t WAIT to see it.
I''m so sorry for your misfortune and admire your spirit! Sending many good wishes you and your DH''s way.
I''m so sorry isaku...but everything happens for a reason and clearly you had a difficult time finding that perfect ring because the money was meant to help your hubby''s business. All my best to you this year!
I''m sorry for your troubles this past year. You really do have your priorities straight and you sound like a very level headed person. Hopefully 2007 will be better! The ring can wait but the support you''re giving your husband is something he needs right now. Take care.
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