
Hope the President does a good job for USA


Apr 20, 2017
Yes round and round we go. I really don't see any point in this so I will bow out. Just in case you're worried though, I can assure you that I am fully confident in my intellect, social status, wealth, and other factors. :lol:


Jun 7, 2014
Trump only hires the best people. Who could have possibly predicted Omarosa would tape a conversation with Kelly firing her. Ummmm I think many of us could. She released another tape this morning of a discussion she had with Trump about her being fired. What was Omarosa doing in the situation room and what really is going in the White House? My guess is Target has more procedures in place than this Administration.

Did you hear the Trump Administration has now decided banks are not part of the “Financial Services Industry”, making them eligible for an extra 2.5 Billion in tax breaks. He continues to help his rich buddies.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Yes round and round we go. I really don't see any point in this so I will bow out. Just in case you're worried though, I can assure you that I am fully confident in my intellect, social status, wealth, and other factors. :lol:
but kept on spinning to the LEFT!


May 28, 2017
The msm is talking about whether or not trump called anyone the n word.

In my opinion this is a complete waste of time. Of course he did and still does. Even when a tape or multiple people working in the WH proves he used the n word while in office it isnt going to make even the slightest difference to his defenders. Arguing whether it is on tape or not is futile. No supporter or member of congress who supports trump is going to be all ‘ oh wow he said that word, I am offended that a leader uses that word for any reason and will no longer support him’ They didn't leave when he called other countries crapholes. The list of repulsive behavior could go on for pages and they didnt leave.
Congress wouldnt even demand an apology if trump used the n word in his state of the union speech. They just dont care enough to say no more.
I wish the msm would focus on the fact that a traitor is being allowed to choose his judge and jury in this nominee to the supreme court or talk about why DACA recipients are still in limbo even after mc connell gave his word to flake that after the tax vote, mc connell would give the daca bill a fair vote. How about we find out when the kids will finally be returned. Or how about someone ask when every republican member who investigated a democrat or will in the future investigate a person will be releasing all their text messages and emails so that if we find any anti democrat messages they can be either fired or removed from congress.
I am just fine that the fbi agent who was anti trump and there was ZERO evidence it influenced his work decisions got fired so long as this standard is evenly and fairly applied to both sides. This standard that is set should be applied to every single republican retroactive and in the future. I want trump dragged infront of a camera in congress and to have the republicans demand he tell them how he looked his wife in the eyes after his numerous affairs and how did he lie to her and how can we expect any of his work to be honest if he cant even be faithful to any of his wives. The republicans want to exact a standard and I think they should all have to abide by it. I would like to see how long they want to enforce this new standard when the mirror is in their lives. I hope that every single republican is held to the exact same standard. If they fail they should be removed too. Even if they dont like a future democrat president if they say anything that doesnt support them from any point and time and even if they do not do anything wrong, they will be removed. I have a feeling that if they have to abide by the standard they set with this fbi agent they will be very eager to dismiss it.

I saw in florida a lady running for office made a fake college diploma, and then posed with it and claimed she had graduated. Then she was caught and she now says , she is going to be honest from now on.
20k votes are already in for the race, she may still win even though she flat out lied about her credentials. This is where we are.
This whole omarosa stuff is nonsense. She is a liar, trump is a bigger liar. I dont want to hear 2 horrible people tear each other down.

I definitely dont want to waste the weeks before the election listening to trump tear down and insult an employee he hired 4 times and made the tax payers pay almost 200k to ——- rub in our noses ——that he spent 200k of taxpayer money because he wanted an employee for almost a year, who said nice things about him even though she was not qualifed and didnt do her job. I already know he doesnt have honest and decent and qualified people in the white house. I wish the msm would focus on reporting on the issues that matter.

All this mudslinging and back fighting is just a distraction. When it comes to trump there will never be and end to the corruption and sick behavior to report on. He will do anything to distract from his impeachable offences. This pool of bad behavior is deeper than the ocean. He will always be able to find a deplorable — to lie with and about — and his followers will take his side. The msm Focusing on it is a utter waste of time in my opinion.


Jan 26, 2003
I wish the msm would focus on the fact that a traitor is being allowed to choose his judge and jury in this nominee to the supreme court or talk about why DACA recipients are still in limbo even after mc connell gave his word to flake that after the tax vote, mc connell would give the daca bill a fair vote. How about we find out when the kids will finally be returned. Or how about someone ask when every republican member who investigated a democrat or will in the future investigate a person will be releasing all their text messages and emails so that if we find any anti democrat messages they can be either fired or removed from congress.

Great posting, tkyasx. There is so much garbage floating around to distract us, that we sometimes lose focus. The things you noted above are the big things we should fight against. And there are more, but not every little thing someone dreams up is worth a fight, even if it is true of Trump and nasty. His conspiring with Russia is big. His acting outside of the law is big. His separating children from parents (in defiance of both national and international law as well as common decency) is bad. You nailed it.

Deb :wavey:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I want trump dragged infront of a camera in congress and to have the republicans demand he tell them how he looked his wife in the eyes after his numerous affairs and how did he lie to her and how can we expect any of his work to be honest if he cant even be faithful to any of his wives. The republicans want to exact a standard and I think they should all have to abide by it. I would like to see how long they want to enforce this new standard when the mirror is in their lives. I hope that every single republican is held to the exact same standard.
Shouldn't you also include past Dem. Prez like JFK, LBJ and B. Clinton? :whistle:


Jun 7, 2014
@tkyasx78 and @AGBF Both your posts were excellent. You both nailed it. Trump has set the standards for how a president conducts himself all the way down to the gutter. We all have been witness to this for 20 months. There are far more important things to focus on than who he trash talks about on a weekly basis. I swear he sends these tweets as a distraction.


May 28, 2017
Shouldn't you also include past Dem. Prez like JFK, LBJ and B. Clinton? :whistle:

Of course. If this is the standard republicans want to try to impose have at it.
I was a republican until recently there was NO LOVE LOST on any previous democrat . I would have no issue letting the chips fall where they may. I dont give one crap about protecting any democrat.

When I left the republican party I didnt become a democrat. I am left with no party at all. I will never support abortion “rights”. I do not believe that we should be spending more than we are bringing in, and I was raised in a family that hunted and support gun rights.
I apologize if my post led you to believe I would support the policies of Lindon Johnson or Bill Clinton.
I never liked Bill. He tried to be “ tough on crime” and his policies ended up hurting minorities in more ways than I can count.
When he cheated on his wife I fully supported impeaching that lying turd.
And I have the same disgust for the current one in the white house.
No one is above the law and our leaders should be trust worthy and decent humans.
I will not support trump just becuase he has an R on the ballot.
My apologies if I sent the impression that my morals were negotiable depending on what party a person is in. They are not.


May 28, 2017
:eek2:Ok now I think he is just trying to say things to look guilty of intent in the trying to obstruct justice case.
I cannot wrap my head around the idea that anyone is this dumb.
Does he not have a single competent lawyer? Have they all convinced him he can pardon himself??
He did an interview and instead of saying he is a small petty man who was angry with his critics he literally says he revoked the security clearance becuase brennan was the one who used to be incharge of the russia probe and he doesnt want the people who have the original info to have the clearance anymore on the case :eek2:
This is from the wall street journal, I hope they send the full tape to muellers team.
Mr. Brennan was director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Democratic administration of former President Obama and one of those who presented evidence to Mr. Trump shortly before his inauguration that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.

“I call it the rigged witch hunt, [it] is a sham,” Mr. Trump said in an interview. “And these people led it!”

He added: “So I think it’s something that had to be done.”
What ever lawyer told him to say he revoked the clearance to try to stop or send a message to those who began and led the probe becuase he thinks it is a sham —— well they are quite possibly as dumb as he is.

I guess I should say , keep talking trump, it is possible nothing will be as condemning as your own words. Revoking the security clearance of the people who you think started the investigation so that they cant help the fbi now and admitting it “had to be done” because you claim you think it is fake :eek2::eek2::eek2:
I mean nixon hid his crimes. trump lays them on the table and says i can get away with anything


Jun 7, 2014
I love reading your posts @tkyasx78 . Sarah Sanders Huckabee hinted yesterday that more security clearances may be pulled in the future.

Brennan no longer has security clearance and Jared Kushner does. :eek2:

Omarosa released another tape today. The distractions will continue.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Mr. Brennan was director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Democratic administration of former President Obama and one of those who presented evidence to Mr. Trump shortly before his inauguration that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.
What a stupid idiot. Who was director of the CIA in 2016? :wall:


Jan 26, 2003
I just read an excellent piece by Paul Krugman in "The New York Times". It is actually not exactly about Donald Trump himself, but about the complicity of Republicans with Donald Trump and its implications for the country. If I could paraphrase it, I would go to write for "The New York Times", so I will excerpt it.


The real news of the past few weeks isn’t that Trump is a wannabe Mussolini who can’t even make the trains run on time. It’s the absence of any meaningful pushback from Congressional Republicans. Indeed, not only are they acquiescing in Trump’s corruption, his incitements to violence, and his abuse of power, up to and including using the power of office to punish critics, they’re increasingly vocal in cheering him on.

Make no mistake: if Republicans hold both houses of Congress this November, Trump will go full authoritarian, abusing institutions like the I.R.S., trying to jail opponents and journalists on, er, trumped-up charges, and more — and he’ll do it with full support from his party.

But why? Is Trumpocracy what Republicans always wanted?

Well, it’s probably what some of them always wanted. And some of them are making a coldblooded calculation that the demise of democracy is worth it if it means lower taxes on the rich and freedom to pollute.

But my guess is that most Republican politicians are spineless rather than sinister — or, more accurately, sinister in their spinelessness. They’re not really ideologues so much as careerists, whose instinct is always to go along with the party line. And this instinct has drawn them ever deeper into complicity.

The point is that once you’ve made excuses for and come to the aid of a bad leader, it gets ever harder to say no to the next outrage. Republicans who defended Trump over the Muslim ban, his early attacks on the press, the initial evidence of collusion with Russia, have in effect burned their bridges. It would be deeply embarrassing to admit that the elitist liberals they mocked were right when they were wrong; also, nobody who doesn’t support Trump will ever trust their judgment or patriotism again.

So the path of least resistance is always to sign on for the next stage of degradation. 'No evidence of collusion' becomes 'collusion is no big deal' becomes 'collusion is awesome — and let’s send John Brennan to jail.'

To some extent this is just human weakness in action. But there are some special aspects of the modern GOP that make it especially vulnerable to this kind of slide into leader-worship. The party has long been in the habit of rejecting awkward facts and attributing them to conspiracies: it’s not a big jump from claiming that climate change is a giant hoax perpetrated by the entire scientific community to asserting that Trump is the blameless target of a vast deep state conspiracy.

And modern Republican politicians are, with few exceptions, apparatchiks: they are creatures of a monolithic movement that doesn’t allow dissent but protects the loyal from risk. Even if they should happen to lose a race in their gerrymandered districts, as long as they toed the line they can count on “wing nut welfare” — commentator slots on Fox News, appointments at think tanks, and so on.

Even now, I don’t think most political commentators have grasped how deep the rot goes. I don’t think they understand, or at any rate admit to themselves, that democracy really could die just a few months from now.

And if it doesn’t, if Republicans lose Congress and Trump leaves office on or before January 2021, the same people who kept declaring that Trump just became president will try to go back to pretending that Republican politicians are serious, honorable people who care about policy. But they aren’t.

So remember this moment. We’re seeing, in real time, what the GOP is really made of."


Jun 7, 2014
@AGBF, Did you happen to watch “Meet The Press” the press this morning? Brennan was on the show, as was Rudy Giuliani. Now according to Giuliani “Truth isn’t Truth”.
The distractions continue with this group of liars.

Republican politians claiming to be honorable people is a joke. With the exception of a few, they have shown us all how they put their party before our country.
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Sep 10, 2003
Couldn't resist...

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May 28, 2017
I am not concerned at all with the manafort trials.
trump will be pardoning all of it. The stink is coming from the head down, and manafort needs some STATE charges.
I don't want to see any of these swamp creatures charged on a federal level. It is a complete waste of money. All charges should be STATE and unpardonable.
Everything else is just white noise. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if trump pardons and within a few hours manafort is on the nearest flight to a non- extradition treaty country.
Sadly even when he is convicted I do not believe manafort will serve any sentence out because of the corrupt swamp leader in the White House.


May 28, 2017
Back to the topic, Do you think Cohen will eventually fully cooperate with the government after a few years in jail?
esp once trump isn't in office!! that would make for a very interesting post presidency trial... Cohen stewing for a few years and finally helping to nail trump once trump can be tossed in prison too!!


May 28, 2017
Re: cohen
In coordination with and at the direction of the canidate...

He stated trump knew and ordered those 2 campaign violations...
Cue the republicans saying cohen is a liar and then when the proof is out they start saying it is no big deal.
Not the law and order president...


May 28, 2017
This is what cohens lawyer just put out.
My bet is this is bad news for trump becuase this plea agreement looks like a basis that the state is going to base future indictments on.



Feb 12, 2018
I predict that Trump will go into meltdown mode and start tweeting unrelated, offensive nonsense to distract everyone. There may be talk of his trying to get rid of Rosenstein again, and maybe some members of Congress will respond with a tepid letter detailing their concerns.

Wash, rinse, & repeat until either this SOB is finally impeached, or we end up with another four years because his base will believe anything Fox tells them.

Nope, not feeling optimistic at all today.


May 28, 2017
@JPie, I have 2 republican senators and a republican congressman.
I cant make them get a spine, but I wrote all 3 today and asked them to demand trump resign.

I want them to know that this is not ok, and I dont want them to support trump. This should not be ok for any party.


Feb 12, 2018
@JPie, I have 2 republican senators and a republican congressman.
I cant make them get a spine, but I wrote all 3 today and asked them to demand trump resign.

I want them to know that this is not ok, and I dont want them to support trump. This should not be ok for any party.

Thank you! I'm in CA so even though I write mine at least once a month, feels like a moot point. I throw money at the ACLU though.


Jun 2, 2013
I predict that Trump will go into meltdown mode and start tweeting unrelated, offensive nonsense to distract everyone. * * *
He's holding a (previously scheduled) rally in West Virginia this evening. Daniel Dale, the Toronto Star's Washington DC correspondent, always does an impressive job of providing fact checks while tweeting live time during Trump's performances:

Also, here's the running log the Toronto Sun is maintaining; Daniel Dale is the major contributor, which is doubtlessly why he's so fast on his tweet feet:


Jan 26, 2003
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