
Is it too soon to send invites...?

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Apr 1, 2008
My wedding is June 26th. It''s a Friday, so some people might have to take off work... I did however send out STDs in January to give people 6 months notice.

I''m currently sitting on my couch watching AI and stuffing envelopes and I''m noticing just how many OOT people we''re inviting! Lots! My RSVP date is May 26th and I want to give all of the busy people/procrastinators time to fill it out and send it back. But if I send them out this week, is that too soon? More than 2 months before my wedding..?

How soon did you/are you sending your invites? Did you base it on how many OOT you had?
I think that if you sent out STD''s in January, everyone who needs to take off of work have plenty of time, and you gave them ample notice. I wouldn''t send out the invites more than 2 months ahead of time UNLESS there are guests from out of the country. You should be find sending them out around April 26.
Personally, I would send them out now. Before RSVP-ing, I''m sure they will have to finalize their leave schedule at work, book hotel room etc...and you want to give them at least 1.5 months to sort everything out.

FWIW, I have a lot of out of province guests coming. My RSVP date is May 15th, and I sent them out end of March.
hey pearling

my wedding is june 14th, and i sent out my out of town invites last weekend cause we wanted to be sure people can get the cheapest flights and deal with all taking off of work and what not...
I've read in multiple places that the general wisdom is to send out your invitations 6-8 weeks before your wedding, so I think you're a tad early yet. After all, you don't want people to RSVP now and then forget about it after two months and fail to show up!

If, however, you have certain friends/family who you think may have forgotten to request time off (or who may have forgotten to book plane tickets after receiving your save the date cards), I think you could call/email them a friendly reminder that your wedding is on a Friday just so they can plan ahead.
Last week I received invites to two weddings - June 27 and July 11. However, I think both brides are trying to get around the upcoming increase in postage, as both have May 1 RSVP dates, which seems a little early to me for their respective wedding dates. I would say send them out whenever you have them ready! Better too early than too late!
Date: 4/7/2009 11:58:03 PM
Author: emilina22
hey pearling

my wedding is june 14th, and i sent out my out of town invites last weekend cause we wanted to be sure people can get the cheapest flights and deal with all taking off of work and what not...
Hey Pearl,

My wedding is the week is before Emilina''s (6/6) and I just sent my invitations out this week. That being said, I wanted to send them out earlier because I am also having an OOT wedding. I think if you send them out now, you should be fine, b/c as with me, I''m sure there are people who haven''t made hotel or plane reservations yet, and this will give them their friendly reminder
My wedding is on July 5th and I sent the invites out last week. Now, granted my wedding is on a holiday weekend, but I don''t think 3 months is too soon....
My wedding is on 18th of June and D is up making the invites as I type. I don''t think it''s too soon to send them out. In fact I wish that ours were out already.
The downside I see is that I might either lay it aside thinking I have plenty of time and then forget about it. OR, I might not know what else I might have going on around that time and do not want to reply this early. I think it is too early if you sent save-the-dates. 8 weeks is plenty of time, IMO.
Mine is July 25 and I sent mine today....lots of OOT guests and I want to know how many declines ASAP so I can get on sending out the B list
I don''t think it''s too soon. I just -- literally, just got back from the post office -- sent mine and my wedding is June 7. (I know, I''m a little late getting them out. But I did send save-the-dates, which makes me feel less guilty.)

Actually, it struck me when you first created this post that it wasn''t too soon for you. That made me realize that I had to get in gear and get mine in the mail -- so, thanks for the motivation, PearlDahhhling!
This post had got me thinking- is there at any point in which you all would say it IS too early to send out invitations? I am honestly rather surprised and how early some of you are sending out your invitations (up to 3.5 months in advance). So, is there a cut off point? What about sending invitations four months in advance, five months, a year in advance? What''s the breaking point? I''m just honestly curious...
I sent mine out pretty early (March for a May 29 wedding date, May 8 RSVP...per catering dept''s final count demand date of May 11)

A couple of people I know have bosses who literally demanded
to see the invitation before giving them the time off of work (I guess they wouldn''t have been allowed if their supervisors thought they were gallivanting off to the beach in Florida for a long weekend?). So, in order to make sure all went smoothly with their jobs, I figured it would be helpful for me to send them out earlier rather than later.

Bonus: doing this made my "B list" look less like a B list" since the B-listers got their invites at a time frame (6--7 weeks prior) that would indicate a "normal" sending schedule for a wedding invitation.
I sent my invites out very early, but I also didn''t sent any formal STD (but my friends all had knew the date via website etc).
I sent them early because I had them done, and didn''t feel like it was useful to wait, lol. I''m also planning from out of town and wanted plenty of time to know of any last minute changes in guest numbers/arrangements.

I say if you have them done and they''re just sitting around, you might as well send them.
We sent ours (if I'm remembering correctly) at the beginning of July for a beginning of October wedding. So, 3 months ahead, a little earlier than you were thinking.

We did that because literally 90% of our guest list was a plane flight away.

There were no issues from sending them "too" early, from what I could tell!
Date: 4/8/2009 7:52:47 PM
Author: DMBFiredancer
Mine is July 25 and I sent mine today....lots of OOT guests and I want to know how many declines ASAP so I can get on sending out the B list

Hahaha this is my plan too...I want to get the B list out ASAP so they don''t realize they''re the "B" list!
Thanks for the replies everyone! Looks like I may be sending them a *tad* early! I have a giant stack of envelopes just sitting in my house and kinda just want them OUT! Plus we''re not allowing those we invite to bring a guest unless it''s their spouse/fiance/or long term S/O, but depending on how many rsvp''s we get, we may allow a few other people to bring a guest. I also want to know how many people we''re expecting so I can start with favors, programs, menus, etc. I have a lot of DIY projects that are dependent on how many people are coming.
Date: 4/9/2009 8:09:25 PM
Author: PearlDahhhling
I also want to know how many people we''re expecting so I can start with favors, programs, menus, etc. I have a lot of DIY projects that are dependent on how many people are coming.

I fully understand what you mean about wanting to know how many people are really coming sooner rather than later!! I think you can certainly start with the favors, programs, etc before you get your final guest count though. You could make enough for, say, 75% of your invited list now and then make more later on if you get more than a 75% yield once all of your RSVPs come in. I''m thinking of doing exactly this. Have fun with all of the DIY!
I always thought 6-8 weeks sounded really late, even though it''s the standard

Glad you''ve decided to go ahead and send. It isn''t INSANELY early at all... and like everyone else said, it makes sense when you need to tally your RSVPS and figure out if people can/can''t bring guests.... or if those Blisters can indeed come.
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