
I just don''t feel well anymore...

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Dec 19, 2006
Several of my PS friends have noticed that I have alluded to having some health problems. They have asked me if I would be more open about what is happening. I am a very private person, but since my concerns have been coming out in my posts, I have decided to let you know what has been going on. I have a number of medical problems, which have affected my ability to work and my quality of life on a daily basis. It is complicated, but I will try to make some sense of it for you. I have chronic problems, which must be managed. My doctors have told me these are not going away. I have spasms throughout my GI system. I have esophogeal spasms, which make it difficult to eat properly and food can become "stuck" and not want to move down my esophagas. I have stomach spasms. These are the worst. They feel like a gall bladder attack. They are not, because my gall bladder was removed in my 20's. When I'm not having spasms, I have pain. I also have IBS. I have TMJ, which makes the whole thing more difficult. The TMJ, periodically goes into spasms, as well. I am in chronic pain from fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, herniated discs in my lumbar back, and a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder. I was in the hospital twice last year for severe chest wall pain that presented as cardiac distress. Come to find out, it's part of the fibro syndorme. I have recurrent skin CA and have had numerous surgeries. I had a melanoma removed about six weeks ago. My risk for more skin CA is very high. I will be examined every three months for the next three years, which is an increase from my twice a year schedule. My first bout with skin CA in early 2001, resulted in numerous reconstructive surgeries on my face. Fortunately, they were successful!! I have a condition called Monoclonal Gammopathy. When the tests turned up positive for this condition, my PCP referred me to an oncologist/hematologist for evaluation and care. She said that my condition would be monitored by the regional cancer center from that point on. At our last appointment, she said that this condition is now considered to be precancerous. People with MGUS, as it is called, are at a greater risk for developing multiple myeloma. The risk, while not statistically great, increases at ~2% per year. I have had a bone marrow biopsy, complete skeletel survey and extensive blood work. I am seen every six months. While there are not supposed to be any symptoms at this point, this has been somewhat controversial, with numerous patients reporting neurological pain.

One of the reasons my symptoms have been so difficult to manage is that I cannot tolerate most pain medications. They trigger my stomach spasms. So here I am in chronic pain without many options. I do go to a pain clinic for injections and recently had a procedure on my back called Radiofrequency Neuralysis. I have cortisone injections in my shoulder every 3-4 months. I also have injections in my jaws...not pleasant!

Due to being in chronic pain and having unanticipated stomach, jaw, migraine or other pain, I missed a lot of work. It got to the point where I asked for a medical leave. My employer [I worked in a hospital based mental health practice as therapist], has been wonderful throughout all of this. My clients were very understanding and wanted to wait until I returned to work to resume treatment. I couldn't let them do that and referred them to other therapists. Two weeks became three months and became nine months. We finally agreed that I should resign my position. While I am welcome to return at any time, that will not be happening. I simply do not feel well enough to resume my position. I have other options with another practice, but the pain and fatigue don't make it possible at this time.

I have never written so much about myself and my personal concerns before. I hope I have not overshared, but I didn't know how else to tell you what has been happening over the past few years. My health took a deep decline in August 2008 and this is where I am now. I've been told I need to manage my symptoms, which hasn't been easy to do. Rest helps more than anything. I don't get out much, but I'm on PS a lot! Thank you for listening and caring.


Dec 29, 2006
Oh Marian, I''m so sorry that you''re not feeling well and that you''ve have been dealing with chronic pain for so long. Is there anything that can be done for the pain? I know you said that most medications don''t work for you, but could there be *something* out there that your doctors are researching? My thoughts are with you.


Apr 17, 2008
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry you have been going through all of this. Thank you for sharing it with us. Hopefully the caring will reach you, and you will feel better soon. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best. I sincerely hope you start to feel better soon. Hang in there Marian.


Apr 2, 2006
Risingsun: I''m so sorry to hear that you''re dealing with so much pain, and having to face the possibility of cancer on top of it. Either of those situations is hard to imagine -- but the fact that you have is all at once is kind of incomprehensible. I''m sure you know that PS is here for you. I hope that you have friends, family, and spiritual support of some sort in your off-line life as well. I also hope that you and your doctors come up with pain management alternatives soon.

In PS parlance: much dust to you!


Jul 22, 2007
I have migraines and TMJ and THAT is plenty of pain to deal with. I can''t imagine the constant pain you must feel. Could something like acupuncture, herbal remedies, MET, or other alternative treatments give some relief?

I''m so sorry to hear of your current situation and I pray that you find some relief very soon.


Aug 15, 2004
As a fellow fibromite, my prayers have been with you. I didn''t know the rest of the challenges you''ve been faced with. There aren''t adequate words to sympathize. May tomorrow be brighter than today....


Dec 19, 2006
Date: 1/30/2010 8:42:28 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
Oh Marian, I''m so sorry that you''re not feeling well and that you''ve have been dealing with chronic pain for so long. Is there anything that can be done for the pain? I know you said that most medications don''t work for you, but could there be *something* out there that your doctors are researching? My thoughts are with you.
I have been to UVA Medical Center for a second opinion. They referred me back to my local doctors. We have been considering going to Johns Hopkins for another evaluation. One of the most difficult parts is being unable to control the pain. I''m sure that some of the fatigue is caused by dealing with chronic pain. I take nitroglycerin to stop stomach spasms, but that triggers a migraine. It makes me want to scream!! Thanks for your kind thoughts. I need them very much.


Dec 19, 2006
I will be back later or tomorrow to speak with all of you. I''m feeling very emotional right now. I just want to say that your support is so special. I''ve been keeping this in for so long.


Jun 23, 2005
I must admit I've wondered about your health issues that have been alluded to from time to time. It is difficult enough to manage one chronic diagnosis; you've clearly got multiple ones! I am so sorry to hear of all of this.

Would any medications used to treat anxiety help the spasmodic symptoms that you experience? It would seem that there should be something other than pain medication to help alleviate the spasms. I'm sure that not feeling well everyday leads to being depressed as well. It sounds like it is a real juggling act to try and treat everything simultaneously. Do they not want to do surgery on the torn rotator cuff in your shoulder?

You seem such a happy, upbeat person and I'm sure you had a lot to offer to those you counseled. I hope that you will one day be able to work again. Perhaps you could have a private practice in your home that wouldn't be like a daily, full time job?

I am sorry for your troubles - being in constant pain and discomfort cannot be easy. Here's hoping that the doctors are constantly searching for ways to make your life more pain free. I think you've made a wise decision to share your situation. Sometimes being able to talk about things (and you know this better than any) helps to cope. Please don't hesitate to talk here and please don't feel that you have to bear this alone. We are here to listen!


Jan 26, 2003
You have not, "overshared", Marian. You have been holding this back for a very long time. I do not know if anyone is aware of how long you have been suffering from these problems. Once in a while you would hint at them in a posting, but never discuss the issue. I know you are a professional counselor, but as a person, you are very private. I think it is good to share some of your concerns in a place where people who care about you can support you.

Thank you for trusting us. You are dealing with very hard, reality issues.



Sep 30, 2007
I''m sorry to hear this, I hope things get better soon. I used to get cortisone injections in both kneecaps a couple times a year and I know exactly what you mean when you say they are unpleasant. I''d go as far as to say they are downright PAINFUL!!! My mom dreaded the appointments as much as I did because I would squeeze her hand so hard.
I really hope things get better soon!


Nov 9, 2007
Oh how awful, you have so much more than your fair share on your plate! It is a tribute to you that your patients wanted to stay with you, and that you did what was in their best interest. That takes true strength. Sending love and strength to you and hopes for better health soon!


Nov 2, 2006
Thank you for sharing something so close and personal to you. Your road is a long and hard one, but you''re clearly a tough cookie who can and will fight to live every moment on your terms. My grandmother was the same type of woman. She suffered from multiple myeloma and blew the prognosis of six months out of the water and was with us for many many years following diagnosis. It sounds like you''re in great hands for treatment, etc. I think I speak for all of us here when I say we''re here for you. If our silly discussions about jewelry, shoes, family and friends lifts your spirits on an otherwise blue day, then we''ve succeeded in our mission of bringing joy into the lives of everyone who''s a part of the PriceScope community.

Best of luck dear.


Mar 2, 2004
Marian, my thoughts are with you. You have an incredible spirit, and I thank you for sharing so much with us. We will support you in any way that we can, and please know that your PS family appreciates you so much.


Nov 18, 2004
Thanks for sharing this with us. I admire you, and your spirit. You are facing a lot and yet do so with such grace. I will keep you in my prayers today and always.
I have severe neck pain, so can relate a bit, and I can''t tolerate pain meds either.

I pray things ease up for you going forward, I know what a tough road you are on.

Sharing this will help many, and in sharing will help you as well.

HUGE {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}



Jul 7, 2003
Marian -
I am lurking more than I post these days, but I wanted to say that you have taken a very courageous and vulnerable step in sharing with us what has been consuming you for a long time. I believe that part of a certain recovery is to share that pain with others and let them help you in their own way... I believe that you are a strong person!!! We are here for you!


Jun 7, 2007
Marian: I am so sorry that your health is not well. You are a valuable member of this forum and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Dec 30, 2006
I''m really sorry to hear how unwell you are. It would be difficult to deal with just one of your ailments but to deal with all of them must wear you out. I can only imagine how exhausted you must feel. The worst thing is your inability to tolerate pain medication. I really hope you can find something to ease your pain. Have you considered alternative therapies?

I''m glad you felt able to post here. I had a huge amount of support from PS''ers recently. They are a wonderful group of people and it sometimes helps to have somewhere you can let some of your unhappiness out.


Nov 20, 2007
Marian, please know we are thinking of you.
you will be in my prayers.
And I do admire you sharing your struggles with PS
(((( hugs))))


Jan 5, 2009

i wanted to know all the things you typed cause i'm your friend. wanted to know them because they're true - and yet didn't want to hear them because i didnt want them to be so.

i don't know how you cope. i'm sorry - i know i should be all encouraging about this, but having only just heard - all i feel is sad. (i want to give you a hug and am frustrated that i can't.) how do you juggle all this stuff? i have some gut issues that come from back trauma, and i know a little of the pain. but i can't imagine what it'd be like to have that chronically, and not just to be able to open a bottle of pills and find sufficient relief from the pain that allows you to go on with your day. one thing i can tell you for sure is that it was a loss to the world of therapy when you retired from your line of work.

marian, i'm glad you're on pricescope - you deserve diamonds. you deserve that rocking great ring you have on your hand and every joy that life can hold for you. you always bring such a WONDERFUL attitude - to every thread, every post - you've made *me* laugh out loud on more than one occasion - and your enthusiasm and kindness is startling, now that i have some context within which to place it.

you're gracious, marian, you truly are. and it amazes me that you can be that way from where you're currently sitting in life. i'm going to be praying for you - both giving thanks with a greater sense of awareness for you as a friend, and asking consistently for relief to come your way. relief and healing; as Hudson Hawk said - a brighter day tomorrow.

can you pls continue to TALK about this?? please don't let this be the only time you discuss your health; having only just had the door to that part of your life opened, i don't want it to close again. let's walk this in some way - together, ok? or at least share some tears.

big, gentle hugs.


Jun 26, 2008
Im sorry, risingsun
i appreciate your posts here and am sad that you go through so much IRL, i really hope that Johns Hopkins can help you cure or at least manage your health...


Jul 30, 2008
Thank you for sharing your story. I find it very courageous to open up and share that information. You''ve been on the "other side" for so long (being a therapist) so I''m sure it''s a different experience for you.

Best wishes to you and I hope you find strength you may be searching for.


Nov 4, 2007
Thank you Marian, for sharing your story. I have some idea of how hard it is to ''come out'' to my friends or PS about health issues. For what it''s worth, it helped me a LOT just knowing that there were people out there in cyber-land who could give me a hug almost any time I needed it. The pain can sometimes push so much out of our lives, that it seems as though there is nothing left but our self and the pain.

I actually found the support from PS to be easier to receive than those in real life. IRL I felt the need to explain, explain, and explain my diagnosis. Here, it''s easy: I hurt. Can someone help? The myriad of responses is mind boggling: from concrete suggestions to specific treatments from experts in the field, to ongoing queries as to how I''m doing, to (one of my favourites) people posting puppy pics (thank you Gecko).

Your responses in my Monster threads told me a lot about you. I had a sense that you really, really understood the sense of exasperation and aloneness that pain can bring us.

I am sorry you are going through this right now, and hope that you can find some relief from it. Would I wish you a cure? Of course. But that''s not up to me. So I wish you relief, because it is in those moments, hours, days of relief, that allow us to handle the pain the rest of the time.

soft hugs to you.


Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Marian, my heart goes out to you. I cannot even imagine how difficult it is for you just to get through the day. You know more than anyone how dangerous isolation is so I am glad you are reaching out. Hopefully you can find support and comfort here. I am thinking of you.


Jul 13, 2007
I''m so sorry Marian, I had no idea. I hope you have better days ahead. Thank you for sharing. Take care. ((((HUGS))))


Jul 12, 2008
So sorry to hear about your medical problems, Risingsun. I am in awe on how strong you have been through this difficult phase. I did, however, want to mention that PLEASE, please, do come here and talk about it with us - your good days and your bad days. While we aren''t of much help medically, we are always available to offer support and virtual hugs.

Hoping you feel better soon.


May 4, 2009
I''m so sorry to hear how much pain you''ve been in! You didn''t "overshare" at all - if it helps to talk it out, we are all happy to listen! I can''t imagine the amount of pain you''re dealing with - I also have TMJ and bad migraines and that''s difficult enough for me, I can''t imagine all the other things going on for you. I''m thinking of you and I hope you find effective ways to manage the pain soon. *hugs*


Apr 6, 2005
I''m so sorry Marian! You know we are here for you any time you need us. You did NOT overshare! I''m sorry you have had to deal with this for so long and sincerely wish your health takes an upswing soon. Take care sweetie and rest lots!


Dec 12, 2008
I''m sorry, Rising Sun-I can''t imagine having all those chronic problems loaded onto one person. I hope you can get different/better answers at another hospital. There has to be some way to bring you relief! Know that we are all here for you, Marian!


Mar 11, 2009
I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. This is quite a burden to carry. I wish all the best for you.
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