
Holiday Travel--Tips for Packing Light


Feb 15, 2007
What are your tips for packing light?

I know there are some old threads on this subject, I've just read them all, but I thought it would be nice to start a new one.

How do you get it all into one small bag? What don't you bring? What are your secrets?

We're leaving for Ireland next week and DH and I want to bring only one checked bag between the two of us. I *believe* I'm not bringing too much, but I could be very wrong.

I'm really interested in hearing about how many pieces of clothing you bring when you travel. I always think I'm packing light, but then I inevitably come home with unworn items at the end of every trip. I've read a million things about packing tips, but I have only come across a few actual lists of how many pieces of each item people bring on trips.

Here's my clothing list for our ten day trip to Ireland:
- Waterproof Marmot jacket (WEAR ON PLANE)
- Fleece pullover
- One long sleeve tee, very thin material
- One long sleeve tee, sweatshirt material
- 4 very light short sleeve tees (WEAR ONE ON PLANE)
- 3 sleeveless undershirts (WEAR ONE ON PLANE)
- One PJ tee
- One pair PJ pants
- One pair jeans (WEAR ON PLANE)
- One pair zip-off hiking pants
- One pair black workout pants (for bike trip)
- One pair footless black tights for extra warmth, just in case
- One pair old gray gym shoes (I live in these. WEAR ON PLANE)
- One pair mocassins for walking
- 2 bras, lots of undies, 5 pr socks

SO, this list *looks* long to me, but then I folded and piled up the clothes and it looks like NOTHING. Here's a picture, minus the bras, undies, and socks, AND what I plan on wearing on the plane.

I like to wear layers. I'm going to bring some laundry detergent to wash socks and undershirts at night. It looks like it's going to be in the 60s during the days and in the 40s at night while we're there. We're going to do a lot of walking, hiking, and biking, hopefully.

Too much? Not enough? Please share your input. When I went to Greece for two weeks I thought I packed SO light, and then I only ended up wearing half of the things I brought!

Thank you!

ETA: Haha! My husband would laugh at this picture--I'm horrible at folding things. My clothes look like a pile of pancakes!



Jul 20, 2008
I think you have a good start. What takes up the most space for me is toiletries. I am a bit anal about that so you may be ok. DH has been working away and he packed clothes for 3 days in the same size bag that I am packing for overnight. Unless you are going to a nudist camp I dont think you could have done any better.


Nov 16, 2008
sounds good to me! i''m like you where i pack everything but seem to wear nothing or wear the same clothes over and over. but what you''ve got there seems perfect, and i bet you''ll wear it all.


Dec 29, 2006
Your list looks good to me! It does seem (and look) very light, but if you''re planning on possibly wearing certain things twice, I think you''ll be all set. Are you planning on packing one pair of jeans and wearing another one on the plane? If you''re only bringing one pair, I''d probably recommend throwing another pair in the suitcase.

One thing I like to do is throw a change of clothes and my toiletry bag in my carry on (which is usually a back pack). I''m always nervous about my luggage getting lost if it''s checked and not having clothes. That''s just me though.


Jul 28, 2009
Just checking - do you anticipate going anywhere nice? It sounds like you''re doing mostly adventure stuff, but I just wanted to ask!

I went to Japan for 10 days with only a very small carry-on suitcase, and if I remember correctly I packed something like:

1 pair jeans
1 pair black pants
1 black jersey skirt
1 black lightweight jacket
5 light tops (kind of like t-shirts, but a bit dressier)
3 camisole tank tops
1 sleeping t-shirt
1 pair sleeping yoga pants
2 bras, undies, socks
1 pair pink loafers
1 pair black puma sneakers
minimal travel toiletries

I did not pack an umbrella, which was a mistake when I ended up in a downpour in Hiroshima.


Feb 15, 2007
Haha RQ--we are definitely not going to a nudist camp. That would make for easier packing though, wouldn''t it? I don''t require a lot of toiletries, so that''s good news.

Thanks Charbie! It''s strange because I look at that list and think "Whoa, too many items." But then I look at the pile and think "Yikes! That''s not a lot."

Zoe--Oh, great tip for packing a change of clothes and toiletries in my carry on. I always mean to do this and I always forget, so thank you! I''m definitely planning on wearing everything at least twice. I was only going to bring the one pair of jeans, you think I should bring two? I figure I''ll wear my hiking pants most days and then my jeans most nights. I''ll probably wear my gym pants for at least two or three of the days because we''ll be bicycling or do serious walking around. Okay, I''m going to add another pair of jeans to my "maybe" list.

sillyberry--THANK YOU for that packing list! That''s what I want to see more of, for whatever reason it is so helpful to see what people actually put into their bags.
We plan on spending most of our time outdoors or in pubs. We''re not planning on eating any fancy meals or anything like that. From what I''ve read it sounds like the places we''ll be in Ireland are all very casual. Maybe I should throw in one nicer top to pair with my jeans in case we do go somewhere dressier. I''m bringing my pair of dark wash skinny jeans, they look nice enough, I think.

Thanks so much for your feedback, everyone!

And if you have any more travel tips, I''d love to hear them.

I''m still considering whether I want to bring my Kindle. I''m not really sure how much I''ll read. I tend to write more when I''m on vacation, so I''m bringing a small Moleskine cahier. And I love to read magazines on planes so I''m going to pick up some juicy ones the day before we leave.

Okay, I have another question:
What electronics do you bring on vacation?


Feb 22, 2008
I''m the golden god of packing, haha. DH and I went to Italy for two weeks with only our carry-ons, and we only checked one bag when we went to England for two months. I try to make everything I bring interchangeable, so lots of neutral colors where I can mix and match pieces. I always pack thin layers because a) it gives me more mix and match options, and b) thin layers dry faster if I''m having to wash clothes in the sink. My bulkiest items I wear on the plane, and I wear a lot of layers on the plane so as to give me extra suitcase space. I always roll my clothes rather than folding them--they don''t wrinkle that way, and it squeezes the air out of them, so you get more space. If you''re ever REEEEAALLY needing to conserve space, those space saver vacuum packing things are awesome, but only use if your carry-on has wheels because with all that extra stuff in your bag, it''ll be HEAVY. This is also where it''s a beautiful thing that they don''t weigh your carry-on bag; just be sure you can lift it! I buy the mini-sized versions of all toiletries for travel (or fill my own little bottles if I can''t find the travel-size of something I need). I have a really easy time with toiletries on trips because I''m lazy, so I know that it''s rare for me to put on makeup or do anything complicated with my hair on a trip, haha. Usually the only makeup items I take are mascara, eyeliner, and my Burt''s Bees crackstick. I usually wear a pair of shoes that are cute enough I could even wear them out somewhere nice with a dress, but comfortable enough to walk in all day so that I don''t have to pack multiple pairs of shoes. I don''t pack a whole lot of underwear or socks on trips because they''re so quick and easy to wash. Anything I HAVE to bring with me that''s likely to set off the metal detector at the airport goes into a ziplock bag so I can remove it and avoid them having to search my bag (lesson learned in Chicago when a necklace made them search me, and the ass held up condoms in one hand and a pair of panties large enough I could''ve parachuted to safety with them in the other hand). If I can get it once there, I do (this specifically applies to toiletries). If it''s electric and not a necessity, I leave it or improvise--for example, my DH''s electric razor stays at home. It''s a lot easier to buy a disposable one when we get there than it is to lug adapters for outlets. That''s all I can think of right now.


Oct 21, 2009
Tips for traveling light.

Grey, black, white and beige... you cannot go wrong...

Mix and match... leave room to pick up new stuff


Jun 4, 2008
Hmm how long are you going to be there for?

When I went to NZ last year, BF and I had one checked suitcase between the two of us - albeit a large suitcase. Because I'm OCD, I actually STILL have my packing list (yes, I make packing lists for every trip!)

I brought:

1) Jeans (3)
2) PJs (1)
3) Short-sleeved shirts(3 or 4)
4) Long-sleeved shirts (4 or 5)
5) Sweatshirt (1)
6) Belt (1)
7) Sneakers
8) Flip flops
9) Socks
10) Underwear
11) Windbreaker
12) Light jacket

We were packing for about 60 degree weather on average.

However, like someone else mentioned, toiletries took up a lot of room for me, and miscellaneous stuff.

Are you planning on doing laundry at all? BF and I planned to do laundry (and did) once on the trip. Even so, we were going to be doing a lot of outdoor stuff so I wanted extras in case I went through clothing more rapidly than expected.

Hope this helps!

ETA: For electronics, I bring my iPod, Kindle and camera and the respective chargers, memory cards and extra batteries for the camera, and if needed, power adapters or converters. BF and I don't bring computers unless we're traveling domestically. We also bring miscellaneous stuff like guide books, sunglasses, playing cards, hats, I like to bring a fan if I'm going somewhere hot (BF makes fun of me, but hey, I stay cool!), and sleeping masks and travel pillows (the ones that go around your neck) if we're going on a long flight.


Dec 29, 2006
I try to pack things that I can mix and match so I don''t feel like I''m living in the same exact clothes for an extended period of time. I always pack one pair of jeans and wear another pair on the plane. You may not need 2 pairs, but it can''t hurt to bring them either. They won''t take up much more space.

Here''s what I usually pack when we go on trips. We never go to really fancy places, so I stick with casual clothes.

In my suitcase:
1 pair of black pants
1 pair of khaki pants
1 pair of jeans
2 lightweight long-sleeve shirts (1 black and 1 colored)
1 zip up light-weight black jacket and maybe a light-weight sweatshirt. I wear one on the plane usually.
a few short-sleeve t-shirts to wear under the jacket/sweatshirt (varying colors)
1 or 2 sleeping t-shirt(s) and yoga pants
underwear (It seems silly to write this, but yes, I write it down.)
light-weight shoes to wear on the plane

In my carry on backpack:
magazines and a book or two
cell phone and charger (I didn''t bring these with me when we went to Ireland though.)
camera/case/extra batteries
passport/wallet (It seems silly to actually list these, but you''d be surprised how many times we''ve almost forgotten to pack ours.)
travel guide(s), itineraries
1 change of clothes from the list above, just in case.
toiletry bag: I have a small bag -- I don''t wear makeup, so I stick with the travel-size essentials and a bottle of nail polish. I don''t know why, but I like doing my nails when I''m on vacation.


Feb 15, 2007
Doodle--The Golden God of Packing, I love it! Two months in England and only one checked bag? I''m impressed.
Thank you for all of your great tips, I am keeping a list!
When we go on trips like this where we''ll be doing a lot of walking and biking I don''t bring any jewelry at all. I don''t like to wear my rings while biking, and whenever I spend a lot of time hiking my fingers swell so they feel tight and uncomfortable, anyway. I figure it''s easiest to leave everything at home and then I don''t have to worry about it.

Gardengloves--I like your style. My traveling clothes *almost* fit your description, just substitute in "pink" for "beige" and that''s what I wear.
DH always reminds me that I should leave room for new things, I think that''s a big one that I need to remember.

BEG--We''ll be away for ten days, but only in Ireland for nine.
Thank you so much for your list, that helps a lot. How long was that NZ trip?
We''ll do light laundry in our room at night. I like to wash socks and undies while we''re away even if we aren''t going to wear them again.
Playing cards are a GREAT idea, I hadn''t thought of that. Since there will be four of us that could be a lot of fun!

I''m thinking the only electronics we''ll bring are our digital camera and the new tiny little video camera that DH just bought. It''s really strange, it''s only as big as my Blackberry. And I''m definitely not bringing that, by the way. (The Blackberry, that is.)


Jul 28, 2009
One other suggestions is a giant patterned shawl. Both practical, as it can be used as a blanket, pillow, or cover-up, and pretty if you need something to wear as a wrap to dinner.

My favorite ones are at World Market - generally under $20 and I wear them constantly!


Aug 14, 2009
I pack really light.

My extra sweaters and shoes go into FI''s carryon

I definitely second the shawl, one with a muted pattern can multitask extraordinarly well.


Nov 27, 2009
Great start,
I'm too lazy. I pack old PJ/ undies/bras/socks OR the ones I don't like for traveling and leave them behind, hate cleaning/washing while on vacation. Same goes for most toiletries, more space for goodies when you add DH's.

I would add:
1 pair of black skinny/reg jeans [just for going out]
1 Wrap top and 1 Open sleeve tee for pubing nights they take little space and look great!
Another vote for 1 wide scarf that can be worn with all and used as a shawl at night.

Be prepared for rain and wind with a light waterproof jacket that you can easily carry with you.


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 5/22/2010 4:28:38 PM
Author: Haven
Doodle--The Golden God of Packing, I love it! Two months in England and only one checked bag? I''m impressed.

Thank you for all of your great tips, I am keeping a list!

When we go on trips like this where we''ll be doing a lot of walking and biking I don''t bring any jewelry at all. I don''t like to wear my rings while biking, and whenever I spend a lot of time hiking my fingers swell so they feel tight and uncomfortable, anyway. I figure it''s easiest to leave everything at home and then I don''t have to worry about it.

Gardengloves--I like your style. My traveling clothes *almost* fit your description, just substitute in ''pink'' for ''beige'' and that''s what I wear.

DH always reminds me that I should leave room for new things, I think that''s a big one that I need to remember.

BEG--We''ll be away for ten days, but only in Ireland for nine.

Thank you so much for your list, that helps a lot. How long was that NZ trip?

We''ll do light laundry in our room at night. I like to wash socks and undies while we''re away even if we aren''t going to wear them again.

Playing cards are a GREAT idea, I hadn''t thought of that. Since there will be four of us that could be a lot of fun!

I''m thinking the only electronics we''ll bring are our digital camera and the new tiny little video camera that DH just bought. It''s really strange, it''s only as big as my Blackberry. And I''m definitely not bringing that, by the way. (The Blackberry, that is.)

Haven, the trip was 2 weeks. I second the recommendation of a shawl or light blanket - I get really cold! We were driving during the 2 weeks and it would''ve been nice to have in the car. If you are going to be renting a car and driving a lot, I would recommend checking into whether you can get your iPod or something similar hooked up to the car so you can play your own music. Our car in NZ was pretty old so we had to get a cassette tape connector to my iPod, which we will never use again (lol) but we got to listen to our special trip playlist the two weeks we were there (and we spent a LOT of time driving!). If you''re not going to be driving and/or may spend a lot of time on buses, etc. your new Kindle will be handy
BF and I both had ours in Costa Rica (no car) and I don''t sleep well in cars/buses so it was a lifesaver for me. What do you guys plan to do while you are there?

Hehe BF and I love our card games on vacations - I made him learn a Korean card game, "go stop", before we left and we brought the Korean cards with us and played the game in Costa Rica


Feb 15, 2007
Zoe--Thank you for sharing your list! That's so helpful. I like doing my nails on vacation, too. I don't know why, but I always get the urge!

sillyberry--Excellent suggestion. I don't have any patterned shawls, but I have a light pink shawl from Ann Taylor that I just folded up and added to my pile. Thank you! And man oh man do I love World Market. There's one in the same shopping center where I do my grocery shopping and it is constantly calling to me.

Haha yssie! I should try that!

Rachel--The black skinny jeans might be the solution I was looking for. I liked the rec for one more pair of jeans, and I think black ones will be perfect. I have some super cute tops that are thin enough that they won't add much bulk, maybe I'll throw one or two in for our nights out in Dublin.

BEG--Ooh, good tip on the music. I'm not bringing my iPod but I think everyone else is. I actually OWN that old cassette tape thingy for the iPod because I still had a cassette player in my car when I bought my first iPod! (Yikes! It was an '87 Blazer, what can I say?) I'm still torn on the Kindle. Part of me doesn't want to have to worry about it while I'm there, and I also don't read much while on vacation. I'm always in a meditative mood. I may bring my book club book and that's it.

We don't have too many plans yet, actually. We only know *where* we want to be each day, but as far as what to do we're going to wing it.
Here's the itinerary:

Fly into Dublin
Nights 1 & 2: Stay in Dublin
Nights 3, 4, 5, & 6: Stay in Dingle
Nights 7 & 8: Stay in Galway
Fly home out of Shannon

SO, we'll be doing A LOT of driving on days 3 (Dublin to Dingle) and 6 (Dingle to Galway.) Our plan is to leave early and make an entire day of each drive by stopping at a bunch of places. We're not sure where we're going to stop on the way to Dingle, there are so many options we're just going to see what strikes us on the way. We'll stop at the Cliffs of Moher and The Burren on the way up to Galway, of course.

If we're up for it, I'd like to visit Connemara on day 7, but that's over an hour drive from Galway so we'll see how DH feels about doing more driving by then.

Otherwise, we hope to meet interesting people, see beautiful things, and drink some beer!


Nov 27, 2007
Hm. Lemme see if I can remember what I brought to Amsterdam in March a few years ago, that was the last overseas trip I packed really light for if I recall. We were gone about two weeks.

Long skirt that can be worn out for nice stuff but is casual-ish too
four or five pairs of tights
black kilt
socks to sleep in
yoga pants to sleep in
four or five casual t-shirts
A couple of tank tops
nicer shirt
A couple of long sleeve shirts
The Sucky Sweater (it's ugly, but comfy and warm- the cat loves to suck on it, hence the name)
sandals that were nice enough to wear out if necessary, with tights under for warmth
stompy knee high boots to wear through airports, much to everyone's annoyance, since I find them really comfy to walk in

Since it was basically wintery and we were walking a lot, still I also had hat, scarf, and a hoodie. I carried it all on, one larger bag and a biggish purse/messenger bag. Purse had toiletries and stuff in it. I pretty much wore the kilt, two pairs of tights, stompy boots and layered tank top, t-shirt, Sucky Sweater and coat. I had hesitated on taking the Sucky Sweater but ended up very happy I had it, as it was really freaking cold... just barely above freezing and windy. I usually bring one nice outfit, and make sure everything goes together fine. I think my pile was a little bigger than yours but not by a heck of a lot- probably the tights and Sucky Sweater, plus nice outfit, would account for having a bit more stuff. I'd say your list looks great honestly. I rarely think "gee I wish I'd brought more stuff", instead I end up with more than I use... and I almost always just carry on rather than check baggage.


Jul 25, 2008

I am travelling for 3 to 4 months and I decided to only take a carry on. Like you, I am relying on layering and matching clothing (as well as many laundry stops!). I didn''t take any toilletries. Instead, I buy locally. Shoes are another thing that takes up a lot of room - I wore my heftier pair on the plane and took a second pair and some plastic sandals (I don''t go into a hotel shower barefoot if I can avoid it) in my bag. Heels are terrible for packing, by the way.

Instead of taking a fleece (which takes up a lot of room), you could also buy a sweater there (very good quality, very stylish and doubles as a wearable souvenir!). Having a nice top or wrap is also very good, in case you get a chance for a dressier dinner or a theater. In fact, I never thought I would wear mine on this trip, but I got invited for a gala concert in Xela (Guatemala). While I was certainly underdressed, as people really got dressed to the nines, I was very presentable.

I would also make sure that the PJ tee is presentable enough to be worn during the day, in a pinch. And yoga pants are very comfortable for sleeping and a second pair is good to have (again, if necessary, it is something that may be worn in public).


Jun 13, 2006
You list looks good, but I would add a decently warm hat. I didn''t spend a lot of time on the west coast, which I recall is where you are spending the majority of the time, but I remember it being fairly cold. It gets windy and the cold is a wet one that settles under your clothes. All the pictures of my family from the time we were along the west is us in heavy wools sweaters and it was July.

My quick packing tip is to measure out how many days you will be there, plus one, of any vitamins and supplements and toss them as they fit into one bottle, preferably a perscription bottle. Instead of a huge bottle of fish pills and a bunch of multivitamins, they all fit into one or 2 little bottles. I used to skip taking them, but I don''t think it is the greatest idea. Not only is that the reason I got so anemic, but the last thing you want to to do when you are traveling and going to be jet lagged is to mess with what your body is used to getting.

Also, don''t forget a camera, I am expecting pics so I can vicariously live through you!


Jan 7, 2010
Wow I envy your ability to pare it all down!

My only addition would be perhaps one jersey dress, or something of that nature, that you could wear if you decided you wanted to go out for a nice dinner or something.

I'm currently halfway through a 4 1/2 month trip. I have found that the best thing I did was to pack HEAPS (like, 15-20) pairs of undies! When we arrived it was quite cool (maybe 13 deg Celsius during the day) and tights were super-useful too, I ended up buying more. Layers that stack up are very practical - just make sure that you have enough so that if you wear them all one day and then fall in a puddle of mud (for example) you have some clothes for the next day!

ETA: Everything I have with me is grey, black or navy.


Oct 27, 2008
Haven, I don''t mean to throw a spanner in the works but we are having reaaally nice weather here at the moment. I hope it holds up for your trip! I second Pancake''s suggestion of a jersey dress. Also, people do get pretty dressy (depending on where you are) so definitely a nice top to go with jeans, and make space for some high heels!


Apr 22, 2007
Haven you're coming to Ireland?!?!? Woooohooooo!!!

I think your list looks great, I'd just second the suggestions of a warm hat, a scarf/wrap/shawl, and a dressy top. People do dress up here a lot more than in the States. I mean you wouldn't really go down the pub in a sweatshirt and big white sneakers... Something I often do for a dressier outfit when I travel is to bring a light dress that I can wear over jeans with canvas shoes or sandals during the day, and then switch it to dressier shoes, pretty earrings and a nice wrap in the evening.

If you wanted to it would be very easy to pick up a dressy top over here that you could wear out for drinks/dinner and then you'd have it as a souvenir when you get home... Penneys is a great bet for this type of thing and there's a huge Penneys on or off the main street of just about every major town.

Oh and re toiletries - I always just bring the bare essentials. My philosophy is you can buy everything else once you get to your destination and you'll use it up while you're there. For toiletries the best place is to hit a Boots Chemists, again there'll be one on or off the main street in just about every major town.

Exciting exciting exciting!!!

ETA - Don't forget your plug adaptors! You can pick these up in the airport when you arrive but it's generally much cheaper to buy them in a shop before you head off.


May 14, 2006
Your list looks great Haven, although I second Porridge-with the weather we''ve been having over here at the moment you might even get a tan!! Also I agree with Delster in regards to dressing up a small bit going into a pub. The only place that you don''t have to worry about this is in Dingle where everyone seems to be wearing runners or hiking boots in all the pubs!


Mar 11, 2009
I''m really indecisive about packing, but I''ve finally realized that shoes and pants take up WAY more room than shirts. So I limit myself to only a couple bottoms (i.e. 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of shorts) and a few pairs of shoes as I can manage and then I allow myself to bring way more shirts than necessary so that I feel like I have options while on vacation. It works pretty well. I''ve been able to go on a week long vacation with only a carry-on and was very proud of myself.


Feb 15, 2007
Thank you for your list, LittleGreyKittin! I love seeing other people's lists, they're so helpful. I love your sucky sweater, by the way! That's so cute.

Lady Disdain, I'm impressed that you're traveling 3 to 4 months and you only have a carry on! I like the idea of buying a sweater there instead of taking my fleece, I think I'll do that.

I'll definitely add a hat, Brazen. DH and I wanted to buy one there, but it's probably best if I took one, too, right? You can definitely expect a lot of pictures! I'm charging up all my extra camera batteries as we speak.

pancake--Don't be impressed until I actually pack it all! My packing list seems to get larger by the day! I'll definitely think about a nice dress, too. I'm like you with the undies, I always bring too many.
Do you mind my asking where you're going on your 4 1/2 month trip? That sounds like a blast!

YAY for good weather, Porridge! We've had a very warm couple of days here in Chicago, too. It's so wonderful, isn't it?
I'm really glad you posted about people getting dressy, because everything I've read and heard has been the opposite. Will I be okay with a dressy top and black skinny jeans for nights out? I'm bringing either my tan Minnetonka moccasins, which are super cute IMO, or a pair of black ballet flats. I figure either will work for a nicer evening out. I'd LOVE to bring heels, but mine are all so high that they'll take up too much space. (I'm a 4" or 5" heel girl.)

I'm coming, Delster! I'm so excited.
Okay, I've definitely added a hat and wrap and a top. I'm really glad to hear that people dress up often, I was definitely under the wrong impression. And for the record--I never wear sweatshirts OR white sneakers out! It's funny you said that, because all of the comments on the travel forums I've read say that they can spot the Americans by their white sneakers. Mine are grey, and very well loved.

I like the idea of buying a top over there. The only thing I'm worried about is finding something that fits--when I studied in London I found I was much larger than what they typically carried in stores. I'm a US size 6 to 10, depending on the store. When my bag was stolen in London it took A LOT of shopping to find pants that fit me. Maybe I'll bring one nice top, and hope to have luck at the stores and find another.

I hope the weather holds up, bee*! We'll be in Dingle for half of our trip, so it's good to know that the pubs are casual there.

You're definitely right, Callisto--tops definitely take up less space than pants. I like your philosophy, and I think I'll end up bringing far more tops than originally planned. You're right--I think I'll feel better about having more options if I bring more tops.


Oct 27, 2008
Date: 5/24/2010 1:31:23 PM
Author: Haven
YAY for good weather, Porridge! We''ve had a very warm couple of days here in Chicago, too. It''s so wonderful, isn''t it?
I''m really glad you posted about people getting dressy, because everything I''ve read and heard has been the opposite. Will I be okay with a dressy top and black skinny jeans for nights out? I''m bringing either my tan Minnetonka moccasins, which are super cute IMO, or a pair of black ballet flats. I figure either will work for a nicer evening out. I''d LOVE to bring heels, but mine are all so high that they''ll take up too much space. (I''m a 4'' or 5'' heel girl.)
It''s great! Long may it last! Yeah, skinny black jeans and a dressy top will be perfect. Never mind the heels so, many of the towns you''ll be in will have cobblestones anyway so they''d only be a nuisance. I''d still bring a versatile dress if you have one, like what Delster was describing, there''s so many nice restaurants you''d never know when you might need that little something special! But yeah I agree that anything you need can be bought for half nothing in Penneys. My own personal shopping paradise


Dec 29, 2004
I know I''m the the queen of light packing. I did a two week business trip with a carry on (1 week was in FL, and the other in winter Michigan, back to back). I also did 3 weeks in Australia with a carry on, which included my scuba gear.

My secret? I just resign myself that I''m going to stink because I''m not packing enough! Hee. Here''s what I would do to your list if you want revisions...

Here''s my clothing list for our ten day trip to Ireland:
- Waterproof Marmot jacket (WEAR ON PLANE)
- Fleece pullover
- One long sleeve tee, very thin material
- One long sleeve tee, sweatshirt material (you don''t need this if you really want to bring the fleece. Bring one of the other)
- 4 very light short sleeve tees (WEAR ONE ON PLANE) (Ditch one)
- 3 sleeveless undershirts (WEAR ONE ON PLANE)
- One PJ tee (Ditch the PJs, bring something that can double up as day wear. So maybe one of your tees paired with yoga pants.)
- One pair PJ pants
- One pair jeans (WEAR ON PLANE)
- One pair zip-off hiking pants
- One pair black workout pants (for bike trip)
- One pair footless black tights for extra warmth, just in case (I really doubt you will need this, but if you get cold easily, go for it.)
- One pair old gray gym shoes (I live in these. WEAR ON PLANE)
- One pair mocassins for walking
- 2 bras, lots of undies, 5 pr socks

Unless you really really love jeans, I''d take a comfy but nice pair of black pants instead. You can dress them up with a nicer shirt for evening or dress down for sight seeing. Don''t get me wrong, I like my jeans but they are slowest to dry when wet (and Ireland isn''t exactly known for being dry), are a pain to wash and dry if something happens to them and are heaving in the bag).

Also, things have changed since I''ve been in that Ireland now has no smoking laws, I believe. However, (and our local irish can testify if people listen to the ban or not) but if in some smaller village pubs people don''t abide the ban, you''ll want to bring a travel size bottle of febreze. This saved me when I went. I mean, I reeked of smoke...BADLY. I could not wear anything the next day, not even my bra once I went to a pub, it was THAT bad.

Also, bring some of those little packets of stain removers. If it''s going to be cold there, I second the hat and scarf...will make a huge difference.


Feb 15, 2007
Date: 5/24/2010 1:54:31 PM
Author: Porridge
Date: 5/24/2010 1:31:23 PM
Author: Haven
YAY for good weather, Porridge! We''ve had a very warm couple of days here in Chicago, too. It''s so wonderful, isn''t it?
I''m really glad you posted about people getting dressy, because everything I''ve read and heard has been the opposite. Will I be okay with a dressy top and black skinny jeans for nights out? I''m bringing either my tan Minnetonka moccasins, which are super cute IMO, or a pair of black ballet flats. I figure either will work for a nicer evening out. I''d LOVE to bring heels, but mine are all so high that they''ll take up too much space. (I''m a 4'' or 5'' heel girl.)
It''s great! Long may it last! Yeah, skinny black jeans and a dressy top will be perfect. Never mind the heels so, many of the towns you''ll be in will have cobblestones anyway so they''d only be a nuisance. I''d still bring a versatile dress if you have one, like what Delster was describing, there''s so many nice restaurants you''d never know when you might need that little something special! But yeah I agree that anything you need can be bought for half nothing in Penneys. My own personal shopping paradise
Okay, now I''m really looking forward to checking out Penneys!


Feb 15, 2007
Tgal--Thank you! Awesome tips. I love your comments on my packing list, that is exactly what I was hoping for.
I think you''re right about that second long sleeve. I''ll bring either that or the fleece.
I''ll admit: I can''t ditch the PJs. Changing into my PJs at the end (or middle
) of the day is my most favorite thing in the world. It''s bizarre, but I need my PJs. I am only bringing one set though, so that''s better than multiples, right?
Maybe I''ll bring a pair of black stretch pants that I can wear with a long shirt instead of the tights for warmth. I get cold when it''s 70 degrees outside, so I''m always worried about keeping warm.
You make a good point about the jeans.
I''m definitely going to bring Febreeze, great tip.
Haha on being resigned to the fact that you''re going to stink. That''s a good way to look at it. Maybe I''ll reconsider leaving my perfume at home.


Apr 22, 2007
Penneys is cheaper than Old Navy but much more trendy. Seriously if something is on the catwalks this week, expect a knock-off of it in Penneys next week. On sizes, they go up to a UK size 20 so I doubt you''ll have any difficulty with tops at all. And if you spent time in London you probably already know them - they''re called Primark in the UK.

If you''re a cold creature (I''m one too!) I would err on the side of bringing the black tights/leggings things. The cold in Ireland is really different to in the States. It''s a clinging damp cold that gets under your clothes and sinks into your bones and makes them feel soggy and it takes hours to get warm again. You''ll remember it from London I''m sure. It''s quite a bit worse over here as we''re that bit further West and North. The glorious weather at the moment could well be gone by next week... I got married on a glorious Spring day, sun splitting the stones and amazing blue sky. The following Saturday while we were on honeymoon I got a text from my Mammy that they were snowed in! And by the time we got home it was back to normal again...

On the smoking ban, I would say it''s universally adhered to. I can''t remember the last time I saw someone smoking in a pub, not even the kind that are effectively someone''s sitting room out in the middle of nowhere! Definitely in the touristy areas you are hardly going to encounter cigarette smoke at all, just at the doorways of places is all.
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