
How to get to the ceremony and back

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Feb 10, 2006
Hi everyone,
I''ve been thinking about limo''s and other means of transportation. I will get ready at my location (which is the same for ceremony and reception), so I don''t think I need/want a limo to take me to the ceremony in jeans or whatever. I figure I can just get a ride from someone in my bridal party or my FI and I would even go together..maybe. Then, since our ceremony and reception are at the same place, no transp. needed. Then, there''s how we get wherever afterwards.. a limo to the airport or back home, just have someone take us. I don''t know, maybe it''s just me but I can''t quite see paying for a limo for a trip home or to the airport. Plus, I heard there are minimums so I''d almost have to use it to get there and have it take us wherever after. Is it worth it?
What are you doing/have you done? Anyone else w/a similar situation and having the ceremony/reception at the same place?
Yeah, why bother with the extra expense? Especially if it seems wasteful to you and your FI. I think one of the main benefits of having the cermony and reception in the same place is to alleviate the worry of the transportation question. I say totally take off in your regular car :) Use that $300+ savings on something else you''d really love or save it, period.
Similar dilemma here- although I am going to get dressed at home (I want some pics at my house) and then have to travel about 45mins to ceremony&reception site with my 3 sisters and mom.

Limos around here have a minimum, so we''re looking at 300 plus tip. I can''t see spending that, so I''m either going to look into renting a Town Car or some nice car and have a family member chauffer us,
Or....just suck it up and ride in the minivan down to the site.

I really don''t want to waste the $ when we don''t need to leave the ceremony site even for photos.
Ok so I don''t want to sound creepy but here goes....

I know that through some funeral homes you can rent limos (NOT A HERSE sp?) for a discounted price maybe something to check into if you like the idea and not the price tag.

: ) Rebecca
So Happy, I agree! Thanks for your input.

Labbielove, I thought about renting something too and will probably check it out but just not sure if I even want that. Then, the family member would be driving my rental car (can others not listed drive a rental?) and they''d probably have to deal w/returning it (not sure if they can do that either). Unless maybe it''s rented from the airport and then just driven by us to the airport and returned. And I''m just not sure if I care whether I''m in a nicer rental or someone else''s regular car. I figure we probably wouldn''t drive ourselves anyway unless maybe he does and we leave in his car. I feel like this shouldn''t be something I''m thinking so much about!
We aren''t leaving the ceremony site for photos either so it seems like a bit of a waste to me too.

Sparkel, I''ve heard of renting from funeral homes before. I''ll probably check it out just to see the prices; it can''t hurt to call!
We rented a town car for our wedding. DH actually went with GM to rent the car the day before the wedding, so GM was on the contract and can drive the car. He then chaffeur us the whole day from like 9am to 11pm. That''s an affordable option if someone in your wedding party or family is willing to do the extra leg work and driving for you.
That''s not a bad idea. I''ll have to think about that and think of who that person could be. I guess part of my dilemma is do I even care enough to rent a car or do we just use our own cars. Part of me thinks it seems a bit weird to leave my wedding in some little Honda or whatever but then the other part of me wonders if I will really care what car I am driving off in. I guess I''ll figure it out in the next few months..luckily, I still have time!
we were in the same situation, dressed at site, everything in one place, -- we ended up not needing a limo. we drove away in our old beat up pick up truck!
ditto with the same location for ceremony & reception.

We spent our wedding night at a different hotel than where the guests stayed (on purpose!), and it was only about a 10 minute car ride from the winery where we were married. All the vendors I called charged at least an hour to have a town car come pick us up. I thought it was ridiculous, and sent them all an email saying that I would pay $XX, and no more for the short ride. Trust me, two took me up on my offer. After all, it was such a short job and why not take it (and the $$) if the car wasn''t being used?? Funny what you can get if you only ask.

Yeah. I am getting married in my grandparents front yard and having my reception at home (next door) so I am getting an old car to take us "down the road" and then after the reception "up the road" to where our car will be parked ready to go. I wanted something to get into after the reception bc it always is so cute when brides and grooms leave the reception and have something to take them away. On the other hand, my brothers new wifes father forgot to tell her a day before her wedding he didnt want to get them the limo he promised her, so we decorated my brothers car with shoe polish, tied beer cans to the back, and they went to their hotel in that. And it was cute. So, basiclly, i think its whatever YOU want. I wanted something unique, but my brothers car did the trip, and for a lot less is kind of a waste of money I know, so its just up to yoU!
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