
Hillary Clinton's powerful tv ad

redwood66|1468892377|4056939 said:
Well in this case they are conservatives. In other cases they are convicts, con artists or other meanings. And your joke was not well telegraphed. ;))

My jokes never are. I was arguing what I think logically. What I feel emotionally about the armed services is quite different. I grew up in a different era from today's era. My father, my uncle, my great-uncle (who was very close to me), and other men in my family had all served in World War II. We went to Memorial Day parades. My Great Uncle Steve was in both the American Legion and the VFW. In fact he always led the Memorial Day parade in his town and ran the American Legion Post. He spent holidays putting flags on veterans' graves. No matter what I think intellectually, I cannot stop being what I am historically. Even though my mother passed away in 2008, the photo of her cousin, George, who was killed in the navy when his ship was torpedoed, is still up in our house.

Im amazed at the pro trump voters here who ignore the fact he's a scumbag by saying "politicians shouldn't be roll models"

Since when is a president a bad roll model?! Do you actually here what you're saying ?
AGBF|1468890168|4056923 said:
There is no "welfare" in the old sense anymore. But we know that that there are many welfare programs. It's just that many of them are not for the poor and they have no means test (like Social Security or deducting your mortgage from your income taxes) so the right wing doesn't get all riled up about it. It's the issue of selectivity versus universalism. Universal programs are better accepted.
That is both untrue and, even if their service did help to keep the United States free (although surely giving me free speech is not the motive of anyone serving), is irrelevant.
Wife and I are guilty for deducting mortgage from our income taxes. Yup, We were young and naive with a baby coming soon, so we decided to purchase a home instead of taking advantage of section 8 (free housing), food stamp, etc... .. ;( We should have done it the liberal way.
AGBF|1468893049|4056946 said:
redwood66|1468892377|4056939 said:
Well in this case they are conservatives. In other cases they are convicts, con artists or other meanings. And your joke was not well telegraphed. ;))

My jokes never are. I was arguing what I think logically. What I feel emotionally about the armed services is quite different. I grew up in a different era from today's era. My father, my uncle, my great-uncle (who was very close to me), and other men in my family had all served in World War II. We went to Memorial Day parades. My Great Uncle Steve was in both the American Legion and the VFW. In fact he always led the Memorial Day parade in his town and ran the American Legion Post. He spent holidays putting flags on veterans' graves. No matter what I think intellectually, I cannot stop being what I am historically. Even though my mother passed away in 2008, the photo of her cousin, George, who was killed in the navy when his ship was torpedoed, is still up in our house.


I thank your family for their service to this country. It is an important sacrifice that few make. My connection to the military is indeed emotional, patriotic, and proud all at the same time. I do not apologize for it.

Dancing Fire|1468893433|4056952 said:
AGBF|1468890168|4056923 said:
There is no "welfare" in the old sense anymore. But we know that that there are many welfare programs. It's just that many of them are not for the poor and they have no means test (like Social Security or deducting your mortgage from your income taxes) so the right wing doesn't get all riled up about it. It's the issue of selectivity versus universalism. Universal programs are better accepted.
That is both untrue and, even if their service did help to keep the United States free (although surely giving me free speech is not the motive of anyone serving), is irrelevant.
Wife and I are guilty for deducting mortgage from our income taxes. Yup, We were young and naive with a baby coming soon, so we decided to purchase a home instead of taking advantage of section 8 (free housing), food stamp, etc... .. ;( We should have done it the liberal way.

Don't worry DF, I'm a proud liberal and have never taken food stamps welfare or Medicare. So maybe that is the liberal way too?

Can I join you on your high horse?
Niel I don't think any of the conservative voters here are in love with Trump. He is not my idea of a perfect candidate for sure. But I am a NEVER Hillary voter and will not waste my vote.

Actually in my state I could probably stay home and Trump will still take it.
House Cat|1468867508|4056771 said:
The ad made me cry.

That is all.

Me too.
arkieb1|1468880524|4056844 said:
I think sadly the tide of opinion is turning more in favour of Trump. It seems a shame that the people voting for him don't have the foresight to see that far from being some sort of holy grail providing the stable government they seek, they cannot see how much more divided the country will become under him. To an outsider if you think the country is a place of divide now, then I can only shudder to imagine the chaos that will occur if he wins.

I don't think it's a case of regular non-fringe republicans becoming more enamored of Trump as time goes on. They didn't expect that the fringe movement would carry Trump along as far as it did. Actually no one expected this; early on we ALL thought his candidacy was pretty much a joke. But none of the other candidates could gain a critical mass and then there it was, Trump was the presumptive candidate. So now traditional republicans are engaging in cognitive dissonance, where one resolves conflicting beliefs by adjusting viewpoints to create a more consistent overall framework. Conflict: Donald Trump is crass boor racist joke of a candidate, he is the repub nominee and I'm a republican. Adjustment: It's the media that portrays him to be racist etc., Hillary must be even worse. In other words, it might be too late to make the right decision, so instead we'll have to make the decision right.
This thread has taken a very odd turn...

Redwood did you actually serve in the military? Your posts imply that you have. I feel the question must be asked at this point.
Dancing Fire|1468893433|4056952 said:
AGBF|1468890168|4056923 said:
There is no "welfare" in the old sense anymore. But we know that that there are many welfare programs. It's just that many of them are not for the poor and they have no means test (like Social Security or deducting your mortgage from your income taxes) so the right wing doesn't get all riled up about it. It's the issue of selectivity versus universalism. Universal programs are better accepted.
That is both untrue and, even if their service did help to keep the United States free (although surely giving me free speech is not the motive of anyone serving), is irrelevant.
Wife and I are guilty for deducting mortgage from our income taxes. Yup, We were young and naive with a baby coming soon, so we decided to purchase a home instead of taking advantage of section 8 (free housing), food stamp, etc... .. ;( We should have done it the liberal way.
As someone who grew up in abject poverty (yep, we're bootstrappers) I never understand it when conservatives talk about how great it is to live in section 8 housing and on food stamps. Honest question, have you lived that way? I can tell you, it's not so great. It's worth working to have a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with good schools, and money for some extras and travel.
House Cat|1468896925|4056976 said:
This thread has taken a very odd turn...

Redwood did you actually serve in the military? Your posts imply that you have. I feel the question must be asked at this point.

No my husband, grandfathers, and both my sons. One is still serving currently. He has a TS/SCI clearance which is why I take Hillary''s email scandal so seriously because he would be in jail for what she did.
Niel|1468893803|4056955 said:
Dancing Fire|1468893433|4056952 said:
AGBF|1468890168|4056923 said:
There is no "welfare" in the old sense anymore. But we know that that there are many welfare programs. It's just that many of them are not for the poor and they have no means test (like Social Security or deducting your mortgage from your income taxes) so the right wing doesn't get all riled up about it. It's the issue of selectivity versus universalism. Universal programs are better accepted.
That is both untrue and, even if their service did help to keep the United States free (although surely giving me free speech is not the motive of anyone serving), is irrelevant.
Wife and I are guilty for deducting mortgage from our income taxes. Yup, We were young and naive with a baby coming soon, so we decided to purchase a home instead of taking advantage of section 8 (free housing), food stamp, etc... .. ;( We should have done it the liberal way.

Don't worry DF, I'm a proud liberal and have never taken food stamps welfare or Medicare. So maybe that is the liberal way too?
Nope, that should be the American way.
redwood66|1468893891|4056956 said:
Niel I don't think any of the conservative voters here are in love with Trump. He is not my idea of a perfect candidate for sure. But I am a NEVER Hillary voter and will not waste my vote.

Actually in my state I could probably stay home and Trump will still take it.
HC will take Ca. so most likely I will stay home or just let my wife vote for me by mail.
Dancing Fire|1468900614|4057003 said:
redwood66|1468893891|4056956 said:
Niel I don't think any of the conservative voters here are in love with Trump. He is not my idea of a perfect candidate for sure. But I am a NEVER Hillary voter and will not waste my vote.

Actually in my state I could probably stay home and Trump will still take it.
HC will take Ca. so most likely I will stay home or just let my wife vote for me by mail.

I am sorry. But that is one of the reasons I left. But take a look at the red blue county map - most of CA is red, you're just under the thumb of those large population centers.
BeekeeperBetty|1468897477|4056979 said:
Dancing Fire|1468893433|4056952 said:
AGBF|1468890168|4056923 said:
There is no "welfare" in the old sense anymore. But we know that that there are many welfare programs. It's just that many of them are not for the poor and they have no means test (like Social Security or deducting your mortgage from your income taxes) so the right wing doesn't get all riled up about it. It's the issue of selectivity versus universalism. Universal programs are better accepted.
That is both untrue and, even if their service did help to keep the United States free (although surely giving me free speech is not the motive of anyone serving), is irrelevant.
Wife and I are guilty for deducting mortgage from our income taxes. Yup, We were young and naive with a baby coming soon, so we decided to purchase a home instead of taking advantage of section 8 (free housing), food stamp, etc... .. ;( We should have done it the liberal way.
As someone who grew up in abject poverty (yep, we're bootstrappers) I never understand it when conservatives talk about how great it is to live in section 8 housing and on food stamps. Honest question, have you lived that way? I can tell you, it's not so great. It's worth working to have a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with good schools, and money for some extras and travel.
Yup, that should be the goal for every American instead of depending on social programs.
MissGotRocks|1468883464|4056860 said:
* * * As far as his children in business, they started with BIG money behind them. It is far easier to be successful with backing than it is to start from scratch. He also has plenty of funds to supplement them if their businesses slip.
Sure, but it's not as if they've been coasting on Daddy's coattails & living shallow, wasted lives. Their work ethic is legendary & even when they were younger, none of them was ever a fixture on NYC's socialite-celebrity club scene a la Paris Hilton.

I don't have any second-hand information about Eric, but some friends and my uncle's partner have had professional/business dealings with Don, Jr., and Ivanka & had only good things to say about them because of the level of intelligence, common sense, and preparedness they displayed at meetings/negotiations, in addition to being likable.

Ivanka transferred from Georgetown U. to Wharton's undergraduate program, graduated summa cum laude ( (which requires a GPA of 3.8 or higher, not something money can buy) with a B.S. in Economics (minored in art history). She spent a full evening with my son and his post-grad NYU Hospitality Management classmates right before the Trump SoHo opened in 2010; her initial presentation was followed by a more freewheeling, informal discussion & an in-depth tour of the hotel. My son candidly admitted that he had prejudged her -- that she proved to be quite impressive, especially for someone not yet 30; was personable & intent on-enthusiastic about facilitating the kind of dialogue the professor always hoped for in these sessions with NYC hotel owners.
Niel|1468893375|4056950 said:
Im amazed at the pro trump voters here who ignore the fact he's a scumbag by saying "politicians shouldn't be roll models"

Since when is a president a bad roll model?! Do you actually here what you're saying ?

I agree that it's sad not to expect a politician to be a role model, especially since good role models are so few and far between these days. Trump is certainly not a good role model and as much as I'd love our daughters to experience a positive, strong, female president, HRC is that person either :((
I feel Clinton's ad is very powerful. It shows the real Trump. He is a bratty name calling 5 year old that when left to his own words, can not string a full sentence together. Did you see his poor performance reading from the teleprompter? His die hard supporters want the diarrhea that spews from his mouth, that really get them going. He appeals to the worst part of humanity, the hate, the racism and the blame game. The common theme at the Rep Convention is Clinton is a liar and untrustworthy. The delegates are like rabid dogs yelling "lock her up". There has been no substance, so far, at this convention. Last night was supposed to be " Making America Work Again". Where are the plans, the solutions, to getting jobs back in the US. Is Trump going to move his clothing business back to the US? Don't hold your breath. Trump has been a liar and embellisher his whole life. His most famous book," The Art Of The Deal" was not even written by him! He has repeatedly said he wrote it all. Some of his businesses are under investigation for fraud. He has repeatedly filed for bankruptcy leaving vendors and some of the same people supporting him with pennies on the dollar settlements.

I am so tired of the skewing of the facts regarding Clinton, especially Benghazi. The 2 CIA contractors that appeared on the first night mislead and misinformed. They worked for the CIA! The CIA is not under the control of the State Department. Repeatedly, the President asked the Republican controlled Congress for more funds, some to be used for security. Out of spite and in order to tie his hands, they refused. The sister of Ambassador Stevens said this...

"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta," Stevens said in an interview published Tuesday with The New Yorker's Robin Wright, referring to the former secretaries of State and defense, respectively. "They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself."

Instead, Stevens remarked that if any entity had any culpability, it was Congress for the State Department's budget.

"Perhaps if Congress had provided a budget to increase security for all missions around the world, then some of the requests for more security in Libya would have been granted," Stevens told Wright.

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This is Steven's sister. She loved her brother but does not let pain and grief keep her from seeing the truth.
I hope Clinton's people pay attention to the shortcomings of the Republican Convention. They need to lay out their plans regarding jobs, education and security, show how they will be funded and act like adults. I hope they avoid the anger and blame game and take the high road. We'll see if they paid attention of what not to do. They need to reach out to the undecided not preach to the supporters. Trump has done nothing, so far, to sway the voters he needs to win.