
How much did your bed-pillow cost?

How much did your bed-pillow cost?

  • 5

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • 10

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • 20

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • 40

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • 75

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • 150

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • 300

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • 700

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1500

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • 2500 or more

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters


Apr 30, 2005
I had to get a couple of new pillows as DH discovered my 2 for $6 craft store pillows were much nicer than his $130+ temperpedic memory foam thing :bigsmile:

Thanks to ongoing allergy/sinus issues, I use lots of pillows. The most expensive was $15. They are great because I can have lots and arrange as needed. I also can replace often or just toss in washer & dryer to keep clean.
WHAAAAA? 7 grand for a pillow? Somebody is laughing all the way to the bank! You can get a good down pillow for 80 bucks. I spend anywhere between $40 and $65.
I used to buy more expensive pillows (nothing like that price though!) but after reading an article that stating that after a couple of years one third of the weight of the pillow is dust mite droppings, dead skill cells, etc. I was so grossed out. Since then, I buy new cheap pillows about every 6 months. I probably spend around $10 on a pillow now.

Here is an article that basically says the same thing
I get my pillows at Bed Bath and Beyond and always the 20% coupon they offer so I spend about $24 a pillow. I sleep on 3 pillows (very soft and cushy pillows so not too high) and buy new ones at least every year if not more often.

I'll use the 6K I saved for some bling. :cheeky: :appl:
I bought two duck feather pillows for about 12 GBP, hence I voted for 10 USD for one which I believe is the closest.

DK :))
charleston1|1394972059|3635111 said:
I used to buy more expensive pillows (nothing like that price though!) but after reading an article that stating that after a couple of years one third of the weight of the pillow is dust mite droppings, dead skill cells, etc. I was so grossed out. Since then, I buy new cheap pillows about every 6 months. I probably spend around $10 on a pillow now.

Here is an article that basically says the same thing

:eek: :o :eek:
When we were first married, my MIL gave us down pillows as a gift. I thought she was nuts. Then I slept on them. :shock:

They were awesome! I have since replaced them several times, the latest are Pacific Coast Down, firm fill, king size, from the Costco website. They are over $120 each. I will not trade them for anything and we take them with us when traveling. I just can't sleep with regular pillows anymore. Hotels are a real trial for me because their pillows just pale in comparison.

But my sleep is a big deal for me; I use 100% cashmere socks ($40 + a pair) to keep my feet just right, our mattress is a hand made $9000 mattress (floor model, though, cost less than a regular mattress), and I buy the 540TC Kirkland sateen sheets (which are Fabtastic, just the right combo of crisp and soft, and I'm super picky on sheets).

I rarely have trouble falling asleep, and I think it was all worth every penny. :D
charleston1|1394972059|3635111 said:
I used to buy more expensive pillows (nothing like that price though!) but after reading an article that stating that after a couple of years one third of the weight of the pillow is dust mite droppings, dead skill cells, etc. I was so grossed out. Since then, I buy new cheap pillows about every 6 months. I probably spend around $10 on a pillow now.

Here is an article that basically says the same thing

+ 1 I used to buy expensive pillows (over $100 bucks each) and then read that the dead things living in them were not helping my sinus and allergies so now I but cheap ones in a bargain pack usually $24.00 to $28.00 for two or they are sometimes less on sale and chuck them out regularly.
We just changed out our pillows, and I chose an $80 latex pillow from Macys based on these reviews: and I absolutely adore it. I can definitely see myself going up to $200 per pillow if I can feel a difference that would benefit the way I sleep, because I can only function properly during the day if I've had a good night.
I also can't wait till we can switch out our mattress - my fiance still has a hard time accepting that a several thousand dolllar mattress is worth it, but I've slept on one before and for me it makes all the difference in the world. We'll be putting all of our wedding gift money towards that.
I have a down pillow from Costco that was about $30.
down alternative pillow from walmart 7.99 replace twice a year.
I have about 75-100 overstuffed down pillows. I have allergies and sinus problems but I have the pillows zipped up in allergen and dust mite type barriers. I have had these for over a year and they are still going strong. I also have a 50/50 6 ft long body pillow, now THAT is a treat!
We are sleeping on the best pillows I have ever had in my life, and they are latex! I honestly wish I had found them years ago! They are RejuveNite™ Latex Pillows and we got the high profile ones (Restora). It supports my head better than any pillow I have ever had. We got them when we got our new latex mattress about 3.5 years ago, and they will last for years. They were around $100 each, but I think they will cost less than many others in the long run. I used to use down pillows, but these are far better, in my opinion. And these are terrific for those who suffer with allergies.

(Kenny, that is a weird jump from $75 to $150! I guess I'll have to choose $75.)
[quote="diamondseeker2006|1395004537|] (Kenny, that is a weird jump from $75 to $150! I guess I'll have to choose $75.)[/quote]

Poll results often reveal how a poll could have been better written.
A chicken and egg thing.

PS polls only allow 10 choices and I had to split it up to cover a wide range so I picked prices that about doubled. … and who would have thought 10% of votes would be $1,500? :eek:

Pillows sure do vary. :lol:
If I'm spending $1500 on a pillow, it better wash itself, the sheets, make the bed, and vacuum. $1500. Seriously? My mattress didn't even cost that much.
I'm disgusting and have never bought a new pillow. :naughty: So I have no idea!
Chewbacca|1395009440|3635468 said:
I'm disgusting and have never bought a new pillow. :naughty: So I have no idea!

I think this may be my favorite response of all time.
Chewbacca|1395009440|3635468 said:
I'm disgusting and have never bought a new pillow. :naughty: So I have no idea!

So you buy the old … heavy … ones? :knockout:
I voted $5 but mine might actually have been 2 for $5.00 at Dollar General. :lol: I like a really flat almost-not-there pillow, and I have mold allergies so I don't buy anything except synthetics. At 2 for $5, I just buy new ones every so often, and then my cats can sleep on the old ones or I give them to the animal shelter. Everybody's happy.
:knockout: ?! More like :love: !!

I guess it was bought for me by my parents in the late 80's, so yes, the heavy lumpy wadding is molded perfectly to the shape of my head. Ha ha!
Chewbacca|1395012156|3635514 said:
:knockout: ?! More like :love: !!

I guess it was bought for me by my parents in the late 80's, so yes, the heavy lumpy wadding is molded perfectly to the shape of my head. Ha ha!

So by now 74.256% of your pillow's weight is dust mite feces.

My husband and I splurged after our wedding for memory foam pillows from Bed, Bath, and Beyond (with some of our returned gifts, eep!) and spent about forty for each pillow before coupons.
Who knows what they cost when they were originally bought....I think they are older than I am :lol:
kenny|1395012971|3635524 said:
Chewbacca|1395012156|3635514 said:
:knockout: ?! More like :love: !!

I guess it was bought for me by my parents in the late 80's, so yes, the heavy lumpy wadding is molded perfectly to the shape of my head. Ha ha!

So by now 74.256% of your pillow's weight is dust mite feces.


You can wash old pillows.

And I've been happily sleeping I old pillows edits this thread and I will happily do it after ;)
amc80|1395008479|3635453 said:
If I'm spending $1500 on a pillow, it better wash itself, the sheets, make the bed, and vacuum. $1500. Seriously? My mattress didn't even cost that much.
Right! There's a store I like near me that sell that's 20k+ mattresses... Those tartan plaid ones. You know the ones?
Niel said:
Right! There's a store I like near me that sell that's 20k+ mattresses... Those tartan plaid ones. You know the ones?

No, but OMG. Can't even imagine. I really want a sleep number bed and those are around $5k...and even that seems ridiculous.
I had bought 2 down pillows about 15-20 years ago from lands end I think and used them until a few years ago when we went over seas and they disappeared from my suitcase at the airport, I assume they were cut open looking for contraband, I washed and dried them all the time in my home washer and dryer so they were a little flat but I loved them :(sad So now I bought 2 new down ones from kohls and they are not quite broke in yet but a few more washings and they should be. I hope washing them gets rid of the dust mite feces cause that is just gross....
iLander|1394978693|3635152 said:
When we were first married, my MIL gave us down pillows as a gift. I thought she was nuts. Then I slept on them. :shock:

They were awesome! I have since replaced them several times, the latest are Pacific Coast Down, firm fill, king size, from the Costco website. They are over $120 each. I will not trade them for anything and we take them with us when traveling. I just can't sleep with regular pillows anymore. Hotels are a real trial for me because their pillows just pale in comparison.

But my sleep is a big deal for me; I use 100% cashmere socks ($40 + a pair) to keep my feet just right, our mattress is a hand made $9000 mattress (floor model, though, cost less than a regular mattress), and I buy the 540TC Kirkland sateen sheets (which are Fabtastic, just the right combo of crisp and soft, and I'm super picky on sheets).

I rarely have trouble falling asleep, and I think it was all worth every penny. :D

LOL me too iLander! I take my pillows with me wherever I stay overnight haha. When we went to Italy for 3 weeks I took my pillows in my carry on. Security saw through that x-ray thingy they have that I had tweezers with me (not allowed) and asked what are those and I said eyebrow pencil. He said open up your suitcase (uh oh) because he didn't believe me (for good reason cause they were tweezers- a girl's gotta have groomed eyebrows yanno?). So I opened up my suitcase and right on top were my pillows haha and he looked at the pillows and then at me and said close my suitcase and go on through. Hahaha, I guess a terrorist doesn't travel with her pillows. :bigsmile:
amc80|1395026881|3635620 said:
Niel said:
Right! There's a store I like near me that sell that's 20k+ mattresses... Those tartan plaid ones. You know the ones?

No, but OMG. Can't even imagine. I really want a sleep number bed and those are around $5k...and even that seems ridiculous.


I think they get upwards of 50-60k