
Introduction- me, my situation, and of course "my" ring


Oct 14, 2012
Hi all

I suppose I should read other's intros first to get a feel for what information I should be sharing. But I just thought of that and I'm already here

I'm 20 years old. I'm a full time college student and work part time at a law firm. Now to the "LIW" (is that the correct acronym? I think i've seen it used here) status... My boyfriend and I have been together for over three years and have lived together for two. I'm 100% certain he's the love of my life and all that other romantic-y stuff, and within the last few months I've been feeling totally ready to take that next step. But, my boyfriend isn't quite there yet, which is funny, because by most standard's I'm "too young" to get married, and he, being ~6 years older than myself, by most standards "should" be there. Of course these are societal expectations and I'm not one to play into them too much, but it gets a little difficult not to at times, especially when it seems to justify my crazyness in this matter :saint:. He says when I'm done with my bachelors, and I have two years left, and he know's I want a longer engagement- 18 mo-2 years- so it could happen soon right???

So, I was an avid say yes to the dress watcher for some time, and I loved looking at the pretty dresses. But of course I didn't stop there, I had to go online and find my dress (note sarcasm- I like to make fun of myself), which of course led to looking at engagement rings. And let's be honest, dresses are nice and all, but its that ring that I'm going to wear the rest of my life. So I may have gone a little overboard in the ring search- obviously, I went from knowing just about nothing about jewelry, esp. diamonds, to joining PS.

Which is kind of awesome, because PS is clearly an amazing resource, and outlet for my pre-ring anxiety :lol:. So anyway, I've been bringing all my crazy ring lust to my best friends, but I don't think they can quite relate and they're getting a little tired of me. Thats where you guys come in!

I've got my sights on an antique or vintage stone. Love love love love love (can't express that enough!) the large chunky facets and the pastel colors thrown off by these stones. My absolute dream ring would have an antique cushion, ~2 ct and be high in clarity, like vvs2 or higher (I'm finding that once you're in that range any inclusions seem to be so insignificant that it really becomes more of a "status" thing to go any higher- any opinions?) in a pave halo setting- I'm very much in love with Victor Canera's Emilya Halo Solitaire with the "concave" (as opposed to the outward) stems. But, that's probably out of my price range.

So, I'd also be very happy with an old european cut round stone in a plain solitaire setting. I haven't looked into this setting as much- of course I obsessed about the dream ring until I realized it would be financially impossible at this point. About 1.2-1.5 carats would be ideal. I want to be in that 7mm range. Again, higher clarity, vs2 or vs1. Color is not that big of a concern to me in all honesty (is that blasphemy? lol). Especially with the antique/vintage style I think a little warmth is actually fitting.

Well I think thats all, now that I've written you a book :oops: sorry about that.


Sep 22, 2011
Hi Rjj276 -welcome!

I think anything thats not visible to the naked eye is a status thing :) Of course, my stone is an SI1 and I think I might be blind :rodent: so what do I know!?? honestly though, anything in the VS1 or VS2 range is going to be plenty for almost all people.

Please feel welcome to participate in all our LIW discussions and those on any other part of the site!


Dec 13, 2009

Your "ring" sounds gorgeous by the way! I am going for an RB for my Ering, but sometimes I like to look over antique stone inventory just to see what's out there. I love the colors they throw off and they just have such a charm to them.


Sep 23, 2011
Welcome :wavey:

Why do you want a VVS? That in itself is just a "status" thing that no one will even know about unless you tell them about it… and well, verbalizing those things aren't exactly kosher behavior :naughty: If I have any suggestions to you about your old cut search, it is to not create such strict boundaries. Value cut and performance above all, and start getting lenient with what you'd accept for color and clarity within your budget. Old cuts with decent optical performance are needles in haystacks, my dear, and being picky with clarity (or color.. or combinations of the two) will only limit you from wonderful choices. Create the utmost LOWEST boundaries you'd accept, and just aim for anything above that. Personally, I'm okay with anything as long as it's not a black booger under the table. Eye and mind cleanliness is 12" from the face, which usually includes most SI1's and even some SI2's and I's (see Resonance of Life's old (lost) e-ring, and WebDiva's e-ring for beautiful, beautiful "I"s)….. and I would have loved to stick to lower clarity just to keep my stone within budget. Unfortunately, because old cuts really are just super, super rare.. I was stuck with a clarity that I paid more for, and don't appreciate at the least. I have just recently helped a few of our LIW's with their OEC searches, and usually the good OEC's come in lower colors, and lower clarities. VS2 is usually the "higher end" that I've seen. And put in your minimum requirement of a 2 ct (well.. now 1.2!)… you're literally searching for something that may take forever to find! Old cuts are rare. Old cuts that aren't ugly with nailhead/fisheye are rarer. BIG old cuts are MORE rare. See where I'm getting at? Don't limit yourself to such high clarities!

Anyway, sorry for that!! I'm a huge believer in just opting for eye clean, and spending that $$ on another "C" :naughty: Unless your culture requires "IF" like mine usually cherishes…. but even then, I say phooey!

You are quite young, so you definitely have the energy to do more research before jumping the gun! When you're ready for your search, definitely call for the help in RT! I'm sure whatever you end up with will be the envy of the town. You have RT and PS behind you!


Feb 6, 2012
:wavey: welcome!

ditto on the other's clarity advice, i have an ~2ct SI2 that is completely eye clean without a single black mark on it. Just make sure you see and love the diamonds in an antique cut :)

so tell us more, how did you and your FF meet??? :)


Feb 29, 2012
Welcome!! madelise gave some great advice (as always) as she has been very helpful to some of our other LIWs in their search for antique stones. It's hard to remember there aren't as many options available as modern round brilliants (sometimes referred to as MRB on these forums) so you either have to be willing to wait a long time to get exactly what you want, or learn to have a little less stringent criteria and appreciate the hand-made quality of these antique stones. It's good that you aren't as concerned with color as many of the older stones tend to be warmer colors...not blasphemy, just your preferences!!

I think the way you came across the ring search is very typical of many of us, and a 2ish cushion halo or a 7mm solitaire would both be amazing. Have you tried on either of those shapes/styles yet? Sometimes your opinion can change once you actually see them on yourself.


May 15, 2012
Welcome Rjj! :wavey:

You are in good company- there are lots of Old cut lovers here, myself included... :naughty:

I would just like to second what Madelise said regarding clarity. Smart. girly. :D

Cant wait to see what you find!


Oct 14, 2012
Thank you all for the warm welcomes!

LJL, madelise, Mico and Pandabee- maybe I should clarify re clarity- I spoke of VVS only in the context of my ideal ring (which is unlikely at least for a very long time). I completely agree there are some very, very beautiful stones out there that are of lower clarity, and ultimately what matters is an eye clean stone.

What my research has really shown me is that ultimately numbers and categories and grading are all fine and dandy, but really none of that is ultimately going to tell you how a stone performs. The reason I say I want VS clarity (for the ring I could actually get in the relatively near future) rather than leaving it open to "eye clean" relates more to concerns about having my stone picked by FF. He has some... disappointing views of the diamond industry, blood diamonds and artificial inflation and the like. So I figure by giving high standards he'll be pushed to pick something of a little higher quality than he would choose on his own, even if its not in my exact parameters. Oh, it makes me so nervous to think I wont get to choose my own stone :blackeye:

When I throw out the criteria I have found a few lovely stones that I would feel blessed to have grace my finger. Especially JbEG has had just a few gorgeous ones. I love AVCs as well but I don't want to give up size, which I would certainly have to. Thats why I decided I felt more comfortable with a round cut over a cushion cut- more size for your buck. Back to clarity- just dont want to leave it so open when someone else is choosing.

Pandabee- I have been dying to try on some rings, but I feel a little silly when I think about actually doing it.

Mayflowers- When I started looking I thought I wanted a cushion modified brilliant, which are very beautiful, but I stumbled upon a picture of an AVC and some antique cushions and it was love at first sight *swoon*

Antiquesparkler- so glad to find someone who has the same appreciation for these antique beauties as I do!

FF and I met after having similar friend circles, going to the same parties/gatherings. He all but ignored (literally- he would come up and say hi to every person I was talking to except me) me the first dozen times we "met" (at the time girlfriend may have had something to do with that- oops). Then one day I was talking to a friend about going rollerblading, he happened to overhear and asked if he could go with. And it's history from there!

For the record- I didn't break up his relationship. Thought I should mention that!


May 9, 2012
Welcome! :appl:

My SO is also around 'that age' to get married, with myself a bit younger, and I too am glad for that! If my SO was the same age as me, I'd be in for a longer wait! (And I guess if I'm honest, I'm also a bit glad that his brakes-on for the last while has grown us to suitable - in my eyes - ages!)

I'm also in a similar situation to you timeline-wise - we agree on a spring wedding and shorter engagement, which BY MY CALCULATIONS puts engagement around April next year. But nither of us have actually said it outright to each other. I'm trying not to micro-manage, so I'm running with the I've given you the lincoln logs, you build the fire kind of philsophy! Are you doing the same? How are you finding it?



Feb 29, 2012
Don't be afraid!! Just go and do it by yourself one day, no pressure from anyone else. Just explain that you're browsing to get an idea of what you like...I'd say it's pretty common. Go to a couple different places to 1) see the quality at local b&m for yourself and 2) see as many different shapes/settings as possible!
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