
HELP ME!!! Ring is stuck on finger

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Mar 6, 2006
Agg, stupid me. My grandma gave me some jewerly fairly recently including a cute little ring (not a wedding ring) that at the time I got it, Irealized was too small and kept meaning to get it sized.

I put it on last night. I guess my fingers were not swollen at all or I was cold. I don''t know why but it slipped right on. Then I could not get it off!

I slept with it and here it is the next day and it is STUCK on my finger.

Last time this happened I was pregnnant and the ring had to be cut off.

I am NOT cutting this off.

So short of starving myself and dehydrating myself so my finger will shrink, how the heck can I get it off?

Any ideas for getting off a stuck ring without damaging it??

Agg, I don''t want to hurt this ring and can''t believe I have done this to myself again.
use oil, butter or crisco and grease your finger?! work it off slowly, a bit at a time? I think that should do it!
Oh dear! Try putting some lotion on around the ring and see if that lubricates it enough to get it off. If not, fill up your sink with some ice and cold water and stick your hand in. Both of these have worked for me to get stuck rings off. Also, if you feel like all the blook is rushing to your hand because you are freaking out, put your hand above your head for a minute, as that might also help in keeping the blood away from you fingers.

Soapy water...lots of suds. (I wonder if soaking your hand in icy cold water for a while would "shrink" it a bit???

Yeah put your hand in icy cold water for a bit. Then soap up your hand and hold it under cold running water. It should slip right off. You can even try some windex, heard that works too. Anything slippery, but you have to get the swelling down first. Just make sure the drain is closed!! All that pulling, it'd be awful for it to go down the drain!!!
I heard Windex might work ... def. soak in ice water a bit to shrink down any swelling!
I''ve heard baby oil works.
Good luck!
Just don''t try all those chemicals at the same time...might blow up your finger!

One of the appraisers I think recommended the windex...I think I''d get the hand as cold as possible and then do the windex.
Soak it in ice water. Don't tug on it too much it will get worse not better.

I had the same thing happen once; my aunt gave me a beautiful ring that was too small, I tried taking it off and only made it worse. After about 10 hours of struggling with it, unable to sleep because my finger was really hurting, I ended up in the ER, they managed to get it off (me and three ER nurses at 5 a.m., imagine the scene!).
YUP, gentle twisting is good, no tugging or pulling. Just make sure the swelling goes down before you try all of the above.
Windex has worked well for me. Also you could take it to a jeweler. My jeweler has this terrific spray he calls Ring Off.
Where do you live? If it is cold outside, go for a walk then use Windex. I find that my ring that fits perfect in the summer almost falls off when I take the dog for a walk now that it is cold outside.
As odd as it sounds, drinking alot of water will help to bring down the swelling, (and make you run to the bathroom a bunch). Windex does work. I hope someday someone can invent a flexible metal for us.
Thanks for all the replies. I tried to get it off last night before I read everything here and with all my tugging made my joint swell

Good news though is that its not too tight where it sits, just when I try and get it over the joint so I''m not hurting wearing it and its not cutting off circulation.

I had chinese food yesterday for lunch and a slice of pizza last night. I''m fairly thin but my fingers and body retain water when I eat salty food.

So, today and tommorow and I am going to avoid any salty food and take that suggestion to drink lots of water.

Then tommorow night, when my kids go to bed, I''ll try the getting my hand cold thing, something slippery like windex and gently twist, not tug at it.

So I am not going to mess with it today.

Hopefully that will work!

KimberlyH, I had my wedding ring cut off me when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I was so devastated. They had to cut off both my engagement ring and my wedding band. I was SO upset. They were yellow gold so thankfully a soft metal. But the good part that came about was I had always wanted platinum and after I had the baby, my husband replaced that ring with a platinum wedding band and we reset my stone in platinum too.
Date: 11/28/2006 10:04:41 AM
Author: asscherisme
Thanks for all the replies. I tried to get it off last night before I read everything here and with all my tugging made my joint swell

Good news though is that its not too tight where it sits, just when I try and get it over the joint so I''m not hurting wearing it and its not cutting off circulation.

I had chinese food yesterday for lunch and a slice of pizza last night. I''m fairly thin but my fingers and body retain water when I eat salty food.

So, today and tommorow and I am going to avoid any salty food and take that suggestion to drink lots of water.

Then tommorow night, when my kids go to bed, I''ll try the getting my hand cold thing, something slippery like windex and gently twist, not tug at it.

So I am not going to mess with it today.

Hopefully that will work!

KimberlyH, I had my wedding ring cut off me when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I was so devastated. They had to cut off both my engagement ring and my wedding band. I was SO upset. They were yellow gold so thankfully a soft metal. But the good part that came about was I had always wanted platinum and after I had the baby, my husband replaced that ring with a platinum wedding band and we reset my stone in platinum too.

I can only imagine how upset you were. The ring that my aunt gave me was a present to her from her husband; when he passed away she gave my sister and I each a special piece of jewelry from him. I was lucky that we were able to get it off without cutting, I would have been devestated as well.

I hope you have much luck getting it off tomorrow!
Drinking a lot of green tea will also help get rid of extra water retention. Its a natural diuretic.
Dental Floss!

I''ve seen this work. Here''s an article on it.

By Peter Jaret

As those of us who wear jewelry know, it''s not unusual for a ring to get temporarily stuck on a finger. Fingers naturally swell, especially when it''s hot and humid outside, or if you walk with your hands swinging at your sides. Usually, if you simply cool off and elevate the affected hand above your heart for a while, the swelling will go down and the ring will come off easily. Applying ice to your finger can also reduce swelling quickly. If that doesn''t work, try using cooking oil or soap and water to make your finger slippery enough for the ring to slide off. Use a twisting or "unscrewing" motion to remove the ring, rather than pulling it straight off over the knuckle

However, some situations can cause a ring to get badly stuck. For example, if you sprain or jam your finger and don''t take off your ring right away, swelling in the joint can make removal difficult. In that case, you may have to use a different procedure to get it off. All you''ll need is a piece of dental floss about two feet long.

First, slip a few inches of the floss under the ring. The short end of the floss should point toward your hand, and the long end should extend toward the swollen joint.

Next, start wrapping the floss snugly around your finger, starting just above the ring. Each row of floss should be tight up against the last one, as if you were winding thread onto a spool. Wrap your finger until the floss extends a little beyond the swollen joint. Don''t be afraid to pull the floss tight -- you want to slightly compress the swollen joint so you can pull the ring over it.

Finally, when the swollen joint is wrapped, grasp the end of the floss that is tucked under the ring, and begin to gently unwrap it. Go slowly, making sure to grasp the floss firmly. The unwinding floss will push the ring along. Remove the ring once it passes over the swollen joint, then unwind the remainder of the floss so that it doesn''t block circulation to your finger.

If you can''t remove the ring and you''re worried that the swelling may be affecting circulation to your finger, call your doctor. You may need to have the ring cut off.
My ring got stuck once and dental floss will get a stuck ring off. My situation was beyond using slippery substances. Just wrap the floss around your knuckle and the finger a little above and below it as tight as you can with the floss, which squeezes the skin and makes for a thinner area to slide the ring over, and then the ring should slide over the knuckle. I had to wrap the floss painfully tight but it only has stay on for a minute or so while you work the ring off. I think after I put the floss on, I also ran my hand under cold water as I pulled it off. Make sure you close the drain! If you have been tugging on it, your finger will be swollen, making it worse. So leave it alone for a while and then use the floss.
I''ll have to say, it''s amazing the things we learn here on PS!!!!
WOW Jazmine!... what a great tip. I never thought of something like that and I am the type of person that thinks from all angles before I do anything. I am really impressed with how resourceful you are!
TIMMY, I could reach right through the computer and just hug you right now.

I followed your directions to the TEE and it WORKED!!!!!! I am so beyond relieved.

My finger is bruised I wrapped that floss so tight. And I had a very scary moment where the ring got stock on my knuckle and would not go over orunder and I thought I would have to rush the the ER but pure adrenaline took over and I soaped that baby up and ran it under cold water and it worked!!!

My ring is saved, my finger while bruised will be fine in a few hours and I save myself humilitation of getting it cut off and save the ring.

I will NEVER, NEVER force a ring on again. EVER!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with ideas.

Whew, what a relief.
Asscherisme - what a relief! I''m SO glad you were able to get it off and both your ring and your finger are (relatively) undamaged.
I am so happy you got the ring of with minimal damage overall!
Great news, asscherisme! I''m thrilled it''s off with minimal damage.
Yeah, Wow am I relieved!

I am so hungry right now because I was trying to eat very little somehow thinking that would shrink my finger. I actually lost 3 pounds in the last 2 days and I normally weigh 130 (I'm 5'7 with a big frame) so I don't need to lose. So, I am about to make myself a nice dinner :)

I'll admit my finger is pretty banged up. How ironic if I had to visit a doctor and explain how I injured it. I think it should be fine in the morning or at least in a day or two.

But my grandmas ring, no damage.

I guess I'm a true pricescoper: my finger is sore but I'm thrilled the ring is OK! I think I'll wait a week and I'll get that puppy sized up to fit me!
Hey, a finger heals but grandmother''s ring is not replaceable!

Just kidding, but who wants to cut something off? Not nice.

Enjoy your food, I am sure you worked up a sweat getting the ring off!

I had a ring get stuck on my finger when I was little, I bit it to make it tighter and went to sleep and my finger look like a cigar the next morning. My mom took me to the emergency room and they did something with string and yanked. My mom said she could hear me screaming from the waiting room, they would not let her be in the room while they removed it. So I am glad that it went reasonably well on your end!
Whew! All''s well that ends well... I''ve been checking this thread to make sure that you''re okay. So glad it worked out.
Wait where are the gory finger pictures!?
So glad you got it off with the ring (and your finger) still intact!

Congrats...that must be such a relief.
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