
Help with ideas/timeline

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Oct 15, 2008

I could use some help on a couple ideas. First off, I’m planning for everything to take place in downtown Charleston. It’s kind of a romantic city, even though we are used to it by now from living there. I am going to try and incorporate a variety of these in some fashion:

1) Proposal at romantic location (Battery/waterfront park, if you’re familiar with Charleston) (anytime)
2) Carriage ride to restaurant from proposal site (can be scheduled anytime)
3) Eating dinner at nice place (reservations anytime)
4) French Quarter Art Walk at downtown galleries (she loves art) (Friday 5-8pm)
5) Parade of boats decorated with Christmas lights in the historic harbor (we love boats) (Saturday 5-7pm)
6) Tree lighting ceremony (prefer not to pop the ? here) (Saturday 4:30-6pm)

I need to use some of these events to drag her downtown AND get her out to the romantic location AND convince her to wear something besides bluejeans and flip flops for the dinner. I am thinking I might have to go ahead and spill the beans about dinner so she will dress appropriately. One potential glitch is that there is a 40% chance of rain on Saturday and a high of around 58 (cold for us), and she hates being outside in the cold.

I also don’t want to do it in the restaurant, so am kind of leaning toward the parade of boats (got to be at the edge of the water), or faking the wine walk to Saturday, and when we stop by the first gallery and they are closed, just say “well lest go walk down to the water”.

What do you think?
Hey TimUaD, I''m surprised no one responded to you yet. I just have a few questions before I give you my input. Are you planning on eating downtown first before the boat show or art galleries? In my opinion, and this is just me, I think seeing the boats is the best and then taking a carriage ride to the restaurant and proposing either on the carriage or while at the docks watching the boats. Then you guys can snuggle (since it will be kind of cold) to the restaurant and enjoy yourselves for the rest of the night and you wont be thinking when you should pop the question. Also, to get her to dress nice, I would tell her straight out you want to go to a nice restaurant. Hopefully she wont have any suspicions and if she does... oh well.

So, get all dressed up, go downtown to the boats, pop the ?, snuggle on the carriage ride to the restaurant, have a nice dinner and you are set!

If only it could be that easy right? I do like the carriage ride though the best... so romantic. If it rains just use umbrellas and some of them have little awnings they put on. Well, hope all goes well for you on Saturday! Let us know how it goes
I second everything Tabu suggested. Sounds like you have really wonderful ideas and I wish you the best!

Is there any special occasion/anniversary this Saturday that might give you the opportunity to bring upt the nice restaurant without it being a giveaway of the impending proposal? Chances are she will be surprised anyway. No matter how much a lady suspects its coming, until the proposal actually happens, there''s that doubt and room for surprise. Good luck, TimUaD!
Charleston is such a romantic city so you definitely have that working in your favor :) If it''s not too cold, I think a proposal in the Battery would be just gorgeous (and SO memorable!) The Battery is my absolute favorite place in Charleston!! And I second the other ladies on a carriage ride/romantic dinner a deux. Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend lined up. Congrats on your pending engagement!
Thanks for the replies.

Tabu - like you said... eating last is the plan. it goes... boat parade (never been to it, hopefully it wont be a tacky type of thing... haha), pop the ? as we are leaving, walk to the awaiting carriege, which strolls us around the historic district on the way to a 5 star resaurant.

Sounds like Im not missing anything important... right? just gotta remember the ring. Thanks, I''ll let you know how it goes... cross your fingers for no rain.
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