
I want to create green studs...

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Nov 17, 2004
And clearly they''re not going to be diamonds

I definitely want round stones, since as studs they won''t be fixed and will be able to rotate. And I want them to be a brighter green, and sparkly would be definitely preferable. Less yellowy green than peridot definitely, but maybe a bit more yellow than say.. top tsavorite (or what I think top tsavorite is!).

I''ve been looking around a bit online of course, and it seems that it might be difficult to find a pair of matched rounds. Perhaps I may have to have someone like Michael E cut them for me? (Or maybe Ana and her super sleuth skills can dig something up!)

The size isn''t particularly important, as this little possible project is definitely not something that I have a lot of money for right now (med school is more expensive than I ever knew).

So what might my options be? Tsavorite? I like demantoid garnets too, but they are likely way out of my price range. I''m not sure what else might be good. I found some inexpensive small tsavorites on gemwow, but I am just not confident that I have good judgment for these colored stones.

I think tsavorites are a great option! So sparkly!

What about chrome diopside or tourmaline?? I also love the color of tsavorites, yummmm.
First you have to decide on the size of the studs you want. Small round tsavorites are not that expensive. For larger studs I would concider tourmaline. You might want to concider synthetic emerald. It looks great and is inexpensive.

Well, for size- I just want something for everyday type of wear- maybe around 4 or 5 mm.

Where would I find synthetic emerald?

Lisa- I''d forgotten about chrome diopside (perhaps because of its less than flattering name)- that''s a nice green as well.

Sounds like tsavorite may be a winner though, if I can find a nice pair!
High quality green sapphires could be an option. My favorite color is green and I searched a long time comparing color before making my selection, which was round (5mm each) studs. Deep, rich color without the yellow overtones. They are really stunning. This may not be for you, but it might be worth a look-see. By the way, I''m new to all of this,(not hte jewelry industry, the forum thingy!) so please forgive me if I break protocol or just plain screw up! Thank you all.

old timer
If you find green sapphires with great color, get them - it may not happen again!

I must have seen only a couple. Australian (or any from comparable deposits) have a beautiful green sometimes but... good luck finding some that are not too dark and the rest is so unusual. Quite a pitty, really.

Tsavorite or demantoid garnet would work great. Emerald is not as bright and would be ten times more for clean and well cut stones. By looks alone I would go for the garnets in small stones.

Speaking of AJS, there are two rounds listed separately. Perhaps a pair can be found for one:


link 1 link 2
4.5 x 4.8 x 3.1 mm 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.3 mm

These are a bit small perhaps - happened to find them some days ago when Strm mentioned the site.

Link to dem. pair (3.5mm)


I wouldn't dsicount this type for the alleged yellowish tint. Sometimes it is very subtle and there's allot more demantoid garnet can do.
hmm, I would love it if I could find green sapphires that have nice color. I suspect I would have to send someone to look for them for me, since I don''t see many green sapphires to begin with.

old timer- where did you find your green sapphires?

MJO- I do like the color of those ovals, any idea on how much it would cost to have them cut into round?

If I were to email AJS about the round tsavorite stones that valeria posted, might they look for a match for me?

Though I do like the demantoids that you posted too! What do you mean by "there''s a lot more demantoid garnet can do?"

Thank you everyone for your suggestions!
If you want "stones" and want to be really really different, there''s mawsitsit


uvarovite garnet
Date: 12/2/2005 3:52:06 PM
Author: icekid
hmm, I would love it if I could find green sapphires that have nice color. I suspect I would have to send someone to look for them for me, since I don''t see many green sapphires to begin with.

old timer- where did you find your green sapphires?

MJO- I do like the color of those ovals, any idea on how much it would cost to have them cut into round?

If I were to email AJS about the round tsavorite stones that valeria posted, might they look for a match for me?

Though I do like the demantoids that you posted too! What do you mean by ''there''s a lot more demantoid garnet can do?''

Thank you everyone for your suggestions!
Hi Icekid,

Arnold might not charge you for the recut but if this is done he won''t take them back if you don''t like them. Also remember you will lose weight on the recut. He might also look for a pair for you if you ask him.

Demantoids have a higher refractive index so they have more sparkle. I am working on getting some from a russian miner.

Check out these GREEN Moissanite earrings... the color's pretty nice!

Date: 12/2/2005 3:52:06 PM
Author: icekid

Though I do like the demantoids that you posted too! What do you mean by ''there''s a lot more demantoid garnet can do?''
Sparkle! They are as close as anything natural comes to dimamonds in that regard.

Btw. I just noticed that Barbara had her update in with these (link).


These are 5mm (about half carat each). Even if they do not fit your plans... Wow!
ummm, WOW, ana! If I had the money for those demantoids right now, I''d be all over it! I wish!! They''re amazing

Moissanite... interesting. I had no idea it came in different colors, but then I don''t know much about it at all.

Hmm, well perhaps I should go with the smaller demantoids then. Since these are going to be small earrings anyway, I''d like to maxamize the sparkle factor.
Date: 12/1/2005 11:01:03 PM
Author: icekid

Lisa- I''d forgotten about chrome diopside
It took me all day to remember where I had seen these!



About moisanite - the only color it comes in is the dusty green they can''t shake of even of those stones that are intended to be colorless
Oooh those are such nice greens!

Date: 12/3/2005 7:03:39 PM
Author: valeria101

About moisanite - the only color it comes in is the dusty green they can''t shake of even of those stones that are intended to be colorless

And about moissanite... They DO come in different colors, which can range from dusty green to a really dark forest green. I saw some on another forum, and those dark greens are actually pretty nice!
Date: 12/3/2005 7:38:30 PM
Author: ForteKitty
Oooh those are such nice greens!

And about moissanite... They DO come in different colors, which can range from dusty green to a really dark forest green. I saw some on another forum, and those dark greens are actually pretty nice!

My bad
... just didn''t find a nice green until present and ignored the darker green you mention.

Anything but green?
Date: 12/3/2005 8:01:52 PM
Author: valeria101

My bad
... just didn''t find a nice green until present and ignored the darker green you mention.

Anything but green?
I dont think so... They all have some green, although i got a small pair of studs for my sister that seem pretty white... maybe H colored? But alas, my eyes are just too darn color-sensitive to wear them. Too bad, because they''re awfully sparkly!!
I second the idea about demantoids...with that refractive index why bother with green diamonds, esp. in earrings where unless you find some way to smash your ear into something they won''t be in danger of chipping or whatnot.

They are awfully expensive, though. Green sapphires might be a good option since green is considered a less-desirable sapphire color. Nat''l Sapphire Co has some listed at around 500 a carat for a decent color. If you write them perhaps they could dig up some more!
Date: 12/4/2005 8:45:32 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
I second the idea about demantoids...
For got about These

and if light green is fine... you might get away with little for allot:

No joke!
the more I look at around for these earrings, the more I think I am falling for demantoids! I think I may even need them alternating in my wedding band with diamonds

I actually happened across the steve perry website a couple days ago, and that may really fit what I want! or close enough anyway..

As far as the ebay stone, I don''t mind the lighter green (though I would prefer something more vibrant, it would obviously carry a higher price tag!)- but where/ how would I find a matching stone?
So I found a website that seems to have nice matching pairs of tsavorites and demantoids, but it seems more expensive than anything else that I have seen. Perhaps higher quality?

Any opinions?

I like the calibrated 5 pointers for an eternity band! They look so sparkly.
I loved the pair of matched tsavorites for $436. Don't know what your budget is for these earrings but they sure were pretty. Really yummy color too.
good eye, kaleigh! i think they were the best also.

peace, movie zombie
I really like those tsavorites too.

I am wondering though if I should wait until I find the perfect pair of demantoids.
It''s up to you. Personally I like the color of the tsavorites better. And that matched pair is really gorgeous. Love the sparkle they have. Have you checked out other websites for demantoids?? What is the difference in price, I''m not up on the cost differentials.
The other thing about the awesomegems website is that it soo much more expensive. I''m not sure about spending 500 bucks on earrings with a wedding/ house purchase coming. The color on those tsavorites IS gorgeous though.

Demantoids are actually significanly more expensive than tsavorite though. Apparently there isn''t much (any?) coming out of the Russian mines anymore. And demantoids are more sparkly- they are supposed to have the same sort of fire that diamonds have, which of course is appealing too

hmmmm.. decions, decisions...
i do understand the money constraints given a wedding but you do get what you pay for. those greens certainly look worth the $$$$ but you won''t know until you preview them. check the refund/return policy and if its decent, have them sent for a look see. i also think that often times there is a much bigger bang for the buck with color stones: if these beauties appeal to your eye and sparkle like a diamond, just think how much you''ve saved in not getting green diamonds! ok, that''s justification but.......its all in your point of view.

peace,, movie zombie
Yeah, I definitely agree about the quality. awesomegems looks to have the best quality pairs that I have come across. And they are certainly cheaper than green diamonds, which sounds like good justification to me.

Maybe I should ask my mom for them for Christmas...
now that''s an idea!!!!! she could even make it a combined christmas/birthday/valentines/easter/engagement present!!!!!

peace, movie zombie
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