
How much color is too much color?

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Nov 15, 2005
So, now that I am a newlywed (
), my husband and I have an apartment that we will be moving into soon, as soon as we remodel it! It''s quite dumpy at the moment, but my sweet in-laws are going to re-do all the floors, cabinets, counters, appliances, etc. My first dilemma though, is wall paint color...

Do you think it''s too distracting to have every room a different color? Should I have all the hall ways in a nuetral color and then the rooms (kitchen, living/dining room/ bedrooms, bathrooms) in their own pretty colors? Or should I have some of the rooms matching with the hallways?? None of my colors will be really bright, so it shouldn''t be THAT much of a shock to have several different colors... What do you think?
Congratulations on both your marriage and your new house.
I think color is a wonderful thing. I actually don''t like drab walls, there''s something "apartmenty" about them!
We had a similar issue just a few months ago. We bought a house and didn''t know how to begin with color.
I knew that I wanted one room to be pretty dark (so that the whe moulding would show up, and I wanted other rooms lighter.
We decided to go with greens and basically chose from the same color palette. Our darkest room in the house is the second darkest green on the color palette... the big living room is somewhere in the middle. We painted a really dark accent wall with the darkest green. It wasn''t very brave of us, but worked out nicely.

I think if you choose different colors you might want to make sure that they still blend well from room to room.
That''s pretty exciting!
Tybee, that''s a great idea to do different shades of one color. Did you use any nuetral colors at all in hallways, etc.?
I''ve fallen in love with Pottery Barn''s wonderfull idea of teaming up with Benjamin Moore so we know what paint color they used!

this is a wall color I''d love for the master bedroom

This is a wall color I''d love for the living/dining room

This is a color I''d love for my bathroom, but my bathroom is really tiny so I don''t know if this would work
I also like this greyish/blue...

I adore Pottery Barn and think they make fabulous color choices in their advertisements. As for those 3 color choices, I love them! They're striking yet muted...very relaxing.

ETA: I also love the gray-blue.
I don''t think that you could possibly go wrong with those colors.
I think that bathroom color would be excellent, especially if you have white moulding.
the thing about Pottery Barn colors is that they''re sure to go together too.
I could definitley picture those colors together in one house.

How fun!!!

We actually didn''t use any neutral colors. Our little hallways are really like tiny rooms between rooms
and they''re painted a darker brown. The bathroom and kitchnn are bluish. We didn''t repaint them.

Maybe I should take some pictures and post. Man, I HATE painting, though... nothing like it really, tedious
and long, especially if you prime and tape like we did.

I''d certainly pay someone to do it if you can
I think all those colors are great! The bathroom color could work in a small bathroom, no problem.

The good thing about paint is if you don''t like it, it''s pretty cheap to paint over it... not like wallpaper. Go for it!

and I love color, almost every room in our house is a different color! they all will be when I''m done.
Hmmm, ok I tried the yellow Chestertown Buff color in the dining/living room tonight and it''s really yellow. I think I want something more muted. Any suggestions? I do still need to see it in daylight, but this apartment doesn''t have the best lighting. I hope I can find something that works.
What we did was a neutral tans with white trim and antique white ceilings downstairs and colors upstairs. We have a red, lavender, gray, merlot, and green rooms.
We bought our house based on the fact that the paint in every room were colors we liked! LOL! Actually, I walked in when we were shown it, and made the decision to buy right then and there, he hee. Seriously, though, the couple who owned it before us had upgraded everything (it was built in ''47), and the gal had done a fabulous job of choosing yellows, greens, and white trim that really appealed to us. The living room has a hand-done, faux finish that looks kind of like vertigris, and the dining room has the same finish in a sunny yellow (the rooms are adjoined by an arched, open doorway), and the rest of the rooms are variations of neutrals which play off those colors. I feel it''s very important to find a theme (just like a wedding!) and kind of use that throughout your home. Not necessarily does every room have to have that matchy matchy thing going on, but if the colors flow throughout I think it conveys a sense of logic and peace. The master bedroom in our house is painted a very light khaki color, with white trim on the closet doors and crown moulding, and I put a duvet cover of varying shades of greens/off whites on the bed, and with our antiqued white furniture it kind of goes with the rest of the house. The bathroom and kitchen were all white, leaving me the freedom to either paint, or like I ended up doing, accenting with accessories...I really like having the harmony of colors throughout the house, and not just doing whatever room the way I think is cute from magazines or catalogs. But that''s just mee.....
i think all of those colors are fabulous!! they all work well together.

we painted all the common rooms and walls/hallways etc in our house a soft taupe color. and then i had our master done in an soft ice blue. and then i did the guest bedroom in a warm golden yellow. and the office will someday be a dark gray green. the guest bathroom is a soft gray green. the downstairs bathroom is a dark taupe. so all the colors work really well together and it''s just the right amount of color but not too much. i probably could have even gotten away with painting one or two of the downstairs walls (impact walls) stronger colors like a dark green or a dark red, or a very dark version of the taupe the rest of the house was done in.

have fun !!
I am kind of in this predicament as I am not crazy about the colors in the new house we are getting. I too have been looking at all the pottery barn colors. I don''t think that there is anything wrong with picking different colors for each room and I plan to do the same thing as well, except in my LR and DR b/c it is all one big connected room.

I love that first bedroom color you picked and the second living room/ DR one as well. The second bedroom one is kind of similar to the first, so if I had to pick just one , I would go with the first one.

I also like the bathroom color, but I would probably pick something a little lighter if your bathroom is small, to brighten it up and make it appear bigger.

There is are two colors that I saw on their website that I liked, Brier Beige and Putney something, that I am thinking about for my LR/DR area.

Keep us posted with your colors because you might give me ideas as well!
When it comes to colors in the house, I say the more the merrier!

My FI and I bought a place about 2.5 years ago...and went a little nuts with color.

We stayed with earthtone shades...kind of a mustardy yellow (pale french gold) in the living room, dining room is a dark pumpkin (copper mountain) and the kitchen is an eggplanty color (wild manzanita).

We went a bit crazy...but we get lots of compliments on the colors we chose - and the rooms are kind of open, so you can see all of the rooms from the other...

Anyway, have fun...and don''t be afraid to be a bit bold!
Goodness I friggin love those colors! I need to save those pictures.
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