
I was ridiculously wrong when..


Apr 28, 2008
Name a time when you were ridiculously wrong about a person, situation, experience..

I hope this will generate some interesting answers! I'm interested in hearing from you all. 8)
I was ridiculously wrong when I said my horse would never kick at me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was ridiculously wrong when I left school. :nono: Now I have to rebuild.
I was a rookie Pilgrim at that time and living in Boston. Initial culture shock took about 2 months, but during this time I already made some friends, got an appartment, a bank account, and started "looking for culture". So one evening me and my new friend were sitting in my office and I was scanning newspapers trying to find a place to go to and my gaze fell on "Boston Professional Alliance" ad. I thought that being a young Bostonian Professional I should definitely meet some some others, and off we went.

The tickets were ridiculously expensive for me but hey, they are professionals and do well... So we bought the tickets. The guy standing at the door looked incredibly handsome, well-dressed and appeared polite. He gave me a long look... well, thought I, as a young, attractive, confident woman who is going to conquer America, I am entitled to such looks from all men in this country. :D

The meeting was on the top floor. We men a significant number of other men on our way... well, don't they have professional women in Boston?

Well, you know the rest. It was a huge hall full of guys and several (very few!) women. The guys were kissing each other, dancing with each other on the scene. I don't know why, but many of them were playing cards.

I told my friend I had a strange feeling when I looked at the guy downstairs. He said, reproachfully, that I should have warned him,
because it was their party and we could have avoided spending a lot of money. Well, since we spent them, said I, we should have fun! It would be stupid to leave just because we are straight! No one is going to oust us out, we spent money, so at least let us have fun!

So we played cards with them, danced with each other and had a fun evening. And these guys were totally OK with us. At the end I asked my friend, "what do they think of us? That we are afraid to come out of the closet and are just making our first steps?"

No, he said, they think exactly what it is. That we are two idiots who can not read between the lines, that we can not even tell a gay person from a straight person and that we don't like wasting our money.

To this day I do not understand why there were so few women there. I wonder if it was even harder for a woman to get out of the closet.

Kenny, why are gay bars and restaurants so incredibly expensive? A day in Provincetown costs two in any other place.
I was wrong about motherhood... oh so wrong.

"I'll still see my friends all the time, it won't change our marriage, I'll NEVER be one of those moms who carries a diaper bag everywhere, I'll be able to fit back into my jeans when I leave the hospital!"

Ha. Ha. Ha.
I used to look at "ancient" women of 40 & predict that would never happen to me.....I'd stay 26 all my life. Haha!! Surpri-i-i-ise!

--- Laurie
I thought it was possible to have "a lot" of "real" friends.
I bought into the biggest conspiracy of my generation--a college education will get you a fantastic job! Uh...should've asked for a time frame on that...
I was ridiculously wrong when I said two kids won't be that different from one. :wacko:

I was ridiculously wrong when I said I'd have no trouble finding time and money to go back to school. :(sad
I thought my current fiance was a dumb pot head when I first met him... oops! Wrong on both counts!
God I think I killed this thread! I thought it was meant to be a story!

OK let's try, I want it to continue.

I was ridiculously wrong when I thought I'd register on PS, ask my question and leave...
About 20 years ago I knew a guy who was a computer programmer and he created this program and I asked him the name and he said "xxxxsoft" (I don't recall what it was now) and he thought it was so witty because it was similar to something or other that I didn't recognize at the time... anyway a couple years later after I'd married and we got our first computer (I had almost no experience prior) and I overheard one of my husband's friends say something about microsoft. I said oh - I've heard of that before (that alone is ridiculous lol), I know the guy who owns that. The friend looked at me skeptically and said I don't think so and I said I did, that I met him in San Jose. The friend said, "You met the owner of Microsoft and I said yeah and he said bill gates and I said no his name was Allen... haha I INSISTED I was right. Ridiculously wrong.
Cehrabehra said:
About 20 years ago I knew a guy who was a computer programmer and he created this program and I asked him the name and he said "xxxxsoft" (I don't recall what it was now) and he thought it was so witty because it was similar to something or other that I didn't recognize at the time... anyway a couple years later after I'd married and we got our first computer (I had almost no experience prior) and I overheard one of my husband's friends say something about microsoft. I said oh - I've heard of that before (that alone is ridiculous lol), I know the guy who owns that. The friend looked at me skeptically and said I don't think so and I said I did, that I met him in San Jose. The friend said, "You met the owner of Microsoft and I said yeah and he said bill gates and I said no his name was Allen... haha I INSISTED I was right. Ridiculously wrong.

You mean, Paul Allen?
I was ridiculously wrong when I decided to paint HUGE paint swatches on EVERY wall in my new home, thinking that I would have the whole house painted within a few months! Now 12 months later, the swatches in the rooms that have not been pained -- about half of them -- stare at me accusingly every time I see them!
Dreamer_D said:
I was ridiculously wrong when I decided to paint HUGE paint swatches on EVERY wall in my new home, thinking that I would have the whole house painted within a few months! Now 12 months later, the swatches in the rooms that have not been pained -- about half of them -- stare at me accusingly every time I see them!

Just put a frame around it, problem solved :D
I was ridiculously wrong when I said you couldn't find a gorgeous cocktail dress with a strict budget. Secondhand stores ROCK!
"I will never eat meat." - birth to age 19

"I will never date a Jewish man." - age 19 (I'm Jewish, please don't flame me for sharing that. It's the truth.)

"I will never be a teacher. I want to do something, not teach something." - age 21

"He is so stuck-up and full of himself." - age 27, about my oldest friend's husband. I came to learn that he is just very shy around new people, and a really great guy once you get to know him.

One of my favorite teachers once told me that life is about periodically looking back and realizing what a dork you were five years ago.
I have to pick just one? Lord. I could write a book on how wrong I've been over the years...
Cehrabehra said:
About 20 years ago I knew a guy who was a computer programmer and he created this program and I asked him the name and he said "xxxxsoft" (I don't recall what it was now) and he thought it was so witty because it was similar to something or other that I didn't recognize at the time... anyway a couple years later after I'd married and we got our first computer (I had almost no experience prior) and I overheard one of my husband's friends say something about microsoft. I said oh - I've heard of that before (that alone is ridiculous lol), I know the guy who owns that. The friend looked at me skeptically and said I don't think so and I said I did, that I met him in San Jose. The friend said, "You met the owner of Microsoft and I said yeah and he said bill gates and I said no his name was Allen... haha I INSISTED I was right. Ridiculously wrong.

Is this the guy?
doodle said:
I bought into the biggest conspiracy of my generation--a college education will get you a fantastic job! Uh...should've asked for a time frame on that...

+1. If I could go back I'd go to trade school and learn how to do something useful.
I was wrong when I said years ago that I wasn't going to be a teacher. I've been doing it now for 10 years now.
I was ridiculously wrong when..I thought my MIL would eventually accept me into the family. She is pure evil!!