Hi, I am not a financial wizard, but my alarm bells are going off with regard to some advice our certified financial planner is giving us. Briefly, we have inherited some money. To avoid some limited tax exposure, our CFP is advising that we reinvest this money. We do not need the money and are happy to reinvest it for our own retirement. However, our CFP is advising that we put the money into a variable annuity (Jackson National is the company). The fees seem high, and I'm not a fan of how illiquid annuities are in general. Before we give the go ahead to our CFP to move this money to an annuity, I thought I'd ask if any of you have had experience (good or bad) with annuities. Also, recommendations for other choices we might have on where to park this money for the next 5 to 10 years are welcome! My husband and I both have retirement accounts through work, and we have maxed out our Roth IRAs. We also have rental property as an investment. Many thanks.