
I broke down and got him a man-purse!

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Apr 4, 2006
My husband was always going in my purse for change and giving me papers to hold on to or asking for gum....He even started carrying medicines around in his car in a shoe box. And he was constantly leaving his wallet places... That did it.

So I went out and found him this great man-purse. It''s a nice masculine brown color, has a shoulder strap, and pockets and a zipper. He LOVES it. I kid him to no end about it, but he really likes the thing.

Does your SO carry a "purse?"
I need to add that it is designed to be carried by a man. It''s not a purse purse. Ya know?
It''s not a purse, it''s a European Carry-All!
In Japan all men carry purses. It makes a lot of sense to me! In English "purse" is used for feminine products, but in Japanese it''s all "bag" so it''s neutral.
I know, I know...I just enjoy ribbing him. It took a while to convince him that this was very practical. Kind of like trying to convince John Wayne.
Nope, D doesn''t carry one. I really doubt he would too. He puts everything in his pockets.
Date: 3/16/2009 6:46:51 AM
Author: bee*
Nope, D doesn''t carry one. I really doubt he would too. He puts everything in his pockets.
That was my world...

Him: Have you seen my watch/keys/money/clippers/mini screwdriver/drivers license/dog collar/pencil/receipt/comb/guitar picks/aspirin/bill/paper with that ph no on it/cell phone....?
Me: No.
Him: You didn''t wash it, did you?
Me: (Steam coming from ears) I don''t know.
Him: That''s the third phone we''ve washed...
Me: If you would check your pockets before putting in the bin, it wouldn''t happen...
Him: If you checked, it wouldn''t....

The man-purse European carry all japanese bag has saved my sanity.
It''s a murse!

My husband won''t carry one and doesn''t carry more than his wallet, phone and keys anyway. We have a friend that carries one always. It''s a beautiful bag.
Date: 3/16/2009 6:54:26 AM
Author: justjulia

Date: 3/16/2009 6:46:51 AM
Author: bee*
Nope, D doesn''t carry one. I really doubt he would too. He puts everything in his pockets.
That was my world...

Him: Have you seen my watch/keys/money/clippers/mini screwdriver/drivers license/dog collar/pencil/receipt/comb/guitar picks/aspirin/bill/paper with that ph no on it/cell phone....?
Me: No.
Him: You didn''t wash it, did you?
Me: (Steam coming from ears) I don''t know.
Him: That''s the third phone we''ve washed...
Me: If you would check your pockets before putting in the bin, it wouldn''t happen...
Him: If you checked, it wouldn''t....

The man-purse European carry all japanese bag has saved my sanity.
LMAO - sounds like my world!!!

But Adam wouldn''t carry a murse if his life depended on it. Luckily he often carries a school bag, which can stand in.
Mine carries one, but just for work stuff. It''s not really a purse, I think it''s technically a small canvas tool bag with straps. And it says Craftsman on it. lol I do call it his "man purse" though.
Uh, no. My DH would probably laugh in my face if I suggested he get one...he's just not that type of guy. He carries his money clip, keys and cell phone...that's it, so there isn't really a need for one anyway.

However, he does have a computer bag that is stocked full of his work stuff. But that's well contained.
Date: 3/15/2009 10:21:56 PM
My husband was always going in my purse for change and giving me papers to hold on to or asking for gum....He even started carrying medicines around in his car in a shoe box. And he was constantly leaving his wallet places... That did it.

So I went out and found him this great man-purse. It''s a nice masculine brown color, has a shoulder strap, and pockets and a zipper. He LOVES it. I kid him to no end about it, but he really likes the thing.

Does your SO carry a ''purse?''
There should be no worry about a man carrying any type of bag these days...20-30 years ago maybe a unique issue,but a man either young or old carrying a backpack,bookbag, messanger bag, briefcase is more then common....its a need.The bag is acceptable to most guys in leather,canvas, or nylon in deeper neutral tones and colors.The bag becomes a purse when fringe,decrative hardware or bright colors are added.When I was in college all guys carried a backpack or bookbag.All the guys I work with carry a bag for their stuff for work.I live in Utah, a very consevavative state and its never been a question of as mans taste or partner preferance if he carrys a bag in the above discription.
My husband refuses to have one so I have to have a larger handbag so I can haul around his sunglasses and other junk. Good for you Julia getting your hubby to use one!
i''d like pics or links

i''m looking for a bag to bring with us to our trip to paris. one that both of us can use + sling it across us. one that''s not a backpack...

sounds like you may have found what i''m looking for
There was a trend in America in the 70''s for men to carry bags. I haven''t seen an American man carry a man purse (other than a backpack) in years. The disco era is over

Senior citizens sometimes carry "fanny packs" but it''s not a look I would want to emulate if I was under the age of 70
Date: 3/16/2009 6:54:26 AM
Author: justjulia

Date: 3/16/2009 6:46:51 AM
Author: bee*
Nope, D doesn't carry one. I really doubt he would too. He puts everything in his pockets.
That was my world...

Him: Have you seen my watch/keys/money/clippers/mini screwdriver/drivers license/dog collar/pencil/receipt/comb/guitar picks/aspirin/bill/paper with that ph no on it/cell phone....?
Me: No.
Him: You didn't wash it, did you?
Me: (Steam coming from ears) I don't know.
Him: That's the third phone we've washed...
Me: If you would check your pockets before putting in the bin, it wouldn't happen...
Him: If you checked, it wouldn't....

The man-purse European carry all japanese bag has saved my sanity.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, ahhh makes me laugh. My FI keeps spare napkins from places in his pockets ALL THE TIME. "Boy Scout Motto - Be Prepared!"
Now I have the habit of checking all pockets, even though I HATE doing that. Slows me down so much when washing stuff. Then when I miss one, it shreds to pieces in the washer and dryer.

No, my DH just leaves everything behind. Just lost a new blackberry.


I wish I could get my husband to at least carry a messenger bag to work (he takes his laptop and some papers to-and-from every day). He''s still using his backpack from college
No. He doesn''t... but... I keep my handbag small on purpose so I don''t get stuck carrying everything! HAHA! DH still hasn''t figured it out.
Juliia, I love your doggie! My younger son is OBSESSED with Chihuahuas. He wants one so bad. He has told me that when he grows up he wants 2 of them so they won''t get lonely.

Anyway, We need pictures of your husbands murse!
Hmmm _ I wonder if it all starts here.
A while ago I was talking to 2 preschool teachers who told me they noticed that boys most often arrived at preschool with their mother carrying their bag, and girls most often arrived carrying their own bag. OK, it''s not scientific but I thought it was an interesting observation.
Oh my goodness!!! I am thrilled to see so many responses! It''s been a loooooong day. This cheered me up considerably.

Ok, first of all, here''s a pic....

man purse1.jpg
YES, IT''s A, A, A,



(love it-too funny)
Chihuahuas are dear things. Asscherisme, they make great pets. They are VERY protective of their owners but really are just scaredy cats. They snuggle under covers and snore....mine were raised from puppies with our cats, so they clean their faces like the cats do--which is really weird.
Date: 3/16/2009 8:08:53 PM
Author: klewis
Hmmm _ I wonder if it all starts here.
A while ago I was talking to 2 preschool teachers who told me they noticed that boys most often arrived at preschool with their mother carrying their bag, and girls most often arrived carrying their own bag. OK, it''s not scientific but I thought it was an interesting observation.
Yes it is interesting... What starts it where a man keeps everything but the kitchen sink in his car? Or his pockets?

It must be related to being able to escape quickly? Cave man like. Travel light, and all that..

My theory about preschool bags is that the girls have the most fun ones and want to carry them. Mermaids and Tinkerbell and High School Musical...boys just get primary colors...
My DH has always wanted to carry one but couldn''t bring himself to until now. Now that we have babies he carries a messenger "diaper" bag which he enjoys thoroughly!
Date: 3/16/2009 8:44:50 PM
Author: neatfreak
My DH has always wanted to carry one but couldn''t bring himself to until now. Now that we have babies he carries a messenger ''diaper'' bag which he enjoys thoroughly!
Hey, form follows function! If it works, do it!
Date: 3/16/2009 8:41:39 PM
Author: justjulia
Date: 3/16/2009 8:08:53 PM

Author: klewis

Hmmm _ I wonder if it all starts here.

A while ago I was talking to 2 preschool teachers who told me they noticed that boys most often arrived at preschool with their mother carrying their bag, and girls most often arrived carrying their own bag. OK, it''s not scientific but I thought it was an interesting observation.
Yes it is interesting... What starts it where a man keeps everything but the kitchen sink in his car? Or his pockets?

It must be related to being able to escape quickly? Cave man like. Travel light, and all that..

My theory about preschool bags is that the girls have the most fun ones and want to carry them. Mermaids and Tinkerbell and High School Musical...boys just get primary colors...

True. Another scenario could be that neither the girls nor the boys want to carry them but the mothers only give in to the boys?
Date: 3/16/2009 8:47:18 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 3/16/2009 6:54:26 AM
Author: justjulia

Date: 3/16/2009 6:46:51 AM
Author: bee*
Nope, D doesn''t carry one. I really doubt he would too. He puts everything in his pockets.
That was my world...

Him: Have you seen my watch/keys/money/clippers/mini screwdriver/drivers license/dog collar/pencil/receipt/comb/guitar picks/aspirin/bill/paper with that ph no on it/cell phone....?
Me: No.
Him: You didn''t wash it, did you?
Me: (Steam coming from ears) I don''t know.
Him: That''s the third phone we''ve washed...
Me: If you would check your pockets before putting in the bin, it wouldn''t happen...
Him: If you checked, it wouldn''t....

The man-purse European carry all japanese bag has saved my sanity.
My husband does this too.. but he would never carry a messenger bag. My son however, loves his for school. I can''t list the countless things that have been put through the washer.. including..........
........... Sharpies that he uses for work. He has RUINED so many pieces of my clothing because of that.
Hubby has a valet on the dresser.. it gets covered with garbage and I end up having to go through everything..
I can''t imagine sharpies in the washer! I would go crazy.
I have to be honest and say I have ruined more than anyone...with lipstick tubes left in my pockets. They explode in the dryer... Bad scene there.

I hate change left on the coffee table. It''s a pet peeve of mine.....
Date: 3/16/2009 8:52:00 PM
Author: klewis

Date: 3/16/2009 8:41:39 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 3/16/2009 8:08:53 PM

Author: klewis

Hmmm _ I wonder if it all starts here.

A while ago I was talking to 2 preschool teachers who told me they noticed that boys most often arrived at preschool with their mother carrying their bag, and girls most often arrived carrying their own bag. OK, it''s not scientific but I thought it was an interesting observation.
Yes it is interesting... What starts it where a man keeps everything but the kitchen sink in his car? Or his pockets?

It must be related to being able to escape quickly? Cave man like. Travel light, and all that..

My theory about preschool bags is that the girls have the most fun ones and want to carry them. Mermaids and Tinkerbell and High School Musical...boys just get primary colors...

True. Another scenario could be that neither the girls nor the boys want to carry them but the mothers only give in to the boys?
Ooooo, evil. Why do moms do that? It''s male karma ..."help me I''m helpless."
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