
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Forgot to say, I might have confused you with the year over year numbers for my sales. Those are above and beyond last year, not totals -- thank god! So I've sold around $31K as of the End of October. That's a lot of glass! My goal/hope is about $40K for the full year, which would be about 10% over last year, so fingers crossed for a lot of packages going out the door between now and Dec. 31!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I ordered a grocery delivery. By mid-afternoon my OMG that hurts muscle subsided to a dull ache. Strange. I kind of notice it a bit today, but not bad.

Woo hoo! You are rolling in dough from your sales. Yay. And I bet this time of year you sell quite a bit. Marty has about $8,000 profit for the gym right now. What will that be - 40% taxed?

Those darn caramels will get me every time. I buy bags of Russell Stover caramels and caramel pecan turtles. Love those things.

I totally like the "marry the house, date the rate" meme. That's perfect. We were out "chasing" places today. We have too previously lived in homes to view in the morning. I guess the builder of place north of town is anxious to sell. He called Marty's client / realtor yesterday saying he might be willing to cut 9% off the price. It's been listed since June 2022 and it's already dropped about $100,000 from the original asking price. I am guessing the distance from town is why it hasn't sold. I asked Marty, okay what's wrong with it and it may be hard to sell down the road. His point of view was we don't have kids, I plan to die there. It'd be someone else's problem. Sounds like Marty could make them an offer they can't refuse. I think our house stands a good chance of selling okay. It's a bit higher than the price currently moving fast, but the location is considered a very desirable neighborhood. I guess those people don't know about the local punks that like to egg houses.

Oh no to the AC repair. I also brought up today, what will it cost us to get out of this house? I went through kind of a list last night of things we'd need for rural property. Aak. Let's both have drinks.

You did have a busy week and sounds like a fun and busy weekend.

I got my new Snoopy PJ's in the mail yesterday. Sadly, they seem about 2 sizes too big, but since I threw out everything and washed them already, I decided fine, they are only PJ's. Sizes are so wacky. They are knit so I notice over time those shrink, so I went one size larger than what I usually buy. I guess I should have gone 1 size smaller. Of course, if I keep eating those M&M's I have from trick-or-treaters they may be the only clothes I can wear.

I didn't get a lot done work wise today, but did work most of the day. A friend came over for lunch and we played cards. Marty is going to a poker game tonight. The fun never ends.

Have a great weekend.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, Glad to hear you got some food in! I was afraid I'd have to schedule a fly over and drop MREs into the backyard. :lol: If I thought about the tax situation it would make me drink -- and it's only 5:30 in the morning here! Every year once I get done doing my "cyphering" I realize I'm making about ten cents an hour on this little endeavor... but what else would I do with my time (aside from clean the house, exercise, connect with friends... ?!? ha!). It sounds like the builder's house might be a decent deal price wise, and you can always refi later. Can you wash your PJs in hot a couple of times and dry them to death?

Friday night we met up with Liam's friends at a pizza place. There were eight of them, and I was definitely odd man out so after I ate I skedaddled back to my place and let them have their fun. Liam actually came back to The North Estate that night because he wasn't drinking so driving was no issue and he wanted to be here for an early auction yesterday morning. I also got back up here pretty early, and my plan was to ship out two orders and then list, but he sent me pictures from the auction and of course I had to go. Just yesterday morning I was thinking I was almost out of Christmas glassware... so I came home with seven more sets LOL. Along with an absolute ton of other stuff. Oy.

When we got home I was tired from the night before and cold from having stood outside for four hours so I took a nap, got up and washed all the Christmas glassware for pictures today, took a shower, and we went to a friend's house for a bourbon party. We didn't stay long, and I was glad to climb back into bed early.

Today is the typical weekend day... pictures... laundry... pack orders. Lather, rinse, repeat!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Yesterday I was a Christmas Glass Picture Taking Machine! I got it all done before lunch and stored everything in the basement. No idea where the next several hours went, but I had my three orders packed up by six o'clock and spend the rest of the night going back through my pics since March so I can delete a bunch off my phone. I found a listing I took photos for in June and never made live (that doesn't surprise me at all -- I figured there would be at least a few), but I called it quits at that point because three months of picture perusing was all I could take in one sitting!

I'm trying to figure out efficiencies for after the T'Giving trip and also the fact that I'll be downtown from Dec. 6 - 10 so the packing of orders has to be fast and well planned. I think I'm going to do as much prep work as I can, including pre-making boxes in every size and also tearing bubble wrap in 3 and 4 sheet pieces since those are the ones I use most frequently. It doesn't sound like much, but if I can save a few minutes on every order it will really add up!

Alright, meeting for the day start in 30 minutes and don't let up until well after dark. Ugh.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am glad you didn't drop some MRE's over the house. The ones with M&M's might be useful. And those little Tabasco bottles are cute. As for the food ... not so much.

Yay for picking up more Christmas dishes. It's the season to sell them anyway. Pizza does sound good. I think I'll arrange a pizza night next week. And, I can't image the number of pictures you have on your phone of dishes. That's how I ended up deleting all those files on my laptop. Every day for work I must save at least a few dozen things to my desktop and I just go on a wild and crazy deleting spree at the end of the day. I at least only clean out "last month" out of my trashcan now. I should get stuff copied over to our "cloud" though.

That'll be rough keeping up with orders between the turkey day trip and being in the big city for a week. Marty is headed out on a work trip on Sunday and how fun - he is flying back home the day before turkey day. At least our local "airport' is functional again and so he's flying in and out of our airport instead of that torturous drive to DIA. The interstate between here and Colorado Springs is so backed up with traffic anymore, even "I" could walk faster than you can drive it.

What the heck have I been doing? Good question. We "toured" a few previously owned homes this weekend and drove around a lot. I guess a 2021 home is coming available next week with an assumable 2.75 loan on over 5 acres. Marty's client - who is a realtor - can't tell us where it is but we have the general location and it's not likely to have even decent internet there. We will see. Marty is still anxious to find something and then I'm leaving all the details to him. We will see.

I put out a few more videos this week and then worked on easy stuff like updating articles. The boss is determined we do picture-in-picture in our videos. Ugh, I have NO desire to do that. I'd also have to use one of my other assorted electronic devices since my big monitor doesn't have a camera on it. That'd be a PITA all the time to move things around.

We have a date night tonight. Our local Civic Center is having a live performance of a Charlie Brown Christmas, so naturally we are going to see that. I even dug out a pendant I made out of one of the Snoopy charms off that Snoopy charm bracelet "I had to have" but haven't worn once. Silly me. We are going to dinner first.

It turned very cold here yesterday and we had some snow, but it looks like it melted already. Winter is on the way.

I guess my SIL will be here for about 6 weeks. That'll be a long time. She has friends in Denver though, so I bet she goes down and sees them sometimes.

I am getting a hair cut tomorrow and meeting an old friend / co-worker for a late lunch. I don't think I've seen here for over 30 years other than in passing and accepting her friend request on Facebook. She said she has great news to share with me. Okay ...



Feb 27, 2007
I’m having fun already.


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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, you and Marty look fabulous! And Snoopy seems right at home! If the house at all decent, and if you can get reasonable internet, a 2.75% assumable mortgage sounds amazing. Your SIL will be there for six weeks... ? If I planned on spending six weeks with any of my family members we might as well just pre-order some caskets.

This week has flown by! I worked from home Tuesday and Thursday, had a management thing that sucked up all of Wednesday, and today I'm in the office because I don't want to be at The North Estate while the new front door is being installed as I know that will be a sh!t show and I'm avoiding it at all costs!

Someone just posted an treated green sapphire ring in pre-loved. I messaged her and hopefully I'll hear back because I think I really like it. Plus, Liam would get off cheap this year as it's not the usual many thousands of dollars of a typical gift for me. Win win! I'll keep you posted, but go take a peek at the listing and let me know what you think.

I've got a lot of things on my To Do list today, including picking up some more bubble wrap at lunch. I also need peanuts, but I can't fit both in my car so I have to choose one or the other.

Alright, off to log some stuff on the magic compliance dashboard!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, no clarification on the item we've been texting about. Sadly I fear it won't work out...

This morning was a bit of a clusterfvck. I was awake crazy early, ran to the local auction and left bids on two sets of glasses, drove almost an hour into Wisconsin for an auction that the auctioneer told me last week had a lot of glass (uh... NOPE), went over to another auction that Liam told me was close by and had glass listed (even more NOPE), went back to the original auction to pick up my stuff, and came home. Since then I've done almost nothing productive other than go to Meijer to get Liam some cold meds and buy a few x-mas gifts online. I need to start washing glasses, do my nails and pack up the five orders in my queue... but I'm spectacularly unmotivated at the moment. I've had two glasses of prosecco and some gingersnaps for lunch and I think there is likely a nap in my future!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, they had Snoopy things for sale in the lobby at the show, naturally I had to add one to my collection. I totally get you about company for 6 weeks. I am sure my chocolate and alcohol consumption will be going up.

Sorry the sapphire didn’t work out for you. I really like the one I have that color. Back to the drawing board for you Christmas present.

That is too bad you drove all that way and the auctions didn’t have a lot of glassware for you. Prosecco and ginger snaps do sound great for lunch though. We were out and about so topped at a Mexican restaurant For lunch.

You certainly did get a lot done though.

My top news is Mini-me-2 is done. Woo hoo!!!

We went to 2 open houses today and found a house we both really like. So much for “downsizing”, it’s about 200 more square feet on each floor. The basement is not finished so we’d have to get that done. It’s on the west side of the Air Force base so kind of pain to drive around it to get any where. One direction is a little over a mile of dirt roads and the other direction is about 2 miles of dirt road to get to the house. It’s higher than the city so you can see the city from there, but Marty was pleased with the horizons and it is pretty dark there. He said it is about 3,000 times better than our back yard, but not quite as dark as the place further north. It doesn’t have fiber internet, but looks like we could get the same internet we have here. Not sure on that yet. It’d take Marty about 20 minutes to get to the gym and me about 15 minutes to get to the grocery store or Culver’s. When the Thunderbirds perform, we’d have a great view from there. We will see what happens.

Marty heads out for work tomorrow. Lucky guy, he gets to fly home mid-day the day before Thanksgiving. He wanted me to bet him he doesn’t get home on time that day. I didn’t take the bet. I told him, our live in servant can come get him at the airport if he’s late. I told my SIL I’d have her do chores for room and board.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you pick up more glassware this weekend? I had to ship a package today and couldn't find a box around the house that worked, so I took it to the UPS store - holy crap paying them to box it and ship it wasn't cheap. I thought of you.

We went out for breakfast and didn't do much else today. I dropped Marty off at the airport for his work trip and was bored out of my mind by 6 so logged in a did a bit of work. I watched the latest Mission Impossible. It was pretty good and it's a 2-part story so now I'll have to wait for part 2 to see what happens. I made popcorn for supper while watching the movie.

I need to find a vest pattern to start knitting on my vest. Yay.

The thrill-o-meter isn't registering much. I did get the linens washed and back on the bed for my SIL's arrival this coming weekend.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

So I have all the projects (other than work) that I was going to do before Friday done already. Doing all those dishes Marty leaves behind must take me a lot of time :lol:

Other than working today, I did some more laundry and knit 2 1/2 inches on the back of my vest. Since the cleaning lady was here, I even went down and picked up lots of Marty’s debris in the man cave. I even made a path in his office so she could dust and vacuum his office. Will he notice when he gets back? Probably not.




Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Holy cow -- I'm three posts behind!

Curby, I don't even try to go into Liam's man cave any more. It's a scary proposition! Any "progress" on the new digs? It's too bad I don't live nearby, I would have packed up whatever you needed to ship! Between Box Mountain and all the packing materials in the basement I'm pretty sure I would have been able to make it work. In addition to dishes yesterday (and EVERY day... ) I did a TON of laundry, including going through the big basket of lone socks that gets added to with every load. There are still a bunch of singles, but at least there are LESS!

This week is slipping right on by. I've had a nagging migraine for the past two days. I've been taking my meds and napped twice yesterday, plus went to bed super early, so hopefully today will be the end of it.

I'm making progress on x-mas shopping and just have the usual suspects left. Yanno -- the folks who can't come up with an idea until Santa if virtually sliding down the chimney... Not sure when I'm going to have time to wrap and ship this stuff, but somehow it all gets done!

Alright, I need to tackle some items on my To Do list before it become (even more) out of control!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, it was too overcast here to see the ISS toolbox last night. Bummer.

I took a big batch of pictures yesterday! Today I'm in the office because I have something specific I want to get done, plus I need to swing by and grab a giant bag of peanuts from the packaging place at lunch and it's close to work. There will also be a trip to Target and possibly Kohl's depending on how quick I can be.

Tomorrow and Sunday I am committed to getting as many listings done as I can in an effort to clear some stuff out of the dining room before we head to Phoenix on Monday morning. SO looking forward to being warm!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

We made it to Phoenix, the land of 75 and sunny! I actually texted you the picture of my new bracelet while I was waiting at the carousel yesterday for our bags. We had dinner (if you can call a meal at three in the afternoon dinner LOL) and were so exhausted that we just came to our hotel after that and pretty much fell asleep. Now it's not even 6 o'clock and Liam is raring to go. We'll take showers, hit the Starbucks in the lobby, and probably be on the road before seven. I told Liam from now on I'm only going on vacation with people who sleep later!

Alright, off to get this early morning party started!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, don't feel bad. I'm now 3 posts behind.

You've been busy. Enjoy that warm weather in Phoenix and we'll try not to do a hit and run in the parking lot in California that day.

I agree, on vacation you should be able to sleep in. Sadly, that never works for me either.

Your bracelet is great. I had a 1 ctw bezel set bracelet in WG and really like it. I sacrificed it for something else I wanted at some point. I have WG 4 ctw bracelet and don't wear it too often. It seems "Big."

They launched some more Starlink satellites but I don't know if they are passing by here or not. That was cool to see, especially when that batch was 50 or so satellites. I'd watch it again.

Yay for making progress on Christmas shopping. I think I have mine mostly done. I think. I ordered three of those Lenox jingle bell ornament sets. They are pretty nice.

My sister-in-law has been here since Friday. After January 1st is a LONG way away. I feel bad for her. Marty has been away on a business trip and gets back tomorrow. I've been working during the day so she's bored. We did chase around and look at houses this weekend and met some of my friends for lunch on Saturday. She hadn't watched the 1923 series so we've been watching that at night.

Marty gets home tomorrow - good luck flying on the day before Thanksgiving. I told him he should fire his travel agent. He heads back out on Sunday.

No news on the house hunting or decision. I see rates continue to drop, as to prices on houses.

I did get my two videos for the week "done" and if approved I can get them posted. I doubt I work much on Thursday.

Apparently those punk kids who egg houses got caught by somebody in the neighborhood on Friday night. My sister-in-law went for a walk and saw some kids with buckets scrubbing driveways with a parent in toe. I ran out to do some errands and saw them all standing outside a house down the street. I drove by them a few times. Then I'm getting out of my car and they are all in my driveway. They asked if we got egged last night, which we didn't. But I said I did in September twice and there was a lot of damage done to our house. So asked their names and it was the same names people gave me from my security camera images. The kids claimed they didn't egg our house. One of the mother's came back and got a flash drive with my videos of them and I haven't heard boo from her or the other mother. However, one of the dad's messaged me saying his kid was home before those times that night and he can tell it's not his kid. His son is missing part of his left arm and he kept mentioning that in his text. From what I can tell in the poor quality infrared image, it sure looks like the dark haired kid is missing an arm. But I wouldn't swear by it in court. And that's impressive someone can remember what time their kid came home over two months ago. Since I haven't heard from the other three parents, I told my SIL, they wanted the video to see if they "needed" to fess up. They agreed our house had a lot of damage. I pointed out it's felony vandalism and destruction of property. I let them know I turned in crime reports to the police. They never asked if I mentioned their kids names on my report. One of the kids wanted me to tell them who gave me their names, I wouldn't tell them. It's got me all agitated again.

Off to bake cheesecake.


Feb 27, 2007
I forgot #marcynodishwasher

Yep, my dishwasher quit. Earliest I could a repairman was mid-December. So then I called around where could I get a new one installed. Lowes said 2 business days if they had it in stock. I bought one in stock and nope - it's getting installed on the 27th. We've been using paper plates and bowls as much as possible.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving kids!

Curby, oh no to the dishwasher crapping out! Thanksgiving dinner should definitely be a paper plate affair at your house this year! I told Liam yesterday about Marty hitting that car in California while we were all eating lunch in Phoenix. He said it's pretty amazing Marty could pull something like that off! Has anything more come of the eggers getting identified? And LOL on knowing when a kid was home two months ago. Liam and I couldn't tell you when YF and OF were in the house LAST WEEK. :lol:

So we're having quite the adventure! Tuesday we made it to Vegas pretty early. Our first stop was Count's Kustoms (from the car restoration show) because last year we got there just as they were closing early for the holiday and couldn't go in. It was a cool place -- you know how much I love cars! Then we went to the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop where I got the pink tourmaline and diamond ring last year, but this year there wasn't anything I was compelled to spring for. After that we went over to the artsy district to pick up a couple of expensive T-shirts for OF for x-mas and did some general wandering around. By then it was time to check in to the hotel so we did that, had an appetizer and glass of wine, and headed over to The Sphere for the show. It was pretty amazing! We wandered back to Caeser's, donated $20 to the cause in a slot machine (the lowest dollar blackjack table I could find was $50... uh... no way!) and went to bed.

Yesterday we had breakfast, went to the old downtown because Liam had never been to Freemont Street, won $130 playing cheap blackjack, and got the he!! out of Dodge! Our meandering landed us accidentally in California at one point on the way back to Phoenix (WTF... ?!?) and we hit a bunch of thrift stores along the way. By the time we go to the resort I was hangry so we had a little something at the bar and went to bed.

And today: FOOD FEST! My friend is making ribs on the traeger and who knows what else. She's an amazing cook so I'm sure it will all be fabulous. Our assignment is to stop at the grocery store and bring champagne and chocolate (which we do every year) and the eating will commence around noon.

That's all I have to report!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Dee Jay, we are eating a friend’s house today. Their dishwasher is working. Yay. Marty is a man of many talents being in two places at once is quite the trick. I haven’t heard another word from the “eggers”. I decided they wanted the video to confirm their kids couldn’t be identified. Marty was saying that’s such crap the one dad - who denied his kid was involved - said to just let him know if his son could help us out with shoveling, raking leaves, etc. If he was sincere, the kid would be knocking on our door or just doing it.

Vegas sounds like a lot of fun. Good idea to check on the cars 1st. That would be where I’d head too. Darn the pawn shop didn’t have anything you liked this year. I don’t like to gamble much money either. I’m cheap. But hey, you won some money, so woo hoo! Your dinner sounds delicious. We’re having filet, mashed potatoes and I’m taking cheesecake. Of course, wine will be involved.

Not much new here. I picked up Marty at the local airport yesterday afternoon. It was kind of funny. Just one plane lands and I had a prime seat to watch the door where people come in from the plane and some lady comes near me with bad BO. So I move, and completely missed seeing Marty come off the plane. He kept waving at me, and walking toward me and all of a sudden I see him. He was giving me crap that I forgot what he looks like. He leaves again Sunday but is coming back on Wednesday. Luckily, he is staying at the same hotel since he left his IPad in his room. They found it and put it up for him. He recently got the new iPhone, then my SIL got the new iPhone on Friday so I’m whining I have an old clunky iPhone. But they both forgot their IPad so I keep teasing them about that.

The 4-letter white stuff is coming today. BOOOOOOOOOOOO.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I got my current iphone in 2019 before I went on Safari so I didn't have to take a separate camera and I don't plan on replacing it until the thing either dies or explodes! LOL on forgetting what Marty looks like. How was his travel? Ours was great -- the Monday and Friday of Thanksgiving week are generally ghost towns in airports. I agree that if there was any sincerity behind the offer the kid would be DOING something, not just the dad "offering." Did you get that white four letter stuff?

My friend made three racks of ribs plus two turkey breasts for dinner. And sides. There were only four of us! We ate and drank... and drank... and DRANK. Finally Liam and I made it back to the hotel with the plan of getting out early on Friday... but there was nothing we really wanted to do. We had gone to four thrift shops and three yard sales before 10 o'clock. And bought NOTHING. Finally we met our friends for lunch and then headed back to the airport. With an amazing tail wind, we landed 40 minutes early and made it back to The North Estate by about 11:30. I went down into the basement and packed up six orders between then and 2:30 this morning, when I finally called it. I set my alarm for 8 o'clock so I could get back up and at it given the post office closes at 1:00 on Saturdays, and we slid into the parking lot with about ten minutes to spare. We had so much stuff that we just took a cart and filled it. What a load!

The afternoon was pretty uneventful. I drove an order to someone just a couple of town over, tried to take a nap (but never actually fell asleep), hopped in the shower, and now I'm going descend back into the basement to pack up the three orders that came in today. I want to stay on top of that or else I'll be miserable if I get a lot tomorrow and have to camp out in the land of bubble wrap and boxes late on a school night.

I found a pair of earrings on the Ivy & Rose site that I like but they're sold out. I'm going to text Ilya and ask if he can get me a pair. I'll send you a pic. Other than that, not much else to report. As you can see, the Excite-O-Meter snaps right back to zero pretty quickly!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Reporting in from the Land Of The Tired. Yesterday I slept in a bit, but was busy busy busy all day. In the late afternoon I decided that I better start working on the photo book for my old assistant who is retiring as her exit party is December 14 and I didn't know how long it would take to get the completed piece. I spent HOURS putting it together. Fortunately I'd already gone through my pictures (ten years of photos... ugh) and moved everything into one album so I just had to deal with that, but it was still over 1,200 pics. Frankly it wasn't nearly as creative as I'd originally planned, but I just ran out of steam... I know she'll appreciate it though, and there are a lot of great memories in there!

After that I packed up two orders and played around on the internet for a while. And suddenly it was 1:30 in the morning. Ugh.

Today there are just so many things that need to get done... Ack. There is an online auction tonight with two large lots of glass I want, and as of now they are super cheap. Who knows if that will remain true, but hopefully come tomorrow I'll be picking up over 150 pieces of stemware at lunch.

Alright, off to get this productivity train rolling down the track!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it sounds like you had a fun time on your trip. And alcohol. We only went through about 4 bottles with the drinkers on Thanksgiving this year. You know, cutting back significantly there. Good idea to stay on top of getting orders pack and out the door.

Do send me pics of those earrings. The bracelets your ordered for you Christmas gift look pretty. I hardly pull my bracelets out anymore, but I do like them.

I am sure your friend will enjoy all those pictures going down memory lane. Are you getting a book printed? Those always turn out nice.

Did you catch up on sleep? I’ve been yawning since 8 tonight.

Did you buy out the auction tonight?

I had quite a productive weekend. I got the December newsletter made, wrote my article for the local paper and sent it off, worked a little and watched the snow pile up outside. We had about 7” of that white stuff. I considered suggesting we go see how drifted in some of the houses we like were, but decided not to put that idea in Marty’s head. We might still be stuck out there. I heard some places had 10 foot drifts out of town.

First thing today, they showed up with that new-fancy appliance that can wash dishes and it was all bent up on top and wouldn’t close. They came back about 3 with another one. It’s installed and running. The top extra drawer works with the tall glasses - yay. But my bottom rack doesn’t have adjustable slots. I guess, it’s a trade off there.

I also spent the day trying to schedule and pay for the family Christmas dinner catering order. We are ordering in from a BBQ place, getting brisket, chicken and pork plus Cole slaw and Mac and cheese. We’ll pick up buns and chips. Voila! Instant dinner. Apple Pay said it worked, but I didn’t get a receipt. I called them and they didn’t get paid. I went to a different browser, used PayPal, same thing happened. Finally, they called me and I gave them my credit card. It’ll probably show up all three places tomorrow.

I am almost done with the back of my vest. Yay. I quit after knitting 2 rows tonight because of dry skin. I need to try another hand lotion.

I can‘t wait to see your Christmas present. Will you get it early?



Feb 27, 2007
HI Kids!

Dee Jay, did you get more orders today? I bet this month will be busy.

Today seemed to drag on for some reason, but it was fun to just stick dishes in the dishwasher. Ha Ha.

I did get my Snoopy village out and put up. Sadly, I broke one of the Snoopy’s by dropping it. The glue I found must be old so I’ll see if Marty can fix it. Phooey.

Marty gets home tomorrow. Yay.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, we "cut back" in a similar way on Thanksgiving, LOL. Tracking says the bracelet should be delivered today. Fingers crossed I like it! I got a bunch of stuff a last nights auction (again... ). Ack. I did order a book from Shutterfly with all the photos for my assistant. Damn -- those things get expensive as you keep adding to them! How's the new dishwasher doing? Marty comes home today -- yay!

I have a whirlwind day today with a lot of driving. I have a doctor's appointment in the city at 11:30 so my plan is to leave here around 8:30, run to the post office on my way downtown, park my car at my place and walk over, and then if Ilya has something for me to look at I'll go there before I come back north. If not, I'll head up this way and see if I either go and pick up the bracelet next or go to the auction to pick up last night's glass and save the bracelet for after that since they're open until 8:30. Liam just said he has to be up that way anyway late in the day so maybe we'll catch dinner at a sushi place we like over the the Wisconsin line. Lots of balls in the air today!

Alright, off to make some things happen!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, look at us cutting back on the vino. Of course, I had half a bottle last night. We all went out to dinner then drove around looking at houses again. Go figure.

Your bracelets are gorgeous. You’ll enjoy those. Glad you were home when they got delivered.

Shutterfly has good deals but dang they charge a lot for shipping. I think my last order about about $40 in shipping.

The new dishwasher is working fine. It’s so nice to have one again.

You did have a busy schedule today. Did you order those earrings?

I spent my day working on videos. My sister-in-law and I went grocery shopping at about 10 and I picked up stuff for tacos for supper. I lifted tonight instead of yesterday since we went out to eat. Marty is kind of beat after traveling so much.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids1

Curby, we need to go to the grocery store in a desperate way... I'm sure Marty is tired after traveling. I used to be exhausted when I had my "road warrior" job! I totally understand driving around looking at houses after drinking wine... but as a realtor -- and your friend! -- just make sure you don't go signing any contracts in that condition. :lol:

I'm in the office today, even through it's Friday, because our head of operations is leaving and we're taking her out to lunch. I'll likely head home after that though.

Tomorrow there's an auction at the local place with a bunch of glass I want (of course). I'm down to only two extra draft listings so I really need to get pics taken on Sunday or I won't have anything to put up for the coming week!

I've got a lady in Japan asking for a discount if she buys NINETEEN of my listings. Ack. I can't imagine what the shipping would be on all that, and that's a cost she bears as it's international. We'll see if that actually comes to fruition. I kind of hope it does... but on the other hand, I kind of hope it DOESN'T LOL!

Alright, off to get something done. I'm meeting with my boss in an hour and I always put a list together for those conversations. I'm surprised he doesn't duck under his desk when he seems me coming, haha.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I try to stock up on things at the store this time of year - like where you live - you never know when the next snow storm will roll in. Our street out front is still an iceberg. Good idea on not agreeing to anything after having a lot of wine.

Marty sounds like he is getting a cold and he said he feels pretty bad too. Good old travel aftermath.

Darn for being the office today. I used to make lists before meetings with my boss too. I sure don’t miss those days. Did you get back to the North Estate early this afternoon.

I hope you score some great glasses tomorrow at a ridiculously low price. I bet shipping that many items to Japan would be costly.

I worked on videos for 9 hours today. It was frustrating too. The short for YouTube once again wouldn’t download or load up right as a short. The longer video on meteors I had to redo the audio several times because they didn’t like how I pronounced something. Then trying to load the audio online again resulted in some other ladies one audio scene kept loading on my video. After three or four attempted changes I finally got it to work.

A friend came over for lunch today and we tried to play cards but she was getting work text and calls and I was getting work texts so it was more we were eating, working and playing cards all at once.

As for our company - is it New Year’s yet? As Marty says - there is a reason his sister lives alone. I think her nomad life has seriously reduced her social skills and lack of being able to control her inner dialogue. Makes me want to pick a house where company has to sleep on an uncomfortable couch. LOL.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

OMG, I guess if things work out, we’ll be moving at some point soon. Out of town too. It looks like I can Door Dash there too. It found that address anyway. We looked at the two places north of town again today and we’ll see if they accept our offer, reject it or counter it. Then we have to sell ours.

My “super glued” fingers still feel like they are burnt, but they are getting better. And my poor broken Snoopy remains in pieces. Phooey,

Poor Marty is sick with a bad cold. Yesterday he could barely talk.

I brewed up my first batch of cookies for Christmas today. I got mini M&M’s and used them as the chocolate chips in my chocolate chip cookie recipe. I only ate three warm ones, then brushed my teeth to prevent me from eating more.

Let’s hope I sleep tonight.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, WOAH! So did you put an offer in on one of the two, or on both and you'll see which one pans out? Thanks for sending that video for YF! And I got your holiday card -- really really cool! I have yet to print my labels... Marty couldn't talk? I'd PAY MONEY to get Liam in that condition. :lol: Can you order a replacement Snoopy ornament or are you going to give the glue another go?

I came away from Saturday's auction with so much glass I had to have Liam bring some home in his truck too. Holy cow... I did say to him that am TRULY going to make an effort not to buy more until I deal with what I've already got. I've said this before... but things are Out. Of. Control.

Yesterday I took pictures until lunchtime, when cleaned up the kitchen and started packing orders (I had nine of them come in yesterday). And the lady from Japan... just after midnight she pulled the trigger. Nineteen listings... 73 pieces of glass... ACK. The sad part is six dozen pieces of glass leaving the house won't even make a dent! And I'm so mad at the box people right now I could just spit. I ordered boxes in the sizes I use most a few weeks ago. They do two day delivery. Well the order got split and some of the boxes showed up (although not in two days) and other other part of the order (which is what I NEED to pack up Japan lady's stuff) keep getting pushed out. As of last night my order said delivery tomorrow. This morning it said delivery Thursday. So I called... and they said DECEMBER 24


Mar 26, 2006
Oops -- -- accidentally posted that. Stay tuned; more to come!


Mar 26, 2006
Anyway, DECEMBER 24. W.T.F. I ordered a work around from Amazon (at a ridiculous price) that will allegedly be delivered tomorrow. Who knows.

The earrings I wanted, with the 15% off coupon? Well this morning they were 30% off! So of course I ordered them! I'm having them sent to my condo because I don't want to have to worry about being at Liam's to sign for them. Or, god forbid, they would just leave them on the front porch or something. Ack.

Anyway, I've got a meeting with the marketing lady in half and hour so I need to focus on that for a little bit. So much fun Curby, so much fun... NOT!
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