
How are you celebrating Vday?

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Feb 10, 2006
Are you celebrating Valentines day? If so, do you have a usual plan or something new each year? Are you buying your SO something, if so, what?
My FI and I are going to this French restaurant we''ve talked about and no other set plans.. maybe see a movie but nothing too much. As for a gift, as usual, no ideas but I''m always hoping to get some from you guys!
Here's a similar kinda topic for some ideas..

We made ressies at a local restaurant within walking distance for us....really yummy food, great ambiance and they have fabulous shi-shi drinks!!! Should be fun, we can just walk there then come home and take a soak in our tub! We're not exchanging gifts, my b-bag was my gift from Greg...but I will probably get him something fun/cute/small and we do cards of course.
Probably nothing!
V-Day falls mid-week and so we probably won''t be able to get away from the kids. So, we''ll celebrate as a family. Maybe I''ll make a heart cake or long as rainbow sprinkles are involved, the kids will be easy to please! I''m hoping DH will at least bring home flowers.
Probably going to go out with a girlfriend for a low key dinner, dessert, and some shopping. DH will be working and I think it''s a fun day to spend with a friend if you can''t be with your sweetheart.
~~My bf has a basketball game that night, so (hopefully) dinner & a movie...
I''m excited because this is our first Valentine''s Day as husband and wife. We''ve planned to stay at home, and cook a filet mignon/lobster tail dinner, with a bottle of champagne. Oh, and NOT go to the gym
Probably nothing special. Our anniversary is 10 days before so I know we''ll go out to a nice steak dinner for that. Maybe we''ll cook on Valentine''s Day.
My husband ALWAYS makes me a HEART shaped pizza!!!! He started that tradition because all the restaurants are too crazy that day. It is very sweet and thoughtful! Happy Valentine''s EVERYONE
I always cook hubby and I a special dinner. Restaurants are too crazy and jack up the prices sky high for Valentines day.

SO SAD... but fiance and I are both scheduled for overnight shifts at the hospital on Valentine''s Day this year

But... we''ve promised each other to meet in the lounge for a BIG pizza with all our favorite toppings
-- as long as our ER & NICU schedules permit!

We''re heading out to dinner later that week to celebrate our own V-Day

Date: 1/29/2007 9:06:17 PM
Author: Skippy123
My husband ALWAYS makes me a HEART shaped pizza!!!! He started that tradition because all the restaurants are too crazy that day. It is very sweet and thoughtful! Happy Valentine''s EVERYONE

That is such a cute idea! I used to bake heart shaped sugar cookies and put them on a crystal platter that has very delicate pink ribbons and hearts (it is also heart shaped). Maybe I will do that with the kids this year. My husband will definitely help eat them!

We never do much for V-Day. We sometimes get each other cards and I do a craft with the kids, but flowers are so expensive and often not very good quality, so I asked hubby not to do flowers on V-Day (at least not roses). But if he brought some home I would not complain.

I should probably get planning and maybe get a babysitter for the nearest Saturday afternoon. We''ll probably go knock around at Restoration Hardware and Crate and Barrell. It seems like we never have time to go window shopping anymore, and we always enjoyed it.
Were going on a dinner cruise and then holing up at a hotel for the weekend :) I cannot wait I love taking mini trips.

Hope everyone has a good vday :)
V Day on Wednesday is really lousy. We''re thinking of buying a fondue pot as a present to both of us and doing a romantic dinner at home late after the kids are in bed. Does anyone have any good fondue recipes?

The heart cookie idea is cute and I might steal that idea to make V-Day seem special to the kids.
I''m not sure if this just sort of happenned or if my BF planned it that way and he was sneaky enough to made it seem like it was just a coincidence...

But, Feb 14th we''re flying to Steamboat, CO for a ski trip!

We get there in the afternoon and are staying at a beautiful cabin. We have a couple that is coming also but they don''t get there until the 16th...and then we all stay there until the 20th. My BF already made reservations for the 4 of us for a really nice restaurant the day our friends get there (the 16th) is just not like him to make reservations for dinner so far in advance...maybe we will all have something to celebrate??

I don''t want to jinx myself...but I think this may be it!
....I haven''t really giving it much thought because I don''t want to be dissapointed if it doesn''t happen, but I do have a *feeling*

That''s the day we fly out for our wedding!
Never been that big into V Day, but this year will be an exception.

15 days to go!
Not sure what I''m doing this year--but we usually go to our fav restaurant and give each other little gifts and cards. I did get an e-mail from him yesterday (very odd since he usually just asks--and we were both home when he sent it to me) to a link for a great mexican restaurant in nyc. i opened it in front of him---as we were in the same room---and asked if he was asking me on a date...he laughed and said yeah....i''m going on an official funny to be asked out by your husband....he''s so cute
ugh ugh ugh. I so want to cry.

I''m set to be at our annual sales meeting on Valentine''s Day- and will be far away from home. They told us late last year to hold that week, but I NEVER thought that they would acutally schedule it then! I travel in on Sunday eve, and leave Thursday afternoon. I''m SUPER-PISSED!!!

So we''ll be celebrating on Friday. I usually wouldn''t make a HUGE deal about something like this, but I''m a newlywed and this is our first VDay together as a married couple. Add to that the fact that I don''t care much for my job right now, and you''ll see why i''m so ticked.

Sorry to rain on the parade, just had to rant!

p.s- everyone''s plans sound lovely!

Oh yeah, I''d like to come up with a surprise or something to hide away so that DH will find it on VDay. Any ideas?
For those wondering about a great gift for DH...what about ordering your favorite snapshot in an enlarged version (8x10 or larger) and having it framed for him? My DH loves having pictures of us around and has grown tired (after only 3.5 yrs of marriage) of just having our wedding photos out in frames, so recently I''ve been doing this for gifts for him and he loves it. I also framed a poster size caricature we had done of us on our anniversary weekend, and he loved that as well. You can never have too many pictures, especially of yourselves before or even after having kids!

The last couple years we''ve gone to our favorite Mexican restaurant which is close by so we can go and enjoy margaritas and take a cab to and from...last year we actually met up with another couple we''re close friends with accidentally and ended up having dinner with turned out to be really fun and we came home and had a nice romantic evening afterwards. In years past we''ve made dinner at home, in fact our first year together DH attemtped lobster tails and they did not come out well at all so we swore off anything "fancy" after that, lol.

Islanddreams, have you done an online search for fondue recipes? Or there are usually ones that come in a booklet with the fondue appliance...I am not that familiar with fondue except having been to parties where it''s been served, and then all I remember is the melted chocolate with bananas or strawberries, or the melted cheese with chunks of bread or whatever. But I think fondue is great for V-Day because it''s not too filling--who can get into that romantic mood on an overstuffed belly? ROFL.
Lol! I will be reading "I Hate Valentine''s Day" with a good friend of mine who loathes V-Day with the fire of a thousand suns. She reads it every year and so we will sit with some wine and read that book. Since DH won''t be here (again) this year, I am sending him some cards, pictures, cds, letters, candy etc. I still hold out hope that DH will be here for it next year.

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