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Oct 12, 2006

thank you Ladies for all your help and suggestions with my invite crisis from last week!

We have found the company we are going with. I am attaching a picture of the invite, however, my FI redesigned the flower to a stephanotis instead of a daisy. I assume you all know what that popular wedding flower looks like: white, 5 petals, center usually is pearled. My fiance drew a stephanotis.. and its beautiful..

We are going to use diagonal pocket folders from Paper-source in pool (I''ll attach a picture if I can!) in pool (aka Aqua)

So, picture the invite mounted on the left side of the folder, and our inserts (RSVP postcard and direction card) on the right in the pocket. The paper for the invites and inserts will be ivory, and the letterpress ink will be midnight (a dark navy, with a touch of green).

I cant wait to see it all put together!! So very exciting...

Just wanted to share my joy!!!

daisy chain.jpg
darnit.. sorry ladies.. I cant figure out how to show you the folders from Paper-Source...

I will definitely post pics of the final product though!

I am just giddy I''m so excited!
so glad that it worked out! those colors sound beautiful.
i love your invite, and am thinking of going a similar route with the pocket enclosures.
if you don''t mind, may i ask if you are getting the invitation panels printed locally or from an online site?

i am planning to get everything printed, and them assembling/embellishing the pockets ourselves to save on the cost.

so far i''ve found one great vendor that will thermography print a design of our choosing, or from a template, but i am a bit nervous having this part done via mail. although i guess if we can get a proof it wouldn''t be bad.
They''re going to be gorgeous!!

And I too am curious which company you''re going with!

I love, love, love letterpress printing! Your invites will be awesome! My florist told me that stephanotis are good luck for brides- she was somewhat horrified when I didn''t want any in my bouquet.

I really wanted letterpress invites, but it just wasn''t in out budget. I figure when our first kid comes along I will do letterpress birth announcements or really upgrade out Christmas cards one year.
VERY PRETTY! perfect choice!
Beautiful! Can''t wait to see a pic of the finished product and so glad your story has a happy ending!!!
Oh.. I am so glad you all like them...

The company is called Bella Figura.... they do strictly letterpress (I almost wish they did thermography as the letterpress really was/is out of our budget!) you can see their beautiful stuff at Fortunately there are rumblings of christmas bonuses at the office.. and my wonderful FI has taken on some free lance work.. so that pick me up has allowed us to splurge... I get butterflies just thinking about how beautiful they are!

They have absolutely amazing work... and are sooo attentive and helpful (an absolute must when trying to design these from a foreign country..)

Labbie: I''m not sure if they qualify as an online store? or a local store? they have a website and you can see what they offer.. but you really are working a lot vocally with them... either over the phone or if you are local in Syracuse...

dtnyc: they have BEAUTIFUL baby announcements!! my bouquet is going to have 100 pearled stephanotis stems over baby pink roses! My MOH is having stephanotis accents in her bouquet.. and my main squeeze is gonna have them as his bout!! I adore them! So this is why we redesigned from the daisy to the stephanotis

Hope you like them!
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