
I need a dental implant…what should I know and ask? Your input is much appreciated.

two of my employees who had no bone loss were able to have the screw put in when they extracted the tooth. They both said doing it that way saved a couple of thousand dollars. That's all I know about putting the screw in at the same time. I had to wait because I needed a graft. They both had cracked a molar if that makes any difference.

I'm glad your two employees had that situation.
Patients vary.

The OP started this thread to learn what to expect when it comes to dental implants.
As demonstrated in this thread, what to expect varies too so it's good to hear about the many possibilities. :))
Thank you all. My appointment is tomorrow and the oral surgeon gets good reviews. Did any of you have a choice of implant? I hear titanium and porcelain are the two front runners. I do not have a nickel allergy so an alloy is also OK for me. At least I have an excuse to wear a mask to cover up the gap. LOL when I saw the posts about a flipper I immediately thought of the (awful)Toddlers and Tiaras show. Again thank you all.
Thank you all. My appointment is tomorrow and the oral surgeon gets good reviews. Did any of you have a choice of implant? I hear titanium and porcelain are the two front runners. I do not have a nickel allergy so an alloy is also OK for me. At least I have an excuse to wear a mask to cover up the gap. LOL when I saw the posts about a flipper I immediately thought of the (awful)Toddlers and Tiaras show. Again thank you all.

My periodontist didn't discuss the metal that the implant was made from. I have no idea what it is.....
Saw the oral surgeon. Bedside manner…eh… but as long as he does a good job. Blasted through appointment really fast but going through with it next month. Was fitted for a flipper of some sort as it is a front tooth next to the big front teeth next to the eye tooth. Not happy with how long the whole process will take.
Are you happy with your dental implant results @lambskin?

I just had my first maxillary molar extracted yesterday. The previously capped tooth (14 years ago) cracked and infection set in above and around all the roots. It couldn't be saved. I will be getting an implant, but must say that today I feel weirdly like I am mourning the lost tooth. My goodness, it leaves a huuuuge gap on that side! I was shocked by the size when they showed me the extracted tooth. The gap feels like they pulled two, not one! I am currently in orthodontic treatment with aligners, so I will have to wait until the end of that treatment until they can place the implant.
I have two implants, both very satisfactory but they were 5K each, took years to pay for them. I also have a partial on the other side that spans two teeth, rare I'm told. The partial was WAY cheaper and it's been easy to live with. You just remove it at night. (But the polident soak makes you feel old.)

I have an implant which I am very happy with (now). I wont bore you with the year-long process it took to finally be happy with it!
Are you happy with your dental implant results @lambskin?

I just had my first maxillary molar extracted yesterday. The previously capped tooth (14 years ago) cracked and infection set in above and around all the roots. It couldn't be saved. I will be getting an implant, but must say that today I feel weirdly like I am mourning the lost tooth. My goodness, it leaves a huuuuge gap on that side! I was shocked by the size when they showed me the extracted tooth. The gap feels like they pulled two, not one! I am currently in orthodontic treatment with aligners, so I will have to wait until the end of that treatment until they can place the implant.

Yes. Thank you for following up.It was Hell and I am no stranger to the dental chair. It feels sort of heavy but it is beautiful. I don’t want to pull on it to eat. Like biting and pulling into a Italian bread roll sandwich. I am sure it is fine but I am still wary. Hope never to get one again. Especially on the top. Just had two fillings and prep for a molar crown. That was easy compared to the implant process but I had a touch of anxiety fo the procedures. My tooth was the canine. The permanent tooth was impacted on the bone and 5 years of orthodontia- high school and college- and oral; surgeries to lasso the tooth and bring down. Tooth lasted until I was 25 and it broke. The root had been damaged so a root canal and crown was put on. That lasted until almost 40 years. Then the tooth bone was failing and the post could not adhere( they call it absorption). So the tooth was removed and the implant process began. My dentist was a prosthetic dentist and fashioned a wider than normal tooth that does not look bulky and looks natural. Good luck and keep me posted. Follow all the instructions and make sure your oral surgeon is tops.
Since my last post on this thread, I have had to have two teeth pulled and decided to get a partial instead of implants. It was cheap, easy and non-invasive, yay!

But I have to take it out and clean it right after I eat because it gets yucky, which I do not like when I'm not at home.

I'm happy enough with it overall, but can also definitely see someone wanting implant/s too. A denture has an "old person" vibe that I am not crazy about (even though it fits)! :lol-2:
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Since my last post on this thread, I have had to have two teeth pulled and decided to get a partial instead of implants. It was cheap, easy and non-invasive, yay!

But I have to take it out and clean it right after I eat because it gets yucky, which I do not like when I'm not at home.

I'm happy enough with it overall, but can also definitely see someone wanting implant/s too. A denture has an "old person" vibe that I am not crazy about (even though it fits)! :lol-2:

Glad to hear from someone who has a partial and is OK with it.
I've lost 2 molars in the last few years (failed root canals), and the implant cost and process scares the sh!t out of me.

I sincerely hope I never do, but if I lose any front teeth, I will definitely look into partials.
Since my last post on this thread, I have had to have two teeth pulled and decided to get a partial instead of implants. It was cheap, easy and non-invasive, yay!

But I have to take it out and clean it right after I eat because it gets yucky, which I do not like when I'm not at home.

I'm happy enough with it overall, but can also definitely see someone wanting implant/s too. A denture has an "old person" vibe that I am not crazy about (even though it fits)! :lol-2:

Is a partial different from a bridge? I'm guessing they are because I dont think you can take a bridge out.