
How to fight a bogus parking ticket

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Sep 21, 2006
It's not a police issued ticket, but one by the actual parking lot (company which owns the lot). The ticket claims I moved a cone to park (BOGUS!), and is demanding fee payment with no room for discussion. This is unbelievable to me, not to mention I had a passenger with me who can serve as witness.

I've asked around and a few people say it's not worth the hassle to fight it, just pay it. But it's not a question of just wanting to dispute the facts--it's a totally a made up situation to generate $$. I asked if they had cameras on the grounds, and of course no. Their only response has been "the guys got it right, why would we make it up" or something similarily unprofessional.

Urgh, does anyone have advice?
So anyone can give out tickets now?
What weirdos! Sounds like a scam to make some extra money.

I dunno.. How much $$ is the ticket? And is there any way they would send it to a collections agency if you don''t pay? You wouldn''t want your credit score affected over something so stupid..
Could contact local news agency or go to small claims court. I am sure that this has happened to others as well so IMO to just pay it would be saying it's okay to do what they are doing. They can't prove that you moved a cone. All that they could maybe prove is that a cone was moved. They have no proof if it was you or if a cone was even there to begin with. The case would be dropped if taken further.
exactly. But people are telling me they tried to fight tickets (not this exact situation though) and lost and ended up paying more in gas/aggravation, so they tell me to just pay it. It''s crazy to me. Not to mention I already pay $120 p/month just to park there!

I''d like to consider small claims court, but I keep hearing that the person in the right typically loses! (when it comes down to one person''s word vs. another''s the status quo tends to win).
This is not a police issued ticket so I would personally fight it either with a news agency to investigate or small claims court. They need to prove what you did... Things like this will get worse with the economy.
I wouldn't pay it. I would tell them PROVE IT TO ME. They are making the accusation, they have the burden of proof (OMG I'm watching too much Judge Judy)
Do they have a notice posted anywhere about fines being levied for violations, etc? Usually in Boston people are just towed. I suppose you could look at it positively in the sense that you didn''t have your car towed which can be a MINIMUM of $100 just to get your car out of impound.

If they don''t have anything posted and you see no notice of "rules" or fines/towing for breaking said rules, and yo really think they''re just trying to get $$$ out of you, I''d report it as fraud to the local police.
Date: 3/19/2009 1:43:31 PM
Author: atroop711
I wouldn''t pay it. I would tell them PROVE IT TO ME. They are making the accusation, they have the burden of proof (OMG I''m watching too much Judge Judy)

ditto. Do they have proof? I would definitely not pay that.
Definitely don''t pay it. Get the witness who was in the car with you to sign a statement saying you didn''t move a cone. Send them a letter (cc it to an attorney if you have one), stating that you did not in any way violate the parking rules, and that you will not pay the ticket - mention the witness, and state the facts in an objective manner. Tell them you will take them to small claims court if necessary. I don''t really think they have any way to actually get you to pay.

See what kind of response you get and go from there.
I fear if you fight the ticket u may loose your spot
I would not pay it. A ticket for moving a cone? Do they have signs posted with their parking policies? If you worked on the property & know their policies or they had signs posted etc.. I would think you would be out of luck. I dont know how tickets work with private property though.
Date: 3/19/2009 3:21:19 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
I fear if you fight the ticket u may loose your spot

That''s what I was much do you need this spot?
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