
I need dress help


Jul 14, 2011
So, I did something stupid and got a designer knock-off, because I am cheap. But now I can't decide if I like it enough or if I should suck it up and get the designer dress anyway. So, I need help. Either convince me that the dress I have is good enough and I should be happy. Or tell me that I should buy the real dress and stop being cheap.

So here is the dress I got. It has some issues. The sleeves are too short, so they are hanging off to the side. The bust doesn't fit right (the cups are too large), and the best under the bust is too low, it should be about the height it is in the other dress.


Here is the dress I really really like:


Which one do you like better? I really like the skirt of the second dress. It looks much more clean and elegant to me, while the first dress looks poofy. But the first dress is still beautiful. So really, does it matter that it isn't perfect?

What should I do? What would you do? Keep the one you have and save about a 1000 dollars, or get the one you want, and say it is once in a lifetime?

I also have another question. As I said, for the dress I have, the bust doesn't fit. The cups are too large. I went to a couple of seamstresses today, and they told me that that they can't really do anything about the cups. They can take in the dress a bit, but I will have to wear a push-up bra or something. I thought that it was possible to make these small alterations, so were they just trying to get rid of me, or is it really that difficult to remove and replace cups in a dress?
I love the 2nd one :)
A good seamstress should be able fix the cups and alter the shell to fit properly in the bust area. What might not be "fixable" is the length of the bust area. If there's a seam between the bust area and the midriff area, then you're stuck with that longer bust area. The best you could do to approximate your "model" dress is to cover the gap with a ribbon or a wider belt.

I really like the second dress, especially the softer fabric used in the flounce and the area where the elongated bodice and the skirt meet up. That said, you've seen both dresses in person, and if you also like the knock-off overall, well, there's a lot to be said for putting that $1,000 towards some other wedding or new household expenses. In other words, I'm no help here! Good luck with your decision!
For me, personally... there is no comparison! I love the second one. Typically I'm all for knock-offs if they can be done nicely, but the second dress just flows and is incredibly beautiful on you. have you thought about buying your dress as a "used"/worn-once dress?
I like the second dress better on you, no doubt, but I think you should save the $1,000 IF you can get the knock-off dress altered to fit you correctly. Because no bride should walk around in a dress that's not well fit to her body.
Thank you all for the replies. The more I stare at the pictures, the more I like the original dress, but it is still a 1000 dollars. Keep the opinions coming, please.

I have looked at pre-owned forums, but this dress is not available in my size, as far as I can see.
I agree with others that part of the problem seems to be the fit. I'm surprised that seamstresses are telling you they can't fit you with smaller cups. I do think the second dress looks like it is better quality. Is there one on any of the preowned sites that is close enough that it could be tailored to your size? Have you checked all of them (there are a bunch of less well known ones, I think)?

It's hard to say if it's worth $1,000, because, well, it's someone else's money! I feel like you have a gorgeous figure and deserve a dress that at least fits it, though!
I've looked on oncewed, recycledbride and preownedweddingdresses. I don't know of any others. If you know of others, please let me know. My original plan, before getting the knock-off, was to get the original if I didn't like the knock-off and try to sell the knock-off. The knock-off isn't really that expensive. But now, I am starting to feel guilty, since the knock-off is beautiful, and I feel like a brat who wants the perfect thing.
Personally, I would go for the second one rather than risk having regrets in the future. It looks absolutely stunning on you and, as someone already said, it just flows much better. If the price was further apart, like multiple thousands, I would have to reconsider. Maybe you can find a display model with a discount? Or possibly post the dress details and your size and maybe someone can track down a better deal for you?
Thanks for all your replies. I am now leaning towards the real dress. The dress is Maggie Sottero Anniston, and the bridal salon here said that it is about 900 dollars. The belt is about a 100 dollars. If any one comes across a pre-owned dress of this style in street size 4, please let me know. I am 5 feet, 8 inches tall, so I need a dress of at least 5-10.

Thanks for all your help.
was the first dress free??
Did the seamstresses you consulted with have extensive experience with gowns? If not, check with more qualified seamstresses. Also, a dressmaker would be well equipped to address the cups and poofiness on the bottom. If you care to disclose your general location, perhaps fabulous PSers can suggest resources.

Otherwise, I found these Maggie Sottero Anniston dresses for sale:
slg: the first dress is pretty cheap (about 200 dollars), and I may be able to return it. If not, I may try to sell it if I decide not to use it.

mary_poppins: I got the feeling that the seamstresses didn't want to touch this. I imagine they didn't want to deal with the crazy bride who wanted impossible things done. I may consult a dress maker, if any one has suggestions for someone in St Louis, I would love to hear. But I don't want to get in the situation where I dither, and run out of time to order the real dress. I think I may already be cutting it close with it. Thanks for the second hand suggestions. I don't want to get the size 10 thing, since it will probably be expensive to have it altered. But the size 2 may work. I'll think about that one if that is still available.
The second dress is really pretty and looks great on you! ...So I say, go for the more expensive dress that fits you great and looks don't want to have any regrets over $1,000! It's your day, and you will look at the pictures for years after...
The 2nd one for sure. It's your special day so I would say not to feel guilty and go for it!
Alright, it seems to be pretty much unanimous. I think I am just going to go get it. I'm going to see if the second hand one that mary_poppins suggested is still available. If not, well, it isn't going to break the bank, so I may go for it. If you guys see something similar second hand, please let me know.

Thanks for all the opinions. They really helped me.
KA I'm glad you're going for the second one. It looks amazing.
Thanks OEClover. I don't think that will fit, since I am a size 4, and 5' 7''. I actually bought the one from recycled bride that mary_poppins posted. Even though it is size 2, the owner seemed to think it will fit, especially since she was 5-5 and weighed about the same as me when she wore it. Also, it is a corset back, so there is more room for manouver. I got her to agree to a return if it doesn't fit or is too short. I don't plan on wearing very tall heels, so I am hopeful. It should arrive soon, and I am very excited. I'll post an update and pictures when I get it.
I only read about half of the replies, so I'm sorry if I duplicate anyone's comments, here.

I scrolled down just far enough to see the first dress and thought, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with that dress. It looks really lovely on her." Then I scrolled down to see the 2nd one and I completely understand your dilemma. The second dress is cleaner, just a bit more neat and tidy. I can totally see why you like it more.

However, no one that attends your wedding is going to know the difference except you and whoever you went dress shopping with. So, without seeing them side by side, the first dress is certainly adequate, even better than adequate, and as long as you can get it to fit properly, I wouldn't spend the money on a 2nd dress. You may also wish to consider who is giving the advice - I am a budget conscious bride who bought a floor sample for just under $900 including alterations. Some people have a lot more money to spend than that - do you?

If the extra money is not going to hurt your overall budget, then it may be worth it. Otherwise, I wouldn't give it a second thought. You will make a lovely bride in either dress, as far as I can see!
Hi everyone again,

So I got the second dress second hand, and it fits perfectly. However, the length is a little bit of a concern. It is barely just brushes the floor if I am not wearing shoes. I am not planning to wear tall shoes, but I probably want a couple of inches of heel. I tried the dress on with shoes with pretty short heels, and you could see the shoes when I walked in the dress. Are you supposed to be able to see the shoes when you walk, or are you not supposed to be able to at all? I am not going to return this dress, I don't think, but was wondering if I am stuck with flats, or if I can wear heels and show off the shoes.

Here's a picture with me wearing no shoes. I should have taken a picture with me wearing shoes to ask your advice, but I neglected to do that.

Thanks for all your help.
KA|1319924975|3050068 said:
Are you supposed to be able to see the shoes when you walk, or are you not supposed to be able to at all? I am not going to return this dress, I don't think, but was wondering if I am stuck with flats, or if I can wear heels and show off the shoes.

I think it's fine to see a bit of the shoes peeking out, esp. if you're going to do a fun color or match the dress color. The only time I'd say you don't want to see the shoes is if you have a ball gown style dress with a big fluffy skirt. Dress looks great on you! :appl:
Thank you rubybeth. I love the dress. I have been staring at it since it arrived. And the best part is, I feel like I got a deal, since I paid about 475 total, and it is already bustled.
oh wow, the dress looks great and that is a great price! I would see what you think about shoes...maybe try it on with different heels and see how it looks?
Thanks Gypsy, that is a great tip. I usually wear ballet slippers through the summer anyway, so they are totally me. I might wear some small healed pumps for the wedding and then wear ballet slippers for the reception. I am starting another thread to ask for accessory advice. Please help me out with the belt, hair accessories and jewelry there.
KA|1319940097|3050195 said:
Thanks Gypsy, that is a great tip. I usually wear ballet slippers through the summer anyway, so they are totally me. I might wear some small healed pumps for the wedding and then wear ballet slippers for the reception. I am starting another thread to ask for accessory advice. Please help me out with the belt, hair accessories and jewelry there.

I think this is a great idea!
Belt? That dress doesn't need a belt at all honey! It's gorgeous as is.