
I must be the most unlucky girl in this world!


Jul 7, 2003
Why when it rains, it's a FRIGGIN' flood for me? :(

My husband and I just purchased our first house a month and 1/2 ago, and tonight, he was given a "warning" at work.

He has been doing so well in the other departments he's worked in, that they promoted him into this very complicated job in which
he and other co-workers have been under a 6 week training period. He's working with quotas. He has to process so many applications per hour and he has to do less than a pre-determined amounts of "errors". Well, Monday was his first day out of training and he made 2 errors in the whole 35 applications he processed for that day. Today, he made 2 more errors and ended up in the "big Boss" office and was told that if he doesn't keep his error ration under 4 errors a week, he'll be terminated!!!

What i don't understand is that he did so well in the other departments that he got promoted to this new job, and now that hes not doing the best and might require a little more time to get things right, he's going to be let go??? He asked his boss if there was a way to go back to the other departments in which he did well and he said that it wasn't possible. So basically, it's just a matter of time until he looses his job... :(

We just got this house!

I am so sad right now, I don't even know what to think.... :((
Oh I'm so sorry! They shouldn't pressure him like that!
Try not to stress - things usually work out in the end.

This is a common problem with Corporate America - people are often promoted to their highest level of inefficiency and there they stay.
Ame, lots of hugs and job dust for you your DH. How are the others faring? Perhaps they could talk to the boss together if the standards that the parameters that the company have set are just too strict?
Just super lame. I'm so sorry to hear that. Big hugs, Am
I'm sorry to hear this! I'm sure he'll get the hang of things...
Thanks ladies...
I hope he will be getting the parameters of the job in time :(
I really cannot even imagine the financial burden that lies ahead if he gets canned.
Surely I can afford the house, but it will be difficult on my own...
I'm so sorry that you're in such a stressful situation. I'll keep my fingers crossed that things get easier for your hubby at work so that you can stop worrying and just enjoy your new home!
Sorry to hear that. It's hard to perform well when you're stressed. I hope he improves and meets the standards. Perhaps DH can prepare a checklist of requirements that he can review while double=checking his work before submitting it.
Gads...he is new to the work and they dont give him a little more time to come up to speed? Do other people who have been
there a while make very few mistakes?
I think the pressure that his boss is putting on him is unfair. He can only do, as well as he is capable of doing. Amey, you're going to have to try to take this one day at a time, because the combination of your husband's pressure on himself and your worry about him, the job, and the house, will be something that will be become too much to handle very quickly.

I'm keeping a positive thought for you and your hubby.

It is horrible, but you will get through it, because you are sensible and prudent.

My husband was laid off twice, once when we were in the middle of adoption proceedings. (I was working then, but we had to put everything on hold until he got another job since no one gives babies to unemployed men.)

The next time he was laid off he was 52 and he couldn't find work for an entire year. I had been home with a young child, not working. When he finally got a job offer it was for a job out of state, far away from my parents who had seen our daughter every day of her life. Then he had a heart attack...although he was only 53, slim, a runner, and came from a family with no heart disease! We didn't even know if the new job offer would remain on the table after the heart attack!

But things work out if you don't waste your money; if the remaining spouse does what s/he can to help; if you keep plugging. You will be OK because you will do what you have to do. I have faith that you will come through this as my family came thorugh our financial problems.

I send love and prayers.

tyty333 said:
Gads...he is new to the work and they dont give him a little more time to come up to speed? Do other people who have been
there a while make very few mistakes?

His job pays extremely well, but is highly stressful - it's a revolving door over there.
What is unfortunate is that he did so well in the other departments and got promoted to this new position and even if he doesn't do well, there is no chance for him to go back to what he did before. Really is unfair.

my husband doesn't know about how the others are doing there. No one talks to each other - if they do, they get reprimended for doing so.

I feel bad for him mostly... I know we'll make it work with the house - but his self worth has taken a huge hit.

thanks for the dust.
AGBF said:

It is horrible, but you will get through it, because you are sensible and prudent.

My husband was laid off twice, once when we were in the middle of adoption proceedings. (I was working then, but we had to put everything on hold until he got another job since no one gives babies to unemployed men.)

The next time he was laid off he was 52 and he couldn't find work for an entire year. I had been home with a young child, not working. When he finally got a job offer it was for a job out of state, far away from my parents who had seen our daughter every day of her life. Then he had a heart attack...although he was only 53, slim, a runner, and came from a family with no heart disease! We didn't even know if the new job offer would remain on the table after the heart attack!

But things work out if you don't waste your money; if the remaining spouse does what s/he can to help; if you keep plugging. You will be OK because you will do what you have to do. I have faith that you will come through this as my family came thorugh our financial problems.

I send love and prayers.


Oh Deb :(

I think you had it worse than me ... I am amazed that you and your family pulled through this REALLY TOUGH situation.
Thank you for the kind message - you are amazing.
gemgirl said:
I think the pressure that his boss is putting on him is unfair. He can only do, as well as he is capable of doing. Amey, you're going to have to try to take this one day at a time, because the combination of your husband's pressure on himself and your worry about him, the job, and the house, will be something that will be become too much to handle very quickly.

I'm keeping a positive thought for you and your hubby.

THanks Gemgirl - You know, I'll pull through - I have been so far and I am not quitter. I'll fight for our home. I don't care if I don't eat, I will hold onto what I have. I'll figure out a budget and see what we can live without for a while.

He's not lost his job yet, but I need to plan accordingly.

Much love Gemgirl.
It's a stressful situation for sure, but he's still employed and you both have your health, and can technically afford the house with one income.

I hope you're staying positive for him. That's a lot of pressure to be under and he needs to hear positive things. Positive, positive, positive. Things always have a way of working out.
One week out of training and the boss is threatening to can him? I used to manage a large group of people and believe me that it takes a lot more than that to fire someone. Your husband's boss' salary or bonuses are probably dependent on the total quality of his area. His ploy to "bully" your DH is so that he looks good in the end. The boss is exhibiting highly unethical behavior.

Make sure your husband keeps great documentation about his "meetings" with the boss. Your husband's ability to do his job is dependent on the boss' ability to communicate and provide proper instruction and feedback. Exactly what the boss says to him could be great ammunition for your husband if he tries to terminate him unfairly.
Amethyste - please keep your chin up. Perhaps they hoped that the reprimand would help him to be more motivated, even if it was the last thing he needed. You guys will make it through this though!!!
THanks all -

The problem is that he works at the National Visa Center where they process thousands of Visa applications for either immigrants or non immigrants. All the quotas are set by the Government, and they hire Serco to manage the facility. It's a contractual job as the government doesn't want to hire more employees...

They have to process 5 applications an hour and in a whole day, they sample 5-6 cases for quality control. In a whole week, they are allowed to only do 5 errors. Then after that they have a warning.

Some have been there for years and seem to do fine with the quota, but a lot of the other people will do fine for a while and after a year or so, they get let go. No one can be perfect all the time...

It is my husband's fist job in the USA - He's so stressed out... I hate to see him cry...
Why is that people that try to prove themselves, go in to do overtime, show that they are willing to do what it takes get the
short end of the stick at first sign of difficulty?

I am totally heartbroken for him... He wants to do so well. Maybe the job is just too difficult for him... :(
HUgs lady. It is hard when your spouse gets fired, not only financially, but I know when my husband was fired from a job years ago it was hard not to feel let down too, and I did not like feeling that way about him :blackeye:

This sounds like a very difficult job and with lots of pressure. Is it possible for him to start looking for other work now? Even if he is not fired, it sounds like in the long term he might want something different.
YEAH... He will be looking for something else elsewhere... The money there is super good - but if he's unhappy and always fearing to be let go, it's not a way to live...
I am so sorry that you and your DH are going through all of this. I am sending a truckload of dust to you and will be thinking of you and your husband.
Amethyste said:
YEAH... He will be looking for something else elsewhere... The money there is super good - but if he's unhappy and always fearing to be let go, it's not a way to live...


It sounds like the job from hell! I used to have to take welfare applications as part of my job as a town social worker (an MSW social worker). I could not take more than two applications a day. If I tried to take three I ended up with night sweats! I am obsessive compulsive and the paperwork involved in a welfare application was absolutely unbelievable. If I made a error, when the State auditor came, he quadrupled it and penalized the town for which I worked by that much. Since we cared about the people whom we were trying to help and our Department's budget, the culture in our agency was not to make errors in your welfare applications!

I cannot even imagine having a job like your husband's where all you do all day is to take applications that have to be perfect. The stress would kill me!

sending you {{{{ }}}}s
Oh, jeez! That is sooooo stressful for your hubby. It is so counterproductive for his boss to make such threats. Sending a lot of positive vibes for you and your DH. He will pull through...
This whole situation he is dealing with makes me so so so sad, mainly because my fiance is in the same exact position. ALWAYS walking on eggshells even though he is a fantastic worker with great work ethics. It would break my heart completely to see SO cry, I can imagine how hurt you feel. I have realized that outstanding pay sometimes is not worth the crappy treatment. The fact that he has to live every day wondering if he is going to have his job the next day is just plain stressful. Stress just leads to more complications including health and without health...what do we really have? I hope he is able to find a job somewhere else where he is going to be treated like a human and not a robot, even if that means taking a hit on the paychecks. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts!
You are in my thoughts and prayers, Amethyste! This sounds like a very difficult and stressful time for your husband, and by extension, for you too :(sad. Try to stay positive for him, and keep believing in him! Having someone who believes in you and loves you unconditionally in your corner makes even the most difficult challenges surmountable.
What a horrible situation to be in.

Sounds like the company has given him a raise and would expect him to ask for the new pay even if given his old position back. The old position probably has been filled with a person who is working for less $. That is corporate america! Sigh.
Sorry your hubby has to put up with that. It sounds pretty stupid to me.
Hey everybody! :)
Thank you all so much for your caring words!

My husband went to talk to his boss and told him about the many inconsistencies in the way that his department's work is being QCed.
One team leader decides one thing is an error and the other one doesn't think it is... So it ends up confusing people and no one can do a job when 4 people all have their "own way" of deciding what is right and what is wrong.

So his boss had a talk with the team leaders about these inconsistencies and gave my husband 1 on 1 training with a team leader to go over
the questions he might have and more in depth process for his job.

I think that he'll be ok, as long as he's open minded and embrace this opportunity. I believe his boss wants him to stay cause he's a good worker and very reliable. My husband needs to put his pride aside, buckle up and go in head first.

I hope everything will be ok in the end :P