
Help! S.O.S.


Mar 30, 2011
All of my willpower has left me. The ring was picked up today and is currently sitting on the coffee table in front of me. I am desperate to look and need to be reminded why I should not do this.

I think what's really killing me is that my boyfriend put it on my finger for a momnt while I closed my eyes to make sure it fit. Then he commented on how nice it looked. Now I'm dying to take a peek.

That's just cruel! :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: At least it fits...and hope to goodness he has a plan in place for a FAST proposal!
Stay strong! It has to happen soon! He can't torture you forever. Go take a walk and stop thinking about the ring! :bigsmile:
You are so much better than I am. I'm not a snooper, but if the ring had been sitting on a table in plain view when I was a LIW, I would have typed this thread out with it ON MY FINGER! I'm not even kidding. I probably would have taken pictures to post on PS, too.

I'm impressed. Now, cover the box with a cloth napkin and back away from the table. Put in your favorite movie and that will distract you for at least a couple hours!
Haven|1306367236|2930298 said:
You are so much better than I am. I'm not a snooper, but if the ring had been sitting on a table in plain view when I was a LIW, I would have typed this thread out with it ON MY FINGER! I'm not even kidding. I probably would have taken pictures to post on PS, too.

I'm impressed. Now, cover the box with a cloth napkin and back away from the table. Put in your favorite movie and that will distract you for at least a couple hours!

DITTO. I wouldn't have even kept my eyes closed when he tried it on my finger! :cheeky: I'm beyond impressed. But come on, Mr. gummy-bear: PUT THAT THING AWAY!
gummy-bear|1306365451|2930272 said:
I think what's really killing me is that my boyfriend put it on my finger for a momnt while I closed my eyes to make sure it fit. Then he commented on how nice it looked. Now I'm dying to take a peek.


Haha he is enjoying torturing you! :naughty:

Take it to the bedroom/bathroom, lock the door so you can't get back in - or at least, can't get in without some quality time with a screwdriver, and watch that movie Haven suggests! Then have it out with your SO when he gets home, for being a class A tease!!
Thanks for the laugh ladies. Yeah I think he is having fun. He'll open the box in front of me and peek inside. I will be strong. Going to put it in the bedroom so I stop petting the box and talking to it :p.
gummy-bear said:
Thanks for the laugh ladies. Yeah I think he is having fun. He'll open the box in front of me and peek inside. I will be strong. Going to put it in the bedroom so I stop petting the box and talking to it :p.

haha, love it! Best... mental... image... ever...!
maebelle|1306372605|2930380 said:
gummy-bear said:
Thanks for the laugh ladies. Yeah I think he is having fun. He'll open the box in front of me and peek inside. I will be strong. Going to put it in the bedroom so I stop petting the box and talking to it :p.

haha, love it! Best... mental... image... ever...!

LOL ditto maebelle. hilarious! you DEFINITELY have more self-control than I would have in that situation, so humongo props to you for not peeking!!

i also second the movie idea, though you may need to watch several ;) i know i would!

i bet your SO is having the time of his life teasing you right now :P hope he gets over that and proposes soon! I'm really excited for you! ***DUST!***
gummy-bear|1306368946|2930329 said:
Thanks for the laugh ladies. Yeah I think he is having fun. He'll open the box in front of me and peek inside. I will be strong. Going to put it in the bedroom so I stop petting the box and talking to it :p.


Hopefully he will propose soon so you dont have to be in suspense for much longer!! Cant wait to see hand pics of your ring I am sure its going to be gorgeous !!!!!
I want to thank everyone who responded. I managed to avoid peeking and now the ring is safely tucked away for now. You guys have no idea how close I was to breaking. He even offered to show it to me but I said no. I know he only offered to make me happy and wants me to see it for the first time when he proposes.

I am very happy I didn't peek and I probably would have without your encouragement. would he feel if he walked in, really really hungry, and the place was heavily perfumed with the wonderful aromas of a perfectly cooked steak, mashed potatoes, and fresh baked brownies (or whatever his favorite meal is). The table was set, but he wasn't allowed to eat the meal. That's the equivalent of what he did with the ring! Meaner-beaner!!!

Hang in there. ;)
gummy-bear said:
Thanks for the laugh ladies. Yeah I think he is having fun. He'll open the box in front of me and peek inside. I will be strong. Going to put it in the bedroom so I stop petting the box and talking to it :p.

HAHA!! :lol:

But seriously, you are amazing for not peeking! If it was sitting there in front of me, I don't know that I would be able to resist. And the fact that he would open it in front of you but not let you see it, well that is something that my BF would do too!

Winks_Elf said: would he feel if he walked in, really really hungry, and the place was heavily perfumed with the wonderful aromas of a perfectly cooked steak, mashed potatoes, and fresh baked brownies (or whatever his favorite meal is). The table was set, but he wasn't allowed to eat the meal. That's the equivalent of what he did with the ring! Meaner-beaner!!!

Hang in there. ;)

I think you should make his absolute favorite food and have it ready and sitting out when he gets home, then tell him he can't eat it until he proposes! :D Hahaha! Hope he proposes soon!
I would hide it :-P

on the coffee table?!?! now that's just torture! hang in there, I hope the proposal comes soon!
That is so mean, but you have amazing self control. I would have jumped at the chance to look and wouldn't of had a second thought about it!
Hopefully he'll propose soon so you don't have to keep stretching to keep your willpower alive!

I think I would probably try to amuse myself with the situation and dress the box up for mini photo shoots. :D
Winks_Elf|1306409528|2930678 said: would he feel if he walked in, really really hungry, and the place was heavily perfumed with the wonderful aromas of a perfectly cooked steak, mashed potatoes, and fresh baked brownies (or whatever his favorite meal is). The table was set, but he wasn't allowed to eat the meal. That's the equivalent of what he did with the ring! Meaner-beaner!!!

Hang in there. ;)

Cooking all that food would keep you busy for a while...... and imagine the look on his face as you carefully and deliberately tasted each and every thing while he could just watch. :devil:
Haven|1306367236|2930298 said:
You are so much better than I am. I'm not a snooper, but if the ring had been sitting on a table in plain view when I was a LIW, I would have typed this thread out with it ON MY FINGER! I'm not even kidding. I probably would have taken pictures to post on PS, too.

I'm impressed. Now, cover the box with a cloth napkin and back away from the table. Put in your favorite movie and that will distract you for at least a couple hours!

This made me LOL at work! Thanks!
We must be on the same wavelength. I told him it was as torturous as me starving him for 5 days and then dangling a cheeseburger in front of him, just out of his reach.

I still have no idea when it'll be but he tells me "soon" whatever that means.
haha! You are a better woman that I!

If my bf was torturing me like that I would have put the ring on and declared us engaged and then posted pics all over PS :devil:
I just do not understand this at all and i've seen this many times on PS. Why do couples do this?! It just seems backwards! Hang in there! I could not do that!
Didn't mean to come off snarky! It just seems so cruel and unnecessary! :confused:
Ditto the above point gummy-bear, why do guys think that's funny? it's just plain cruel! hang in there and hopefully a proposal is imminent ***DUST***