
Home Decorating Magazines

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Class n Sass

Jan 14, 2007
Hi All,

Since getting engaged I have been going through the planning process and having a ton of fun! One of my friends said she wanted to buy us an engagement gift but was wondering what my color scheme/stlye is. I realized that I really didn''t know. So she has got me to thinking about how I want to decorate our future apartment and about what look I want to achieve. I tend to like the modern/traditional(Pottery Barn type) my question is: are there any great magazines that I could start getting now and collecting that may give me ideas/inspirations for decorating? I always know when I see a decorated room that I really like but I don''t know if I could put it together on my own.

Thanks in Advance!!
If I were you, I would go to Barnes N Noble or Borders, grab a cup of coffee and leaf through some of the decorator magazines. My personal favorite is Traditional Home, which is probably not your thing. The ones I like the least are the ones that feature different styles of decor, like some traditional and some contemporary. I just don''t like contemporary decor at all so I just flip past those pages.
I used to subscribe to a TON of them, but over the years I''ve narrowed it down to House and Garden, Elle Decor and Metropolitan Home (I think ED and MH are produced by the same group though).

I used to subscribe to Architectural Digest (but the properties in there are generally so far from my own reality and I just couldn''t even relate) and Dwell (which was kind of interesting, but if focuses too much [for my taste] on "green" design, which is great, but I''m simply not going to put solar panels on my roof or have a compost pile on the back deck). Also, I subscribed to Interior Design for a while, but it really is very commercial space oriented and I simply don''t need a lot of the products that they lean toward (uber high traff carpeting, cube furniture, LOL!). The NY Times does a home magazine section twice a year that is generally pretty interesting too, but it''s not very big.

Catalogs are a great source of inspiration too though. William Sonoma Home, Pottery Barn, West Elm -- that sort of thing. And furniture stores are interesting too; it''s kind of fun to go to the ones that are more separated into room settings and see how they put things together.
My favorite home decorating mags are InStyle Home and Cottage Living- such adorable ideas!!! I actually have a subscription though to Cottage Living- I really love that magazine!!!!
My fave is Traditional Home, too. Do you get catalogs from lots of different companies such as Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrell, Z Gallerie, Ballard Designs, Restoration Hardware? These can be a great resourcs. Products similar to the ones they sell are usually available many places...Even at Target. Happy decorating!
I like Sunset Magazine; it has decorating, gardening and cooking!
Well magazines and catalogs are great for getting decorating ideas, but you can access an awful lot just from the web. Most magazines & catalogs have online access. You can usually print the pictures too. I''d start there to get an idea of which ones would match your style best, then maybe subscribe to the magazine or order the catalog.

Some links:

Better Homes & Gardens:

Cottage Living:

House Beautiful:

Country Living:

Traditional Home:

Pottery Barn:

Crate & Barrell:

Good luck!
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