
Hot For Teacher or Just Creepy?


May 23, 2010
Full Article:

California Teen Moves in With Teacher
Amid a storm of controversy and police investigation, a California teacher who left his family and job to be with a teenage former student said he followed his heart and that the couple waited until he resigned before they "took it to the next level."

"I know my family is probably disappointed in me," James Hooker, 41, said. "They're probably confused in what we're doing. I'm not sure how to explain it to them. ... I am just following my heart and this is the direction I'm going in."

At issue, however, is when the relationship between Hooker and 18-year-old girlfriend Jordan Powers truly began, and whether Hooker broke any laws.

Powers, who has stopped attending classes at her high school but is still planning to graduate on time by doing independent study, said she's in love with her former teacher, who she met over three years ago.

Hooker and Powers met when she was a freshman and he was her business class teacher. They say their relationship evolved over time, and only became physical after Powers turned 18 in September.

As for his relationship with his family, Hooker said he plans to file for divorce, but he hopes he can salvage a relationship with his three children, including a 17-year-old daughter who attends the same high school where he taught and his girlfriend plans to graduate from this spring.

So, what do you think?

I think there's something wrong with the guy, if he's even considering someone so young. :? But there are plenty of old guys who go out with women the age of their daughters, they just wait until their daughters are in the mid-20's. Just bad timing or is he a pervert?
I have two teenage daughters and I wouldn't like either of them to date their teacher. I believe there should be a very clearly defined relationship between student and teacher. You should be able to trust your teacher and not have them hit on you. Also, I think teenagers should be allowed to be teenagers and not have to grow up too fast. Having a relationship with a much older man will most likely force the girl to grow up too fast. She should be out having fun with her friends and dating boys her own age. She shouldn't be having to act as some kind of step mother to children close in age group.
I think he's one sick puppy.
Selfish, absolutely no regard for his 17 year old Daughter who attends the same school, no concern for the emotional and social impact it could have on her or effects on the rest of his family.
Being a Father isn't just about having a relationship with kids, it's about guidance and leading by example, hard to do when you're morally nihilistic.
This happened in the same "media market" I live in and has been covered in the local news for the past week. I agree with that it's totally inappropriate for a high school teacher to date a student, let alone leave his family for a student.

However, this story has been in the news because her family pushed it into the news as a way of trying to force an end the relationship. As much as I understand their frustration, I'm not sure the media coverage is helpful to those involved... especially the teacher's family, who are essentially innocent bystanders.

BTW one of my HS teachers (way back in the day :wink2: ) was married to one of his former students. But... they did not start dating until after she had graduated, and they did so with her family's approval. If you're going to fall for a student, that's the way to do it.
I started teaching when I was 21, freshman comp. There was a 3 year difference between me and my students. And, you know what? I still saw them as being hugely off-limits. Now I'm 33, and the age difference between me and my students is STILL smaller than the difference between this couple - by half, almost - yikes - and now I see my students as absolute babies (in a non-condescending way - they can be mature as all get-out intellectually, but in terms of social experience, they're just ... innocent). I'm used to being around people my own age socially, and when I compare the mature, weathered features I'm used to with their big eyes and baby-skin, I seriously feel incredibly protective of them. I have no idea how a high school teacher can look at a student and see a potential sexual partner. Creeps me out like you wouldn't believe.
I haven't read all replies, except for the original post. But yeah, BIG TIME Creepy. That sh*tty excuse of a teacher - totally took advantage of the student...sheeessh!! :angryfire:

IMHO, his family is much better off without him. Creepy piece of sh*t!! :angryfire:
What a mess, as long as she is not stupid enough to get pregnant during this 'relationship' the girl should be able to get out fairly unscathed when the love affair/sir's midlife crisis is over. The emotional damage this must have caused to his family and her parents is awful though. What a selfish, deluded man. I'm sure his wife wishes he had just gone out and bought a speedboat and some drumming lessons instead. Creepy, definately.
VRBeauty|1330703272|3139148 said:
This happened in the same "media market" I live in and has been covered in the local news for the past week. I agree with that it's totally inappropriate for a high school teacher to date a student, let alone leave his family for a student.

Funny, I grew up in a neighboring town to Modesto!
Its creepy. (AND HORMONES on full tilt!) The 41 y.o. man is going thru some crisis and here's this hot 18 year old feeding his ego. This will burn out on both sides but what a hurtful thing to put a family thru. BOTH families really.
No normal

would do this

If I were his wife, I'd hire the toughest divorce lawyer primed for taking everything he ever thought he had . . . including any retirement monies now and in the future that may be building if he is vested in his state's teacher retirement fund. Well, I'd do the maximum damage allowed by the laws of that state, anyway.

This world is just chock full of assclowns, isn't it?
I think it's disgusting.

I remember old men who used to stand in the park and, um, stare at young men. I was always nice to everyone of any age. Believe me when I tell you that. But I'll tell you something, I told myself when I was 21 years old, I promised myself, I decided then and there and forever, I would never and I will never be one of those people, that I would never lower my dignity to acting like that.
Creepy and he's setting a terrible example by having her think that a relationship is more important than graduating from high school with her peers. She's now isolated from everyone. Left her family. He will lose his job. Who will hire him after he's charged with being a sex offender?
MC|1330710268|3139257 said:
Creepy and he's setting a terrible example by having her think that a relationship is more important than graduating from high school with her peers. She's now isolated from everyone. Left her family. He will lose his job. Who will hire him after he's charged with being a sex offender?

....and his kids at the school will be ostracized... they have to deal with the fall out of daddy being an IDIOT!
Phoenix|1330705780|3139176 said:
I haven't read all replies, except for the original post. But yeah, BIG TIME Creepy. That sh*tty excuse of a teacher - totally took advantage of the student...sheeessh!! :angryfire:

IMHO, his family is much better off without him. Creepy piece of sh*t!! :angryfire:

+1. Poor excuse of a man. His family is better off without him. I can only hope the girl wakes up and realize she's hitched her wagon to a creep and she's throwing away a prcious time of her life she will never get back.
I think this guy is a scum bag, and that it's pretty independent from him being a teacher. Any guy who leaves his family for an 18 year old girl who is still in high school? Ick. I'm guessing if he hadn't been a teacher he would have met someone some other way.

Id rather not think about this man.
Abuse of power!

I hope the cops can find out whether something was going on before she was 18.
I don't care how old a high school student is, it should be illegal for any teacher (or coach, or administrator, or parapro, or substitute . . . ) to date her. Period.
Even if the professional is 22 and the student is 18.
Even if the professional never had her in his class.
Even if they never saw each other on school grounds, met at a Britney Spears concert one weekend, and were shocked to learn that they spend their weekdays in the same school.

The teacher is abusing his power.
The student is being taken advantage of.


Stories like this make me sick. And in reality, they happen all the time.

(I know this happens as often, if not more, with male students as well. I only use "she" because we don't have a gender-neutral, singular pronoun in English. Well, we have "one" but that wouldn't work as well here.)
Haven|1330715616|3139349 said:
I don't care how old a high school student is, it should be illegal for any teacher (or coach, or administrator, or parapro, or substitute . . . ) to date her. Period.
Even if the professional is 22 and the student is 18.
Even if the professional never had her in his class.
Even if they never saw each other on school grounds, met at a Britney Spears concert one weekend, and were shocked to learn that they spend their weekdays in the same school.

The teacher is abusing his power.
The student is being taken advantage of.


Stories like this make me sick. And in reality, they happen all the time.

(I know this happens as often, if not more, with male students as well. I only use "she" because we don't have a gender-neutral, singular pronoun in English. Well, we have "one" but that wouldn't work as well here.)

I agree with this. I think that it's inappropriate for a teacher and student to date whatever the circumstances.

And where the heck were her parents during all of this? Don't they have some responsibility as to their daughters whereabouts/actions when she was supposed to be under their care? Weren't they concerned that she was dropping out of school just to be with this guy? (I don't know if she only dropped out because of this reason, but that's what the article made it seem like). I know if I told my parents I was moving in with a teacher I would never see the light of day again.
I'm wondering if the guy is slightly retarded, or has mental issues. People tend to gravitate toward those of similar mental level, and even if she's a genius, her mental level can't be more than 25. If he has some kind of mental issue, intellectually, he might be around that age.

I really can't figure out what the girl is thinking. Shouldn't she have been creeped out at some point? Like "Ewwww, you're my dad's age!"? Or does she have daddy issues?

I don't see how two people can be selfish to the point of absolutely destroying two families like this . . .

I'll bet as this goes on, other girls will come out and talk about their affairs with this guy. It's unlikely that it's an isolated incident.

I've just watched the video (at my link in the OP) and the guy creeps me out. :shock:

There's something off about him.

She's a little freaky too; "Not just my lover . . . "? WTH?!

Something's not right. These two, though they are trying really hard to appear normal, just don't smell right . . .

There is more wrong with these two than just their ages. :errrr:
iLander|1330724469|3139458 said:
People tend to gravitate toward those of similar mental level, and even if she's a genius, her mental level can't be more than 25. If he has some kind of mental issue, intellectually, he might be around that age.
Not abusers, though, right? They intentionally seek out people far below their intelligence w/the full intent of exploiting them & manipulating them .... because they are easier targets than sophisticated adult peers.

I think this guy is even creepier because he's all "my heart led me". Trying to make the whole thing ROMANTICAL. When it's a pure, sexual power play & mid-life-crisis. He should be HUMILIATED and SHAMED and lose any hope of continuing a teaching career. Blech.

ETA: If I were his WIFE ... I'd be having some serious sit-downs w/the similarly aged DAUGHTER to find out if anything inappropriate has been happening THERE. :nono:
Seriously disgusting. I'm sure his children, particularly his 17 year old daughter, will never forgive him.
decodelighted|1330725942|3139480 said:
iLander|1330724469|3139458 said:
People tend to gravitate toward those of similar mental level, and even if she's a genius, her mental level can't be more than 25. If he has some kind of mental issue, intellectually, he might be around that age.
Not abusers, though, right? They intentionally seek out people far below their intelligence w/the full intent of exploiting them & manipulating them .... because they are easier targets than sophisticated adult peers.

I think this guy is even creepier because he's all "my heart led me". Trying to make the whole thing ROMANTICAL. When it's a pure, sexual power play & mid-life-crisis. He should be HUMILIATED and SHAMED and lose any hope of continuing a teaching career. Blech.

You're right, I didn't think of that. :oops:
Any way you try to slice it, this is just WRONG!
HollyS|1330709408|3139232 said:
No normal

would do this

If I were his wife, I'd hire the toughest divorce lawyer primed for taking everything he ever thought he had . . . including any retirement monies now and in the future that may be building if he is vested in his state's teacher retirement fund. Well, I'd do the maximum damage allowed by the laws of that state, anyway.

This world is just chock full of assclowns, isn't it?

ABSOLUTELY. I hope she gets the best, most cutthroat lawyer she can find.

What a loser.
Very very creepy.

This exact same thing happened with one of my friends. All of a sudden she changed schools and nobody knew why. Then she gets this boyfriend who we never get to meet. Then she's pregnant and planning a quickie wedding. We showed up at the church to find out that she was marrying our MATH TEACHER :errrr:

Managed not to gag when the priest said "you may now kiss the bride" but it was a struggle.

Guess what? She wasn't the first student he dated and she wasn't the last. He went on to teach at the local college and left her three times for different students. He has no boundaries at all. She keeps on taking him back because she has nowhere to go and a medical condition that makes it hard for her to be independent. I suspect he chose her because of this.

This creeper reminds me of my friend's husband. Enough said.
chemgirl said:
Very very creepy.

This exact same thing happened with one of my friends. All of a sudden she changed schools and nobody knew why. Then she gets this boyfriend who we never get to meet. Then she's pregnant and planning a quickie wedding. We showed up at the church to find out that she was marrying our MATH TEACHER :errrr:

Managed not to gag when the priest said "you may now kiss the bride" but it was a struggle.

Guess what? She wasn't the first student he dated and she wasn't the last. He went on to teach at the local college and left her three times for different students. He has no boundaries at all. She keeps on taking him back because she has nowhere to go and a medical condition that makes it hard for her to be independent. I suspect he chose her because of this.

This creeper reminds me of my friend's husband. Enough said.

Oh. My. God. :errrr:

I think I remember you mentioning this guy before, Chemgirl (or am I just hallucinating?), I had no idea he was her math teacher. I thought he was just a total jerk, not a complete a$$hat! Jesus . . . I feel terrible for your friend and how her life turned out. ::)

That must be what I'm sensing when I watch these two on the video; he seems weirdly out-of-synch and dominant. My radar is buzzing.

Your friend should write a tell-all book. If it sells, at least she'd get something out of the relationship. Poor thing.
iLander|1330733120|3139582 said:
chemgirl said:
Very very creepy.

This exact same thing happened with one of my friends. All of a sudden she changed schools and nobody knew why. Then she gets this boyfriend who we never get to meet. Then she's pregnant and planning a quickie wedding. We showed up at the church to find out that she was marrying our MATH TEACHER :errrr:

Managed not to gag when the priest said "you may now kiss the bride" but it was a struggle.

Guess what? She wasn't the first student he dated and she wasn't the last. He went on to teach at the local college and left her three times for different students. He has no boundaries at all. She keeps on taking him back because she has nowhere to go and a medical condition that makes it hard for her to be independent. I suspect he chose her because of this.

This creeper reminds me of my friend's husband. Enough said.

Oh. My. God. :errrr:

I think I remember you mentioning this guy before, Chemgirl (or am I just hallucinating?), I had no idea he was her math teacher. I thought he was just a total jerk, not a complete a$$hat! Jesus . . . I feel terrible for your friend and how her life turned out. ::)

That must be what I'm sensing when I watch these two on the video; he seems weirdly out-of-synch and dominant. My radar is buzzing.

Your friend should write a tell-all book. If it sells, at least she'd get something out of the relationship. Poor thing.

Maybe, but not sure. I have two friends with horrible SO's.

And yes, the weird dominant thing is where the creepiness comes from. The few times I have been unable to get out of seeing him he grabs my bill at the end of the night and says "Oh allow me, I know how hard it is for young people starting out". Gag. Thanks Dad. Creepy creepy creepy.

This is all a power thing. Something about the student in the article made her seem vulnerable to him and he couldn't resist that.