
Irina, you are the best-new east west and puppy

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Apr 4, 2006
Hi everybody,
I''ve been so busy caring for my mother (we are with hospice now) that I haven''t been here in a while. To lift my spirits, my husband had my ering stone (some of you may recall my adventures with this) taken back out of the pendant and put back into my ering setting--but EAST WEST. I guess I have to try everything, eh? Anyway, I absolutely love how it looks. I researched all of the east west pictures I could find here, and then made the decision. Thanks to Pricescope Admin, I have a picture attached. This is Jackie, my Chihuahua--a very curious little girl. My stone is 1.5 radiant, with small rounds on either side. I think it looks like it tapers. My eternity is 3 ctw and I wear my wedding set with it every day. I don''t know what I would do without my rings to look at every day--it sounds kind of shallow, but it takes me away from all the trouble with mom going on right now. Losing my parent-my first parent-is the hardest thing I''ve ever done. justjulia

Julia the ring looks fabulous, Irina IS the best!!!!!!!
I am so sorry to hear what you are going through, losing a parent is so hard, my prayers go out to you.
julia, my heart goes out to you. I have been there, and I know just how tiring mentally, physically and emotionally it is. Hang in there, these days will become memories you live on in the future. You and you mother are in my thoughts.

And on a happier note, your ring looks wonderful! And I agree, you are leaving no stone unturned.

Take care.

p.s. Your baby is adorable in that pic!!
First I want to say I am sorry. You sound like a wonderful daughter!!!!

Your ring and dog are beautiful! What a kind hubby!
Oh I'm so sorry that you are going through this. But you are a wonderful daughter!!!

And the ring looks great, love the east-west look!!

Oh and Jackie is just adorable!!

Kind thoughts your way--take care. BTW, your rings (and little
) are wonderful!

Oh Julia I so feel for you about your Mother. My Dad had Alzheimer's and we went through this before he passed away. Take comfort from any distraction you can including your jewelry. It is not shallow it is a way to keep your sanity. Your ring looks beautiful with that stunning radiant set east to west and I love the overall look with your eternity ring and wedding band. I didn't think you were ever really that pleased with the pendant. Keep checking in with us. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Date: 1/31/2007 6:03:28 AM
Hi everybody,
I''ve been so busy caring for my mother (we are with hospice now) that I haven''t been here in a while. To lift my spirits, my husband had my ering stone (some of you may recall my adventures with this) taken back out of the pendant and put back into my ering setting--but EAST WEST. I guess I have to try everything, eh? Anyway, I absolutely love how it looks. I researched all of the east west pictures I could find here, and then made the decision. Thanks to Pricescope Admin, I have a picture attached. This is Jackie, my Chihuahua--a very curious little girl. My stone is 1.5 radiant, with small rounds on either side. I think it looks like it tapers. My eternity is 3 ctw and I wear my wedding set with it every day. I don''t know what I would do without my rings to look at every day--it sounds kind of shallow, but it takes me away from all the trouble with mom going on right now. Losing my parent-my first parent-is the hardest thing I''ve ever done. justjulia
I''m so sorry about your mom.... When I was losing my mom I often consoled myself with what I was going to inherit to take my mind off of the anxiety and apprehension I was feeling. It wasn''t like oh yay mom''s dying so i get all of this stuff, but rather, just something to preoccupy me. She''s been gone over 7 years and it still hurts, but none of the grieving I''ve done since she''s been gone has rivaled that intense pain I felt before she died. Its just more spread out now, mostly. Anyway, whatever gets you through the day right now.... that''s what is important. I wish for you lots of peace and stength right now.... and lots of love too! And enjoy your rings :) Oh and take some more pics too!! LOL
So so sorry about your mom. Hugs to you. It is so difficult.

The pup is a cutie pie, and that e/w ring is a total knockout. Be strong, girl. Whatever distractions help you to cope are not shallow, they are coping mechanisms.

I am so sorry about your mother. I lost my father almost 3 years ago and it is heartbreaking to lose your first parent. The memories will always live on in your heart and you must remember that.

Your ring is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy you have it to look at and make you smile.

Special hugs to you.

Your ring is just beautiful..

so sorry to hear about your mom too.
I''m so sorry about your mom, that''s so hard. HUGS!!!

The ring is gorgeous and your puppy is just adorable!!!
That''s a great pic!!

Beautiful hand with gorgeous rings!! And, of course, that dear sweet pup looking so affectionately at you!!

My deepest sympathies to hear about your Mother. Maybe the rejuvenated setting of your ring will always be a heartfelt reminder of this special time with your Mom.

May the peace the passes all understanding guide you and comfort your Mother.
Oh, you guys are so sweet. I just cried reading all the replies. It was a tough day today- went with my brother to make some advance funeral decisions, including picking out a casket, looking at the grave site, and all the little details that go with that. In some ways I am so much stronger that I thought I''d be, and in others I wonder how I am ever going to cope with this. Thank you all for being there to listen. On a good note, mom is eating well and getting around, albeit with the oxygen tubing in tow. She has lung cancer and heart failure, together. I just keep trying to keep in good spirits so as to keep everyone on keel. I keep telling myself I can''t afford to fall apart for the sake of my kids, husband, and other family. You just gotta do what you gotta do, I keep telling myself. Thank you again for all of your kind replies.
I''m so sorry, too, Julia. My parents are at the age of declining as well, so it is tough, I know. And I also come on here to escape the real''s a nice place to take a break!

The ring looks great! When you have more time, you can join all the indecisive setting people on Gypsy''s thread in Hangout!
So sorry for your pain Julia! I''m glad your rings (beautiful!) are bringing you some pleasure during this difficult time. Take care and be good to yourself!
Justjulia, your rings look fantastic--that center stone is beautiful! And I''m so sorry to hear about your mother...I know it''s hard to keep it together but there will be a time when you will be able to fall apart and really grieve, the tension for you must be incredible in this situation, I imagine. You hang in there, and I''m sending positive thoughts and big hugs your way...
Julia, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

I love your stone e-w!!! It looks great. What a sweet hubby!
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I''m really touched.

I am so sorry about your mom, what a difficult time for you and your family. Your newly set ring is beautiful and I am glad it brings you a bit of distraction during sucha trying time.

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