
How much do you actually wear it??

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Jul 20, 2008
I wear mine all the time. Every place I go my rings go. When I first got it I went to take it off at night and he gave me a look and told me to leave it on and not take it off, so that is what I did. I used to take it of for showering, but forgot it on the sink one day and I got the look again and was told to put it on and leave it on.

I do take it off when I am cleaning with harsh chemicals though.

I clean mine about once a week. That''s just me.


Dec 12, 2006
I always have an ering on, paired with my wedding band or some other band. I take my rings off to shower, sleep or do the dishes.

I put my wedding band on after my shower and go to sleep with it. I feel naked if I don''t have a ring on my ring finger

I''ve had to change a setting because I was so uncomfortable with it (too blingy, too much) that I had to take it off the second I came home. That''s how I know a ring isn''t working for me!


Jul 7, 2003
My ring is quite large, but I go to bed with it 99% of the time. I love to sleep with it... I wake up in the morning and look at the pretty yellow color and it makes me smile. :) Seriously though, I always have it on, the only time I take it off is when I cook/fry stuff. I am anal about cleaning my ring, it's always sparkly. I figured the safest place for my ring is actually ON my finger. I could NEVER forgive myself if I misplaced it or forgotten it somewhere. Ugh....


Mar 2, 2004
I put my wedding set on when I leave the house, and take it when I get home. On weekends, I put it on once I''m ready to go, and take it off once we''re home for good.

I wear a diamond eternity band as my wedding ring these days, and I sometimes wear my plain platinum band around the house, just to remind myself . . .


Dec 19, 2006
I take my wedding set off if I''m cleaning, cooking, grooming the dog, showering, sleeping, etc. Otherwise, my rings are always on my finger. I get so much enjoyment from them that I want to wear them as much as possible. DH also enjoys seeing my rings on my hand
He wears his w-band 24/7.


Nov 12, 2004
I hardly ever wear my w-set....Maybe once a wk, if Im lucky? I wear my plain band most of the time, because Im so paranoid about damaging anything. Granted, I am a nurse, so Im constantly banging my hands....Its a shame


Aug 13, 2008
Date: 7/7/2009 9:54:51 PM
Author: Laila619

Date: 7/7/2009 7:29:10 PM
Author: IluvEmeralds
I know it seems weird to NOT wear my set, and it''s not that I don''t LOVE it, it''s almost that I LOVE it so much that I don''t want anything to happen to it. My husband and I saved for 6 years to buy it, and designed it to be a true expression of everything we''ve always wanted a wedding set to be. It''s perfect in my eyes and always will be. I know I must seem weird to NOT wear it. But then again when it''s just him and I at home, why do I need to wear it? He knows we''re married, I know, and we''re just lounging around??? Does that make sense?

I absolutely DO NOT wear it, cooking, cleaning, working out, or running errands, (grocery shopping, or other things like the hardware store where it knocks into stuff a lot). BUT I always wear it to work, or when I go out with my husband, or with friends. I LOVE my ring, and want it last FOREVER, and I suppose in a twisted way, this is my rationale for helping it stay perfect. I wish I could be one of those ladies comfortable with wearing it 24/7 (like my mom) - I''ve never seen her take hers off in 30 years!! - but I''m just not!!


Keep the responses''s really interesting to me...and my husband.....I might add!!
I totally understand this! I could have written this myself. You love it so much you just want to keep it pristine and perfect. I thought I was the only woman who didn''t wear her rings all the time.
NOPE - You definetly are not the only one of us, as we can see from all the posts on here. I think it really interesting to see what others do with theirs. This makes me feel better that I''m not the only one who''s so OCD about her ring.

Does anyone thing it might have to do with the STYLE of your ring that makes you wear it more? Like perhaps if it has a lower profile, or more classic/simple solitare design that it lends itself to daily wear better than more complicated/intricate ones? (NOT that one is better than the other, they are just different) I know that my ER is what I always wanted - but I have gotten many compliments from others on how they don''t think my set is a "daily wear" set.

What do you guys think? Does the style and design matter or is it still a matter of personal choice?



Nov 9, 2007
Date: 7/7/2009 7:54:09 PM
Author: thing2of2
I take my engagement ring off the moment I get home along with all my other jewelry (earrings, watch, necklace). I also change into comfy clothes as soon as I get home. I just don''t like to wear jewelry or real clothes around the house for some reason. I wear it whenever I leave the house for work, errands or something social. I don''t wear it to soccer or anything else sporty, although most of the married/engaged women on my soccer teams wear their sets while they play.

I don''t worry about messing it up at all, though. It''s insured and it''s just a thing. I''m sure I would be upset if I damaged or lost it, but it wouldn''t really crush me, I don''t think. Nice things are for enjoying! Why save them, you know?

Thing! I can picture you being just like Mr. Rogers, going into your house whistling. Taking off your ring, putting on your button down cardigan... he he. sorry, had to share that image with you, sort of a little female hipster Mr. Rogers.


Mar 14, 2009
I wear my set 24/7, I only take it off when I take a shower, moisturizer my hands and cook.

I love my set


May 20, 2008
I wear my ering every day, though I usually put it on after showering so if I have a lazy Sunday where I don''t take a shower, I probably won''t put it on. I''m getting a plain platinum wedding band, so I intend to wear that all the time, with the ering or without.


Dec 11, 2008
I put my e-ring on when I leave the house in the morning, and take it off before bed at night. I also take it off when I do dishes and when I''m doing heavy-duty cleaning or other work around the house. Not sure if this will change once I add a w-band to the mix, I guess we''ll see.


Oct 18, 2005
I wear my wedding band 24/7. I take off my engagement ring before going to bed and put in back after my shower in the morning.


Jul 22, 2007
Only when I leave the house. I''m a SAHM so not all that often. When I was working I would put them on right before I headed out the door, and took them off as soon as I walked in.

I have always had very sensitive skin and was allergic to any fake jewelry, so as a kid I got myself in the habit of taking off my baubles so I didn''t end up with rashes.


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 7/7/2009 7:54:09 PM
Author: thing2of2
I take my engagement ring off the moment I get home along with all my other jewelry (earrings, watch, necklace). I also change into comfy clothes as soon as I get home. I just don't like to wear jewelry or real clothes around the house for some reason. I wear it whenever I leave the house for work, errands or something social. I don't wear it to soccer or anything else sporty, although most of the married/engaged women on my soccer teams wear their sets while they play.

I don't worry about messing it up at all, though. It's insured and it's just a thing. I'm sure I would be upset if I damaged or lost it, but it wouldn't really crush me, I don't think. Nice things are for enjoying! Why save them, you know?

I never leave the house without earrings and my wedding set, but the minute I hit the door it's jewlery off, comfy clothes ON. This has its drawbacks though, when the consumers energy guy shows up and your scrubbed out, but whatever.

If I know I'm doing something that could be extremely hazardous to my ering, I'll sometimes wear a plain band stacked with my wedding ring, but that's rare.

Both of my rings are nice and banged up and ready for a polish and some love, but I wouldn't leave home without them!
I also clean them obsessively. Hee hee.

ETA: DH takes his off at home too.


Apr 21, 2009
Date: 7/7/2009 7:50:29 PM
Author: IluvEmeralds
I know that in my case I love diamonds and fully intend to buy several more in my lifetime, but I have no urge to wear them every day.

I completely agree! I could buy 100 more diamonds and still not have enough- and yet not want to wear them everyday. It''s insane in a way I know. :)

ILE :)
I haven''t wear a set yet as I am not yet marry, just recently engaged. But just want to chime in. My mom has collections of diamonds and gold jewelry and she doesn''t wear them on a daily basis. She claims they are too heavy to wear on a daily basis. She only wearw her plain 24ct gold w-band on a daily basis. I never see her take it off. Mind you my mom bake and cook on a daily basis.

So, I tend to agree with ILE.


Oct 27, 2008
i used to wear my First e-ring 24/7 unless cleaning with harsh chemicals. but it was smaller, and the shank of the ring, was plain and very very comfortable so I never noticed or felt it, then I upgrade to a larger diamond but the ring itself (i''ve changed it a few times) was never comfortable to wear so I usually take them off right after I get home from work. I also wear a plain band around the house sometimes or no rings at all.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Date: 7/7/2009 8:00:46 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I am like a lot of you. I take it off as soon as I get home. I only wear ering and wedding band when I am going out.

Truth be told?? I hate wearing rings, too confining... Plus I don''t want them on doing houswork, cooking and cleaning... So yeah once home, they take a nice long nap till the next day...

Same here. LOL to the nice long nap Lisa.


May 4, 2009
I wear my engagement ring, plain wedding band, and 7-stone diamond wedding band every single day. I feel naked without them. They''re on all the time, and I only take off my engagement ring and diamond wedding band when I''m cooking something messy or sleeping. My plain wedding band stays on 24/7 other than in the shower.

I feel weird even just walking around my apartment without anything at all on my ring finger, so I always make sure my plain wedding band is on at home even if I''ve taken the others off for some reason (such as baking/cooking or exercising).


Jul 5, 2007
This came up over the weekend, actually - DH and I mentioned to my SIL that we don''t wear rings at home, which was apparently shocking. I said that really, our rings are just jewelry (we''re married whether they''re on or off) - so if you''re the type who takes off your watch or necklace when you walk in the door, it makes sense that you take off your rings, too. Plus, they "live longer" that way.

But, Iluv, wear that beauty of a ring! Scratches and finger prints can be easily fixed - I wouldn''t not wear the ring because of fear you''ll harm it by wearing it. It''s meant for you to enjoy! :)


Aug 4, 2007
I only take my engagement ring off to shower, do the dishes and clean it. Used to take it off when I sleep too, but it feels safer on my hand than when it's sitting on a table.


Sep 4, 2007
I take mine off to sleep and sometimes when I wash the dishes (we have a ring holder by the sink). It is on the rest of the time.

I do switch mine around a lot though - sometimes I wear my ering alone with my wb on the other hand, or my ering and wb together, etc.


Dec 29, 2006
I wear my engagement ring and wedding band pretty much most of the time. There are times and days that I don''t wear them but I usually do.


Aug 13, 2008
Date: 7/8/2009 3:36:55 PM
Author: Elmorton
This came up over the weekend, actually - DH and I mentioned to my SIL that we don''t wear rings at home, which was apparently shocking. I said that really, our rings are just jewelry (we''re married whether they''re on or off) - so if you''re the type who takes off your watch or necklace when you walk in the door, it makes sense that you take off your rings, too. Plus, they ''live longer'' that way.

But, Iluv, wear that beauty of a ring! Scratches and finger prints can be easily fixed - I wouldn''t not wear the ring because of fear you''ll harm it by wearing it. It''s meant for you to enjoy! :)

Thanks El! :) It''s true I love LOVE my set, and I''m working on trying to wear it more. It occurred to me I didn''t wear mine all day today b/c I was running errands, and cleaning and just didn''t get around to putting it on (or any other jewelry for that matter.) My DH laughed at me since he knew I''ve been posting on this, since I''m leaving tomorrow for the Bahamas on a girls cruise and not taking my set with me there either. (Just toooo risky in my opinion). He said I cracked him up because I was going to go about 4 days without my ring.... and would I remember where it was when I came back? :) (He was kidding in a good way - not bad...he knows and loves how cautious I am about my set).

Ahhhh, I''m working on wearing it more I swear.......



May 27, 2008
I wear mine EVERYWHERE-- including the gym and teaching dance, etc. It''s a 10 on the Moh scale, and it''s insured. I can''t see having a ring like this and not wearing it, that would seem like a waste to me. The one place I do not wear it is in the shower, only because soap scum and hard water stains are so hard to clean!


Feb 3, 2008
I wear mine everywhere as well. I take it off if I am cooking something goopy like pizza dough or mixing stuff with my hands. I have a little jar that sits on the ledge of the window above my kitchen sink that I put them in. When I am done, they go back on. I wear them to work out, I have a pilates machine at home and I go to the gym for the eliptical. I like looking at them while I work out. I take them off too sleep because my fingers tend to swell a bit in the night. I have only had
my last upgrade ring for a month and its got a few scratches. I think anything that is used and loved gets a little beat up. It''s insured so I dont worry about it.


Nov 27, 2007
The simple fact of the matter is, I am *so* much more likely to lose my ring than damage it. I am a HUGE loser. I never take my ring off except to clean it, and then I don''t leave it to soak. I got interrupted cleaning it at work the other day, and nearly lost my wedding band. So, I try dang hard to leave it on the finger. I don''t even take it off to cook- I''d rather clean it later than space out and put it somewhere weird (I''ve lost so many sterling rings cooking it''s ridiculous). I wear it when I clean the cat box, when I do the dishes, when I swim. The only exception is when I travel out of the country. I travel fairly frequently and never take my diamond jewelry with.

If it''s insured, I''m not gonna worry about wearing it. Besides, I wear it for me and my husband to enjoy, not anyone else. It''s never occurred to me not to wear it at home, but to wear it only in public. I guess if I found it uncomfortable maybe, but I don''t.


Jul 8, 2008
I put my engagement ring on before I leave the house and off when I return. I don''t bother putting it on if I am just going to the local shops or the gym..
I''m not to sure why I don''t wear it all the time.. I have never really given it much thought


Dec 12, 2006
Since I work at home I tend to only wear my wedding band, I do shower and do dishes with it on, I do take it off if I am doing something that would harm it or get it really grubby or as SDL said when I am mad at my husband, which is alot, lol, I wear my ering only if I am going out, my set is not hugh but I have really short fat fingers and my new wedding band is much wider then I am use to, the added bulk of the ering kinda bugs me sometimes so dont wear it alot anymore.
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