
Hope this isn''t a bad time, but hello!

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Mar 5, 2009
Hi, I''ve been reading some of the posts on the site and I feel like I know nothing.

I''d really just like to introduce myself and say "hello", but I almost feel like I''m butting in!! There seems to be a lot of hot subjects being debated on this site. Could anyone bring me up to speed with the goss?

My gorgeous fiance is taking me to Venice to go down on one knee (officially, with a ring and everything!) - it''s planned for May, but not booked yet. I''ve never been to Venice but have heard it''s beautiful and really romantic. Has anyone else been proposed to in Venice?

I''d love to know what it was like!

The other thing is that we still haven''t actually got the ring yet. Has anyone got any advice about where to look?

Looking forward to getting to know you all.
Hi, Tracey!

Your post cracked me up. LOL. There''s always "hot topics" around here.
Any one in particular you need an update on?

Venice sounds AWESOME! What a romantic proposal!!

Check out the "Show Me The Ring" thread for a lot of inspiration!

How nice that you get to go to Venice, and to know for sure that it will happen! very exciting.

And you aren''t butting in at all, just jump right in!
I''ve been to the Venetian in Vegas, and my DH (bf at the time) bent over to tie his shoe... that''s as close to a proposal I''ve gotten in venice.

Sounds exciting!!!! Welcome!
Welcome traceyjane! It''s never a bad time to say hello!!!''s actually really refreshing

A proposal in Venice sounds amazing!
Date: 3/6/2009 9:04:02 AM
Author: tlh
I''ve been to the Venetian in Vegas, and my DH (bf at the time) bent over to tie his shoe... that''s as close to a proposal I''ve gotten in venice.

Sounds exciting!!!! Welcome!
LOL. you are too funny.

Welcome TracyJANE! Nothing to really summarize - just read along and you will be caught up in a few days.
Oh I''m so jealous that you are going to Venice, I was there about 6 years ago and have been dying to go back ever since. Welcome to the site, you''ll soon feel caught up on all the going-ons!
Wow, a Venice proposal -- that''s amazing! Welcome, welcome.
Your post cracked me up.

RE: the ring, as a previous poster suggested, go take a look at the SMTR forum (particularly the Forum Engagement Ring eye candy folder) -- you''ll see tons of inspiration in there. And when you and your SO are ready to make a purchase, the ladies over in RockyTalky can be incredibly helpful in finding the right vendor and the right diamond whatever your budget. It''s so great that you landed on this site, just in time!
Hi Traceyjane...welcome!!!

Welcome traceyjane
feel free to jump right into the hot topics - we dont bite!!

Venezia e bella
a proposal there would be amazing! I sadly wasnt proposed to there but i WAS propositioned by several smarmy italians so watch out for that

Wow, that''s very exciting though!! What kind of rings do you like the look of for you?
hi traceyjane

can''t wait to hear about your proposal in may!
Hi traceyjane!!

When I first came to PS, I basically LIVED in the SMTR threads. Then I started asking questions in RT. There are some SUPER helpful members that will really go above and beyond to help. Don''t hesitate to ask them any questions.

I am also quite jealous of your pending Venice engagement. I''ve been there with my family (not romantic at all) and it would be such a special place for a memorable moment!!

So anyway, WELCOME! (and I suggest pre-medicating for the bad case of LIWitis you''re about to contract from all of us)
Welcome! I felt just like you when I first started posting here. I found this site while researching my ring, and everyone was helpful and I ended up with exactly what I wanted. But rather than leaving the site, I find myself drawn to the pretty sparklies and the interesting stories/discussions and stop by frequently to see what is going on.
Welcome :)
I wasn't proposed to in Venice but I have been there it is a beautiful city lots to see and do when you go on the gondolas take some wine it makes it just that much more fun and walk around lots you will likely get lost but that is part of the fun :D.

ETA: It is also never a bad time to introduce yourself we love meeting new people around these boards :D.
Welcome :)

Venice! That sounds so exciting. You know you have to come back and post a long long thread (with pics!) about that when you get back, right?

I agree with the posters above that lurking around/posting in SMTR and Rocky Talky is a great way to learn about stones, settings, and everything else.
Date: 3/6/2009 9:04:02 AM
Author: tlh
I''ve been to the Venetian in Vegas, and my DH (bf at the time) bent over to tie his shoe... that''s as close to a proposal I''ve gotten in venice.

Sounds exciting!!!! Welcome!

Gawd, every post of yours just cracks me up tlh! I''ve got a girlfriend whose DH took her to Venice last year. she showed me the photos and I almost fainted, they were so beautiful. My husband says he might take me there one day!
Hi Steph,

You''re the only person I''ve come across who''s actually been to Venice. What''s it like? Is it like you see on the telly?

Hope you both have a great time! Cheers
woah! congrats! Venice is amazing!
Date: 3/11/2009 6:47:01 AM
Author: traceyjane
Hi Steph,

You''re the only person I''ve come across who''s actually been to Venice. What''s it like? Is it like you see on the telly?


I think it is like you see on the telly or in pictures only better! There''s something about it that, to me, was like I had gone back in time, being in a city with no cars zipping around (especially after I was just in Rome the day before). The most fun part for me was just wandering around getting lost - you know you are on an island so eventually you are going to come to the edge of it so we never worried about wandering too far. Some of the alleys are so tiny you can reach out and touch both buildings, and you''re always coming along new little bridges.

I would recommend checking out the islands of Murano and/or Burano while you are there - one is famed for their glassblowing and one for lacemaking. They''re a moderate boat trip from Venice, but both of them are so charming and have wonderful shopping.

Some people do complain about the smell/crowds there, but I wasn''t overwhelmed by either, and I was there in June. You must come back with pictures! I can''t wait, I will be reliving my trip through you!
Tracey - Howdy!!! Glad to see you on here! There''s always fun things to talk about on here, I would recommend reading a bit and just jumping in, that''s what I did and it seems to work :) . Venice sounds divine!!!
I know I''m a little late in welcoming you, but wanted to say it anyway. So, "Welcome!" You''ve come to the right place for information...And lucky, lucky you. A proposal in Venice! Wow!!!
A big hello and welcome to you!!! Sounds like the engagement is going to be wonderfully exciting!
Welcome traceyjane! Venice is beautiful--you''ll have a wonderful time there. Just make sure that he doesn''t drop the ring in a canal!
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