
Importance of the table view in diamond measuring devices.

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Sep 3, 2000
Using a table view with proper software finds the 8 meet points of the opposite table facets. The distances can then be directly measured. Next, these points are again used to properly orient the diamond for side, shadow viewing, by making sure that each of the four lines joining opposite table points are set at 90 degrees, orthogonal, to the lens of the camera. In this way, one can assure that not only maximujm table measures are found, but that the correct points for taking crown angle at each of the eight bezel facets are also located.

If one relies on scanning randomly, it is highly unlikely that the table will be measured at its full width. Also, the angle of bezel facets may be misread unless the proper point to measure each one is established. Establishing these proper maximum points from the side view only is extremently difficult to impossible. ImaGem uses 0.1 degrees of incremental rotation once those points have been located in order to place these points 90 degrees to the lens. It is my belief that the other three units that scan diamonds for measurements have no method for finding these maximum points and then using them to put the diamond into proper orientation for side view measuring.

I''d be interested to hear from users of Sarin, Ogi and Hellium what method they use to locate the maximum width points besides a hit or miss approach. Since light behavior models are now often being made from the measures taken, it seems necessary to take these measures with a close tolerance to physical dimensions. How reliable are these models if a scanner only takes 200 or so views without proper orientation of the maximum width points?
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