
How often do you take a shower with your DH?

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Mar 14, 2009
Not really often, I like to shower in my own.
In the same shower at the same time? Actually, never! I dunno, it just hasn't really occured to us. Besides, I like my shower warm to hot, while DH likes his shower skin blisteringly hot, so we'd probably spend the whole shower arguing about the water temperature
Occasionally, but not too often. He complains about how long it takes to condition my hair.
I always wonder, since in the movies couples always shower together before going work. I wonder how often that happens in real life.

Probably once a month here. And there''s a reason. I turn it up way too hot which he then complains about. Then it''s too cold for me which I complain about. Then I use WAAAY too much conditioner which I get a lecture about how it''s not good for my hair, yadda yadda. Then he hogs the water when I''m all soaped up. I finish and get out early. Then after a month has passed we say "How come we never take showers together?" Then we do...and remember why we don'' least for a month lol
Date: 12/15/2009 4:08:39 PM
Author: gaby06
I always wonder, since in the movies couples always shower together before going work. I wonder how often that happens in real life.

Haha, I''m tired in the morning! I want to get in and out of my shower and on with the rest of getting ready. If we weren''t showering together in order to
then what''s the point? He''d just get in my way
When we had a shower/tub and were trying to leave at the same time we did a few times a week. Now that we have a shower stall, it''s damn near impossible without getting an elbow in your eye! least once a week.

its something we enjoy, and most of the time we just both shower and talk like a regular conversation. it doesn''t always end with some
, its just a common habit of ours.

and i love it.
Never. I take too long. The water is too hot. DH is probably better off thinking I am naturally hairless rather than watch the assorted positions I have to contort into to keep things nice and tidy for him

When we do go away and stay at hotels with big jacuzzi tubs we will soak together for awhile.
Hardly ever. Really, only when we are feeling frisky. Plus he takes super hot showers and I take warm showers - I heard it was better for your skin
Very rarely. I like my shower water to be scorching hot, and DH can''t handle the heat.
Pretty often, and we always argue about water temperature. He''d shower in ice if he could. When we have a house, we''re going to put in dual showerheads so we can both be happy!
Date: 12/15/2009 5:06:53 PM
Author: Haven
Very rarely. I like my shower water to be scorching hot, and DH can''t handle the heat.

Everyday. It is very rare that we don''t shower together (one of us is traveling, sick, formal events - because my hair is done earlier in the day).

We have a large tub and we take a bath together about once a month or so.

This started when we were initially dating because I never wanted his kids to see me over there. (My Dad was/is a complete womanizer and I always resented that I had to meet all these women who never spent significant time in my life.) I never wanted his kids to have questions. So if I came over, I would park out front and we would shower together, so that you only heard one shower, and they would leave through the garage and I would leave after they did through the front.

Once it didn''t matter, we were used to it, and we just never stopped. I love the intimacy of showering together and I really DO feel cleaner! He washes my back and even puts that apricot scrub all over it. And I always draw a bath when there is something I want to talk to him about, but don''t want to do it face to face. It''s easier for me to do it when we are in an intimate situation, but we aren''t looking directly at each other. We''ve had many talks about marriage, the kids, quitting my job, buying a new home, his brother hurting my feelings...everything.

I don''t think we would have managed this in my old apartment, but our master bathroom is really large and we both fit!
It''s a fairly frequent happening for us, though DH is usually the one to initiate it. I enjoy it, both for the conversation and the

Most of the time he complains about the hot water, though; he enjoys a cooler shower, which I can''t stand. I live in New England; sometime you need a hot shower to get the chill out of your bones!
Date: 12/15/2009 5:41:12 PM
Author: wannaBMrsH
Everyday. It is very rare that we don''t shower together (one of us is traveling, sick, formal events - because my hair is done earlier in the day).

We have a large tub and we take a bath together about once a month or so.

This started when we were initially dating because I never wanted his kids to see me over there. (My Dad was/is a complete womanizer and I always resented that I had to meet all these women who never spent significant time in my life.) I never wanted his kids to have questions. So if I came over, I would park out front and we would shower together, so that you only heard one shower, and they would leave through the garage and I would leave after they did through the front.

Once it didn''t matter, we were used to it, and we just never stopped. I love the intimacy of showering together and I really DO feel cleaner! He washes my back and even puts that apricot scrub all over it. And I always draw a bath when there is something I want to talk to him about, but don''t want to do it face to face. It''s easier for me to do it when we are in an intimate situation, but we aren''t looking directly at each other. We''ve had many talks about marriage, the kids, quitting my job, buying a new home, his brother hurting my feelings...everything.

I don''t think we would have managed this in my old apartment, but our master bathroom is really large and we both fit!
So sweet.
This makes me want to shower and bathe with DH more!
Probably about once a month or so, but I would like to more. My problem is when we shower together I try to keep my eyes open but my contacts get wet and start to hurt so I can''t see. It''s not a problem when I''m showering alone because I just keep my eyes tightly shut. (And I can''t take the contacts out to shower because my eyes are SO bad I wouldn''t be able to see *anything*!) So we don''t shower that much together, but I still want to try to figure out a way around the contacts issue because I really like when we do.

I love taking baths with him though. It''s so intimate and relaxing to take a bath together. We haven''t in a while (I started getting chronic UTIs so we stopped the baths, but now I have medicine to take so I think I''ll suggest one again soon!) I just like sitting and talking to him in a bathtub full of bubbles - about our day, or important things going on, or just talking about how we''re feeling. It''s not even sexual all the time - it''s just relaxing and sensual and I love the closeness.
I have to agree about the baths, we had a really big jacuzzi in our honeymoon suite and we took a bubble bath every night we were there :)
We shower together pretty much every time. Like Octavia, I cant wait til we move and can have dual shower heads. Oh and an awesome tub too.
About twice a week, more often in Summer, we dip then shower outside... reg conversation not always:
(For me, it's BF, not DH)

We love it, but I figured it's not a common thing.

When I take a shower by myself (when he's not home), it's weird and lonely lol

ETA: And we don't have a big tub/shower. We just have a regular sized tub with a shower curtain.
Date: 12/15/2009 8:32:16 PM
Author: sctsbride09
We shower together pretty much every time. Like Octavia, I cant wait til we move and can have dual shower heads. Oh and an awesome tub too.
Likewise for me and my DH. Unless I go to the gym during the day, we shower pretty much everyday together.

I also cannot WAIT to get our own home so we can have dual shower heads so we don''t have to fight for the water, lol.

I agree with wannaBMrsH that it is really quite intimate and a nice way to spend some time alone with your DH. And, its a great wait to get eachother''s backs clean
Not as often anymore. We have several logistical issues in the shower: he''s 6''5" and I''m 5''4", so we have to constantly switch the shower head position. Plus, he prefers the water warm, whereas I need it to be as burning hot as possible. But the REAL reason why we don''t shower as often as we used to is because it almost always leads to sexy time! So we now only shower together on weekends, and on days when we don''t have anything planned for after.
maybe once a week, on Sundays. during the week he leaves earlier than I do and therefore gets up, showers and everything while I''m on the treadmill.

when we shower together we scrub each others backs with sea salt. the only problem is that we only have one shower head and one of us ends up getting cold. he''s usually sweet to pick up the shower head and make sure I stay warm.
We usually shower together. There is a lot of pressure here to save water so if we shower together we can both have slightly longer showers while not feeling too guilty. We like each others company and it is a nice relaxed place to chat.
We shower together whenever we can. As we are currently on holidays, we shower together almost daily. Otherwise we don''t on work days, as I have to get up much earlier than DH. We`ve been doing so for over 9 years now - since we`ve been together. It doesn''t really occur to us now not to shower together
Rarely. Like I've said in other threads, I like my own space/privacy in the bathroom. I also hate being cold when we swap being under the showerhead.

Bathroom stuff is my stuff. I guess I don't like sharing.
Date: 12/15/2009 5:09:47 PM
Author: Octavia
Pretty often, and we always argue about water temperature. He''d shower in ice if he could. When we have a house, we''re going to put in dual showerheads so we can both be happy!

Sometimes I read your posts and I swear I could be reading my own! DH LOVES cooler showers and when we shower together one of us is always complaining. We always talk about how when we get to have more control about our own house (there isn''t space to have two shower heads in our current house) we will have a HUGE shower with two shower heads.

I love showering with DH because we always have great conversations. Due to the temperature issues I often ask him to sit in the bathroom and talk to me while I''m showering. We shower most often together after going to the gym or something... basically times (besides first thing in the morning) when we both need to get clean.
We shower together a lot. It actually saves us time in the morning. Most mornings I roll out of bed and put on my gym clothes and then shower at the gym before work, but otherwise we shower together. I just stay in after he''s gotten out if I have to shave or do anything like that.
FI, not DH here

I''d say 1-2x/month. We''re both lucky that we love hot showers, but FI works on trucks, so he''s really dirty and grimey when he gets home from work, so he likes to shower as soon as he gets home. He gets home about an hour before me, and frankly, I don''t want to be getting all of that dirt on my feet

When we do shower together, it''s usually on the weekends, or when FI has not been at work.
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