
How much do you actually wear it??

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Aug 13, 2008
Okay so I realize that I haven''t been married all THAT long, but I''ve begun to wonder how much other ladies ACTUALLY wear their ER and wedding band. My set is a bit large (for me I guess) - around 4 cts total. I don''t wear my ring around the house after work at night- I take it off as soon as I get home. (It stays in my jewlery box), and I rarely wear it on the weekends if we are just hanging out at home. Normally I only wear my set if we are going out, or if I am going out myself to work or with friends, etc. HOWEVER, I notice I don''t wear it to grocery shop, or run errands where I run the risk of knocking it into stuff b/c I am OCD about it being perfect and not having a scratch on it. (I should also mention I clean it all the flipping time!). Is this normal? Are there others out there as perfectionist as me?

How much do you other ladies wear your rings??



Aug 1, 2008
I wear mine when we got out, when I''m working outside my home office and that''s about it. I don''t wear it when I''m home or if I run out to do errands from home. It''s summer and hot here and my fingers swell, so I wear them much less this time of year than I do in winter. I really wish they were about 1/4 size larger to accomodate for summer swell. Oh well.


Feb 15, 2007
I put my set on after my morning shower, and I take it off right before I go to bed.

The only times I don''t wear it are when I sleep, shower, garden, exercise, or bake. Both my engagement ring and wedding band are full eternity bands, and my e-ring has a 2 ct cushion on it, so it''s a fairly substantial set, but it never gets in the way. I love wearing my rings, and I think I''ll always love wearing them.


Jul 18, 2007
Never leave home without them. I would feel naked, exposed, undressed.

Never wear them at home. I''m very careful to take care of what was a major investment of funds for us. A plain band, or nothing at all, at home.


Jul 27, 2007
I wear my set a few days a month at most. Most days I don't wear any rings, but when I do wear a ring I ususally just wear a band. Today I'm wearing my husband's wedding band--I like his better than mine and he only wears his when we travel.


Feb 8, 2003
I don't understand the concept of buying an expensive ring and barely wearing it. . .seems like a waste of money. (I know most eng. rings are very sentimental, so hopefully nobody takes that comment the wrong way. It just seems more practical to buy a smaller ering to wear daily and then take the rest of the money that would have been left over and purchase additional pieces to add to your collection - studs to be worn daily, pendant, etc.)

The only time I take my rings off is when I'm cooking, gardening, working out, and swimming. I wear my studs nearly 24/7. I took them off today because I went swimming.


Apr 28, 2008
ILuvEmeralds, I''m the same as you! I hardly ever wear my set, much to my husband''s chagrin, because I''m so OCD about keeping it scratch free. I wear it when we go out for social occasions, and that''s basically it.


Apr 13, 2008
The only time I DON''T wear it is when I am working out, or cleaning the house/doing yard work. Other than that it never comes off my finger!


Jul 17, 2008
24/7 except when I am cleaning it.


Aug 13, 2008
I know it seems weird to NOT wear my set, and it''s not that I don''t LOVE it, it''s almost that I LOVE it so much that I don''t want anything to happen to it. My husband and I saved for 6 years to buy it, and designed it to be a true expression of everything we''ve always wanted a wedding set to be. It''s perfect in my eyes and always will be. I know I must seem weird to NOT wear it. But then again when it''s just him and I at home, why do I need to wear it? He knows we''re married, I know, and we''re just lounging around??? Does that make sense?

I absolutely DO NOT wear it, cooking, cleaning, working out, or running errands, (grocery shopping, or other things like the hardware store where it knocks into stuff a lot). BUT I always wear it to work, or when I go out with my husband, or with friends. I LOVE my ring, and want it last FOREVER, and I suppose in a twisted way, this is my rationale for helping it stay perfect. I wish I could be one of those ladies comfortable with wearing it 24/7 (like my mom) - I''ve never seen her take hers off in 30 years!! - but I''m just not!!


Keep the responses''s really interesting to me...and my husband.....I might add!!


Feb 12, 2006
I take it off to shower. Curly hair+loads of conditioner+pave and a halo= cleaning nightmare.

But besides that, all day, everyday.


Jul 27, 2007
Date: 7/7/2009 7:09:15 PM
Author: MC
I don''t understand the concept of buying an expensive ring and barely wearing it. . .seems like a waste of money.
I know that in my case I love diamonds and fully intend to buy several more in my lifetime, but I have no urge to wear them every day. PSers know better than anybody that jewelry is a bad investment, so I just chalk it up to another hobby--in fact I''ve spent more on rock climbing gear than jewelry and haven''t gone in three weeks, so I''m actually faring better in the diamond area!


Aug 13, 2008
I know that in my case I love diamonds and fully intend to buy several more in my lifetime, but I have no urge to wear them every day.

I completely agree! I could buy 100 more diamonds and still not have enough- and yet not want to wear them everyday. It''s insane in a way I know. :)

ILE :)


Jan 1, 2007
I take my engagement ring off the moment I get home along with all my other jewelry (earrings, watch, necklace). I also change into comfy clothes as soon as I get home. I just don''t like to wear jewelry or real clothes around the house for some reason. I wear it whenever I leave the house for work, errands or something social. I don''t wear it to soccer or anything else sporty, although most of the married/engaged women on my soccer teams wear their sets while they play.

I don''t worry about messing it up at all, though. It''s insured and it''s just a thing. I''m sure I would be upset if I damaged or lost it, but it wouldn''t really crush me, I don''t think. Nice things are for enjoying! Why save them, you know?


Sep 30, 2006
I wear my eternity wedding band at all times (including sleep and shower, unless I''m soaking it in cleaner while showering), unless activities or work prohibit it (not often). I wear my e-ring almost all the time when out of the house, pretty rarely at home. Mostly because I''m worried about hurting it (I''ve knocked the prongs loose a couple of times, and getting it fixed has proved to be a big hassle thus far).


Nov 18, 2004
I am like a lot of you. I take it off as soon as I get home. I only wear ering and wedding band when I am going out.

Truth be told?? I hate wearing rings, too confining... Plus I don''t want them on doing houswork, cooking and cleaning... So yeah once home, they take a nice long nap till the next day...


Jul 21, 2006
I always have mine on, just take it off to shower and clean it.


Feb 17, 2007
I always wear something except when baking, gardening, etc. But I don''t always wear my ering. Sometimes it''s just a band or two stacked.


Feb 25, 2009
I only take my set off to shower and to sleep. I usually take my RH eternity bands off to walk the dogs and when I go to the gym.


Apr 19, 2003
I wear mine much less than I used to.
I have always been compelled to keep it sparkling clean and scratch free but I have been more OCD about it than usual.

I don''t get out that much these days and DH knows we are married... 34 years later he still remembers! ;-)

I wish I wore it more to get my money''s worth out of it but it isn''t a money thing.

I agree with the compulsion to keep it perfect....
After all, a diamond IS forever,isn''t it???


Jul 19, 2006
I used to have the same problem as you, I was going bare finger more than I had my rings on. Then with my first pregnancy, my fingers swelled and I couldn''t wear my set anymore, so for Valentine''s Day that year, DH bought me a 3mm plain white gold band to wear. That was 9 1/2 years ago, and it hasn''t really come off since. I used to just add my set to the plain band and wear all 3, then for our 10 year anniversary DH got me a 3 stone ring to wear with the plain band. Maybe you could do that, then you would always have a ring on, and just add your set when you are going out.

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
I don''t wear mine to bed (just my wedding ring), in the shower, or cleaning the house. Otherwise, I have them on- in the pool, working out, etc. I do notice that I don''t fully grip the subway poles with the bottom of my hand! I do think scratched and beaten up rings are kinda cool- shows that they''ve been worn a lot. But I also think nice, pristine, and unscratched metals are cool too.


Jul 17, 2008
Date: 7/7/2009 7:29:10 PM
Author: IluvEmeralds
I know it seems weird to NOT wear my set, and it''s not that I don''t LOVE it, it''s almost that I LOVE it so much that I don''t want anything to happen to it. My husband and I saved for 6 years to buy it, and designed it to be a true expression of everything we''ve always wanted a wedding set to be. It''s perfect in my eyes and always will be. I know I must seem weird to NOT wear it. But then again when it''s just him and I at home, why do I need to wear it? He knows we''re married, I know, and we''re just lounging around??? Does that make sense?

I absolutely DO NOT wear it, cooking, cleaning, working out, or running errands, (grocery shopping, or other things like the hardware store where it knocks into stuff a lot). BUT I always wear it to work, or when I go out with my husband, or with friends. I LOVE my ring, and want it last FOREVER, and I suppose in a twisted way, this is my rationale for helping it stay perfect. I wish I could be one of those ladies comfortable with wearing it 24/7 (like my mom) - I''ve never seen her take hers off in 30 years!! - but I''m just not!!


Keep the responses''s really interesting to me...and my husband.....I might add!!

I am probably as OLD as your mom.


Mar 24, 2007
I wear it 24/7 except for working out and showering. I do wear it while I''m sleeping because it makes me feel closer to my long-distance husband.

Black Jade

Aug 21, 2008
I''m allergic to mine!

Not a lot allergic, just a little allergic. I don''t even know if its real allergy or just that I have very, very sensitive skin--can''t wear makeup (yes, I''ve tried all the hypoallergenics and I''m allergic to them), perfume, use most soaps, etc. etc. Anyway, if I wear a ring very much and perspire under it, which happens, or get water under it washing my hands, I get horrific itchy eczema that takes months to go away once it sets in. So, like you ladies, I put my wedding set on to go out of the house (unless to the gym or swimming or something like that) and I take it off as soon as I return to the house. I definitely don''t wear it to sleep either.

I''ve done for 27 years (e-ring) and 26 years (wedding ring). Basically, the day he put them on me, as soon as I got home, I took them off! My mother and sister think that is so awful. My mother is always telling me, once he puts it on your finger, you''re never supposed to take it off. But they would have had to amputate my hands by now if I''d tried that. Interestingly, my mother, who never took her ring off, one day the diamond just fell out while she was in the kitchen. I don''t know if it was really soft gold, or if from the fact that it was never cleaned, dirt gets in the settings sometimes and makes the diamond loose. Anyway, she put the diamond away but later lost it because it was loose. She had to have her wedding ring sawed off sometime after that. She''s one of these people who gains a lot of weight once they''ve had some kids and after she had five of us, she weighed 150 lbs more than before, so my father sawed the ring off when it was choking her finger. Later both rings were stolen when our house was robbed, which makes me really mad--I''d love to have my mother''s engagement ring, which was really beautiful, wonderful rose gold, very high set tiffany style solitaire, very elegant, completely made by hand by a master craftsman. I''ve never seen another one like it. She had a big diamond in there, too--I don''t know what size exactly but my grandmother had more than a carat in an art deco style ring, and my mother''s was bigger than that.

Now I''ve got two platinum solitaires (my wedding set is 14k gold), one for my anniversary and one antique I got recently. I do not have the same issues with platinum. I COULD wear a platinum ring all the time--even when I perspire, I don''t get allergic. However, I''m so used to taking them off whenever I come home that I still do.

I feel very uncomfortable, by the way, if I go out without them on, especially my wedding ring. I''ve been known to drive back a long distance to put them on, if I forgot them, even if I was almost at the place.
I don''t have the same allergy problems with earrings and often wear them all day, just take them off to sleep. They only bug me if I''m on the telephone. Maybe that''s why my biggest bling is my earrings? When I had $10,000 to do anything I wanted to with (once in a lifetime thing), I picked earrings right away, not a substantial new ring. I have quite a small e-ring (1/3 carat solitaire) and bought a small anniv. ring too (.65 carat solitaire) but my stud earrings are almost 2 carat total weight and I''m looking out for a larger sized pendant eventually; I think I''m the opposite of everyone else on P''scope!

Black Jade

Aug 21, 2008
After 26 years my set is pristine. I''ve NEVER had to retip the prongs or anything on the e-ring and I have it checked periodically and the jeweller keeps saying that it looks great and doesn''t need fixing. And my wedding ring now doesn''t quite match my husbands because we had white gold on the edge that has worn off his but is still mostly there on mine.


Aug 8, 2005
In my house I only wear my wedding band and sometimes (more recently lately) my BGD pendant. My actual engagement rings gets worn on weekends and maybe twice during the week. But it comes off (along with anything else I''m wearing that isn''t my wedding band or my pendant) as soon as I get in the house (and goes right into where it''s supposed to go.

I worry about harming my setting. I did it once and don''t want to go through that again. My other jewelery just bothers me after a while of wear. I''m like that with clothing too. I get to the house, I''m in PJs. I can''t lounge around in my work, casual, or nice clothing.


Dec 16, 2007
I wear my set almost all the time but not to shower or sleep or work out. Sometimes I forget to put them on around the house or if I leave for a short time.

I really enjoy looking at my rings all day long, it brings me pleasure so I like to wear them as much as possible! Even changing diapers


Oct 21, 2007
I only wear my Martin Flyer diamond bezel wedding ring now. My original wedding rings don''t fit since my lupus fingers are too swollen. All of the other wedding rings I''ve had have been sold.....I''m saving up for a new ER and it will be bezel set, too. I plan to wear it all of the time once I have it made.

My ring comes off when I shower or when it hurts to wear it.



Apr 28, 2008
Date: 7/7/2009 7:29:10 PM
Author: IluvEmeralds
I know it seems weird to NOT wear my set, and it''s not that I don''t LOVE it, it''s almost that I LOVE it so much that I don''t want anything to happen to it. My husband and I saved for 6 years to buy it, and designed it to be a true expression of everything we''ve always wanted a wedding set to be. It''s perfect in my eyes and always will be. I know I must seem weird to NOT wear it. But then again when it''s just him and I at home, why do I need to wear it? He knows we''re married, I know, and we''re just lounging around??? Does that make sense?

I absolutely DO NOT wear it, cooking, cleaning, working out, or running errands, (grocery shopping, or other things like the hardware store where it knocks into stuff a lot). BUT I always wear it to work, or when I go out with my husband, or with friends. I LOVE my ring, and want it last FOREVER, and I suppose in a twisted way, this is my rationale for helping it stay perfect. I wish I could be one of those ladies comfortable with wearing it 24/7 (like my mom) - I''ve never seen her take hers off in 30 years!! - but I''m just not!!


Keep the responses''s really interesting to me...and my husband.....I might add!!
I totally understand this! I could have written this myself. You love it so much you just want to keep it pristine and perfect. I thought I was the only woman who didn''t wear her rings all the time.
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