
heirloom engagement ring


Nov 23, 2015
My girlfriend has hinted that she would like her late grandmothers ring, which is in her mothers possession. I'm not sure how to proceed.

Is it okay to propose with her grandmothers ring? Do we use the same ring during the wedding?
You'd need to talk to her mother and ask if it's ok to use the ring. I'm a huge fan of heirlooms, so I think it's nice. Obviously your relationship with the mother matters, but hopefully it's a good one so she agrees to letting you use it!

For the wedding, you usually exchange bands. Is the grandmothers ring just a simple band? If so, yes, you'd get the ring back and place it on her finger during the ceremony. If it's more of an engagement ring then you would buy a new band (or not if you don't want to) and then use that during the ceremony.
I think it would be. Your girlfriend should find it quite romantic and sentimental that you are using her ring. Perhaps you might want to purchase a separate wedding ring later on so she will have a ring from you and her grandmother. For me, I know my wife would want to keep her parents/grandparents jewellery but not for me to use it to propose. So you really need to either discuss this with your girlfriend or search deep and make a decision.

There is a wedding ring experience where you make your own wedding rings. That might be something you would consider to add more sentimentality. See more info here.
I think it would be fine to use her grandmothers ring if the mother agrees with it if not just use your wedding ring.
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