
HPV: Colposcopy, LEEP & Cervical Cancer?

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Jul 30, 2006

I just got off the phone with my little sister who heard last week that her PapSmear came back ''ASCUS'' - atypical cells of undetermined significance. She went in today for a Colposcopy and is now waiting for the results.

Here''s my question - she''s HPV positive (both a low and high risk strands, though I don''t know the strand #''s). She had an abnormal PapSmear about 4 years ago, did the Colposcopy, it came back as slight changes, so she went on a 3-month routine of PapSmears and everything was fine for a while.

Anybody have experience with this? She''s young (21), and it''s scary to think all of this has happened already. Also, it''s frustrating because each time she''s come back from the doctor, she sounds a bit like she wasn''t listening at all... I guess this is the difference between us - she''s an art history major, I was chemistry, but regardless, it''s scary hearing her go through this and not knowing where things might be headed. Is cervical cancer the next logical progression? Anything she can do to keep this risk as minimal as possible? I''ve been reading online too, but figured 1st hand experience/knowlege would be useful too!

So anybody care to share? I know this is a bit personal, but I figured it was worth asking. It is ''fairly'' anonymous around here, or maybe you feel comfortable enough to help me understand my sister''s situation a little better?



May 9, 2006
I''ve been through all of it, Leep, colposcopy, test after test after test... -- what questions can I answer for you? I mean, other than what you just posted...cervical cancer is *not* necessarily next, but if she goes untreated, it is possible.



Jul 30, 2006
Sorry if I was not really clear - I''m just upset because she called tonight, couldn''t remember the name of the test she''d had (colposcopy), couldn''t remember the possible other test she might need (LEEP), etc... I reminded her about the 2 different HPV strains (she just remembered she is HPv+).

I guess my questions are this:
-what might cause these ups and downs in the PapSmears? Stress? She''s been with the same partner for the past 3 years, so I''m not sure if this has anything to do with it
-how painful is LEEP? She might have to have this done b/c during the colposcopy the Dr. told her her cervix was ''abnormally'' shaped, so he couldn''t actually visualize the area he needed to extensively.
-if she keeps going for regular Paps, could cervical cancer get caught quickly?
-how long could it take to go from a fairly benign Pap/Colposcopy to something actually defined as cancerous?
-if the colposcopy comes back showing cancerous changes, is it a all-or-none surgery? no possibilty of kids afterwards?

I guess I''m just feeling pretty clueless... these were questions I asked her and she didn''t know, though I''m guessing the doctor went through it all with her. I know I''m sounding overbearing and terrible, but I basically raised her, so I''m pretty much taking over the "Mom" role. And I''m worried : (

Would you mind sharing your story, at least briefly? I''m really not trying to impose, or cross some line, I''m just trying to see how this can progress.

Thanks for your incredibly rapid reply!


May 9, 2006
Date: 7/31/2006 11:51:10 PM
Author: Aurelia
Sorry if I was not really clear - I''m just upset because she called tonight, couldn''t remember the name of the test she''d had (colposcopy), couldn''t remember the possible other test she might need (LEEP), etc... I reminded her about the 2 different HPV strains (she just remembered she is HPv+).

I guess my questions are this:

-what might cause these ups and downs in the PapSmears? Stress? She''s been with the same partner for the past 3 years, so I''m not sure if this has anything to do with it

-how painful is LEEP? She might have to have this done b/c during the colposcopy the Dr. told her her cervix was ''abnormally'' shaped, so he couldn''t actually visualize the area he needed to extensively.

-if she keeps going for regular Paps, could cervical cancer get caught quickly?

-how long could it take to go from a fairly benign Pap/Colposcopy to something actually defined as cancerous?

-if the colposcopy comes back showing cancerous changes, is it a all-or-none surgery? no possibilty of kids afterwards?

I guess I''m just feeling pretty clueless... these were questions I asked her and she didn''t know, though I''m guessing the doctor went through it all with her. I know I''m sounding overbearing and terrible, but I basically raised her, so I''m pretty much taking over the ''Mom'' role. And I''m worried : (

Would you mind sharing your story, at least briefly? I''m really not trying to impose, or cross some line, I''m just trying to see how this can progress.

Thanks for your incredibly rapid reply!


Ok, I am not a doctor, so anything I say is only based on personal experience. I will be very clear about what I do and do not know.

Ups and downs in pap smears can be caused by a number of factors. I personally believe in the stress/health connection, but I do not know if there is medical evidence for this. Lab inconsistencies, normal body inconsistencies, can possibly cause (anyone with more knowledge can deal with this.) HPV can, as I understand it, be dormant for awhile. I do know that often the body can "cure" itself of HPV...but if it doesn''t after a certain time frame, (the "watch and wait" period) doctors will want to take action.

How painful is LEEP? For me, it was painful. The more relaxed (ha!) you can be, the better. It''s quick, about 5 minutes or so, and that helps. It took me about 4 weeks to fully recover. There is post-procedure bleeding. A day or so of discomfort. Your body is being invaded...there may be some exhaustion afterwards.

It is crucial she continues to go for Pap smears on a regular basis. Yes, they can catch it...they will hopefully be vigilant knowing her particular history. In a way, they have caught the "pre-cancer" -- she has a condition that could turn into cancer. Her body chemistry makes it favorable for that. Does that make sense?

I''m not sure on the time frame from "benign" to "cancer" -- please check with a doctor or on many of the helpful websites out there. It seems to be progressive, (in my understanding, you don''t jump...) but you HAVE to keep having those Paps. I get them every 2-3 months.

There are a few options when dealing with HPV/pre-cancer/cervical cancer. Some more invasive than others. The LEEP is successful for a great many women...some women need 2...for a percentage of women, a second LEEP may weaken the cervix so that sustaining pregnancy can be challenging, but not impossible for all. The more the ailment has progressed (and this is MY understanding and may not be correct) the more serious the treatment, the more difficult it may be to either get pregnant, or sustain a pregnancy. It is not, however, hopeless. I believe the vast majority of women who''ve had one successful LEEP have been able to get pregnant.

My story has been pretty scary...I have HPV and a genetic predisposition to cancer. This was all spotted at the same time they found a rather significant fibroid on my uterus (ok, at this point I''m sure I''ve skeeved a few people out...) I have way too many pictures of my plumbing. I almost sent the colposcopy pix as my Christmas card

The watch and wait period just went from bad to worse with me...I had the colposcopy for the fibroid, which is growing rapidly...and the LEEP for the cervical stuff. It all depends now on my next PAP, which isn''t until September.

I''m scared...the fibroid/HPV double whammy makes it tough for me on many levels...but be STRONG for your sister. Be worried for her, but be strong WITH her.

I don''t know if this helps...I''m happy to answer anything else I can. And if you''re really dying for pictures of my uterus, I can supply them too...maybe if I photoshop my e-ring in there?''re a good sister.



Jul 30, 2006

I know you''re not a doctor, but your personal knowlege and experience is invaluable! THANK YOU!

I just felt a bit lost - I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 7 years ago, had my ovary removed, and that''s been the end of it. I get tons of OBGYN checkups, and annual ultrasounds, but that''s been it. MUCH simpler...

Hope you''re feeling better... and honestly, I think pictures of your uterus would be pretty cool... I thought the pictures of my ovarian tumor were pretty kickin'' at nearly 16cm : )



Nov 12, 2004
Hi Aurelia!

I am a women's health nurse practitioner, so hopefully I can help answer some of your questions.

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a virus that is transmitted sexually...since it lives on the skin as well, it is very easy to become infected if you have sex. Condoms don't protect you completely at all. That is why so many people are affected. Bottom line is that if you have sex, you have a very high chance of acquiring HPV- and women are the ones that usually suffer the sequelae...

Its not acquiring the HPV that is the problem- if you tested most of our population, many would test positive for the virus- and there are so many different strains of it, some more "virulent" and potentially damaging than others. Most men and women dont even know they have acquired the virus until it rears its ugly head. The problem really becomes when the HPV invades and causes new cells to grow abnormally. These abnormalities can be a gential wart in men/women and/or cervical dysplasia (abnormal cell growth) in women.

The best thing to do is make sure you get your annual exam every year. A pap smear is done by taking a swab of the cervical cells, sending them to the lab, and looking under a scope to see if the cells are normal or show any changes at all from the norm....There is a universal grading system that we use to grade paps. Based upon their degree of abnormality, the next course of action/treatment is decided upon...of course, part of it us up to your physician/practitioner, but we have somewhat of a universal protocol when it comes to treatment for cervical dysplaysia. Part of that protocol includes putting patients at high risk on more frequent pap schedules to catch any potential problems before they get out of hand. Just because a woman has HPV doesnt mean she is going to develop cervical cancer. Yes, if she never goes for a pap ever for the next 20 years and she has been previously diagnosed with HPV, then cancer is a possibility. However, if your sister sees her gyn regularly and stays on top of this, hopefully the virus will eradicate itself and she will be just fine.

Once you have acquired HPV, the virus can stay in the body for quite a while, but for young, healthy women, the virus is usually eradicated and gone by the 2 year mark...this is not the same for everyone though, the virus can lie dormant for a long time, and just when you think its gone, it can come back. Another possibility, especially if you have another sexual partner, is that you can become re-infected with another HPV strain.

When a woman's pap comes back abnormal, depending on the degree of abnormality, sometimes the pap is just repeated, and sometimes the practitoner schedules the woman for a colposcopy. A colposcopy is a big microscope that is used to visualize the cervix completely. Any suspicious areas (abnormal cell groth) are usually biopsied and sent to the lab. Then that result warrants the next step...LEEP procedures, cone biopsies, etc...

Whew! I just realized this is really long! But hopefully I cleared up the whole HPV thing for you! Lets see if I can answer some of your questions now!

1. what might cause these ups and downs in the PapSmears? Stress? She's been with the same partner for the past 3 years, so I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it

Yes, you are absolutely right. You said she has had the same partner, so it is unlikely she has been re-infected. After some time, monogamous partners recognize eachother's strain and are highly unlikely to be re-infected at all. But stress has so much to do with it. Basically anything that affects the immune system can make it HPV come to the surface. So bottom line- tell your sis to take a multivitamin every day, get enough sleep, eat well, stop smoking if she is a smoker (HPV and cigarette smoking are highly connected- cigarettes activate HPV) and exercise. Boosting the immune system as much as possible= less chance of HPV popping up.

2. How painful is LEEP? She might have to have this done b/c during the colposcopy the Dr. told her her cervix was 'abnormally' shaped, so he couldn't actually visualize the area he needed to extensively.

Leep is an acronym that stands for laser excision- using a laser, the physician removes certain areas of the cervix that have been damaged by the HPV. When a patient comes for a leep the area is more easily visualized, but leep should be taken seriously. It is usually done with the patient under some kind of anesthesia- so not entirely painful. However, when/if your sis becomes pregnant, usually the dr follows leep patients more carefully by measuring their cervical length at regular intervals- to make sure that their is no cervical incompetence when it comes to carrying a pregnancy to full term.

3. if she keeps going for regular Paps, could cervical cancer get caught quickly?

Absolutely. This is the best "treatment" for HPV. Hopefully, she will eradicate the virus soon. Tell her to refer to #1.... long could it take to go from a fairly benign Pap/Colposcopy to something actually defined as cancerous?

Can take quite a while, but depends upon how virulent the strain , and how immunocompromised the patient is. Alot of things come into play. Always remember that cervical cancer is usually a very slow growing cancer. Getting regular pap smears is the best prevention.

5.-if the colposcopy comes back showing cancerous changes, is it a all-or-none surgery? no possibilty of kids afterwards?

If the colposcopy comes back abnormal, then the next mode of treatment is determined by her physician. Usually an option before a leep is something called cryo-surgery, where the abnormal areas of the cervix are frozen off...This procedure is done in the office and is not painful, just annoying pain, if you know what I mean. However, since I dont know the details of your sister's case, that is all I can say...
As far as having children- absolutely!!!! HPV has not been tied to infertilty at all. If anything, like I said, women who have had a leep procedures and other procedures on the cervix just need to be followed more closely when they are pregnant...

Hopefully this helped...I think I just wrote a novel

Good luck and please let us know what happens...and if you have any more questions, let us know!!!!



Nov 29, 2004

I''m so sorry that your sister is going through this. I was in the same situation earlier this year and all right before I was getting married, so I was already under a lot of stress.

I went in for my annual in February. Everything has always been normal, so I was shocked when I got a call a few weeks later saying that I was HPV+, and I was like what is that? I''ve never heard of it, and the nurse acted like it wasn''t a big deal, but they wanted me to come in.

I went in mid March for the colposcopy and they took a biopsy--I wasn''t expecting the biopsy part, so that was a bit disturbing. I went in for a mani & pedi later that day just to make me feel better.

Well then they called again about a week later and said that they wanted to do the cryo-freezing procedure to remove some cells on the outside of my cervix. This was a slight relief, because it was the best case scenario given the options. The LEEP just sounded scary and painful, so I was glad I didn''t have to do that. The doctor said it could wait until after I got married, I told her that when I was married, I was going to enjoy the "benefits" of being married, and didn''t want to miss out on any "fun" with my new husband.

So in April, exactly one month before my wedding, I went in for the cryo-freezing procedure, the longest 5 minutes of my life. I think its so routine for the doctor and nurse that they don''t think anything of it. They kept telling me to relax, and I told them it wasn''t a pleasant experience, not like a massage or manicure. I''m glad I didn''t wait until after the wedding, because it literally took 3 weeks for all the "drainage" to stop and my body to return to normal, and thankfully just in time.

Also my Doctor told me that if any other Doctors tell me I need the cryo-freezing procedure again in the near future, that I should say "No!". She said that they don''t like to be overly aggressive treating this in younger women who haven''t had children yet. I''m 26, and don''t plan on having kids for at least 5 years.

I have my first follow up pap since then next week, so hopefully everything will be normal this time.


Jun 28, 2006
Hi Aurelia, I''m really sorry that your sister is going through this right now. I had a slightly similiar situation a few years ago. I went in for my annual check up and the pap came back abnormal. They did another and it was also abnormal so they decided to do a colposcopy. I must have been about 18 or 19 and this was the only gynocologist I''d ever been to. I didn''t know what questions to ask and they weren''t very forthcoming with information. I asked what a colposcopy was and they gave me some "don''t worry about it" kind of answer and handed me a pamphelet that still left me very confused.

They ended up doing a biopsy without telling me that they were going to be doing it, and then didn''t even tell me that I would be bleeding for a little while when they were done. They didn''t even give me a pad or anything.

I switched doctors after this. Everything ended up being fine, but I still get upset thinking about all of that.

I think that at your sister''s age we all have that invincible feeling and just trust doctors to make everything better. Maybe your sister doesn''t know what questions to ask and maybe her doctor isn''t being very good about explaining things without her asking. One thing you could do is write down a list of questions for her to ask the doctor (and have her write down the answers too). Is there any chance that you could go with her to her next appointment? Just a suggestion.


Jul 30, 2006
Thank you thank you thank you!

I just wanted to try to find some more information. My sister goes from being non-chalant and a bit clueless about all this (like last night), to being incredibly upset and stressed out about it (this morning). I knew that was coming, so I figured being armed with some info couldn''t hurt!

Keep the stories coming if you''d like, I''m sure others will appreciate it too...



Sep 8, 2004
Sorry you''re so worried about your sister - I''m a big sister too, and I worry about my baby sister all the time (and she''s not even 2 years younger than me!).

I''ve had 2 Paps come back ASCUS, in the first one they also found yeast cells (yeast infection). The second Pap I was just getting over a yeast infection. For the third Pap I treated for a yeast infection a week in advance of my exam and it came back normal. I''ve had one more normal Pap since as well, so my Gyno is pretty sure the yeast infection caused the ASCUS result, although I''m still on an every-6-month Pap schedule for a bit to make sure everything''s OK.


Jul 15, 2004
Hey Aurelia,

For the past 3 years I have had an ASCUS pap result.
They have tested me for every known form of HPV and I have tested negative. They don''t know why my cells are abnormal, but they are. Their theory is that I have a form of HPV that has not been detected yet. Apparently this is pretty common.

I have had 3 culpos- once a year.
When we moved to California last year I had my first normal pap in a while, but my last one showed ASCUS again. I am lucky in that I have had conservative doctors who don''t rush for LEED or Cryo. They aren''t going to do anything unless the cells change substantially. I go for 6 mos paps and that is all I can do.

My doctor also says I have a small cervix which makes cryo a less desirable option becasue it can cause the cervix to roll in and make it more difficult to detect precancerous cells.

The doctor also told me it is not uncommon for a woman to produce a normal pap result after kids- fyi for your sister. So we are planning for babies in about 2-3 years.

I was really freaked out at first becasue that is a normal reaction, but once I researched that this was more common and less scary than I had thought and that a little preventative maintenance (i.e. pap smears and doctor visits) would kepe me healthy- I was fine.

All the best to your sis. Let her know she is not alone and to keep up with the dr. apptments. It is the best prevention of cervical cancer!


Jul 30, 2006
Thank you everyone for responding, most recently JCJD & Jorman,

It really makes me feel better hearing others'' stories. I spoke to my sister again today, and she said something like "why am I the only one?" It sounded a bit like a whiny teenager, but really, I think what she was trying to express is that while it seems like HPV is very prevalent amongst us young women, not many people really talk about it. She doesn''t know anyone else who is +, so I''ve been passing along some of your stories, just to show her... yes, these people exist! I think that made her feel a bit better - she''s not the 1st to go through it.

I''ll probably end up going down to be with her next time she has an appt., even though it''s about 1 1/2 hours away. I think she''s easily freaked out by doctors'' offices... and maybe her big sister being there would make it less yucky.

Anyhow, again, THANK YOU!



May 9, 2006
Haieee! *clamps knees together with the clang of steel doors closing*

Dear god I'm grateful mine have always come back normal. I haven't gotten my most recent results back yet, but now I'm nervous. Those procedures sound ...
*steel doors undergo 30-year nuclear fallout lockdown*


Jul 15, 2004
A culpo isn''t that scary.
They use a huge microscope to take a zoom look at your cervix, apply a vinegar solution to the cervix to make abnormal areas turn white and then they take a device that looks like a big ear piercer and they pinch your cervix and take a pea sized sample.

You cramp a little but that''s all and it''s over. No big deal.


Apr 9, 2005
Ugh, I hate this topic because I've been there, done that! About 10 years ago, I had an abnormal pap smear--HPV was detected, had the LEEP and it was gone. Didn't think about it again. Eight years later, it came back. Much to my dismay, my doctor did another LEEP--he prefers to be a little more aggressive but since this is what he does for a living (he's not a regular gyn, he specializes in gynecologic surgery), I trust him. He said my cervix still looks good as new since he was very careful about removing only a tiny section of cells. It's been 2 years now and so far all my paps have been normal--I go every 6 moonths. Unfortunately, the HPV tests show that it's still in my system for some reason. My doctor doesn't seem concerned since the paps have been ok but of course, it freaks me out because I want to have babies and don't want anything to get in the way of that. I think as long as your sister goes for regular paps and HPV tests, she'll be fine.

Regarding the LEEP, it really didn't bother me at all but I may have a high threshold for pain! The worst part is the injection of anesthetic which is really something like novocaine--I think it's epinephrine or something like that. It makes your heart speed up like an adrenaline rush but it really does numb the area that needs it! I just think the injection itself is uncomfortable. After that, the process takes less than 5 minutes and you really don't feel anything and then you're done! There is some cramping after and some spotting as well for a few days but it's really not bad at all. They tell you not to use tampons or have intercourse for at least a month after the procedure, until you can go back and get it checked out to make sure you're healing properly.

My only advice to you and your sister is not to panic. Sooo many women have this problem. Yes, it's scary and the fact of the matter is that the doctors don't even have enough information to make you feel better about it. My doctor has no explanations as to the whys or hows of this virus. But stress can't help anything so try not to think about it too much. With regular check ups, it can be closely monitored before it has a chance to possibly turn into cancer. Also, make sure your sister takes folic acid--it can't hurt, especially for women in their child bearing years. I'm also taking a supplement called Beta Mannan. It's made from aloe and apparently it's had good results for many women with HPV. You can only buy it online and it's not cheap but it's given me peace of mind and I think that counts for a lot!

Please keep us posted and although I know firsthand how scary it all is, try to stay calm for your sister because freaking out will only freak her out! Sending good thoughts your way...


Nov 29, 2004
I have a co-worker who had the LEEP 6 years ago, and she had a baby a 3-4 years later. She had no problems with conception or child birth due to the LEEP procedure.


Mar 14, 2006

While this is something to take seriously, it''s VERY manageable...and life will go on even with it! I read somewhere that 80% of college-aged females now have this virus.

Over 3 years ago, I had my first abnormal pap. I had no idea what to expect and was SCARED out of my mind. Since then, I have had a pap every 6 months, and a colposcopy once a year. While the paps are still irregular, my doctor is confident that so long as we maintain this monitoring, I will be ok.

As for the colpo''s, like someone said earlier, they are just very uncomfortable. Tell your sister to take 2 advil before going, and TRY to stay calm. I know the first one I had, I worked myself up so much that I almost fainted when I stood up...but it had NOTHING to do with the procedure itself; I was just that nervous. Now, I''ll typically schedule it for early on a Friday afternoon so I can have the rest of the afternoon & the weekend to relax if I want.

Tell her she''s definitely not alone! In fact, when I told a partner I was working for (who typically is not the nicest of people) that I had to have the procedure, she said "oh that happened to me in college too...don''t worry, it''ll get better."

We''re all here if she needs the support!


Mar 15, 2005
I also had an ASCUS result last year in Jan. I was just told to repeat the PAP in 3-6mo, and then I''ve repeated 6mo after that and am due now for my final 6mo interval one. I''ve been told if this final one stays clear, I can go back to once yearly PAPs. My doctor said that if any of these follow up PAPs had been ASCUS as well, I would have been referred for colposcopy, but since they''ve been clear, there''s been no need for that.

Your sister may not "know" anyone else with HPV, but I''m sure she does. I think somewhere around 25-30% of young women have it, but a lot just don''t know about it because they don''t get the warts or abnormal pap smears. Plus who really goes around discussing their HPV status with friends - they may know they have it and just not have told her!

I hope her colposcopy goes well and she gets the all clear...


Dec 29, 2004
Aurelia, as you can see, a lot more people have "been there, done that" than you would have thought. Not only have I read that 80% of the population may have it (think that is an overestimate IMO), but that 80% of the people that have it DON''T KNOW IT. Since it can be passed by skin to skin contact, condoms are not any kind of guarantee whatsoever. I should know. I was always very careful about condoms.

My pap came back mildly abnormal 4 years ago. They did the HPV test and it came back positive. I was pretty freaked out, but didn''t tell anyone about it because I didn''t understand what it meant. And the others are don''t seem to tell you much about it either. Part of might be because they know so many people have it and it may not be a big deal to them. But it was a big deal to me! While it is manageable, it is not a "curable" thing (although as others have said, it can "clear" out of your system) and it IS an STD.

Anyway, I have always been a big believer in being sexually responsible. While being good about protection, I have had a couple of instances where the condom broke. I waited a few months (at that time, it was recommended to wait to make sure the antibodies would show up) and went to get an HIV test. Each time came back negative. Phew! I believe if you are going to be sexually active, you should be responsible about it. I always promised myself I would not bury my head in the sand, and if I ever got an STD, I would tell previous partners.

Amusingly (or maybe not), that is how I came to be with my current beau. We met in Europe and were involved, but after I came home I decided it wasn''t worth keeping up communication and false hopes. When I left him in Italy, I told him we would never speak again and I held up my part of the bargain UNTIL I found out about the positive HPV result. I called him up and told him about it, and that he could be a carrier. I wanted him to be aware he could pass this to a woman, for which it could be a far scarier thing due to HPV being the cause of cervical cancer.

Fortunately, we had not had any other lovers after each other, and we both got our final tests done (HIV, etc) and are now engaged. So hopefully no chance of further infections.

I just got my 3rd normal pap back in a row (I have only had to do them yearly). It''s a bit of a relief, because the general consensus is that if you get 3 good paps in a row, it may have cleared. Still, while I would prefer not to have the virus, I have to say that it has kept me religious about going to get a checkup (which I was not good at before).

And keep in mind that cervical cancer is very treatable. I read that only 5000 cases are diagnosed every year (don''t quote me on that one though). If 80% of women DO have it, then it is a minute number that actually progresses to cancer. Tell your sister that she needs to remain vigilant about taking care of herself and getting checkups. For others that are reading this, there is now a vaccine that has just been approved for HPV, which is excellent news for the uninfected! I am encouraged by the many here that shared their stories. It''s just too easy to be embarrassed and ignore it. Kudos to you ladies, and thank you!


Nov 29, 2004
Tell her to take some advil or alleve before her appt, the nurse did not tell me this when we were making my appt, and that made me furious, because they didn''t even say anything until afterwards.

Also there have been lots of commercials on tv lately about hpv and there is a website listed on it, but I can''t remember what it is, something like or something that is supposed to have information, and I think a 1-800 for someone to talk to. You and/or your sister might want to look into this.


Jul 30, 2006
Heard from my sister tonight that the biopsy from the colposcopy came back with no significant findings... i.e. GOOD!

She''s quite relieved, as am I, and we both appreciate all of your input and advice!

Best of luck to everyone, and again, thank you!!



May 5, 2006
That''s great news Aurelia! Make sure she stays on top of this...


Jan 26, 2003
Just wanted to let all of you know that just because someone doesn''t post immediately to a Pricescope thread doesn''t mean that he has not noticed it. Sometimes it just takes time for someone who has seen a thread to return to it when s/he needs it!

In my case, I noted that this thread was here when it was first posted and have now returned to read it through after getting some of my GYN lab work back! And, yes, like earlier posters to this thread I can say that I, also, have "been there, done that" for some of these delightful procedures described above. I needed a refresher course and to be brought up to date on what the standard protocols are today! Isn''t it great that I can look up a piece of jewelry and how to interpret a Pap smear in one place? ;-) Thanks, Irina! Thanks, Leonid!

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