
I lost all respect for the Nobel Prize(s)


Jan 21, 2008
today when I watched a YouTube video of Milton Friedman receiving one for economics in 1976 after reading about and watching several documentary videos on YouTube about what happened in Chile and his part in it.

My respect for them was hanging by a thread anyway after President Obama won one for "peace" when he had only just entered office and had done practically nothing.

Re: Milton Friedman receiving one: disgusting.

I know this is an event where royalty shows up, hosts functions, and the like, and those of us on the royal jewels thread like that kind of thing, but what a farce. Martin Luther King, Jr. who won a Nobel Prize doesn't belong in the same sentence with the likes of Milton Friedman and the crimes against humanity he participated in gleefully. I hope Milton Friedman is burning in hell.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program of looking at pretty things but I had to get that off my chest, somewhere, somehow. Thank you for understanding.

/rant over


May 23, 2010
Imdanny|1314232795|2998682 said:
today when I watched a YouTube video of Milton Friedman receiving one for economics in 1976 after reading about and watching several documentary videos on YouTube about what happened in Chile and his part in it.

My respect for them was hanging by a thread anyway after President Obama won one for "peace" when he had only just entered office and had done practically nothing.

Re: Milton Friedman receiving one: disgusting.

I know this is an event where royalty shows up, hosts functions, and the like, and those of us on the royal jewels thread like that kind of thing, but what a farce. Martin Luther King, Jr. who won a Nobel Prize doesn't belong in the same sentence with the likes of Milton Friedman and the crimes against humanity he participated in gleefully. I hope Milton Friedman is burning in hell.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program of looking at pretty things but I had to get that off my chest, somewhere, somehow. Thank you for understanding.

/rant over

I'm not educated enough to understand what you're talking about, but I always appreciate a good rant! 8-)

ETA: I left you a sorta-rant over in the status thread . . .


Jan 21, 2008
ILander, I suffer so you don't have to. You don't even want to know. Trust me. But while I have your attention, I NEED to talk to you.

I haven't had a cigarette all day because I left them in my car and my MIL and SO (mercifully) took the car this morning and let me sleep (yes, I'm still off the wagon, I'm not even sure how much I care at this minute, I just want one).

But anyway, I wanted to tell you that visit with the MIL is going GREAT. She's so sweet! Be that as it may, she leaves Sunday, and I can be back to my "normal" life and that will be OK, you understand. I love having her here but not having privacy 24 hrs a day for 10 days is like... whoa! Kind of a welcome change FOR AWHILE.

I was so nervous about it but it's much better than I thought. I told SO he gets his mean streak from his father (yes I actually said that to his face :bigsmile: ).

I hope you're doing well and enjoying your new purse!

Danny, who has a grocery store "bag" with all his bleeep in it


May 23, 2010
Imdanny|1314234066|2998725 said:
ILander, I suffer so you don't have to. You don't even want to know. Trust me. But while I have your attention, I NEED to talk to you.

I haven't had a cigarette all day because I left them in my car and my MIL and SO (mercifully) took the car this morning and let me sleep (yes, I'm still off the wagon, I'm not even sure how much I care at this minute, I just want one).

But anyway, I wanted to tell you that visit with the MIL is going GREAT. She's so sweet! Be that as it may, she leaves Sunday, and I can be back to my "normal" life and that will be OK, you understand. I love having her here but not having privacy 24 hrs a day for 10 days is like... whoa! Kind of a welcome change FOR AWHILE.

I was so nervous about it but it's much better than I thought. I told SO he gets his mean streak from his father (yes I actually said that to his face :bigsmile: ).

I hope you're doing well and enjoying your new purse!

Danny, who has a grocery store "bag" with all his bleeep in it

I thought I sensed a "no-nicotine" bent in your rants! :bigsmile: I have been there! Just makes you want to punch someone, doesn't it? Sucks! Good for you, a whole day already! My favorite Taoist saying "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

I'm glad you're okay with the MIL! :appl: That would make me crazy, I'm not good with people in close quarters, not even my DH! :|

I was thinking about you, and hoping for the best with this visit!


May 23, 2010
Oh, before I forget; TRY a nicotine patch. I didn't believe in them either, but the raging nico fits made me crazy last time I tried to quit, so I tried them this time. I only use a 1/4 of one, so the box lasts forever, and they take away the pissiness. It's worth a shot, anyway.


May 23, 2010
SO BACK TO YOUR THREAD, after my threadjacking, :bigsmile: ;

Yeah, I voted for Obama, but I kind of got this look when he got the prize; :confused:


Jul 18, 2007
Gee, I've thought many of the past recipients were not worthy of a Nobel prize.

I could name at least three (real) winners off the top of my head, but I don't want to start five pages of 'discussion', so I'll just shut up now. :devil:


Jan 21, 2008
Thanks, iLander! Will do (as soon as the MIL leaves :cheeky: ).

I voted for Obama too, and I think that's the last thing I should say about that because I could write five pages on what I think about that now, and um, no, let's not even go there!

Holly, no, no, nooooo, I agree with you. I'm not saying anything more. Anyone who's interested in the topic of my OP only need use the Google machine, and people can research this stuff if they want to know, cause seriously, it's all right there.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
link to youtube that you watched?

hey, watching youtube and getting politically bent out of shape is actually a good use of your time....educational and keeps your mind off that evil nicotine........


Nov 7, 2004
This is an area I'm not too familiar. Milton Friedman is a famous economist, correct? What did he do? :confused:

(I'm at work so I can't look at video)


Jan 21, 2008
I appreciate your interest peoples but like I said, I can't talk about this anymore, because it's too "political" for this forum, and if I do my head will explode!

Please look up Chile and the dictator Pinochet (remember him?), US involvement in overthrowing the democratically elected government of Chile in the early 70's, Milton Friedman, and the Chicago School of Economics. The history of US interference in Chile started in 1958. Milton Friedman "invented" the economic theories that were known as "shock" and imposed on Chile with force and many human rights violations, atrocities in fact. He later denied he was an adviser to Chile or had anything to do with its government and what happened there (I saw him on a YouTube video denying it). May he rot in hell.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
oh, i hope kissinger rots there with him.....want your blood to boil read about kissinger's involvement as well.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
iLander|1314235321|2998751 said:
SO BACK TO YOUR THREAD, after my threadjacking, :bigsmile: ;

Yeah, I voted for Obama, but I kind of got this look when he got the prize; :confused:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Imdanny|1314245367|2998915 said:
Thanks, iLander! Will do (as soon as the MIL leaves :cheeky: ).

I voted for Obama too, and I think that's the last thing I should say about that because I could write five pages on what I think about that now, and um, no, let's not even go there!
Danny,don't feel guilty,millions had made the same mistake just redeem yourself in 2012.. ;))


Jan 21, 2008
movie zombie|1314312592|2999662 said:
oh, i hope kissinger rots there with him.....want your blood to boil read about kissinger's involvement as well.

Yep, and that was just one of his crimes. Elder statesman my a$$. He belongs in a jail cell. It will never happen, but it should.


Jan 21, 2008
DF, my response to you is a mixed bag. I'll vote Republican when hell freezes over, but God help us all from the subset of Democrats known as Obamabots! :o

I have never seen, and believe me, I've been paying attention, such a group of sycophantic, messiah worshiping, authoritarian, hypocrites in all my life. After about the 10,000th clue, they could have bought one, but they go on and on with their fixation on hero worship above all else, on "compromise" as an end in itself, and on some very bizarre and disturbing desire to hold no principles, of any kind, at all, ever.

I can't figure out how many are paid off shills and how many of them could really be that intellectually stunted. It's mind boggling.

I can't see how I'm going to be able to in good conscience vote for either party's candidate this time.



Nov 7, 2004
It seems like there are no such things are moderates anymore :(( What I mean, it used to be the two sides of the aisles could at least agree on something resembling a compromise. I think for example most rational people agree that both budget cuts AND tax increases need to happen to get us out of that mess (this is including mainstream financial magazines). But then you have a subset of politicians saying "no -categorically no- tax increases at all or we will let the government default".
Dancing Fire I am mad at Obama but not for the reason you think. That he was trying to reason with unreasonable people. He gave them compromises, but they didn't reciprocate. Instead they walked away to make a politcal point, and shoved the problem to the future. If I did that at my place of work, I'd be fired.

sorry a bit of a digression.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
Imdanny|1314342583|3000006 said:
I'll vote Republican when hell freezes over, .....
I have never seen, and believe me, I've been paying attention, such a group of sycophantic, messiah worshiping, authoritarian, hypocrites in all my life. After about the 10,000th clue, they could have bought one, but they go on and on with their fixation on hero worship above all else, on "compromise" as an end in itself, and on some very bizarre and disturbing desire to hold no principles, of any kind, at all, ever. I can't figure out how many are paid off shills and how many of them could really be that intellectually stunted. It's mind boggling. I can't see how I'm going to be able to in good conscience vote for either party's candidate this time.Danny

so agree with you, Danny!

and part gypsy got it right for me with this, "That he was trying to reason with unreasonable people. He gave them compromises, but they didn't reciprocate. Instead they walked away to make a politcal point, and shoved the problem to the future. If I did that at my place of work, I'd be fired."

i held my nose when i voted for obama the first time and it looks like i'll have to do it again: voting republican given the field of contenders is not an option.

so, dear DF, please do not try and convert us....instead of doing so you end up making us even more committed.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
i want a lady President in the WH. IMO,women are more frugal, maybe a lady Prez will stop spending money that don't have.borrowing and spending will not fix our problems.


Mar 18, 2009
I love your post Imdanny. Good reads.


Dec 18, 2005
Yasser Arafat got one in the 90's. 'Nuff said. :angryfire:

Black Jade

Aug 21, 2008
Nobel prize hasn't meant much for a long time.
Look back over the years at who got their literature prize for instance--and who didn't.
It's just gotten worse now because it seems to be awarded on the basis of who is from either a a country considered 'underprivileged' or who is bringing attention to a part of the world that has an unpopular government--often deservedly unpopular, but that doesn't make it have anything more to do with good writing. It seems to be a prize for encouragement and to make a political statement more than for anything else and I fear the political prizes such as the Nobel Peace Prize have gone very much in the same direction. Of course they hit a ridiculous low with the prize to Obama--but Obama was in general--I'm trying to think of a polite way to put this--shall we say promoted beyond his experience, merits and talents by a few more people than the Nobel Prize committee? Being black and having lived through the Civil Rights Era, I was very discouraged not to be able to vote in good conscience for the first black that had a good chance of becoming the US president, but I really couldn't pull the lever for such an obvious incompetent. Well, I was in the minority (no pun intended) and now we are stuck with him until 2012, and quite possibly longer, since the other side of the field doesn't seem to have anyone any better.
I wish we'd go back to voting for people due to their actual qualifications as opposed to voting for them because they are from some minority who needs things made up to them (or some non-minority needs things made up to them, women are actually a majority of the population by number); they are well-dressed, smooth and polished and might make our foreign allies 'respect American more'; and all of these other reasons that have nothing to do with actually BEING ABLE TO DO THE JOB. Or even, just having a modicum of common sense. If so many people's personal finances are in the toilet due to not having a budget, living on credit and over-spending, why do the dummies in Washington still think that it's taking the moral high ground to whine that we NEED such-an-such a program because it will HELP all these people who really need help, and that it's unnecessary to even consider whether there is any actual money available for any programs at all?


Sep 3, 2009
I'm afraid we vote for rock stars now, Black Jade. It's tragic.

Danny, disagree heartily w/you about Friedman but agree about Obama & the whole Nobel committee. Alfred Nobel is probably spinning in his grave. Pulitzers have done the same. So goes everything....appearances matter more than substance.

--- Laurie


May 16, 2011
There is still hope for the price... let some one jsut invent cancer cure
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