
I think I''m losing my mind!

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Aug 16, 2007
I woke up this morning with a nasty cold, but didn''t want to call off school because it was already late for them to find a sub, plus I''m going to be out a half day on Monday for a dr. appt., so I figured I''d stick it out. 2 of my 3 classes were taking a test the whole period anyway, so I figured it wouldn''t be too strenuous.

I''m also pregnant, so no cold medicine for me, but I''ve honestly had to blow my nose about every couple minutes. I also brought with me a tub of vicks to try to help with the congestion (I put it right under my nose) and to keep my nose from going raw. I had it when I went to lunch. After lunch I came back to my room for a few minutes, then had lunch duty in the caf., so I grabbed a stack of kleenex, put on more vicks, and left. I did not lock my door. Now I''m back from lunch duty, and I can''t find my vicks! I feel like I''m going crazy because I''ve looked everywhere I can think of in the room! All my drawers, all my bags of stuff, etc. And although my door was unlocked with my classroom empty, I really can''t imagine a student walking in and taking my tub of vicks! Seriously! Nothing else in the room is disturbed or anything, so it really has to be here somewhere. But I feel like I''m going crazy because it''s not!
Awww, I''m so sorry you''re sick! I''m also a teacher and I wouldn''t put it past kids to steal a tub of vics as ridiculous as it sounds! Hopefully that''s not the case and it shows up ASAP! Get some rest when you get home from school and get to feeling better!
Sabine, you need the kleenex with the vicks built in!!! I had a cold last week and have been using those, they are great!
I think a student stole it...
Well, it turned up! In the garbage! And I can''t blame it on a student because it''s the garbage right by my desk (aka the disaster area) and I probably bumped something that bumped it off!

Now I just need to get through a 20 minute study hall and wait till dismissal, and then it''s bed for me!
sabine, check with your OB but they usually will allow any tylenol products including the cold medicines even when you are preggo. I got a nasty cold when I was about 8 weeks pregnant with jake and took the tylenol cold and sinus. No need to suffer miserably if you don''t have too. there is also a website and that will list meds that are safe to take when pregnant and nursing. I hope you feel better, that is no fun at all!!
Awww...I really hope you feel better soon - sounds like a crappy day!
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