
I stepped on the scale Christmas Day...

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Nov 16, 2008
and have never in my life been this heavy. It was so depressing. I was just about to get into the shower, weighed myself then looked into the mirror and could not believe it. I think I''ve been in denial since after the wedding, but realized I''ve gained about 10-15 lbs since October.

I deprived myself before the wedding so I could look my best in my dress, and I must say looking at the pictures from just 3 months ago and seeing what I''ve done to myself in just that short amount of time...eeek. I had someone at work mention that I must have put on my newlywed weight. That right there almost broke my heart.

So I''ve decided to get motivated for 2010. My sister is getting married in June, and the goal is to be down 30 lbs by then. I have my gym membership, husband''s encouragement, and I''m ready to go. We''d like to start TTC later in the year, and I''d rather not have a huge uphill battle after a baby, I''d rather get myself into shape NOW.

I look forward to getting to know everyone over in this neck of the woods better! Any tips, how other people people have started jumping on the bandwagon would be much appreciated!


Feb 27, 2007
Charbie, I am not venturing near my scale for a few weeks yet.

The holiday season can definitely take it''s toll. I hope you join in on the weekly HLT - there are a lot of great folks in there that have great ideas, insights and will offer support and cheer you on from afar.

Glad to hear you are motivated and have a gym membership. If you are interested you can track your food and exercise on; they are free and have a lot of wonderful tools to use.

Good luck on reaching your goal and I hope to see you in the HLT thread.



Nov 16, 2008
i''ve actually used sparkpeople in the past. for the past 3 months, i''ve just hit "delete" everytime i get an email from them. oooops. i''m looking forward to getting back on track. i felt SO good before the wedding, and i want to get that back. i''ve been drained lately, and i know it has to do with the extra weight im carrying around.


Nov 24, 2006
Charbie, most people over the holidays gain 10 lbs so you are not alone. You can lose that, so no worries!!!

I lost 35 lbs and kept it off for 7 months. I think the most successful things for me are. . .

- keeping a food journal (keeps me accountable) then I see what might cause my weight gain, or what foods were filling
- I do sort of clean eating (whole grains, veggies and fruits (5 servings everyday), lean proteins) I notice that my body gets use to that and tends to want that type of food versus heavier foods and eating that way I definitely crave less junk.
- I tend to talk to myself a lot when being tempted by heavier foods or sweets (which might sound weird) but it helps me think through if I really want to eat something and how I will feel after and is it worth it are the questions I tend to ask myself which work for me and keep me accountable. I do forgive myself for mistakes and start new.
- spark people is a great starting point (tracking what you eat, recipes, how many calories to eat) I am a huge fan of Weight Watchers so that is what I do and it is similar to Spark but you have the support of a real life group.

You can do it! You don't have much to lose!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hi Charbie..........Come join us on the HLT. We're a group of PS'ers who exercise and do our best to eat healthy. We support each other and give each other encouragement. And we write in (many of us daily) as a sort of confessional. It helps us be accountable. Anyway, hope to see you on the HLT soon.

ETA: I was just doing my daily check-in and I see you did join us! Good for you........


Dec 31, 2008
Charbie- just remember every day is a new day, and every meal is a new choice. Life is full of little choices, and sometimes it is easier for me to take things one meal at a time... and not always a day at a time. Sorry about the coworkers comment, kinda harsh - but don''t beat yourself up about it. Those 3 months have been fun, right? And think, you caught it after only 10-15 pounds, and not 20-30. So it is just that much closer to your goal.

Hugs and best wishes to you in your journey!


Jun 25, 2007
Charbie, I know the feeling. I lost 25 pounds on weight watchers and kept it off for a year. Now I''m preggo and I''m so glad I did it! Think of how much less I''ll have to lose!

I remember stepping on the scale which we kept in our kitchen at the time and those numbers pop up. I wanted them to disappear immediately! The 3 seconds they stay on a digital scale felt like an eternity!


Nov 2, 2006
Date: 12/27/2009 12:40:17 PM
and have never in my life been this heavy. It was so depressing. I was just about to get into the shower, weighed myself then looked into the mirror and could not believe it. I think I''ve been in denial since after the wedding, but realized I''ve gained about 10-15 lbs since October.

I deprived myself before the wedding so I could look my best in my dress, and I must say looking at the pictures from just 3 months ago and seeing what I''ve done to myself in just that short amount of time...eeek. I had someone at work mention that I must have put on my newlywed weight. That right there almost broke my heart.

So I''ve decided to get motivated for 2010. My sister is getting married in June, and the goal is to be down 30 lbs by then. I have my gym membership, husband''s encouragement, and I''m ready to go. We''d like to start TTC later in the year, and I''d rather not have a huge uphill battle after a baby, I''d rather get myself into shape NOW.

I look forward to getting to know everyone over in this neck of the woods better! Any tips, how other people people have started jumping on the bandwagon would be much appreciated!

LOL, I know the feeling all too well Charbie. No one told me that the first six months of marriage would come with 10-15 lbs.

DH is also feeling like he''s putting on a little. He actually used the term "tubby" this weekend. We''re throwing a party on NYE so that''s our last hurrah. Then we''re adjusting our lifestyle to get back on track. More veggies and water, less carbs and caffeine.


Nov 16, 2008
Puppmom- Haha! I know! I was trying to see if maybe the scale was off kilter or something! I looked at the numbers and thought, "there is no way I''m telling ANYONE my weight. Not even DH." I wanted them to be wrong, but wouldn''t go back on the scale in case they went up! I''m sure losing the weight pre baby is the way to go, and congrats on the 25 lb loss!

Tlh and skippy: thank you both for the tips. I''m in the meal by meal stage right now, and really have to just record, recognize, and revise. I''m now making the choice to do this the right way!

H_H: I think someone told me before about the weight they gained the first year of marriage...ik just picked it up so fast! Hubby is looking to get on track too, even tho the guy is naturally slim.


Nov 4, 2009
charbie, I feel like I could have written your post! DH and I have been married in July for 3 years so is that still considered newlywed? I feel like it is some times because we are for sure still learning to adjust every now and then
But before we got married I was an adament exerciser and very focused when it came to what I ate. I know when we finally got home from the honeymoon when we first got married and I really put on a pair of jeans I freaked out! And I bet my husband thought he married a crazy person! I couldn''t believe how fast my body could change in such a short time! Since we have been married the time has blown by and not to mention past year has been crazy! When I am out of my comfort zone (we made a move, illness in the family, change of jobs, etc) I totally loose my focus and just say whatever when it comes to my eating and exercising habits. But recently I have found a great girl to walk with and we have started the couch to 5k and am planning on running in a 5k with my SIL which I am really excited about. I have also made a commitment to really change how I eat and make choices on how and what I eat instead of just feeding my body junk and to really focus on healthy eating and not just dieting. I think Skippy mentioned about how her clean eating really helped with her not craving heavier foods anymore. I hope I can reach that point I just have to really stick with giving it up first! It also helps for your hubby jumping on the banwagon too, for the first time DH and I are both on the same page and ready to make a change together which is exciting. I think I have been approaching exercise and changing my eating habits at too much of a large scale instead of doing what I can at that moment and realizing I dont have to run a marathon to start out with but having small obtainable goals along the way has really helped. I know anything is possible if you put your mind to it! So hang in there and congrats on wanting to make a change!!


Nov 16, 2008
Shine, thanks for thye encouragement and kind words! My husband is naturally slender, soi its a bit frustrating at times, but he is learning how to be supportive, not critical. His first instinct is to say sternly, ''dont eat that, you said you want to lose weight!'' I feel like he is always trying to help, but doing so in a negative way...if that makes sense!


Nov 4, 2009
ha I totally understand I grew up with a sister (and she still does this) that carried around BAGS of choc in her purse and never gains an ounce!! And I told DH to do the same thing your hubs does to you and when he "reminds" me of not wanting to eat foods that aren''t so hot for me I get defensive like I forget that I told him tell me in the first place! So thats not really helpful either! But I won"t write a novel like I did earlier
but I also have one more tip that has helped me...when I really want to eat lets say chocolate (because I LOVE it!) I''ll talk myself out of it and as silly as it sounds thinkabout my "goal" jeans or how I''ll want to look or feel in my clothes or better yet a 2 piece this summer!


Feb 15, 2007
Hey Charbie!

Congrats for getting motivated to start working out! I know how it feels to see a number on the scale that totally shocks you, I''ve been there, too.

I''ve learned that I need a program to follow when I''m first getting back into the game. I''ve done a few Body-for-Life challenges to help kick start my healthier lifestyle, and that''s always helped me. Some people do really well making gradual changes, while others (like me) need to just overhaul their lifestyle and commit to something really different.

I can never keep up with the weekly healthier lifestyle threads, but I like to pop in there and lurk for some good motivation. Everyone there is really supportive, so I bet you''d find a great community, there.

Good luck!


Aug 19, 2009
Charbie, I''m there too. Let''s join the HLT and try to get on track. We''re TTC right now and I''d lvoe to be as healthy as I can!

Skippy, That is awesome! Congrats!!! (and thanks for the tips!)


Sep 15, 2008
Charbie! I just got married in October as well and I am in the exact same position you are, I think I gained over 10 pounds since the wedding! I was working out 5-6 days a week for the last few years and I go and get married and haven''t been to the gym once since October!!! I feel horrible, really lazy lately! I try to say I have an excuse, beings we just got married, moved into a new house and then it was Thanksgiving and now Christmas and New Years, BUT that is no excuse! SOOO... I told my husband last night that I was going to start back on my P90x and running and today! We are going snowboarding on Friday and I feel sooo out of shape that I am dreading it. I know I am really not that out of shape but compared to what I was 3 months ago I feel like I am!


Jan 6, 2005
Totally right there with you ladies! I started a new job a few months ago - on the road 4 days a week more often than not, lots of late nights working in hotel rooms, room service and eating out, etc... - so easy to just order room service and work straight through and not go to the gym...And 8-9 lbs later, here I am

I will be working hard to get back on track now that the New Year is here - more time in hotel gyms, and less indulging in little "treats" from room service.


Nov 24, 2004
I too am a go at it all at once girl. Every Sunday we'd go to BWW and eat wings and drink beer. Heck, we'd drink beer 3 times a week! So as of the New Year, BF and I quit drinking until the Super Bowl and limited our caloric intake.

I'm 5'8 and 158. I Jazzercise 6 times a week and have good strength and endurance, but I need to eliminate the flab. Sooooo, I have limited myself to an 1100 calorie diet full of protein and fiber, 55% carbs and staying under 1000mg of sodium. I count every crumb that goes in my mouth. I will only do this for 14 days where I'll gradually work my way back to 1500 which to me means eating pretty much the same without measuring and counting - I don't want to become obsessed with it. To boot I quit smoking. I was afraid if I quit smoking I'd start eating or having a beer to replace it so this is what works best for me. My goal is to be down to 141 by June when I'm a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding.

My advice to you is to set a daily caloric goal and track it. There are lots of websites that can calculate a safe, realistic range based on your height, weight and age. Also, exercise is negative calories and it makes you feel good, too.


Apr 6, 2006
Date: 12/27/2009 4:27:08 PM
Author: Skippy123
Charbie, most people over the holidays gain 10 lbs so you are not alone. You can lose that, so no worries!!!

Woo hoo!! I am normal!!
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