
How to keep finger nail tips white? What do you do?

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Mar 25, 2008
I have natural nails that I take very good care of and I paint them weekly. I try to keep the tips white as I usually paint my nails a translucent color. Right now, I use this nail white pencil that you use UNDER the nails. It''s easy to use but doesn''t last long. My nail tips are usually a faint white to clear on their own.

My pencil is about run out and I have been looking into another option but not sure what to do! I really don''t want to paint the tips white because then it will just chip off and that bothers the crap out of me. I like the option of applying something ''under'' the nail tip but not sure what else is out there.

I''ve read about mixing peroxide with baking soda and applying it to the nails (which I might try) but I don''t see how that would make the tips white or even last though the week.

I've been told to try this 'french manicure pen' but again, it says to apply above the nail. A SA told me that I could 'probably' apply it under the nail but it seems like nail polish on-a-stick to me and I don't see how this would last either. (btw, this isn't my hand. lol)

Then a few weeks ago I saw Molly from the Bachelor doing this to her nails making them white with a q-tip (under her nails) and thought to myself "What is that stuff?!? That's exactly what I'm looking for" Is it bleach? What is it and does it work? But I still don't

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

I think the q-tip thing was to wipe off excess polish around the tips.

I don''t really have any suggestions on a product as I usually get my manis done in a salon (it''s my only vice

But I did want to mention that if your natural nails are extremely clear, then that''s a sign of lack of vitamins in your system. Are you anemic by chance? I spent years with my nails being clear and it was mostly due to the anemia and not taking any vitamins. I started taking iron supplements last year and now with the pre-natals the condition of my nails have gotten much better. Are you taking any vitamins?
Oh, lol ok well that could very well be!

They aren't SUPER clear alone. You can't see through them. It's a bit white but like a little foggy white in parts? You remind me of my Mom by your post (not a bad thing) I could very well be anemic as I've been told by many including my Dr. I'm a vegetarian!
So that doesn't help any. Although I often eat things with protein in them. And I try to take a daily multi-vitamin but I often forget
terrible I know. I was on a good roll there a while ago where I took it every day but then I always forget. I also take calcium supplements daily.
LOL don''t worry about it. I sound like my mother all the time haha

I''m curious about the under nail product. That sounds interesting.
Oh, the pencil? I actually use that cuticle part (on the one end) to make sure the shape under the nail is good to go by (drawing it?) under the nail. Then you wet the pencil part and draw that under the nail a few times and it whites the underside of the nail. Some of it gets on the finger so you wipe it off. It sometimes lasts a while and it sometimes comes off after several hand washings. And I wash my hands a lot. (I'm very anti-germs) lol

I just wish there was something better to do...
I put some peroxide on a q-tip and clean them. I am always gardening and this is the only way to get the tips white
I would focus on strengthening your nails. I''m assuming if they''re clear, they''re probably pretty weak (flexible)? Up your calcium intake and protein and if you can do it (I know you''re veg), try eating jello for the gelatin. There are also supplements you can take for your nails that are supposed to be good. My nails are naturally very white, and I''m VERY anemic due to a medical condition, so I''m not sure anemia is the problem alone. It could be a whole host of things. You can also try dipping your nails in lemon juice.
Thanks ladies. I tried combining the peroxide with baking soda. I think it only worked a little bit maybe. I will try your suggestions though.

Hudson- They were weak but I started using OPI Original Nail Envy Nail Strengthener a few months ago and it works wonders! My nails are very strong and durable now.
I swear by that stuff.
Dreamgirl - easy way to remember to take your vitamins is keep the bottle next to your toothbrush! Then after breakfast when you brush your teeth, you can also take your supplements.
Date: 3/20/2009 11:40:34 AM
Author: Dreamgirl
Thanks ladies. I tried combining the peroxide with baking soda. I think it only worked a little bit maybe. I will try your suggestions though.

Hudson- They were weak but I started using OPI Original Nail Envy Nail Strengthener a few months ago and it works wonders! My nails are very strong and durable now.
I swear by that stuff.
I know, right??? That stuff is AWESOME!!!

I have natural nails too, and I do my own mani/pedi once a week. I only use OPI polish (with the Original Nail Envy as a base coat) because it makes my nails SO much stronger! I do still break one every once in a while, but not nearly as often as I did before I started using OPI.

About the tips . . . would it be possible to use a slightly more opaque polish, but still a light color? One of my favorite colors of OPI is called "Passion" . . . it''s an *extremely* light, sheer pink and it looks almost like a French manicure even though I never paint the tips white!
Thanks for the tip MC
Date: 3/20/2009 4:22:34 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 3/20/2009 11:40:34 AM
Author: Dreamgirl
Thanks ladies. I tried combining the peroxide with baking soda. I think it only worked a little bit maybe. I will try your suggestions though.

Hudson- They were weak but I started using OPI Original Nail Envy Nail Strengthener a few months ago and it works wonders! My nails are very strong and durable now.
I swear by that stuff.
I know, right??? That stuff is AWESOME!!!

I have natural nails too, and I do my own mani/pedi once a week. I only use OPI polish (with the Original Nail Envy as a base coat) because it makes my nails SO much stronger! I do still break one every once in a while, but not nearly as often as I did before I started using OPI.

About the tips . . . would it be possible to use a slightly more opaque polish, but still a light color? One of my favorite colors of OPI is called ''Passion'' . . . it''s an *extremely* light, sheer pink and it looks almost like a French manicure even though I never paint the tips white!
It is so AWESOME!
I also use OPI but I really enjoy using Orly and China Glaze as well. I''ve got several colors but on my finger nails, I usually keep it light or opaque. (And leave the bright colors for my toenails) I''ll check out that color this weekend! It sounds like many I have but there are so many different shades and tints that a girl can never have too many polishes! I need to go to Ulta anyway and I''m always up for a new nail color!

Just wish I could get the tips to stay a bold white...
This stuff is catching... after reading this thread, now I want MY tips to stay white!!

I love the idea of painting my nails, but all the effort falls apart within two days, as it all starts to chip!
Lemon juice can whiten your nails - that's what my manicurist says.

Also - make sure your nail polish does NOT contain formaldehyde.

Not only is it toxic, it stains nails! Lots and lots of nail polishes, strengtheners and coats have this as a preservative - even the name brands! More "formaldehyde and tolulene free" formulas are emerging, though! So read the fine print!

I think OPI's Nail Envy has formaldehyde. It used to, because I remember putting it back when I was looking for a formaldehyde free nail coating. There is an OPI Nail Envy SENSITIVE version that is formaldehyde free, though!!!!

It just irks me that there are so many products out there proclaiming they're GREAT for you but then have these ingredients that sabotage any good they'd do for you.

Example, Whole Foods natural crackers with fiber... So you think it's good for you and on the label you see hydrogenated oils. So you get whole grains, but with an artery clogging ingredient on the side. Makes me wary of everything now so I'm an avid label reader.
Bliss, thanks for telling us about the OPI Nail Envy formaldehyde-free formula. I plan on getting some next week.
Bliss- Yes, I know what you mean. I also know about the formaldehyde situation. My nails however are not discolored at all. I will consider the lemon juice thing as I read about that too. Oh, and I''m an avid label reader when it comes to food. I have to be- I''m a vegetarian and often times you''d be surprised as to what has chicken fat, renet (etc..etc...) in it.
Date: 3/20/2009 4:22:34 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
About the tips . . . would it be possible to use a slightly more opaque polish, but still a light color? One of my favorite colors of OPI is called ''Passion'' . . . it''s an *extremely* light, sheer pink and it looks almost like a French manicure even though I never paint the tips white!
I bought this color last week and I love it! It reminds me of the Orly French Manicure color that I used to use all the time. Thanks for the tip Irishgrrl!
Dreamgirl, I use that pencil too and love it - but I agree that it fades. Have you thought of using the pencil and then following it up with a clear coat of polish under your nail? That might work.
Date: 3/30/2009 6:00:40 PM
Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 3/20/2009 4:22:34 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
About the tips . . . would it be possible to use a slightly more opaque polish, but still a light color? One of my favorite colors of OPI is called ''Passion'' . . . it''s an *extremely* light, sheer pink and it looks almost like a French manicure even though I never paint the tips white!
I bought this color last week and I love it! It reminds me of the Orly French Manicure color that I used to use all the time. Thanks for the tip Irishgrrl!
YAY! It''s one of my favorites . . . I''m glad you love it!

My favorite OPI lately has been the "Designer Series" line . . . they''re very rich colors and they SPARKLE!!! The sparkly stuff is supposedly diamond dust!
Date: 3/30/2009 7:26:05 PM
Author: Elmorton
Dreamgirl, I use that pencil too and love it - but I agree that it fades. Have you thought of using the pencil and then following it up with a clear coat of polish under your nail? That might work.
lol Yeah, I''ve tried that before but then that usually comes off too. What I''m doing now is using the pencil more (bought another one because I didn''t know what else to do) and I apply it more often under the nails. I guess that works. lol
Date: 3/30/2009 8:38:54 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
YAY! It''s one of my favorites . . . I''m glad you love it!

My favorite OPI lately has been the ''Designer Series'' line . . . they''re very rich colors and they SPARKLE!!! The sparkly stuff is supposedly diamond dust!
I didn''t see those
I''ve got some sparkly clear polish that is quite lovely from Orly. I just looked at OPI''s website and now I''m wondering how some of those ''Designer Series'' might look on the nails (or toes for this summer)
I''ll keep an eye out for them...

Thanks! I LOVEEEEEEE nail polish. I have an entire box filled with them. haha!
Date: 3/31/2009 5:11:19 PM
Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 3/30/2009 8:38:54 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
YAY! It's one of my favorites . . . I'm glad you love it!

My favorite OPI lately has been the 'Designer Series' line . . . they're very rich colors and they SPARKLE!!! The sparkly stuff is supposedly diamond dust!
I didn't see those
I've got some sparkly clear polish that is quite lovely from Orly. I just looked at OPI's website and now I'm wondering how some of those 'Designer Series' might look on the nails (or toes for this summer)
I'll keep an eye out for them...

Thanks! I LOVEEEEEEE nail polish. I have an entire box filled with them. haha!
They are GORGEOUS!!! And they do look really cute with sandals in the summer. I was wearing the "Vintage" one, but I just took it off yesterday. I wish I would have taken a picture for you first! Why didn't I think to do that???

Something else I've noticed about the OPI Designer Series . . . it takes FOREVER for them to chip!!! Most OPI colors seem to wear very well, but the Designer Series ones last even longer than the regular OPI!

Oh, and I hear ya about the box full of nail polish . . . I have a whole drawer!
I''ve always wondered about this too...

I NEVER use nail polish, have very strong nails but still have a yellowish tint on my tips. I''m going to go home and try lemon juice tonight!
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