
I have an Idea! Tell me if it''s stupid!

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Mar 31, 2003
Just a thought.

What if we try to solve some of the occasional paranoia and accusations that go around by laying out any affiliations we may have?

I didn''t want to post this in rocky talky until I got some feedback. But this seems to come up during some of the very heated threads and I thought maybe those who frequent the forums could go on the record with their status.

As for me, I''m just Joe Nobody. A plain old consumer who got caught up in this place and can''t seem to get out. I know many others have already laid out their status, but maybe we can put it into one thread for convenience. Obviously voluntary and no real way to verify anyway, but what the heck.

What do you think? Stupid Idea?
I don't know if it's a good/bad idea but I'm like you . . .an addicted consumer.
It's an interesting idea - and a noble attempt to eliminate some of the more dramatic postings - but I don't think it would work.

First there is the whole idea that not everyone would be honest - thus rendering all posts to the thread as questionable.

Then there is the fact that this thread would, in a week or two, eventually get pushed down into history and any new people wouldn't know about it unless they stumble upon it while doing a search or viewing the older threads.

And most people who have been around awhile know where people are coming from - generally it's the new people who seem to come out of left field with their opinions, everyone else has already stated them in some prior post.

I would guess that the drama would continue even if your suggested thread was stuck to the top of the screen (and there would probably be some fireworks in your thread, too
)... it's the nature of the beast, people have opinions and often will "fight to the death" to support them!

Sorry Homer, I do admire your effort though!
A noble idea - but as Ad. said those that want to decieve will continue to decieve - with a stated platform of deception.

And yes, it's the newbies that come out of left field sometimes. Perhaps because you get to know where some of the longer posters are coming from.

Me, I buy diamonds - don't deal. I am, however, a retailer. As such, I see perspectives on both sides of the fence. I'm an Art & Antique dealer which is an oxymoron since I specialize in Moderne design (1900-1970ish). I do deal in jewelry - but only signed Silver pieces; so, I have a overview of design & the way pieces go together.

I stick around because I love diamonds & have more of a practical approach. Some may disagree with my style.

I have no affiliation with any of the dealers. I am a stickler for protocol though. I believe in specifics in testimonials. Sometimes I wonder if people have a clue that the stroke of their keyboard can *directly* effect/affect someone's livelihood.

That said, you can rest assured of only one thing - *I* did not have sex with that women - I mean woman - no wait a freudian slip - but that would make me authoritive.

BTW, you may know this - but the diamond dealers must use their signature at the bottom.

See ya around Mr. Simpson. Funny, when that cartoon first came out many moons ago I said to my husband - this is going to be big. He thought me to be nuts.
I don't think it's a stupid idea, but keep in mind that there are those of us who need our anonymity because we work for recognizable names in the industry but participate in PS on our own time and for our own reasons. Me, I'm here simply because it's one of the ways I keep an eye on trends in the trade, but I'm by no means an official representative of my employer. So I need to stay simply "LawGem."
As for me, I'm really just a consumer who wishes she were more. I like to play with rocks, have since I'm about 5 years old and collected 'rocks' in my play suit. (half the time, according to my Mother, it was petrified dog doo!).

I frequent all sites/forums I know about, and sometimes get verbally stoned for my opinions, but heck, what do I care, they are only words.

Now, if all those stones were diamonds, I'd be one happy lady!


Winyan, that was too cute! Now only IF they were diamonds, huh?
Kmom, if they had been diamonds, boy would I be one happy lady right about now!

Actually, I'm generally happy, w/wo rocks...maybe cause I got 'em stored in my head!

I am just The Rodentman, the one they love to hate. But as they say in France, "Je ne give a damn pas."

I'm the consumate consumer, own an EightStar, a few sims, sordid other metal rings, and far too many watches, which has become my passion.

I hop around from forum to forum, climb to the top of the highest tree and squawk until they cut the tree down.
Regarding diamond forums, let me add, in the immortal words of Robert Louis Stevenson, "I shall never set my foot again upon the heather."
i too am just a consumer who was able to get a lot from this forum and just wanted to share what i know and especially to ensure newbies, they're not alone. everyone started out knowing diddly-squat! just some of us decided to do something about it. i wish some jewelry store workers would do the same!

hey rodentman,

interesting sig you have there. what was your inspiration...besides a love for kimchee? i personally like dikon kimchee myself!
Actually I found that saying somewhere on the net, so I used it. I enjoy foods from other cultures, mostly Indian, Mexican and Far Eastern, and I don't mean New York. In my limited travels I always look for unique foods and tattoo shops. What else is there, unless there's a watch store, but I prefer to buy locally.
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