
How do you feel about threads you start & your image here?


Apr 30, 2005
How much do you think of threads you start as your threads vs. the community's?

I notice variation in how OPs post in 'their' threads.
Sometimes the OP will be very diligent about responding to every post.
People will apologize to the OP if they feel they have thread-jacked a thread that 'belongs' to the OP.

I can think of exceptions but I usually think of a thread I started (notice I didn't call it 'my thread') as a board game I brought to a party.
Everyone plays and if I play I'm just another player, equal.

How do you feel about threads you start?
Do you feel some responsibility beyond what you feel towards threads started by others?
Do you expect other thread starters should feel and post that way too?

On a related note I'll often respond to something someone brings up in a thread.
I'm not responding to them personally, just addressing whatever they introduced into the thread.
Sometimes people will get defensive/offended/insulted as if I'm attacking them personally because I do not share their views ... which catches me by surprise.

I think I just want to talk about the topics themselves and am far less preoccupied with controlling a carefully polished image here like many apparently are.

Penny for your thoughts about either or both of these topics ...
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I have no control over any threads nor what others post. I let it go where it wants to go, but if there's something I want to know more about, I will ask the poster. I try not to threadjack but sometimes it's not an easy thing to do. :bigsmile: If I disagree and think it's too much of a hassle/bother or too contentious if I respond, then I just ignore it. Image, what image? :lol:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I definitely feel more responsible for a thread I start versus someone else's thread.

And I do feel like it is "their" thread - so if I take it off topic I feel like I need to acknowledge that to the OP along with a quick apology if it's a small/brief threadjack. If I really take the thread off topic because others respond now to MY question and the original question gets lost in the mix then I would feel compelled to start a new thread.

If I ask for advice I do try to go out of my way to acknowledge everyone's answers - if I don't I will make a general "thank you everyone" or something of the sort just to say thank you for everyone's thoughts/input.

Not sure about my image other than I try to be who I really to ideas and input and genuinely curious about other points of view. And I guess I do want to make sure people know I appreciate their time (even if I realize they may be responding to my post/s only because they're bored and killing time or whatever :cheeky:)
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I've noticed some posters will go back and forth, on and on, arguing something with astonishing tenacity.
I tend to just say my view once or twice but I'll just drop out if I see no point in continuing.
This probably annoys some people who feel arguments should go back and forth as long as necessary to 'arrive at what is true and correct' ... or prevail or win.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

kenny|1455908393|3992989 said:
I've noticed some posters will go back and forth, on and on, arguing something with astonishing tenacity.
Kenny, people vary. I think this is also more of a men vs women thing. Women tend to go on and on, but men say it once and move on. After typing this, watch me get flamed. :lol:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

Chrono|1455909017|3992992 said:
kenny|1455908393|3992989 said:
I've noticed some posters will go back and forth, on and on, arguing something with astonishing tenacity.
Kenny, people vary.
Of course.
Mentioning how I do something is not a statement that it is the correct way to do it.
I resist having to add this disclaimer to everything I post.
IMO it goes without saying.

Chrono|1455909017|3992992 said:
I think this is also more of a men vs women thing.
Women tend to go on and on, but men say it once and move on.

I'm not going to touch that one with a ten foot pole. :lol:

Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

Very provocative topic Kenny :think: We all have different personalities and life expierence that shape how we view each other and ourselves. I personally think it depends on what the op's topic is. If they are asking for advise then they have more of a commentators role. If it is a more general topic (which is what I "think" you are referring to) it's far game and no one "owns" it, so to speak.
Oops, while I was typing away, the posts changed a bit. I agree about some people going on and on...
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

Interesting question, Kenny.

I've only started seven threads so, like a survey of one, my comments aren't based on much. And not worth a penny! :D

I don't consider threads I've started as being 'my threads'. They're just tossed out there to share a smile or interesting story, exchange perspectives or ideas, etc. I think its interesting to see where the conversation meanders, and people are free to post what they want.

I don't want to appear to be controlling a thread I've started and don't feel an obligation to respond to each and every post. I wouldn't want the thread to look like a private conversation rather than an open topic. However, with the wildlife and nature thread I started, its been hard not to gush over the wonderful photos taken by everyone here!

Image? I don't think I have an image. Should I hire a PR person? :think:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

Double post.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

Weirdly, I think I try to be most diligent and on topic when it comes to jewelry related threads. If someone starts a topic about her jewelry or project, I do think of it as her thread. If I start a thread about my jewelry item or topic, then I do often feel obligated to reply to each poster personally. I guess because I've seen others doing so and I accepted it as part of the board culture? Sometimes I don't reply to everyone individually because saying "thanks!" 20 times can seem rather pointless, and other times the thread has dropped far down to the next page of topics before I revisit and I don't feel I'm important enough to bump my thread with a response. It feels self indulgent.

When it comes to off-topic and Hangout threads, however, I think of it as a free-for-all! :cheeky:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I love when people respond to threads with their thoughts and musings and if they go off on tangents all the better. We are sharing ideas, thoughts etc and IMO there is really no such thing as a threadjack. I agree with blingbunny in that if it is a thread in Hangout it is A-OK to veer off topic vs a thread in Rocky talky or Show Me the Bling where it is a different story and more the property of the original poster so to speak.

I don't consider threads I start as "my" threads per se and enjoy hearing any and all views of other PSers and that is why I bother starting threads at all. I know my POV already and I want to hear what others think. And I enjoy responding too.

I try responding to everyone when I start a thread but I don't always do it just because I don't always feel like it. But generally I do. I guess I feel a responsibility to respond if I start a thread and that is part of my motivation in responding to everyone. I don't judge though if others start a thread and don't respond to everyone's comments. It's just what I generally do. Not saying there is a right or wrong way. It comes down to different styles that's all.

I know I am one of those posters who tend to go on and on and on. I write like I think/talk and once I start my brain keeps going and so therefore does my writing. Sorry. :oops:

Any way if someone doesn't like a topic or reading someone else's loquacious post they can just skip it so I figure it's OK.
And with me what you see is who I am. I am myself here as I am IRL. Not entirely sure what my "image" is here but for better or worse this is me and I make no apologies. Like in real life I am sure there are posters who don't care for me and posters with whom I click and like me and vice versa. In fact I have some close friendships from PS and I am forever grateful for PS for that reason. Again if someone rubs someone the wrong way here just move on to another thread.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

missy|1455913315|3993012 said:
I don't judge though if others start a thread and don't respond to everyone's comments. It's just what I generally do. Not saying there is a right or wrong way. It comes down to different styles that's all.

+1 on this. It's what *I* like to do, but I realize others may not want/like to do that or have that time that day, etc.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I never view a thread that I have started as mine. I love to watch a topic grow. Where I get weird is with the responding. I feel obligated to respond to everyone. I feel that if I only respond to one or two people, then others might think that I didn't find their response equally as important, which would never be the case. Then I start responding to everyone and the thread gets huge and it actually does seem as though I think the thread is mine and I am directing it. :(

As far as my image here... well, it isn't a complete portrayal of me. How could it be? I haven't been overly concerned about it. I hold back some stuff because my photo is on this website. It is said that things you say on the internet follow you forever.....
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

House Cat|1455914195|3993018 said:
I never view a thread that I have started as mine. I love to watch a topic grow. Where I get weird is with the responding. I feel obligated to respond to everyone. I feel that if I only respond to one or two people, then others might think that I didn't find their response equally as important, which would never be the case. Then I start responding to everyone and the thread gets huge and it actually does seem as though I think the thread is mine and I am directing it. :(

As far as my image here... well, it isn't a complete portrayal of me. How could it be? I haven't been overly concerned about it. I hold back some stuff because my photo is on this website. It is said that things you say on the internet follow you forever.....

LOL me too House Cat. Maybe it is more of a female vs male thing. :wink2:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

OK as people respond I feel the need to clarify :cheeky:

The topic of the thread has a lot to do with how much I view someone's thread as "theirs" or "mine" - if someone starts a personal thread asking for a advice on something that's different (to me) than asking "what do you like to eat for snacks?"

The more personal the more I would feel I was hijacking if for example, I started to talk about a related issue *I* have and then all responses were directed towards me.

Does anyone else feel/have this view? (I feel like it's often i see sorry for the threadjack, no?)
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

CJ2008 said:
OK as people respond I feel the need to clarify :cheeky:

The topic of the thread has a lot to do with how much I view someone's thread as "theirs" or "mine" - if someone starts a personal thread asking for a advice on something that's different (to me) than asking "what do you like to eat for snacks?"

The more personal the more I would feel I was hijacking if for example, I started to talk about a related issue *I* have and then all responses were directed towards me.

Does anyone else feel/have this view? (I feel like it's often i see sorry for the threadjack, no?)

I get what you're saying CJ. I think (at least for me) one of the reasons I say sorry for the threadjack is because I don't know if the OP is cool with it or not. I am totally cool with people talking naturally and having conversations veer off course as they would IRL. So I am good with that but because I don't know the OP and how they feel about it I always say sorry if I do veer off the original topic if someone else started the thread. Does that make sense?

And I agree with you that it does depend on the topic but again if I start a thread I am cool with others just taking it wherever it goes.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I start threads because I enjoy throwing out a question and reading the responses. It would be nice to respond to all of them but that's not always feasible depending on the number of replies. Wherever it goes is fine and I'm not concerned about image however I know that I have controversial views on some matters that wouldn't be well accepted so I would not start a thread relating to them or make a comment that might be inflammatory.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

missy|1455913315|3993012 said:
Any way if someone doesn't like a topic or reading someone else's loquacious post they can just skip it so I figure it's OK.
And with me what you see is who I am. I am myself here as I am IRL. Not entirely sure what my "image" is here but for better or worse this is me and I make no apologies. Like in real life I am sure there are posters who don't care for me and posters with whom I click and like me and vice versa. In fact I have some close friendships from PS and I am forever grateful for PS for that reason. Again if someone rubs someone the wrong way here just move on to another thread.

Then why are we replying to Kenny's topics?... aren't all of his threads loquacious?..:confused: :lol:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I think that some this could be explained by the thread topics. I would guess that people might feel that there is more at stake with meaningful/sensitive thread topics as opposed to a goofy survey about something. Certain topics could influence how OPs post, how members post responses, etc. For example, I might apologize for a thread jack in a thread about a serious/sensitive topic, but maybe not in a more light-hearted one.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I'm only too pleased if someone replies :P Normally I start a thread because I've been thinking over something and am feeling limited in the way I'm thinking about it. I know by posting the issue here I'm going to have my ideas expanded. In this way, I guess to me it's my thread and I'm getting something out of it but I don't in anyway take ownership over it. Others might be getting something out of it also and it might be different to what I'm getting out of it. There's also the people who might read but don't comment...
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I don't think I've ever apologized for a "thread jack." Like any conversation, people speak tangentially and eventually things get back on track if the topic was that important anyway. When I see people apologizing though I take it as more of a "pardon the interruption" than an apology.

I don't start a lot of threads. I don't know what that says about my image except that I haven't been terribly concerned with one. I don't have a lot of time to spend on PS so I don't respond to every post. I'm usually not starting threads asking for advice or anything of substance so I don't think it matters that I don't thank everyone for replying to my thread.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

Dancing Fire|1455932145|3993144 said:
Then why are we replying to Kenny's topics?... aren't all of his threads loquacious?..:confused: :lol:

Thanks for the new word. :bigsmile:

loquacious |lōˈkwāSHəs|
tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

missy|1455914883|3993024 said:
CJ2008 said:
OK as people respond I feel the need to clarify :cheeky:

The topic of the thread has a lot to do with how much I view someone's thread as "theirs" or "mine" - if someone starts a personal thread asking for a advice on something that's different (to me) than asking "what do you like to eat for snacks?"

The more personal the more I would feel I was hijacking if for example, I started to talk about a related issue *I* have and then all responses were directed towards me.

Does anyone else feel/have this view? (I feel like it's often i see sorry for the threadjack, no?)

I get what you're saying CJ. I think (at least for me) one of the reasons I say sorry for the threadjack is because I don't know if the OP is cool with it or not. I am totally cool with people talking naturally and having conversations veer off course as they would IRL. So I am good with that but because I don't know the OP and how they feel about it I always say sorry if I do veer off the original topic if someone else started the thread. Does that make sense?

And I agree with you that it does depend on the topic but again if I start a thread I am cool with others just taking it wherever it goes.

Right - well, yes, same with's a courtesy in case they do mind (not that anyone would admit it though if they did mind.)

I like what monarch just said is more like "excuse me, now get back to what you were discussing!" - just like you might do in real life if you interrupted a discussion among friends/people bringing up something unrelated or something related but about you. (ETA and again here too the "level" of the "excuse me" would be related to how personal vs general/lighthearted the topic was.)
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I certainly agree 'threadjacking' depends on the nature of the thread, serious or light-hearted.
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

kenny|1455989218|3993319 said:
I certainly agree 'threadjacking' depends on the nature of the thread, serious or light-hearted.
It still after all these years drives me batty when someone takes a technical thread or post that I spend a lot of time on off the rails into the crapper often just because they have an agenda.

I enjoy it when people ask me questions about them because it gives me an opportunity to share more and when someone says "I get it now!" I am like YES!!! :appl: :appl:
Re: How do you feel about threads you start & your image her

I think very few people actually have an "image" here that anyone really thinks about besides maybe a dozen people.