
Help with a baby gift for a 4 mo ?


Mar 2, 2009
Hi guys!

I browsed through the Preggo/baby stuff thread, but a lot of it was about strollers and new born things so I thought I"d ask for some focused advice.

I'd like to get something for my cousin who has a 4mo baby, but I need to be able to bring it easily overseas, and it would be nice if it were something that she wouldn't be able to get easily in China. Any ideas?

The itzbeen time sounded interesting, but would it still be useful at for an older baby?

Thanks for the input!
Hey MTG...don't know if you got any responses to this yet, but what about a Moby if she doesn't have something like that yet? It's easily packable (just a long piece of cotton) and its extremely versatile in the ways in which you can carry your LO around. It's my favorite gift for new moms.
That's a toughie since there's cultural differences in infant care and parenting. So something that is not available in China might be something that is not the norm in China. Like my cousins, who have a 3 mo. baby, was told be nurses in Hong Kong to cover herself up to the waist with a blanket. That's something that is not recommended here in the US. With that said, I love the Aden + Anais blankets and sleepsacks (Halo or similar ones). Those are things that are easy to travel with. Or maybe some small toys that can't be found in China.
MTG - the Chinese are big on slings (the Mei Tai I use is a traditional Chinese one) and there's no shortage of toys out there.

Perhaps something like nice bath products or I second the sleep sack idea.

Books are also a good one - Daisy was definitely interested in the soft cloth books at 12 weeks and liked board books by 4 months. I would think they would be harder to come across out there. The Very Hungry Caterpillar always goes down well!
Sorry, but what is a sleep sack?
It's like a zip-up bag with a hole for the head and arms. It's normally quilted and comes in different weights. It means that the kid can't crawl under the covers and that if they turn over they don't throw the blankets off or get tangled in them when their older, and with babies it means that you can keep them warm without a billion layers and without needing to use blankets. Some of them come with arms that can be poppered or zipped on as well.

Here's a link to the Grobag site (the most popular brand in the UK):
I'm with Pandora - books are perfect!
Sleep sacks are a good idea. We use Halo or Aden and Anais. or Aden and Anais swaddle blankets, they are great for everything, not just swaddling, and the muslin breathes.

What about a muslin lovey? It's breathable and snuggleable. A&A makes them and also I like them from have tags on them.

or the cloth book idea is great too. J has one a friend gave us and he loves it.

what about Sophie the teething giraffe? That thing is so popular--we got two. and J started loving it around 4mo when he got bitey/drooly/teethy.