
I need some help spicing up my proposal plan :)


Jan 22, 2013
Hi Everyone! As I wait for the e-ring to come in (another 5 weeks!) I'm starting to plan out the proposal. I'm fairly confident that I know the "big parts" that I want to do, but I would love some help in "spicing things up" a little, as I don't want this day to feel like just any day.

Here are the basics of the plan:

I'm going to book a vacation that both of us will know about and have input on. This will be a fairly short 3/4 day trip to one of our favorite locations. As we plan this trip, I fully suspect she will be thinking the proposal will happen while we're away, so... I'm not going to let her take her own surprise away :twirl:

Instead, a day or two before we leave on vacation, I will take her to our local zoo (not at all uncommon, as we are members and go often). This has significance because it was our first real date, shortly after we met. It is there that I will pop the big question, in the same area that we had our first photo taken with each other - a beautiful garden with exotic fish, flowers, and plants. I also plan to hire a photographer to take photos of the before/during/after phases of the proposal "paparazzi style". Due to the venue, this will be extremely easy to accomplish.

Now, how can I make this day even more special? I would love to have a limo pick us up from the zoo and take us somewhere, even if it was just back home. However, I don't know how I would get the car we took to the zoo back home lol.

We would most likely visit the zoo in the morning (before noon), so really, we could have a lot of time afterwards to do something.

Any thoughts?
I love the idea of you proposing before your vacation!! That will make the vacation even more special and also add the element of surprise!!! :appl:

Can you take public transportation to the zoo? Or get a lift from someone and tell your gf your car is not working right? That way the limo back home is not a problem re your car at the zoo.

As how to make it more special that's a tough one because it sounds pretty darn special as is! But how about going to see her/your family after the zoo to share the happy news and then going out to a special dinner just the 2 of you?

Congratulations and good luck and please be sure to come back and post lots of hand shots!!!!! :appl:

ETA: If you cannot figure out the car situation I would forget the limo and use the money for a very special dinner. Not sure about your gf but I'm not a huge fan of limos anyway. Except for your wedding day that is. :))
missy|1360332771|3375169 said:
I love the idea of you proposing before your vacation!! That will make the vacation even more special and also add the element of surprise!!! :appl:
Thanks! That's what I was thinking too. It keeps it a surprise and let's us both enjoy the vacation even more.

missy|1360332771|3375169 said:
Can you take public transportation to the zoo? Or get a lift from someone and tell your gf your car is not working right? That way the limo back home is not a problem re your car at the zoo. ETA: If you cannot figure out the car situation I would forget the limo and use the money for a very special dinner. Not sure about your gf but I'm not a huge fan of limos anyway. Except for your wedding day that is. :))
Unfortunately, public transportation is not an option, nor are false "car problems", as we live together and she would just suggest that we take hers. However, I do think I could arrange it in that we go with another couple that we're friends with. That way, we could ride with them, then take a limo back home. Obviously, I would set it up to be that we split away from the other couple at some point, so that we can be more "alone" when I ask. I'm with you on the idea that limos aren't the most amazing experience, but she adores them to no end. I think it would be the icing on her cake ;)

missy|1360332771|3375169 said:
... how about going to see her/your family after the zoo to share the happy news and then going out to a special dinner just the 2 of you?
Meeting with her parents would definitely be do-able, but mine live out-of-state. That may be a nice idea! I also like the idea of a nice dinner for the 2 of us.

I also had the thought of, once I propose at the zoo, have someone (perhaps the friend we ride with) pop out with a bouquet of flowers and a tiara (I often call her my princess). Any thoughts on these ideas?
networkwasher|1360334755|3375193 said:
missy|1360332771|3375169 said:
I love the idea of you proposing before your vacation!! That will make the vacation even more special and also add the element of surprise!!! :appl:
Thanks! That's what I was thinking too. It keeps it a surprise and let's us both enjoy the vacation even more.

missy|1360332771|3375169 said:
Can you take public transportation to the zoo? Or get a lift from someone and tell your gf your car is not working right? That way the limo back home is not a problem re your car at the zoo. ETA: If you cannot figure out the car situation I would forget the limo and use the money for a very special dinner. Not sure about your gf but I'm not a huge fan of limos anyway. Except for your wedding day that is. :))
Unfortunately, public transportation is not an option, nor are false "car problems", as we live together and she would just suggest that we take hers. However, I do think I could arrange it in that we go with another couple that we're friends with. That way, we could ride with them, then take a limo back home. Obviously, I would set it up to be that we split away from the other couple at some point, so that we can be more "alone" when I ask. I'm with you on the idea that limos aren't the most amazing experience, but she adores them to no end. I think it would be the icing on her cake ;)

missy|1360332771|3375169 said:
... how about going to see her/your family after the zoo to share the happy news and then going out to a special dinner just the 2 of you?
Meeting with her parents would definitely be do-able, but mine live out-of-state. That may be a nice idea! I also like the idea of a nice dinner for the 2 of us.

I also had the thought of, once I propose at the zoo, have someone (perhaps the friend we ride with) pop out with a bouquet of flowers and a tiara (I often call her my princess). Any thoughts on these ideas?

I know my parents were disappointed that we didn't tell them we got engaged till a day after the fact and that we didn't go see them as soon as we did and share our happiness with them at that time so that is why I suggested that. If you think her parents would appreciate the gesture I think it's a great idea.

About the tiara and flowers it totally depends on your gf. I would be mortified lol if my dh had done the tiara (the flowers are a great idea!) but I also wouldn't have liked any public type proposal and that might be drawing more attention to it. However, if your gf is the type who enjoys that (and she sounds like she just might be) I think it is a terrific idea. I would not want to share the proposal with my friends being there so definitely would want them somewhere else (like you said) at the exact time of the proposal.

It sounds like you cannot go wrong. You have planned a wonderful surprise and clearly are showing how much you love and appreciate her!!! :love: I am so excited for you-I love romance and wish you all the best!!!! :appl: